April 17, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 17, 2014, 7 p.m.
Please review:)
When October rolled back around, Kurt decided that it would be a sensible idea to go home for Halloween instead of staying in school as, well, it didn't exactly end well last year.
Nick seemed adamant on Kurt staying at Dalton, however, and promised he wouldn't watch any scary movies or play any pranks on Kurt. The chestnut haired teen was sceptical of staying, though. He trusted Nick, of course he did, it was the rest of the student body he didn't trust. He knew that people would be jumping out of random places and playing practical jokes and Kurt didn't really feel like putting up with that. Although his nightmares were beginning to disintegrate little by little, Kurt was still exhausted from late night study sessions and a lot of insomnia.
“Please,” Nick pleaded the night before Halloween. “Just stay. I promise we won't watch any horror movies and I'll be your body guard for the entire day to ensure that nobody does anything to you.”
“Nick,” Kurt groaned. “You're making me feel guilty for wanting to go home.” He said, falling back against the pillows on Nick's bed and staring up at his best friend who was grinning at him like the Cheshire cat.
“That's the whole point, dummy. Look, Jeff is going to his cousin's house for the weekend and my parents are out of town, you don't want to leave me here to watch Disney movies by myself all weekend, do you?” Nick asked with a pout.
“Stop that,” Kurt whined, covering his eyes with his arm until Nick pried it away from his face, only to look down at his friend with an even bigger pout and puppy eyes, batting his eyelashes innocently. “Nick! You're so – ugh, fine!”
“Yay!” Nick exclaimed, laying his body across Kurt's in a hug.
“Nick, get off me!” Kurt laughed as Nick sat up next to Kurt and grinned like an excited five year old. “Just a warning, the second someone jumps out at me, I'm ditching you.”
And that's how Kurt found himself building a blanket fort with Nick between their beds. Nick had randomly announced that they should “totally build a blanket fort” while they ate their lunch and Kurt, strangely enough, readily agreed. Both boys were a mess of giggles as they repeatedly tripped over blankets and pillows as they tried to figure out how exactly they could get the fort to actually stay up. Being at a boarding school, the two boys had a limited amount of resources to help them build their fort so they went through a lot of struggling before they finally built a tent that didn't collapse five seconds after it was made.
Kurt would be lying if he said he wasn't even a little bit happy that Nick had convinced him to stay. If he went home, all he would've done is…well, probably watch TV or sleep. At least if he was at Dalton he'd have Nick to keep him company and he'd do something slightly productive.
When Nick came into their dorm room with his arms full of Disney DVD's, Kurt burst out laughing, apparently unable to refrain himself.
“I'm sorry I just…wow, Nick. You're worse than me and Blaine put together and that's really saying something.” Kurt laughed, covering his mouth with his hand adorably as the corners of his eyes crinkled.
Nick actually forgot to reply for a few seconds, distracted by the adorable expression on Kurt's face – how the hell was he going to make it through the whole weekend?
“Disney is the best, don't even try to deny it.” Nick countered when he remembered to reply.
“Touché my friend, touché.” Kurt said, taking some of the many DVD's from Nick's arms and putting them in the blanket fort. “Though I do wonder how exactly you're planning to get through all of these DVD's…”
“Caffeine, young one,” Nick teased. “It's magical.”
“You're such an idiot.” Kurt laughed, pushing Nick lightly.
“Why thank you kind sir,” Nick said in a British accent, bowing slightly and making Kurt laugh even harder.
“Okay, stop,” Kurt said through his laughter. “I get it.”
“Good. Now let's get this party started!” Nick exclaimed, receiving another light push from Kurt.
The two boys ended up watching movies the whole of Friday night and Nick realised as he and Kurt laid together in the small space of their tent fort that yeah, he was never going to survive the weekend.
Kurt had fallen asleep with his head on Nick's shoulder and he was gripping onto the sleeve of Nick's long sleeved top while he let out adorable little breaths. Nick wanted to wake him up just so that his heart would stop thumping so hard in his chest but he looked down and saw how adorable Kurt looked and, oh well it's not like he can even feel my heart pounding, he's asleep.
