Promises We Treasure.
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Promises We Treasure.: November.

T - Words: 3,225 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Dumbest. Ending. Ever. ANYWAY, yeah...if youre good at spotting things then you can probably work out where Im going with this but if not then mwahahaha, all the more fun :) Please review!

“What's going on with them?” Jeff whispered to Thad as they watched Kurt and Nick interact with each other in a more than friendly but not quite loving way.

Since Nick admitted to Jeff that he'd kissed Kurt, they'd broken up – of course – but the three of them slowly made their way back to being friends. Jeff had gotten over the initial hurt of his boyfriend kissing somebody else and once he did that, he realised how blatantly obvious it was that they had feelings for each other. They were rarely ever in each other's presence without one of them giggling or smiling and they were a lot closer than they used to be, yet for some reason they weren't dating.

Jeff wouldn't care if they were, in fact he kind of wanted them to date just because it seemed like they were trying so hard not to kiss each other every time they were in the same room. They were actually kind of…cute together, even Jeff had to admit that.

“They've been like this for a while now, it's kind of weird…” Thad replied in a hushed tone.

“Why won't they just date already!?” Jeff whisper-shouted.

“You know exactly why…”

It was Wes' birthday and the four boys were organising a party in the choir room. Jeff and Thad were hanging up decorations while Kurt and Nick sorted out snacks, or well…threw M&M's at each other's faces. Their laughter was echoing through the room as they continued to mess around with each other.

“This is frustrating me, I'll be back in a minute,” Jeff said to Thad before dropping his end of the decoration Thad was trying to hang and making his way over to the other two boys. “Nick, I need to talk to you.”

“Okay…” Nick said confusedly, his eyebrows scrunching up as he followed Jeff out of the room.

“Why the hell aren't you and Kurt dating yet!?”

“Wow, calm down.”

“Sorry,” Jeff said. “Why the hell aren't you and Kurt dating yet?” He asked again in a calmer tone.

Nick sighed. “Because he refuses to go on a date with me.”

“Why?” Jeff groaned. “He obviously likes you.”

“Can I just ask…why is this bothering you so much? Shouldn't you want us to not be together?”

“I don't know, all I know is you guys are crazy about each other and you're not together and it's annoying me.”

“I think he keeps saying no to me because of you. He's the most selfless person ever and he doesn't want to hurt you so he's sacrificing his own happiness.”

“But I'm okay now,” Jeff pointed out. “Yes, I was hurt at first but I got over it.”

“Tell him that, not me.”

“Okay,” Jeff agreed, making his way back into the choir room.

“No, wait – I wasn't serious!” Nick shouted, following Jeff into the room.

“You,” Jeff said, pointing at Kurt and making a come hither motion with his finger until Kurt realised what he was saying and followed him out of the room. “Why won't you go out with Nick?”

“What –“

“Answer the question.”

“Because…because he basically cheated on you like a month ago and I'm not gonna rub that in your face.”

“But it doesn't upset me anymore!” Jeff cried frustratedly. “Believe it or not, I actually want you guys to get together. If anything it'll help me move on because I just want you guys to be happy now that I'm over the hurt from what Nick did.”

“But –“

“No buts. You like him, he likes you and you have absolutely no reason to say no to him anymore. Now go back inside and help your soon to be boyfriend put snacks into bowls please.”

Once Kurt was back inside, he confusedly made his way back to Nick, looking over his shoulder at Jeff who was staring at him pointedly.

“Did he just –“

“Yup,” Kurt said, cutting Nick off. “No offence, but your ex-boyfriend is really weird.”

“Tell me something I don't know.” Nick laughed.

When Nick and Kurt got back to their dorm later that day, Nick decided that he was going to ask Kurt out, once again, and he was praying that he would actually say yes this time.

“Can I talk to you?” Nick asked the chestnut haired teen nervously. It was amusing how Nick had already asked him out several times but he was still nervous as hell each and every time.

“Sure,” Kurt smiled, making his way from his desk to sit next to Nick on the edge of his bed.

“So I was wondering if…maybe…you wanted to be my date to Wes' party?”


“Said that he wants us to be together and you're still saying no to me.”

