Promises We Treasure.
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Promises We Treasure.: February.

T - Words: 2,846 - Last Updated: Apr 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Please review :)

"Im so old." Blaine mumbled as he rolled over in bed the morning of his twentieth birthday. Kurt laughed, rubbing his eyes sleepily and rolling over to face the curly haired boy.

"Youre not old," He replied. "Happy birthday." He smiled.

"Not really, but thanks," Blaine murmured, not moving until he realised how moody he sounded. "Im sorry," He apologised, sitting up and looking down at Kurt. "I would be a lot happier if my mom wasnt lying unconscious in a hospital bed."

"I know," Kurt replied softly, reaching out and taking Blaines hand into his own. "And I know that if youre left to your own devices you will just sulk and swallow yourself in self-pity, which is why Ive planned the whole day out."

"You have school." Blaine pointed out. Kurt had been staying at home and waking up extra early to go to school while Jenna was in hospital, skipping Warbler practise to get home as quickly as possible so that he could be with Blaine again. Usually Blaine would tell him that he was overreacting, but he was gratefully not only for the company, but for the fact that Kurt was doing whatever possible to keep his promise.

"My dad called in sick for me," Kurt said mischeviously. "It was actually his idea, he said you could do with the distraction and hes right. Plus you dont deserve to have a miserable birthday."

"Theres no way Im getting out of this, am I?" Blaine asked, although there was a small smile playing at his lips.

"Nope," Kurt grinned. "Breakfast time, come on." He said, pulling Blaine off the bed and towards the door.

"Im not hungry."

"Blaine," Kurt said seriously, turning to face the twenty year old. "Youve hardly been eating since your mom went into hospital. I can see how much weight youve lost and its only been a few weeks. I know that its hard but you need to eat or youre going to be the one in hospital. Please just try for me?"

"Okay." Blaine replied, allowing himself to be dragged downstairs into the kitchen. The twenty year old only managed a few bites of his food, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly and trying not to cry when he saw the look on Kurts face. He didnt look angry, he looked more...sad, and it broke Blaines heart.

"Is there anything you will eat?" Kurt asked in a caring tone.

"Ice cream?" Blaine suggested.

Kurt raised his eyebrows for a moment before standing up and going to the freezer. "Well, its fattening and you need to get your weight back so knock yourself out." He said, placing the tub in front of Blaine and giving him a spoon.

"I feel like youre my parent." Blaine teased, pulling the lid of and beginning to slowly eat small amounts of the dessert.

"Im not your parent, I just care about you," Kurt corrected, going back to eating his own breakfast. "Youve been there for me enough times, you know what its like. Plus Im the most stubborn person in existence so if anyone is going to help you its going to be me." He laughed.

"Touche," Blaine smiled. "Thank you."


After breakfast, Kurt picked out an outfit for Blaine, then changed it three times because Blaine said he didnt feel like wearing anything special. He ended up just wearing a soft shirt with a pair of jeans, ungelled hair and the glasses he dispised so much just because he didnt want to put his contacts in. When he walked out of the bathroom after changing, he looked extremely huggable. So Kurt hugged him. Blaine had no idea why he was getting hugged, but he accepted it happily and wrapped his arms around Kurts waist, burying his nose in Kurts shirt and breathing in his inevitable scent.

"You look horrible," Kurt frowned. "I mean...I didnt...I -"

"I know what you meant," Blaine chuckled, pulling back from the hug. "But I promise I feel a lot worse than I look."

"That isnt a good thing."

"I just wish this feeling would go away. I cant help it but I just feel like the worst is going to happen and I hate it."

"I know, which is why the aim of today is to get your mind off of things, starting with bowling."

"Kurt Im really not in the mood -"

"Youre not right now, but Ive seen how competitive you get when it comes to bowling and youll get into it soon enough. Please just try for me?" Kurt asked, batting his eyelashes cutely.

"You suck." Blaine laughed.

"Come on." Kurt giggled, grabbing Blaines hand and leading him outside.

For whatever reason, the boys didnt let go of each others hands while they made their way to the bowling alley, despite the awkward looks they recieved for doing so. As predicted, after the first few throws, Blaine started to get into the game and had more energy than Kurt had seen in him everyday since the accident combined. 

"I suck at this game!" Kurt laughed, making his way up to the alley for the umpteenth time and throwing the ball, only managing to hit three pins.

"All the more chance for me to win." Blaine teased, taking his turn and hitting all ten pins.

"Youd win even if I was decent." Kurt pointed out, laughing at the curly haired boy.

It wasnt until they were leaving the bowling alley that Blaine really broke down. A sudden waterfall of tears hit him as Kurt enveloped him in a hug and tried to calm him down. He knew that people were staring at them, but all he could focus on was the distraught boy in his arms, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Im sorry," Kurt said. "This was a stupid idea. I shouldve known that youre not in the right mind for this and I-" Kurt stopped when he felt Blaine shaking his head, pulling away from his embrace a little.

