Sept. 11, 2013, 9:32 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 9:32 a.m.
It was May, which meant that Kurt's sixteenth birthday was nearing. Usually, he'd be excited — especially as he was turning sixteen — but he honestly felt kind of depressed about the whole event. It didn't feel as special knowing that Blaine wouldn't be there. Sure, he'd wish him happy birthday over the phone and skype him but it wasn't the same as actually having him there in his arms.
Blaine was pretty miserable too. He wanted nothing more than to be there when his boyfriend turned sixteen, but with college and work he had next to no free time. Blaine felt really guilty because he knew how much Kurt wanted to see him on his birthday, and he had no idea how to make it better.
"Blaine, it's just his birthday, he's going to have plenty of other birthdays for you to celebrate." Rachel groaned after hearing Blaine ramble about how annoyed he was that he wouldn't be there for Kurt's birthday.
"Yeah but he's never going to turn sixteen again, that's like a monumental age. Plus he's really miserable and he's going to end up having a sucky birthday because of me."
"It's not your fault that your teachers and your boss don't understand that you're human and you need time off."
"ARGH." Blaine shouted, burying his face in the arm of the sofa.
Kurt, however, showed he was miserable by not showing anything at all. Every night he would just curl up in his bed with homework or a book and plug his earphones in until he got tired and went to sleep. He knew that he was being a little melodramatic but he was really upset and didn't exactly feel like socialising ninety percent of the time.
Everyone knew that there was something wrong with him, even people that weren't necessarily his friends. The Warblers knew because Kurt was usually suggesting songs and asking for solos but he'd started to just sit there, not really paying attention to anything in particular. Every noticed, but nobody knew how to help cheer him up. He was pretty much heartbroken and it wasn't even his birthday yet, they couldn't even begin to imagine how bad he would be on his actual birthday. Although they weren't really close with him, none of the Warblers wanted to see him have a bad birthday — especially on his sixteenth.
"Kurt." Nick said one night while Kurt curled up on his bed and ignored the incoming skype call from Blaine on his laptop.
"What?" Kurt asked, not removing his head from where it was buried in his pillow.
"Don't you think it's a little rude to ignore your boyfriend?" Nick asked, half teasingly.
"I don't really feel like making conversation. I'm tired and sad." Kurt mumbled.
"Shouldn't you at least tell him that?"
"I can't."
"And why is that?"
Kurt sighed. "Because I'm afraid that if I see him I might burst into tears and he already feels guilty enough."
"Oh Kurt," Nick sighed sadly, sitting on the edge of Kurt's bed and gently rubbing the side of his arm and Kurt slowly removed his face from the pillow that it was smushed against.
"Can you do me a favour please?" Kurt asked with tears in his eyes.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Can you take my laptop over to your bed so that I'm not in the camera frame and just tell Blaine that I'm sleeping or something please? I hate lying to him but I really just..." Kurt trailed off as Nick nodded and made his way over to Kurt's desk, picking up his laptop and moving to sit on his bed. Kurt buried his face back in his pillow and let out a breath as he listened to Nick talking to Blaine.
"Hey...Nick?" Blaine greeted confusedly.
"Hey," Nick replied in a half whisper as if Kurt was actually asleep. "Sorry, Kurt's asleep and I heard his laptop and I didn't want you to think he was ignoring you so..."
"Oh," Blaine said defeatedly. Kurt pulled his blanket over his head as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Not only did he miss Blaine like crazy, he felt so guilty for lying to him. "Um, could you just...just tell him happy birthday from me in the morning please? And that I love him...I've been texting him but he hasn't been replying so..."
"Sure," Nick smiled, nervously glancing over at Kurt as he heard a tiny sob leave his body.
"Thanks. Um...I should probably let you get back to whatever you were doing before. Bye, Nick."
As soon as the skype call ended, Kurt was full on crying. He had his blanket completely over his head as he sobbed into his pillow.
"I'm the worst boyfriend in the world." Kurt cried as Nick made his way back over to the almost sixteen year old. When Kurt felt his friend sit on the edge of his bed, he turned his body to face the wall, even though Nick couldn't see him with his blanket pulled over his head.
"Kurt, that's rubbish and you know it," Nick began. "You're not the worst boyfriend in the world. You got the Warblers to film a whole song for Blaine just because he was feeling down, I mean...you even fot Wes to agree and that's really saying something. Point is, if you were the worst boyfriend in the world you would'nt have even considered doing that."
Kurt pulled the blanket back and shifted around to face Nick with red rimmed eyes and cold tears trickling down his pale cheeks. "I know that you're trying to make me feel better, and I appreciate it, but it's not really working."
Nick sighed, brushing his best friends messy hair out of his eyes as he sniffled sadly. "Can I do anything?"
"No," Kurt said, shaking his head. "Blaine's the only thing that can make me feel better right now is Blaine and I can't have him."