“But he –“

“Forget about Jeff for a minute. Do you want to go out with me?”

“…Yes.” Kurt admitted.

“Then why do you keep saying no to me?” Nick asked. “Even now that Jeff has said that he wants us to date.”

Kurt sighed, honestly not knowing why he was saying no anymore. He did want to date Nick, that much was obvious, but he kept holding himself back from being with him and he didn't really know why.

“Ask me again.”

“…Will you be my date to Wes' party?”


“Kurt!” Nick exclaimed, a little frustrated.

“I'm kidding!” Kurt laughed. “Yes, I'll be your date.”

“Yes!” Nick all but shouted, fist pumping as Kurt burst into laughter. “Hey, I've been asking you out for almost a month now, I'm allowed to be excited.”

“You're adorable.” Kurt laughed.

“Seeing as I've had some luck so far,” Nick teased. “I have another question.”


Nick was even more nervous to ask this question, but he was going to explode if he didn't ask. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

“I suppose so.” Kurt sighed dramatically.

“You're so annoying!” Nick laughed.

“Why are you asking me out then?” Kurt asked, rendering Nick unable to reply. “Exactly.” He laughed, poking his tongue out at Nick.

“I would come up with a reply for that but I honestly don't care because you finally said yes to me.” Nick grinned, unable to keep the smile from his face.

The hour of the party finally arrived and Nick was giddy at the fact that he was going on a date with Kurt… his boyfriend.

Kurt honestly did find Nick's excitement adorable. He was sort of excited too, though, as Nick had been asking him out for a month and he had finally given in and said yes.

The two boys walked hand in hand to the party and found their friends – The Warblers – almost immediately. Nick all but ran towards them, pulling Kurt behind him as the chestnut haired teen laughed.

“I have to introduce you guys to someone!”

“Uh, we already know Kurt…” Thad replied awkwardly.

“Nope,” Nick grinned. “I want to introduce you to…my boyfriend!”

“Finally!” Jeff exclaimed.

Kurt continued to laugh and hid his face in Nick's shoulder, holding onto his boyfriends hand with both of his own hands.

“Where's Wes anyway?” Nick asked a few moments later, realising he was missing from his own party.

“He's…I have no idea,” Jeff laughed. “We lost him to a bunch of people saying happy birthday to him so yeah…he'll appear at some point.”

“Okay, well excuse me while I drag my boyfriend away against his will to dance with me.” Nick grinned, keeping his word and taking Kurt to another part of the room before wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

Kurt laughed, wrapping his own arms around Nick's neck and ultimately pulling him impossibly closer.

“You're absolutely ridiculous, you know.” Kurt said as the two of them swayed slightly from side to side.

Nick laughed. “I'm just really, really happy right now.”

“Me too,” Kurt giggled, hooking his chin over Nick's shoulder and smiling when he made eye contact with Jeff. He mouthed ‘thank you' to his friend, who just smiled back at him and nodded.

As the night grew on, Nick excitedly announced to more people that Kurt was his boyfriend and did ridiculous dance moves with Kurt. Wes came and went, saying he was glad that the two of them had finally stopped being idiots who thought they could be ‘just friends' and kissing both of them on the cheek, leaving them both to look at each other confusedly.

“Everyone has lost their minds today,” Kurt laughed, sitting down next to Nick and resting his head against his shoulder.

“Tell me about it,” Nick agreed, taking a hold of Kurt's hand. “You okay?”

“Mhm,” Kurt hummed, moving so that his chin was resting on Nick's shoulder and pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek before moving back to his previous position.

They were joined shortly by the rest of the Warblers and they spent the remainder of the night talking and laughing; none of them being phased by Nick and Kurt cuddling up to each other, surprisingly enough.

When they eventually went back to their dorm the two boys took turns changing into their pyjamas and brushing their teeth, as per usual, although instead of getting straight into their respective beds, they met in the middle in a hug; Nick wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist while Kurt wrapped his arms around Nick's neck tightly.

The two boys pulled back slightly and looked at each other for a second before leaning in at the same time to capture each other's lips in a kiss. Kurt tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss, not wanting that moment to end.

“That should have been our first kiss,” Nick whispered as they pulled apart and rested their foreheads against each other's.

