Promises We Treasure.
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Promises We Treasure.: January

T - Words: 3,312 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
139 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review :)

Kurt dreaded going back to school. Since the huge argument between him and Blaine, he hadnt spoken to Nick and he wasnt sure what was going to happen once he did. In addition to that, Nick was his roommate and if they fell out then sleeping arrangements would be extremely awkward. He was nervous about facing Nick - he didnt want the sixteen year old to start yelling at him again - but he was glad that they had to go back to school so they could both talk everything out and air their differences. When Nick entered their dorm room the first night back, he found Kurt kneeling on his bed in his pyjamas, adding to his wall of photos. The chestnut haired teen didnt appear to notice Nicks presence until he made his way over to Kurts bed and sat down on the edge.

"Hi..." He said softly, eliciting Kurt to turn around and face him.

"Hi," Kurt replied.

"I guess we should talk now...get everything out before things become awkward."

"I think things are already awkward," Kurt pointed out. "But yeah...we should talk."

"Okay well firstly, Im really sorry," Nick began. "I was really unfair and I said some...not so nice things to you, so Im sorry. But I...Im not sorry for saying that you always run to Blaine when youre upset. Maybe I shouldve phrased it differently, but its true and you know it is. Honestly I was...I was jealous. Not just because you always go to him with your problems instead of me, but because I know that youre never going to have the same connection with me as you do with him, whether youre dating him or not. I know that no matter how long we date or how much I like you...youre never going to feel the same love for me, or anybody, that you do for him. I dont know what it is about him thats so special but its obvious that youre still in love with him, and Ive honestly never seen anybody look so smitten before in my life."

"Nick I...I honestly do like you."

"I know," Nick smiled. "I know you do, but youre in love with him and you always will be."

"I cant explain it," Kurt said. "I know that he was my first love but I feels like it was more than just a relationship. Its like our hearts flew out of our chests and literally combined together and if someone was to try and pull them apart wed both die. I know it sounds stupid but..."

"I get it," Nick replied honestly. "Kurt, I have to ask...youre aware of how much you still love him but yet youre settling for me -"

"Im not settling for you, Nick."

"Let me finish," Nick laughed. "You know how much you love him but you wont do anything about it. Hed obviously murder someone if it meant getting back together with you but I dont understand why you refuse to date him."

"He hurt me." Kurt shrugged.

"He made a mistake, hes only human."

"Im scared," Kurt admitted quietly, staring down at the bed beneath him. "Hes still going to be in New York while Im stuck here for the next year and a half and the long-distance thing hasnt exactly gone great thus far."

"But you wont know unless you try," Nick exaggerated. "You could lose your chance if you dont do something."

"Why are you trying to convince me to get back together with my ex?"

"Because I can see how much you love him and its ridiculous you two not being together."

Suddenly, Nick was being enveloped in a warm hug. He reciprocated by wrapping his arms around Kurts waist, rubbing his back gently. "Thank you." Kurt mumbled.

"Youre welcome," Nick smiled. "At least were ending this on good terms, right?"

Kurt nodded, smiling as he pulled away from the sixteen year old. "I dont think I could stand it if our friendship got destroyed because of this."

"Tell me about it." Nick laughed.

"Can I ask you a question though?" Nick nodded. "You told me that I cant just cry and apologise and I you really think thats what I do?"

"No," Nick replied instantly. "I...I wasnt thinking when I said that. I was just upset...angry...I dont know, but I swear I dont think of you like that. I know youve been through a lot and I...I was insensitive, to be honest. I shouldnt have said half of the stuff I said to you that night, or the day after, and Im really sorry."

"Its okay." Kurt smiled.

"Can I just..." Nick cut himself off nervously, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Kurts lips. Kurt tangled his fingers into Nicks hair, using his other hand to cup the back of his neck as Nick gently held Kurts face between his own hands, deepening the kiss slightly. "Im done," Nick smiled, pulling back for a second before leaning forward again and pressing a chaste kiss to Kurts lips. "Now Im done." He said with a grin, causing Kurt to laugh cutely.

"Nick...Im sorry I wasnt the right person for you," Kurt said. "But I promise you will find someone who deserves you."

"Hey, you didnt do anything wrong. You cant help who you fall in love with."

"I know but I just -"

"You just nothing," Nick said with a small smile. "Now, Im gonna go unpack so that you can text Blaine and tell him you need to talk to him."