"I really think you should try skyping him."
"I don't wanna make him feel bad though." Kurt cried, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
"He's gonna feel bad either way. At least this way he can try and make you feel better. Like you said, he's the only person that can help you right now."
"What if he's mad at me for lying?" Kurt said, his voice shaky as tears continued to fall down his cheeks.
"I may not know Blaine that well but from what I do know, he won't be mad at you. I've heard the way he talks to you when you guys are skyping and the way that he looks at you every damn time you guys are in the middle of facetime or a video chat and I've never seen anybody look at someone with so much love in their eyes. He knows you're upset so I honestly don't think that he'll be mad at you."
Nick wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting from Kurt, but what he wasn't expecting was for his friend to crawl up onto his knees and envelope him in a hug. Kurt buried his face in Nick's shoulder as he cried softly for a few moments before speaking.
"Thank you," Kurt whispered into Nick's shoulder with a tiny laugh that confused him a little. "You're the only person in this school who knows how to keep me sane."
"You're welcome," Nick laughed, rubbing Kurt's back gently. "Now go and skype your gorgeous boyfriend..."
"Hey!" Kurt giggled, pulling back and hitting Nick playfully in the shoulder.
"I wasn't finished!" Nick exclaimed with laughter. "I was going to say 'while I go visit my gorgeous boyfriend' you moron!"
"Yes, go!" Kurt demanded, still laughing as Nick walked to the door and poked his tongue out at Kurt.
As soon as Nick was gone, Kurt's laughter began to die down a little and he left his bed for the first time that night to retrieve his laptop from where Nick left it on his desk. Unfortunately, Blaine was no longer online, so the almost sixteen year old sent him a text asking him to go back online. As soon as they had a video chat open, Blaine frowned; he could see the tear tracks on Kurt's face even through the pixelation of the camera.
"Hi," Kurt sniffed, trying to smile at Blaine but failing miserably.
"You've been crying," Blaine replied as Kurt took a deep breath. "What's wrong?"
"Everything," Kurt choked out, tears starting to leave his pale blue eyes once again. "I hate saying it because it makes me feel so selfish but I really wish you were here. I'm miserable and I kind of wish that it wasn't my birthday tomorrow because you're not going to be here to make it special."
"Oh, baby," Blaine said sadly. "It doesn't make you selfish. If wishing I could be there for your birthday makes you selfish then I must be the worst person in the world because I want you here with me all of the time. I wish that I could be there too...I would if I could but I can't."
"I know that you can't and that's what's making me feel bad about wanting you here. Because the only thing I really want is for you to be here and I know that you would if you were actually able to."
"I love you." Blaine replied out of the blue.
"I love you too but...that was random?"
"I just...you," Blaine laughed. "You're so compassionate and you have such a big heart. I mean, you're most upset that I can't be there for your birthday because you feel bad for wanting me there. You just...you care about everyone so much," Blaine explained as Kurt blushed and ducked his head. "And then you blush like a thirteen year old girl when you get complimented."
"Shut up." Kurt pouted, although Blaine could see a slight smile trying to appear on his face.
"Okay, how about tomorrow night we spend a few hours on skype just talking or whatever? I know it's basically the same as the skype dates we have all the time and it's not the same as me actually being there with you but I honestly don't know what else to do..."
"Okay." Kurt agreed with a small nod.
"But promise me one thing?" Blaine asked as Kurt raised an eyebrow, silently prompting him to continue. "Promise me that you'll at least try to have a good birthday? I know that you're miserable but I can't stand the thought of your birthday being ruined because of me."
"It's not your fault, Blaine."
"That wasn't what I meant but just...promise me? Please?"
Kurt sighed. "I can't promise that I'll have a good birthday, but I promise that I'll try, okay?"
"Okay," Blaine said with a smile. "I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt replied before ending the skype call, shutting down his laptop and making his way to bed — making sure to send a text to Nick telling him that he could come back to the dorm.
The next day, Nick practically refused to let Kurt out of his sight as he was afraid that he'd run back to the dorms and curl up into a ball on his bed. In a way, Kurt was glad that he had school that day as he probably would have driven himself up the walls if he didn't. He was going home after school with Nick and Jeff for what his dad liked to call his 'birthday party' even though they were probably going to end up watching a movie or something really mundane like that. Quinn was also going to be there, which Kurt was immensely excited about as he hadn't seen Quinn in way too long although he did feel slightly bad for her as she was going to be the only girl there. He remembered the phonecall that he'd had with Quinn nearly a month prior to his birthday where she'd made loud, disapproving noises at being the only girl in a house of four other boys while Kurt more or less laughed his head off.