The next morning, Kurt and Nick both awoke at the same time to find themselves completely wrapped up in each other. Kurt had snuggled even closer to his friend, which resulted in his head resting on Nick's chest and Nick, in his unconscious state, had ended up wrapping his arms around the chestnut haired teen so that he was ultimately hugging him.
“Well…” Kurt said awkwardly, not moving. “This is awkward.”
“Yeah,” Nick squeaked out awkwardly, hoping Kurt couldn't hear his heart thumping against his chest.
“How did we even end up like this?”
“No idea…”
“I should probably stop hugging you now –“
“Yeah…” Nick said at the same time.
Kurt awkwardly detangled himself from Nick as both boys sat up and looked at each other awkwardly for a few moments before talking at the same time.
“We should –“
“Sorry –“
“You first,” Nick laughed awkwardly.
“I was just gonna say we should go get breakfast…”
“Breakfast – yeah, we should go get breakfast.”
“Okay, let's go.” Kurt said, crawling out of the blanket fort with Nick following behind, neither of them noticing or caring that they were still wearing pyjamas.
Most of the warblers actually stayed at school for the weekend, so Nick and Kurt decided to sit with them. Although there was conversation surrounding them, the two boys were mostly silent, occasionally looking up from their food only to accidentally make eye contact with each other, blush and look back down at their plates.
Kurt had no idea why it was so awkward between them, all that happened was they woke up cuddled up to each other. It wasn't that strange; Nick had held Kurt until he fell asleep several times when he'd had a nightmare and they'd laid or sat extremely close when they'd watched movies together before so why had it only just become awkward? It wasn't awkward for Kurt to wake up with his head on Blaine's chest, or even fall asleep that way, and they were broken up, so why was it so awkward for him to wake up cuddled up to his best friend, even when they'd been in that position many times?
Kurt decided that he'd speak to Nick about it later on in the day, but for now he was just going to continue eating his breakfast.
“Kurt, can I talk to you?” Wes, one of the Warblers, asked suddenly. Okay, maybe he wasn't going to continue eating his breakfast.
“Mhm.” Kurt hummed, reluctantly getting out of his seat and following Wes into the choir room. “What's up?”
“What's going on with you and Nick? Things seem really…awkward. You haven't said a word to each other all day, well not since you came to breakfast and things just seem really tense between you guys.”
“I honestly have no idea. We woke up this morning kind of like…cuddled up...A lot? But it's not that weird, it's not like we've never shared a bed before and oh my god that sounded really creepy…”
“Back on point…” Wes prompted.
“Right, yeah. It's not like it was him making it awkward or it was just me making it awkward though, we both felt it and now we seem to be tip-toeing around each other as if we committed a crime or something.”
“There's something up with him…” Wes pointed out. “He's been acting really weird for a while now.”
“He seems fine to me?”
“Nope, there's definitely something wrong. I've known Nick for years and although we've never been as close as you guys are now, we've always been friends.”
“I can talk to him later? If he actually like, you know, speaks to me any time today.”
“I don't know if he'll tell you anything, but sure.” Wes agreed.
“Okay, well I need to go. I told Blaine that I was staying at school this weekend and now he wants daily reports.”
“Long story, don't ask,” Kurt laughed. “Bye Wes.”
Once Kurt had texted Blaine letting him know that he was okay, he sat on his bed and all but stared at the door until Nick returned.
“Hi…um, you kind of look possessed right now…”
“Sorry,” Kurt laughed. “I was waiting for you to come back and I think I kind of tuned out.”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Uh-oh,” Nick teased, sitting opposite Kurt. “What's up?”
“What up with you? You've been acting kind of weird lately – Wes' words, not mine – and I'll admit I didn't really notice at first but today has been so awkward and it's only just eleven, in the morning and now I've kind of realised that you have been acting strange. Is everything okay with you and Jeff or?”
“Everything's fine between me and Jeff. Did you not see us physically not wanting to stop hugging each other yesterday when he had to leave?”
“Yeah but that doesn't mean that you haven't argued or –“
“We haven't argued, Kurt. I'm fine.”
“Not you're not,” Kurt whined. “Why won't you just talk to me? I always talk to you when something's bothering me but now that something's bothering you, you won't talk to me and I kind of feel like you don't trust me as much as I trust you but it's not like I'd tell anyone or anything and –“ Kurt was cut off by a pair of unfamiliar lips being pressed to his own, but they were gone as soon as they came.