"Okay," Kurt replied, reaching behind him to grab his phone, his face scrunching up in confusion when he unlocked it. "I have like eight missed calls from Blaine..." He dialled Blaines number and anxiously waited for him to pick up, sighing in relief when he finally did.

"Kurt," Blaines voice came from the other end of the line, sounding broken.

"Blaine? Are you crying? Oh my god, what happened?" Kurt asked frantically, hearing sobs escape Blaines body and Rachels voice trying to calm him down.

"M- my mom," Blaine choked out. "I need you." He cried, sounding helpless.

"Where are you?" Kurt asked, trying to refrain from biting his nails as Nick stopped what he was doing and looked confusedly at Kurt from across the room.

"I - I..."

"Blaine, I need you to give the phone to Rachel for a minute." 

"Dont leave me." Blaine sobbed, small hiccups escaping him.

"Im not going anywhere, I promise," Kurt said softly. "But I need to talk to Rachel for a minute, I promise you can have the phone back straight after, okay?"

"Okay." Blaine said quietly, handing the phone to his best friend and sinking into her embrace.


"Yeah, its me." Rachel replied, carding her fingers through Blaines curls in an attempt to calm him down.

"What happened? He just said my mom but he sounds completely wrecked..."

"She was in a car accident," Rachel replied, immediately shushing Blaine when he began to cry harder at the words.

"Oh my god, is she okay?"

"We have no idea. Were stuck in the airport but every flight has been cancelled because of the snow."

Kurt jumped off of his bed and ran to the window, pulling the curtains back and glancing outside, noticing the snow wasnt as bad in Ohio. "Im getting my dad to drive down there."

"Kurt you dont -"

"I do have to, Rachel," Kurt cut in. "He needs to be here."

"Okay," Rachel agreed. "Thank you."

"Dont thank me," Kurt said, smiling a little. "Can you give the phone back to Blaine please? I promised him I wouldnt leave him."

There was some shuffling on the other end of the phone before Blaines small, broken voice spoke up once again. "Kurt?" He sounded slightly calmer than he had beforehand, but he still sounded disraught.

"Hey," Kurt said softly. "How are you doing?"

"I need you." Blaine cried.

"Im coming to get you," Kurt said. "I promise you, Im right here."

"Kurt," Blaine sobbed.

"Shh, its okay," Kurt replied, almost in tears himself at the sound of Blaines voice. "Its okay." Kurt mouthed the word phone to Nick, and the other sixteen year old instantly threw Kurt his phone, nodding when Kurt mouthed thank you to him. He began to type out a text to his dad while trying to keep Blaine calm at the same time.

Dad - its Kurt - Blaines mom is in hospital and he just called me crying his eyes out. Hes stuck in New York because every flight has been cancelled because of the snow, can we please go and get him?

It only took a few minutes for the reply to come through and Kurt was slightly shocked that his dad agreed so easily. He said hed be picking Kurt up and theyd go straight there, Kurt replying with a thank you.

"Blaine," Kurt said softly, throwing Nick his phone back. "Listen to me; you need to go home with Rachel, okay? Try and get some sleep and I promise me and my dad will be there tomorrow to get you."

"Youre coming for me?" Blaine asked tearfully, sounding shocked.

"Of course Im coming for you." Kurt replied, wanting to break down into sobs.

"Thank you," Blaine cried. "I love you so much."

Kurts heart sped up, his throat going dry and tears welling up in his eyes. "I love you too," He admitted. "So, so much."

Kurt broke down as soon as he was off of the phone with Blaine, causing Nick to all but sprint over to him and wrap him arms around him gently, allowing him to cry into his shoulder until Kurts dad arrived. The ride to New York was an emotional turmoil for Kurt. He didnt sleep - he didnt even begin to drift to sleep - he just cried. He cried and then laughed at himself for crying so much, and then cried some more until Burt was forced to pull over and hold him until he calmed down - buying him some water from a local shop before he threw up. By the time they reached Blaines and Rachels apartment, Kurts hair was a mess, his eyes were red rimmed from not sleeping and from crying and he was practically shaking with the need to hold Blaine.

Rachel opened the door, looking almost as tired as Kurt. She let the two in and directed Kurt to Blaines bedroom where he found Blaine curled up in a small ball on his bed, the blankets pulled around him and a small stuffed frog in his hands.