When Burt came to pick Kurt, Nick and Jeff up after school that day, Kurt couldn't be more relieved; the quicker the school day was over, the quicker his skype date with Blaine would arrive. Sure, they weren't going to be skyping until like nine at night because Blaine had work and Kurt couldn't exactly leave his guests downstairs while he went to his bedroom and talked to his boyfriend for hours on end, but just the fact that the time was getting closer made Kurt feel better about the awful day he'd had.
Kurt was practically pounced on when Quinn arrived. His best friend more or less shouted in his ear how much she'd missed him while cutting off his air supply in a deathly hug, Nick and Jeff watching from the doorway of the living room and laughing.
"Quinn, I love you but I swear to god if this hug murders me I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life." Kurt choked out as Quinn pulled away.
"Oh!" Quinn exclaimed as if she'd remembered something extremely important. "I got you something." She continued, handing Kurt his present.
"Thank you," Kurt laughed "Oh yeah, Quinn, this is Nick and Jeff. Guys, this is my idiot best friend Quinn Fabray."
"Hey!" Quinn laughed, pushing Kurt playfully. "I am not an idiot."
"Maybe not," Burt commented with a laugh as he appeared at the top of the stairs. "But you're the noisest person in the world."
"Burt!" Quinn exclaimed happily, enveloping Kurt's father in a hug.
Not too long later, everybody was sitting in the living room half watching a movie and half messing around with each other. Kurt was distracted from Quinn's ramling about Glee club by the sound of a text coming through to his phone. He picked it up and read the message on the screen, his face scrunching up in confusion at the message from Blaine.
Blaine: About our skype date, there's been a change of plan...look out your window.
Kurt crawled off of the sofa and slowly peeled back the curtain, full on screaming when he saw Blaine walking up the pathway to his house, before running out of the living room and out of the front door.
Wondering what was happening, Burt, Quinn, Nick and Jeff all peeked outside just in time to see Kurt all but leap into Blaine's arms.
"That kid just never stops." Burt wondered aloud, shaking his head in disbelief with a smile on his face.
Outside, Blaine was laughing while struggling to keep his hold on Kurt who had basically just jumped on him. He gently lowered his boyfriend to the floor without removing his arms from around Kurt's waist.
"How are you here?" Kurt asked, his voice muffled from where he had his face buried in between Blaine's shoulder and neck, breathing in the undeniable smell of Blaine Anderson. "You were planning this the whole time weren't you?"
"Actually, this time I wasn't," Blaine laughed. "Rachel heard our whole conversation last night and I don't know what magical spell she cast to get me out of college early and a day off work, I also have no idea how she even got me a plane ticket here on such short notice, but here I am."
"Oh my god." Kurt muttered happily, his voice high pitched with excitement.
"Are you...oh my god you're crying." Blaine remarked, pulling back and wiping the tears from his smiling boyfriends cheeks.
"I can't believe you're here," Kurt laughed. "Oh my god, you can finally meet Nick and Jeff!" He exclaimed excitedly, not giving his boyfriend time to reply as he grabbed his hand and ran back inside — Blaine barely managing to get the front door shut — and into the living room where he found everyone trying to act nonchalant. "You guys were spying on us, weren't you?"
"Us?" Quinn asked with a shocked expression, feigning innocence. "Never!"
"You're awful," Kurt laughed. "You met my friends like two hours ago and you're already making them join forces with you. Oh! Speaking of, Blaine, this is Nick — whom you've already seen several times via the internet — and Jeff."
"Hi," Blaine laughed as Nick and Jeff waved at him.
"Well," Burt said, breaking the silence that ensued after Blaine's awkward introduction. "I hope you guys are hungry because I'm gonna go get dinner ready."
Once Burt was finished with dinner, he almost had to pry Kurt away from Blaine as he didn't want to be separated from him — even though they were sitting right next to each other. The sixteen year old was relieved when everyone finished eating and Burt allowed them all to go back into the living room, Kurt immediately snuggling up to Blaine's side on the sofa as he talked and laughed with his friends.
Kurt smiled as Blaine curled up behind him in bed later that night, gripping the nineteen year old's hand tightly when his arms encircled Kurt's waist.
"You're thinking really loudly." Blaine pointed out, pressing a tiny kiss to Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt let out a happy sigh. "I was just thinking that...it's surreal how no matter how much time I spend with you, the tiniest little gesture can make me fall in love with you all over again."
"Hmm," Blaine hummed, hooking his chin over Kurt's shoulder and hugging him impossibly closer. "I know what you mean. Just hearing your voice or seeing your face makes me fall in love with you all over again and then you say something really sweet or do something so selfless and I wonder how you even exist."
"You're so cheesy." Kurt laughed.
"It's true!" Blaine defended. "You honestly amaze me, all of the time."
"So do you," Kurt admitted. "Like today...I can't believe you came here for me."
"I would do anything for you," Blaine mumbled into Kurt's shoulder. "You're worth it."