"No," He replied. "It was a good idea and I really did have fun. It took my mind off of everything but thats why I broke down - all of my thoughts were gone for a while and then they came back and hit me like a big red bus."

"Come with me," Kurt said, holding his hand out and leading Blaine to a small park where they proceeded to sit on the swings, just as they so often used to. "Now tell me everything youre thinking, no matter how stupid you think it is."

"I just...I keep thinking about what would happen if she...if she...if she isnt okay," Blaine said, swinging a little and staring down at the floor, tears still trickling down his cheeks. "I really dont like the image of my life without my mom in it. And I just...I hate thinking about how hurt she is right now."

"Anything else?" 

Blaine nodded a little, sniffling and wiping his eyes, looking up at Kurt with sad hazel eyes. "Its not about my mom though."

"I dont care who its about," Kurt replied. "I just want to know how youre feeling."

"Its about you," Blaine admitted quietly, his eyes never leaving Kurts as tears continued to spill from his eyes. "I keep thinking about how much youve been here for me and sounds silly because I know that Ive been there for you a lot but this means more to me than anything. I dont know how I would get through this if I didnt have you."

"You will always have me, Blaine," Kurt replied. "Come what may, right?"

"Kurt, stop," Blaine said with a humourless laugh, wiping his eyes. "Stop pretending like youre still in love with me. I hurt you so badly and Im not stupid. I know you only keep saying you love me because you want to make me feel better."

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Kurt asked incredulously. "Do you honestly think I would lie to you like that? Blaine I...yes, you hurt me but I do still love you, more than anything. Do you really think Id be here right now if I didnt still love you?"

"Why would you still love me?" Blaine asked, his face scrunching up a little. "I was a jerk to you and it wasnt the first time Id completely screwed everything up."

"Because for every one bad thing youve done, there are about fifteen amazing things to make up for it. Youre not a bad person, Blaine. Youre there for me through thick and thin; if I have a nightmare, you answer the phone no matter what time it is, if I need to vent about something you listen to me even if you have an exam to study for, if Im scared then you comfort me no matter what youre doing - thats what love is about. Yes youve made mistakes, but who hasnt made mistakes in their life? You mean the world to me, Blaine."

"You really mean that?" Blaine asked, tears running down his face rapidly.

"Get your butt over here," Kurt laughed, opening his arms and letting out an oof noise when Blaine sat on his lap. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts neck and hugged him until Kurt tapped him on the back. He moved his head and suddenly he was being captured in a kiss. Blaine let out a small sob, more tears leaving his eyes as he tangled his fingers in Kurts hair and tried to get closer. "Ew, snot." Kurt laughed against Blaines lips, eliciting a small laugh from the twenty year old.

"Sorry." Blaine laughed, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Ew!" Kurt exclaimed, laughing nonetheless. "Youre disgusting."

"But you love me anyway."

Kurt grinned, carding his fingers through Blaines curls. "More than anything."

Blaine smiled, a hiccup escaping him as a few more tears rolled down his cheeks and he leaned in to kiss Kurt once again, not wanting to move from the spot he was in. The boys kiss was interrupted by the swing tipping backwards, almost making them go flying off the seat. Kurt laughed loudly, grabbing onto the side of the swing with one and and wrapping the other arm around Blaine.

"I dont think this is safe." Blaine laughed through his tears, wiping them away with his sleeve.

"Not really," Kurt agreed, tapping Blaine until he stood up, standing up after him. "Are you done crying yet?" He asked, cupping Blaines cheeks and gently wiping the tears away.

"No," Blaine said, shaking his head. "But Im pretty sure half of these are happy tears now."

"Aww," Kurt cooed teasingly, wrapping Blaine up in a hug. "Youre so cute."

"My glasses are all wet." Blaine laughed, burying his face in Kurts shoulder.

"Well -" Kurt was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. Blaine reluctantly detatched himself from Kurt and allowed him to answer his phone, gripping onto his hand and stopping himself from crying. "What!? Yeah...yeah, okay. Thank you!" Kurt said into the phone, elicting a confused look from Blaine.

"What was that about?"

"Your mom is awake." Kurt said, already beginning to drag Blaine from the park.

"Wait," Blaine said, stopping Kurt from moving. "Shes okay?" He asked, lip quivering.

"Shes okay." Kurt confirmed, smiling at the relieved look that appeared on Blaines face.

Blaine slowly grinned, unable to stop himself from crying again as he let out a relieved sob. "My mommys okay," Blaine said, happily going into Kurts arms when he hugged him once again. "Shes okay." He sobbed, breathing Kurts scent in.