"Blaine," Kurt said softly, climbing onto the bed. "Hi." He said, smiling sadly when Blaine opened his eyes.

"Kurt," Blaine practically sobbed, flinging himself at Kurt so hard he nearly got knocked off the bed. "You came."

"Of course I came," Kurt replied incredulously. "I promised."

Blaine pulled back, smiling despite himself before giggling a little. "Youre wearing monkey pyjamas."

"Hush," Kurt laughed, carding his fingers through Blaines hair. "This is the second time youve gotten me to leave the house in pyjamas."

"It wasnt my fault the first time," Blaine laughed. "You didnt even know you were going to see me there."

Kurt smiled as Blaine leaned into his touch, sniffling softly. "How do you feel?" 

"I want my mom," Blaine replied, tearing up again. "But I have Im okay for now."

"Go and get some clothes," Kurt said. "And some blankets, because I demand a snuggle session in the car for making me go into public wearing monkey pyjamas."

Blaine laughed, making Kurt internally fist pump, and did as he was instructed. They were soon on their way back to Ohio, Blaine and Kurt snuggled in the back and Rachel in the passenger seat, smling at the sight of the boys in the rearview mirror. The two boys finally got some sleep after being in the comfort of each other; Blaine snuggled happily up to Kurts shoulder with a big duvet wrapped around them.

"Theyre so cute." She wondered aloud.

"Theyre oblivious," Burt laughed, glancing at the teens in the rearview mirror. "Ive never seen a sixteen year old so in love before."

"How can two people even mean so much to each other?"

"When you fall in love with somebody - so in love that youd do anything for them - youll understand it."

"I guess..." Rachel wondered mindlessly. "Can I ask you something though?"

"Im not promising Ill answer it, but sure." Burt laughed.

"Do you know whats going on between Kurt and Nick? Blaine told me some whole fight thing happened and he was jealous of Blaine or something..."

"All I know is that Kurt and Nick had an argument and Blaine hit Nick."

"I can hear you, you know," Kurt mumbled from the backseat, burying his face in Blaines hair and breathing in the scent of honey. "And not that its any of your business, but we broke up."

"Hes kind of grouchy when hes just woken up." Burt pointed out.

"Shut up." Blaine groaned, pulling the duvet over his head.

"What time is it?" Kurt asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"It is approximately five a.m." Rachel replied.

"Ugh," He groaned, snuggling back up to Blaine and nudging him lightly. "The things I do for you."

"Ahem, Im the one doing the driving here." Burt laughed.

"Youve had a gallon of coffee and I cant drive." Kurt retorted.

"My head hurts." Blaine whined.

"Someones back to normal." Rachel commented, recieving a kick to the back of her chair from Blaine.

"I hate you."

"No you dont."

"No, I dont," Blaine said, laughing slightly. "Thank you guys, by the way," He continued. "I just...thank you."

"If you say thank you one more time I am going to inflict physical pain on you," Kurt laughed, stretching a little. "Im still tired."

"You only got about three hours of sleep, Im not surprised."

"Cuddle buddy," Kurt whined, making grabby hands for Blaine who was now sitting up. "Come back, I need to sleep."

Blaine laughed, stretching out before curling into Kurts side, gratefully accepting the random kisses that were planted in his hair. The boys were fast asleep soon enough, as was Rachel, and the three of them didnt wake up again until they were back at Kurts house. Rachel had woken up a few minutes before hand, but the boys didnt seem to want to budge.

"Boys," Burt called, recieving nothing but groans from Kurt and Blaine. "Wake up." He laughed.

"Comfy." Blaine mumbled, snuggling further into the warmth of Kurts body.

"Yeah well if you want to actually make it to the hospital today, I need at least a few hours of sleep, and by the looks of it so do you three."

Blaine whined, sitting up and rubbing his eyes in a childlike manner. The two boys climbed out of the car, cuddling back up to each other despite standing up and wrapping the duvet around both of their bodies.

"You two are ridiculous." Burt laughed.

"I dont know if I can make it all the way upstairs," Kurt whined. "Blaine, do you feel like sleeping on the floor by any chance?"

"I will drag you upstairs if I have to." Blaine replied, detangling himself from Kurt and scrunching the duvet up, tucking it under one arm while reaching out for Kurt with his free hand.