“It was our first kiss as boyfriends,” Kurt smiled, pressing another tiny kiss to Nick's lips before pulling away completely and making his way into his bed, Nick doing the same.

As Kurt pulled the covers up and around him, he closed his eyes and tried desperately to sleep but couldn't seem to drift into the slumber he awaited. Opening his eyes, he looked over at Nick's bed, contemplating whether or not his boyfriend of one day would object to holding him all night. Deciding it was his best option if he wanted to sleep, Kurt slowly climbed out of bed and made his way over to Nick's, crawling under the covers and cuddling up to him instantly.

Nick blinked his eyes open and looked down at the boy that was in his bed all of a sudden. “Kurt?”

“I can't sleep,” Kurt whispered.

“Okay,” Nick replied with a little yawn, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and pressing a kiss into the top of his head.

Thanksgiving was approaching a few days later and Kurt was ecstatic at the prospect of seeing all of his best friends again. It had become a tradition, sort of, for Quinn, Rachel and Blaine and their families to go to his house for dinner every thanksgiving which made Kurt even more excited about it than he usually would. The only thing that made Kurt less excited was the fact that Nick wouldn't agree to having dinner with Kurt as he claimed he ‘didn't want to intrude.'

“Please come?” Kurt begged as he sat on his desk chair that was in his bedroom at home, opposite Nick who sat on the edge of his boyfriend's bed.

“Kurt,” Nick whined. “You already have so many people coming to your house.”

“My dad likes big thanksgivings,” Kurt argued. “We used to have them all the time with our family but after my mum died they just stopped and it was me and my dad. Plus we already have nine people coming, an additional three isn't going to hurt.”

“That's twelve people, Kurt,” Nick laughed, “Plus you and your dad is fourteen.”

“Please,” Kurt asked again, looking genuinely sad. “I really want you to be there.”

“Okay,” Nick sighed. “I'll talk to my parents tonight.”

“Yay!” Kurt exclaimed with a huge smile, enveloping his boyfriend in a hug before pulling back almost immediately. “Wait. You're not just doing this for me right? Because you can say no if you really don't want to come and I won't mind. I mean I'll be upset but I'll get over it and –“

“Shut up,” Nick laughed. “I do want to come.”

“Okay,” Kurt said with an adorable smile.

When the day of thanksgiving finally arrived, Kurt was a huge ball of energy. Nick spent the whole day at Kurt's house, helping him and Burt prepare everything before everyone else started to arrive. Blaine and Rachel were the first to arrive as their flight was quite early and they had nothing better to do with their time. Cooper and Jenna arrived next, Quinn and her parents following a while later. Rachel's dads were next and Nick's parents arrived shortly after them.

The first thing Blaine noticed was how…comfortable Kurt and Nick were with each other and he suddenly felt extremely out of place.

“Are they dating?” Blaine asked Burt quietly as he watched the two boys messing around with each other as they set the table.

“Yeah…I thought Kurt would've told you that.” Burt replied.

“No…I didn't even know that Nick and Jeff broke up.”

“It's only been for a few weeks, though.”

“He probably just…forgot to tell me, I guess.” Blaine shrugged, more than ready to drop the subject.

Burt laughed softly as he left the kitchen, only to be replaced by Cooper.

“Blaine,” Cooper said as he appeared next to his little brother. “I can practically smell the jealousy radiating from you right now.”

“Shut up Cooper,” Blaine groaned, tearing his eyes away from Nick and Kurt finally.

“I'm just saying, if you're gonna stare at them with jealousy in your eyes at least try and be subtle about it.”

“I'm not jealous!” Blaine exclaimed as quiet as possible. “I'm…I'm not.”

“I'm sure,” Cooper laughed. “Why would you possibly be jealous of seeing the boy you love happy with someone else?”

“You're incredibly annoying.”

“Why thank you.” Cooper smiled.

“I just don't understand why he didn't tell me,” Blaine said. “What did he think I was going to say?”

“I thought you weren't jealous?”

“I'm not!” Blaine shouted, causing everyone in the room to stare at him momentarily.

“I'm gonna go find mum,” Cooper replied.

