Something Missing In My Life
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 17

K - Words: 1,438 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
134 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review(:

"Kurt?" Blaine called as Kurt came running down the stairs.

"Yeah?" The sixteen year old replied.

"Um...Mia said she was going through some old stuff and she found this," Blaine said, passing a box with the words 'Kurt's Box' written across the top to the teenager. "Apparently it's something your parents were supposed to give to you when you got older or something, I'm not sure, I didn't look through it but I thought you might want it."

"Thanks." Kurt said quietly, taking the box and retreating to his bedroom.

When Kurt got inside his bedroom, he shut the door and placed the box on top of his bed before pulling out his phone and dialling Elliot's number.

"Hey you!" Elliot said when he picked up.

", is there any chance that you could come over?" Kurt asked, biting his lip.

"I'm working right now but my shift is over in like ten minutes, why?"

"Blaine gave me this box, it has something to do with my parents or something, I'm not sure but I kind of don't wanna open it alone..."

"I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?"

"Thank you." Kurt said quietly, ending the call and lying down on his back on his bed while he waited for Elliot.

Elliot arrived about half an hour later and sat next to Kurt on his bed, rubbing circles over his boyfriends back with his hand. Kurt slowly took the lid off of the box and tried not to cry instantly.

Inside the box were things that Kurt instantly recognised from when he was little; his first shoes and his first teddy, the tiny blanket he remembered biting a lot as baby.

"I remember this..." Kurt laughed slightly even though there were tears slipping down his cheeks, picking the teddy up. "I used to take this everywhere, I barely let go of it for two seconds...My mum had to take it away from me eventually because I kept biting it and it started to fall apart. I always wondered what she did with it...I cried for like a week."

Elliot smiled and continued rubbing his hand over Kurt's back as the sixteen year old placed the teddy on his bed and pulled out the blanket, bringing it up to his face and breathing in the scent.

"I used to bite this all the time too...I think I thought I was like a puppy or something, I just chewed everything." Kurt laughed before pulling out a stack of photos of him when he was a baby, some of him by himself and some with his parents.

"You were a really cute baby." Elliot pointed out as Kurt went through the photos, nuzzling his nose against his boyfriends cheek.

"People said I was like my mums clone when I was a baby." Kurt replied, showing Elliot a photo of himself and his mum.

"She's really pretty."

"She was beautiful..." Kurt whispered as more tears fell from his eyes. He sniffed and placed the photos back in the box, pulling out a stuffed toy in the shape of a car which doubled as a rattle when Kurt shook it. "Oh god," Kurt laughed. "I remember getting dad had his own garage and whenever my mum had to work he'd take me with him and I'd just sit there in my pushchair and watch him work then whenever I was crying and he or my mum couldn't get me to stop, my dad would take me out to watch the traffic and it would calm me down..I was a strange baby, I know. I remember we were at a shop and I saw this and I grabbed out and took it, my parents weren't gonna buy it but then I bit it — of course — and they gave in and bought me it."

"Okay, I really wish I could meet baby Kurt Hummel." Elliot laughed.

"It's funny because I hardly remember my parents but I remember all of this..." Kurt said, the end of his sentence turning into sobs as Elliot took him into his arms, Kurt burying his face in his boyfriends chest.

"There's more stuff in here if you wanna go through it," Elliot said softly, keeping Kurt in his arms. "You don't have to though."

Kurt shook his head, sitting up and wiping his eyes. "I want to. It hurts but its the only part of my parents I have left."

"Okay." Elliot all but whispered, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead.

Kurt took a deep breath before continuing to look through the box of things. There were things such as his dummy from when he was a baby, a box containing the first tooth that he lost, — which made Kurt physically squirm, causing Elliot to laugh at him — a pair of mittens and his first onesie.

"There are a few letters in here...I don't know what they are." Kurt said, taking the envelopes out of the box.

"'To the tiny person growing inside me' I'm assuming that's you."

Kurt opened the envelope with shaky hands and took out the letter that was inside it.

"My mum wrote it to me before I was born..." Kurt breathed out before beginning to read the letter.

'To the tiny person growing inside me,

Hi there! So you're probably not a tiny person anymore, considering you wouldn't be able to read this if you were.

We haven't picked a name for you yet, so I'm going to refer to you as 'tiny person growing inside me' until then.

We've been painting the nursery all day, and I hope you like sheep as your dad insists that we paint them on the walls (don't tell him I told you that).

I can't wait to meet you, to hold you in my arms for the first time and feel your tiny little hands wrap around my fingers, to see your little smile and hear your adorable little laugh.

I love you, tiny person growing inside me.

Love, Mummy.'

Kurt was crying his eyes out by the end of the letter, loud sobs wracking his body as he dropped the letter back into the box, drew his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around himself and buried his face in the gap created.

"Kurt," Elliot said sadly, crawling closer and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"I can't- I-" Kurt hiccuped out through his sobs, leaning slightly into Elliot's embrace.

"Blaine!" Elliot called out, hoping that the thirty five year old would hear him from downstairs.

Blaine entered the room a few minutes later, a worried expression appearing on his face instantly.

"Can you get him some water before he makes himself throw up please?" Elliot asked, trying to calm the other teen down.

Blaine nodded, leaving the room before returning a few minutes later with a glass of water. He crossed the room to sit on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Kurt's arm, creating gentle rubbing motions.

"Kurt," He said softly, running his fingers through the teens hair when he looked up at him. "Can you try and drink this?" He asked, handing the glass to Kurt who took it with shaky hands and placed the glass to his mouth, trying to slowly sip the water but finding it extremely difficult. "Do you wanna come downstairs and try and eat something?" Blaine asked softly, continuing to comb his fingers through Kurt's hair as the sixteen year old continued to sip his water.

Kurt nodded, handing his glass to Blaine and taking ahold of Elliot's hand with his own shaky one.

The three of them made their way into the kitchen where Kurt and Elliot sat next to each other, Elliot never letting go of Kurt's trembling hand as Blaine proceeded to make Kurt a sandwich.

He placed the plate in front of Kurt before asking Elliot if he wanted anything and recieving a shake of Elliot's head in reply.

Kurt took a small, shaky bite out of the sandwich as Elliot continued to rub his thumb over the back of Kurt's hand.

"Do you wanna stay?" Blaine asked Elliot. "I think it'd help Kurt if you were here."

Elliot nodded before saying, "Let me go call my parents quickly. Are you okay?" He asked Kurt, who nodded in reply. Elliot stood up from his seat and placed a gentle kiss on Kurt's forehead before leaving the room to call his parents.

A little while later, Kurt was sprawled out across the sofa with his head in Elliot's lap and his feet in Blaine's as they all watched a movie. They were all dressed in pyjamas; Kurt and Blaine in their own and Elliot in a pair of Kurt's. Kurt didn't speak at all for the rest of that day, but neither Blaine nor Elliot cared as they knew exactly why he wasn't speaking.


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