"Come on, lets go and see here." Kurt said, releasing Blaine and taking his hand again, squeezing it gently.

Blaine managed to stop crying on the way to the hospital and once he got there, he was stopped from going into his moms room by Burt. Blaine whimpered a little, unable to stop himself, until he realised why hed been stopped.

"Before you go in there I just wanted to let you know that youre mom...she cant talk properly right now because shes been in a coma for almost a month. She can make small noises but she cant say full words yet. She can move but her limbs are weak at the moment. I just didnt want you to freak out, okay?"

Blaine nodded, smiling at Burt a little before shyly making his way into his moms room. Kurt let him go in by himself for a little while, knowing that he needed his mom more than anything in that moment.

"Mommy?" Blaine said as he entered the room, thinking his mom was asleep until she opened her eyes and grinned, reaching a hand out weakly.

"Bbbl...." She mumbled. Blaine broke down immediately, running to the bed and hugging his mom, being carefully not to hit any wires or hurt his mom.

"I was so scared I was going to lose you," Blaine sobbed, crying harder at the soft rubbing motion he felt on his back from his moms hand. "I wasnt ready for you to leave me. I love you so much mommy."


Blaine smiled, burying his face in his moms shoulder. Although she couldnt speak properly, Blaine knew his mom was saying happy birthday to him. He had no idea how his mom even knew what the date was, but he didnt care. Seeing her open eyes and hearing her soft mumbles was the best birthday present Blaine had ever recieved.

"Thank you," He said, giggling a little. "You gave me the best birthday present ever," He said, pulling back and sitting on the edge of his moms bed. "Just knowing youre okay is more than I couldve asked for."

Jenna opened her arms a little, smiling as best she could at her son. Blaine smiled, lying down and snuggling up to his mom. That was the position he was in when Kurt and Burt entered a while later, only the two of them had drifted to sleep in the comfort of one another.

Kurt smiled at the sight, almost in tears. The one thing that Blaine needed the most, he had recieved. Comfort that his mom was going to be okay and was awake was all that Blaine needed for a month, and by whatever magical force, hed gotten that comfort on his birthday.

Blaine woke up a while later, knowing that there were people in the room but not wanting to have to leave his moms bed, so he stayed put. He kept his eyes shut and smiled into the sheets, feeling his moms heartbeat beneath his head and hearing her soft breaths as her thumb gently stroked back and forth over his shoulder.

He eventually rolled over, making eye contact with Kurt and smiling widely, the tears finally having stopped.

"Hi," Kurt smiled softly, reaching out to cup Blaines cheek gently. "You already look better."

"Im so glad shes okay," Blaine replied quietly, not wanting to wake his mom. "I dont know what Id do without her."

"Well, you dont need to think about that anymore."

"Thank you," Blaine said, turning his face into Kurts hand and pressing a kiss to his palm. "Youre the only thing that got me through this."

"Stop thanking me," Kurt laughed. "You know I dont like it because you have no reason to thank me."

"I know, I do it to annoy you." Blaine grinned.

"Somebodys back to their old self." Kurt teased, rolling his eyes.

"Wheres your dad?"

"He went to get something to eat," Kurt explained. "We have to leave when he gets back though. Visiting hours are almost over."

Blaine sighed. "I dont want to leave her least I know shes okay."

Blaine snuggled back up to his mom for the rest of the time he had left and pressed a kiss to her cheek before he left, cuddling into Kurts arms on the way home. He ate a little more that night, but soon felt sick as hed spent so long not eating. 

Kurt and Blaine went upstairs after dinner and started to rediscover their relationship - by which I mean they spent all night making out. Once again, Burt witnessed Blaine laying across Kurt, kissing him deeply, only this time he didnt fall off the bed.

"Since when is this a thing again?" Burt asked, pointing between the two boys where Blaine was still on top of Kurt.

"Since, uh...just before you called me to say that Jenna woke up."

"Okay, well in that case...this door should be open!" Burt teased, walking out of the room and leaving the door wide open, laughing at the groans he heard come from the two boys.

"I dont want to stop kissing you." Kurt said once his dad was gone.

"So dont," Blaine grinned. "Its nothing he hasnt seen before."

Kurt laughed loudly before being silenced by Blaines lips on his. He brought his hands up to play with Blaines curls as they continued to kiss for a while, eventually curling up in each others arms and drifing to sleep, smiles on both of their faces. Kurt texted Nick the next morning to let him know that Blaines mom was okay and also to thank him for the pep talk hed given him, explaining that he was back together with Blaine and happier than ever. Blaine, however, didnt seem to be too happy when he woke up from Kurts laughter, and immediately buried his face under the covers until Kurt pulled them away and they began kissing again.


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