Kurt entwined his hand with Blaines and led him upstairs. The two boys collapsed on the bed almost instantly before crawling closer to each other, wrapping their bodies around each other and falling asleep. Burt smiled when he entered the room a few hours later to find the boys sprawled out across the bed, their bodyies completely tangled together. He gently shook the boys awake, laughing when he recieved incoherent whines once again.

"I feel like crap." Kurt mumbled, rolling away from Blaines body and stretching out.

"Im sorry." Blaine replied quietly, curling into the sheets as if trying to make himself invisible.

"Shut up," Kurt retorted, regretting it when he opened his eyes and saw how small Blaine looked. He sat up and combed his fingers through the nineteen year olds hair gently. "You okay?"

"Im scared." Blaine whispered, burying his face in the sheets.

"I know," Kurt replied, turning around to check that his dad was gone. "Ive been in your position before with my mom, and it was the worst feeling in the world. I was only eight and I remember it vividly, thats how traumatic it was. But no matter what happens with your mom, youll be okay, I promise."

Blaine looked up at Kurt with a lone tear trailing down his face, his eyes swimming with unshead tears. "Shes the only family I have left. My dads a deadbeat and left us, Coopers hardly ever around and I...I cant lose her."

"You have me," Kurt replied. "Rachel, my dad, even Quinn...were your family and I swear, Im not leaving your side no matter what happens."

"Why arent you telling me that shell be okay? Thats what Rachel kept saying."

"Because I cant promise that. I cant promise that your mom will be fine, but I can promise that you have me, always."

"I love you so much," Blaine sobbed, sitting up and wiping frantically at his eyes. "Im sorry -"

"Shh," Kurt replied, wiping Blaines tears away gently with his thumbs. "I love you too. Now lets go and see your mom."

"Kurt?" Blaine said when they got to the top of the stairs.


"Youre still wearing monkey pyjamas."

Kurt looked down at himself, shrugging. "I feel like I slept under a bridge, theres no way Im changing out of these clothes."

Blaine laughed through the few last tears that were falling, tightening his grip on Kurts hand. They went into the kitchen and ate a little - Blaine eating about two bites - before the four of them made their way to the hospital, Kurt refusing to let go of Blaines hand.

Hearing that his mom was in a coma was the worst thing that ever happened to Blaine. He began crying immediately and threw up over Kurts shoes, which caused him to cry even harder than he originally was. Kurt winced for a minute before toeing his trainers off and pulling Blaine over to the side of the corridor and sitting on the floor with him, cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears as they fell. Rachel, Burt and the doctor continued talking about Jennas condition, trusting Kurt to look after Blaine.

"Listen to me -"

"Kurt." Blaine sobbed, more tears erupting from his eyes.

"Listen to me," Kurt said again, bringing one hand up to run through Blaines hair. "Shh, baby, please just listen to me, okay?" Blaine nodded, trying to contain his sobs. "I dont know whats going to happen with your mom. I dont know if shell be okay or not, and Im not gonna promise that she will or wont because nobody can predict that. But I do promise that Im going to be right here with you. No matter how hard things get for you, I am not leaving your side, shh baby, listen to me. Youre going to get through this, no matter what happens, youll be okay, I promise. God, I hate seeing you cry." He said, wiping the tears from Blaines cheeks.

"Im scared," Blaine cried, gratefully cuddling into Kurts arms when he opened them. "I know that eventually...eventually Im going to lose her but, Kurt, Im not ready to say goodbye. I need my mommy."

"I know, baby," Kurt said, rubbing Blaines back with one hand and playing with his hair with the other. "I know."

Once Blaine calmed down a little, Kurt pressed a kiss to his forehead, giving him a cup of water that the doctor brought for him and wiping his tears away with some tissue.

"Your nose is all snotty," Kurt laughed, smiling lovingly at the nineteen year old before wiping his nose gently. "Do you want to go and see her?"

"I cant," Blaine said brokenly, shaking his head. "Not today. Maybe tomorrow but I...I cant handle it today."

"Okay," Kurt replied, standing up before helping Blaine up and helping him back to the car. When they got back home, Kurt took Blaine upstairs and held him for the rest of the day, repeatedly letting him know hed be okay. Blaine eventually relaxed a little and fell asleep in Kurts arms, his hand fisted in the sixteen year olds pyjama top.


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