When everyone finally sat down to eat, Blaine awkwardly sat in between Cooper and Jenna while he tried not to make eye contact with either Nick or Kurt who were, coincidentally, sitting opposite him and being even cuter than Kurt and Blaine were.

The night began to wear on and everyone moved into the living room to watch a movie, as per usual. Kurt curled into Nick's side on one of the sofas while the other teen wrapped his arms around him and pressed a kiss into the top of his head.

Blaine sat on the other sofa next to Rachel and tried not to look at the two sixteen year olds as he knew that it would make him more jealous than he already was, but failed miserably. He just thanked his lucky stars that they weren't like he used to be with Kurt, as they would probably be making out by now and Blaine didn't know if he could deal with watching that.

About halfway into the movie, Blaine got up and left the room. What he didn't notice was Kurt following his path with his eyes.

“I'll be back in a minute,” Kurt whispered to Nick, pressing a kiss to his cheek before following Blaine out of the room. “You okay?” He asked when he found the nineteen year old in the kitchen.

“Hmm?” Blaine hummed, spinning around to see Kurt. “Yeah, I just needed some water.”

“You sure? You've been acting kinda weird all day.”

“Yeah I just…” Blaine sighed. “Kurt…why didn't you tell me about you and Nick?”

“Oh…” Kurt said quietly. “I didn't tell anyone…if that helps. I mean, my dad only found out a few days ago and everyone else, except for Nick's parents, found out today.”

“Yeah but…you tell me everything.”

“I didn't do it deliberately,” Kurt said truthfully. “I just…it's not like everything else, Blaine.”

“I still kind of just thought that you'd be able to tell me something like this.” Blaine shrugged, making to leave the kitchen.

“Blaine,” Kurt said, grabbing the nineteen year olds wrist to stop him from leaving. “I'm sorry, okay?”

“It's okay,” Blaine sighed. “You didn't do anything wrong.”

“Maybe, but I've obviously upset you.”

Blaine sighed again. Kurt really wasn't helping with the whole ‘jealous ex-boyfriend' thing. He was still being ridiculously sweet and caring and ugh Blaine was never going to get over him.

“I'm fine,” Blaine replied, forcing a smile. “I promise.”

Kurt finally dropped it and returned to the living room with Blaine, making his way back to his boyfriend and cuddling back into his side, a lot less happy than he was before talking to Blaine. Nick noticed this, of course, but decided that he would wait to talk to Kurt about it. So he wrapped his arms back around the chestnut haired teen and hugged him close.

Later that evening, when everyone had gone home, Kurt went up to his bedroom and all but collapsed on his bed, feeling completely drained and exhausted. Nick followed him up, slowly entering his boyfriend's bedroom and sitting on the edge of his bed.

“You okay?” Nick asked, reaching down to brush Kurt's hair away from his forehead while the chestnut haired teen looked up at him.

“Yeah,” Kurt smiled. “I'm just really tired.”

“What happened with Blaine earlier? You seemed kinda bummed when you came back after talking to him.”

Kurt sighed. “He was upset that I didn't tell him we were dating, but when I apologised he acted like it didn't matter even though it clearly did.”

“You didn't tell anybody though.”

“I know, and I told him that too,” Kurt replied, smiling up at Nick as he continued to card his fingers through Kurt's hair. “I'm really glad you're staying here tonight.”

“Me too,” Nick smiled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Kurt's lips before moving his position to lie with Kurt's head resting against his chest, their hands intertwined between them.

“Can I ask you something?” Kurt asked after a few moments of silence.


“I'm not sure where this came from, I just…Does it bother you that I didn't tell anyone we were dating? I mean, I know it was only for a few weeks but I didn't tell anyone outside of Dalton whereas you did.”

“No,” Nick replied without hesitation. “Whether you didn't tell anybody because you weren't ready or you just didn't want to tell anybody, it doesn't matter. I know that if you were ashamed to be with me then you wouldn't be with me so it honestly doesn't matter one bit to me that everyone only just found out.”

Kurt grinned, resting his chin on Nick's chest and looking up at his boyfriend through his eyelashes.

“I'm glad that you don't think I'm ashamed to be with you, because there is absolutely no way that could happen.”


“I know the feeling,” Nick smiled.


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