“That's what's bothering me, okay? Now do you see why I wouldn't talk to you about it?”
“You…you…” All Kurt could do was stare at Nick in shock, not knowing what to say after being kissed by his best friend. “You kissed me.” He whispered.
“Kurt…I…” Nick wasn't even sure what he wanted to say.
“I need to go…” Kurt said, grabbing his phone and making his way to the door.
“Wait, can we please just talk?”
“Nick, I –“
“Please?” Nick pleaded.
“I promise we'll talk later, I just need to…think. Okay?”
“Okay.” Nick agreed, quietly and reluctantly.
As soon as Kurt left the room, he pretty much ran to Wes' dorm, hoping that he hadn't gone out anywhere. Kurt knocked on the door and, much to his happiness, Wes opened it a few moments later.
“Woah, what's up with you?”
“I need to talk to you, but you can't tell anyone or Nick will kill me, Jeff will kill Nick and…Jeff will probably kill me too…”
“Calm down, I won't tell anyone,” Wes promised. “But you should probably come inside because you clearly don't want anyone to hear.”
“Okay...” Kurt agreed, entering Wes' dorm.
“So what's up?”
“Nick…Nick…” Why couldn't he get the words out? “Nick kissed me.”
“Wait, what!?”
“Wait…he kissed you?”
“No, he threw a football at my head, why else would I say he kissed me!?”
“Okay, calm down, I'm sorry.”
“It makes sense now,” Kurt said, feeling incredibly stupid for not realising. “When we woke up this morning there was like hardly any part of us not touching and I wondered why he found it so awkward but he just kissed me and told me he likes me and why is it only just making sense!?”
“Can you just calm down and think for one second, please?” Wes pleaded.
“How am I supposed to calm down, Wes!?” Kurt exclaimed. “My best friend kissed me. Kissed. He didn't hug me or pat me on the back, he kissed me, while he already has a boyfriend and now I have to choose between breaking said boyfriends trust by not telling him that Nick kissed me or I have to betray Nick and tell Jeff but I don't want to do either of those things because they're two of my closest and best friends and I love them both so I don't want to hurt either of them but I don't know what to do and ARGH!”
“Okay, so I understood about thirty percent of that but what I actually got from it is that you don't want to hurt either Nick or Jeff so you should probably talk to Nick about it because for all you know he might want to break up with Jeff or tell him about the kiss.”
“But…I don't want to talk to Nick.”
“Why not?” Wes asked confusedly.
“Because we have a really strong tendency to make each other feel guilty and oh my god, I seriously can't believe I didn't realise that he likes me before.”
“You really need to talk to Nick about this or things are going to be really awkward for a long time and it's even worse because you're roommates.”
Kurt sighed heavily, “Thank you for being straight.”
“After all of this drama I'm glad I'm straight, being gay seems like a lot of work.” Wes laughed.
“You don't even know the half of it.”
Kurt decided to say in Wes' dorm for another ten minutes or so before reluctantly making his way back to his dorm and slipping inside to see Nick lying across Kurt's bed with his face buried in one of his pillows.
“Hey,” Kurt said softly, capturing Nick's attention.
“Hi,” Nick mumbled, not removing his head from the pillow.
“Can we talk now?”
Nick slowly lifted his head and nodded, sitting up as Kurt sat opposite him.
“I'm sorry,” Nick began. “I shouldn't have kissed you, I just… I do really like you and I was scared to tell you so I…I just kissed you.”
“You're right,” Kurt replied. “You shouldn't have kissed me, especially as you have a boyfriend. I know what it feels like to see somebody else kiss my boyfriend and although Jeff didn't physically see us, I know it's gonna really hurt him if he finds out.”
“I know…I'm just so confused. When I realised that I liked you I could barely admit it to myself because I felt so bad for feeling that way. I don't even understand why I feel this way. I love Jeff, I really do, and it it's not like we've been arguing or anything, things are perfect.”
“Except for the fact that you like another boy without him knowing and you kissed said boy not even an hour ago.”
“Yeah, except for that. And I've probably just screwed everything up because now I'm hiding an even bigger secret from my boyfriend than I already was and things are probably going to be so awkward between us now.”
“It's only awkward because,” Kurt sighed before continuing. “I want to tell Jeff because I don't want to lie to him but I don't want to tell him because I don't want to hurt him and I feel like if I do then I'm betraying you.” Kurt rambled, eliciting laughter from Nick. “What?”
“Nothing, I just find it sort of amusing that you don't actually care that I kissed you, you just care that you don't know how to deal with it without hurting anyone else.”
“That is kind of weird…I care about it a lot less than I'd expect to…”
“Kurt I…I really like you, I wasn't lying when I said that. And although I shouldn't have kissed you, I don't regret it.”
“Nick, you're with Jeff.”
“But what if I wasn't?”
“Please don't do this…”
“What if I wasn't with Jeff?” Nick asked again. “What would be happening right now?”
“I honestly don't know. I've never even considered whether or not I like you. Ever since I broke up with Blaine I haven't considered liking anyone.”
“That doesn't mean that you don't like me.” Nick said with a small smile.
“It doesn't mean that I do, either.” Kurt pointed out.
“You like me.”
“Stop putting words into my mouth!” Kurt laughed.
“I'm not putting words into your mouth, I'm taking them out because you're too scared to say them.”
“Nick!” Kurt exclaimed with a little giggle.
“Admit it,” Nick whispered and oh, he was suddenly getting extremely close to Kurt's face.
“No,” Kurt whispered back.
“Admit it,” Nick whispered again, his lips inches away from Kurt's.
“No,” Kurt whispered decisively.
It shouldn't have taken him by surprise considering how close his face was to Nick's, but Kurt gasped as Nick's lips were suddenly capturing his own in a kiss.
Kurt froze for a second, leaving Nick to wonder if he'd overstepped, until he took a deep breath and began to kiss his friend back.
“We're so screwed,” Kurt mumbled against Nick's lips as he was lowered onto his back on the bed and kissed some more.
The two boys ended up making out for at least twenty minutes, completely losing track of everything as they became completely wrapped up in each other.
When they finally pulled apart, Nick looked down at the boy under him and smirked.
“Still not gonna admit that you like me?”
“This isn't funny,” Kurt groaned. “Jeff is gonna hate us.”
“I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow when he gets back.”
“You can't just break up with him, Nick.”
“Okay firstly, we just spent half an hour making out so I know you don't actually feel that way even though you refuse to admit that you like me and secondly, I can't lie to him. I mean, one kiss would've been hard to keep from him but a whole make out session? You know me; you know that I'd break and that'd hurt him even more.”
“I feel so guilty,” Kurt whined. “When you kissed me earlier I could just blame it all on you but that…you know as well as I do that we were both responsible for that.”
“I still don't regret it.” Nick admitted softly, caressing Kurt's cheek gently with his thumb.
“Me neither,” Kurt whispered, covering Nick's hand with his own. “But that's what makes me feel the worst.”
“I know,” Nick sighed, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead before he was promptly pushed backwards as the chestnut haired teen sat up and got off of the bed, making his way to the door. “Where are you going?”
“I'm gonna go stay with Wes, just for tonight. I don't trust myself in the same room as you and I don't want to make this any worse than it already is.”
“Is that even possible?”
“Yes,” Kurt said, walking back over to Nick and taking a hold of his hands. “It's only one night.”
“Fine,” Nick pouted, making Kurt giggle.
“I'll see you tomorrow,” Kurt said, ducking down to place on last kiss on Nick's lips before leaving.
Nick didn't sleep at all that night, he just tossed and turned, dreading talking to Jeff the next day. He knew it was going to crush him, they'd been dating for almost two years. But Nick knew that he had to tell him, even though he didn't want to hurt his feelings; he'd cheated on him and he wouldn't be able to hide it from Jeff even if he wanted to.
The next day, Nick had to awkwardly avoid Jeff's excessive hugs and kisses until he finally convinced him to go to the choir room and talk to him.
“You're kind of scaring me. I feel like you're about to tell me that someone died or something.”
Nobody died.” Nick replied with less humour than he intended.
“Hey,” Jeff frowned. “What's wrong?”
“I…” Nick swallowed hard. “I…I – Jeff,” He cried, his eyes welling up.
“Hey, you can tell me.”
Nick shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, unable to maintain eye contact any longer.
“I kissed Kurt.”