Sept. 11, 2013, 9:32 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 9:32 a.m.
Thanksgiving was finally approaching and Kurt could practically scream with relief that he would finally be able to see Blaine, who had somehow ended up in the situation where he was spending the week at Kurt's house. It had been nearly three months and he was missing Blaine more and more with each second that passed. He was also going to get to see Rachel and Quinn as Burt had agreed that all of their families could come together for thanksgiving, which just made Kurt even more excited than he already was.
"Dad! Hurry up, I don't wanna be late!" Kurt called from his bedroom where he was perfecting the outfit that he had chosen several days before.
"Oh my god, Kurt. Calm down. His flight doesn't land for three hours and it only takes half hour to get to the airport." Burt sighed, entering his sons bedroom.
Burt had to try and keep the jittery fifteen year old occupied for two hours before they left for the airport, even though they were going to be there earlier than they probably needed to be. They were sitting waiting for Blaine for a good forty minutes, but when Burt saw the smile on Kurt's face when he saw Blaine walking towards them, he knew it was totally worth it. Blaine all but ran towards the younger teen, dropping his bags on the floor and lifting Kurt into his arms when the fifteen year old practically pounced on him. Kurt had his arms wrapped around Blaine's neck tightly, clinging on for dear life as his feet left the ground beneath him and Blaine wrapped his arms around his boyfriends middle. They both had their eyes clenched shut, willing themselves not to cry but failing.
"I missed you so much." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear as he lowered the boy to the ground, but kept his arms wrapped around him tightly.
"I'm so glad you're here." Kurt sniffed, burying his face in Blaine's shoulder.
"I know you guys are happy to see each other and all, but we should probably get going..." Burt laughed slightly, picking up Blaine's scattered bags as the two teens reluctantly pulled away from each other but kept their hands intertwined all the while. Blaine took one of his bags and followed Burt out of the airport and towards the car, dragging his emotional boyfriend behind him.
Once all of Blaine's bags were inside the car, the teens climbed into the back seats and immediately snuggled up to each other. They spent the car journey in blissful silence, happy to be bak in each other's arms. Burt looked into the rear-view mirror and smiled when he saw Kurt snuggled happily into Blaine's side with his eyes closed while Blaine rested his head against Kurt's.
Burt pulled into the driveway and went to get Blaine's stuff out of the car while Kurt and Blaine dragged themselves inside and up to Kurt's bedroom. Burt left the stuff downstairs, not wanting to disturb the two just yet.
Despite actually being exhausted, the two boys found themselves tangled together on the bed, kissing each other like they'd never get to do it again.
"I've missed your lips." Blaine mumbled against Kurt's mouth as the younger teen let out an adorable giggle.
"You're such a dork."
"I've also missed your giggle," Blaine smiled, pulling back and resting his head on the pillow next to Kurt's so that he could look at his incredible boyfriend. "I've missed all of you."
"I've missed all of you too," Kurt replied with a huge grin on his face. "And I would love to lie here staring at you all day but I haven't eaten anything and I'm starving."
"Let's go then." Blaine laughed, jumping off the bed and dragging Kurt with him.
"When is Rachel flying in anyway?" Kurt asked as they made their way downstairs, hand in hand.
"In a few days. She claimed to have 'business to attend to' but I'm pretty sure she just didn't wanna deal with the two of us for more time than necessary."
"I actually kinda miss her...I never thought I would though."
"Rachel may be a pain most of the time," Blaine laughed. "But she is a really good friend."
"Hm, I guess," Kurt wondered, entering the kitchen where his Dad seemed to be making lunch. Kurt literally groaned out loud. "Thank god, I'm starving." He said, sinking into one of the chairs at his table while Blaine sat on the one next to him.
"I figured you would be after you practically refused to eat breakfast this morning." Burt smirked, and Blaine covered up his knowing grin by sipping on his drink, courtesy of Burt.
"I don't even care any more, I just want food." Kurt said, instantly digging into the pasta his father placed in front of him.
"Easy there, Tiger." Blaine laughed adoringly.
"Leave me alone." Kurt said around a mouthful of pasta.
"You'd think for someone so sophisticated, you'd have the decency not to speak while chewing your food." Blaine countered, throwing a napkin at his boyfriend. Kurt simply swallowed his food and poked his tongue out at Blaine in response. Burt smiled and shook his head with silent laugher, sort of amazed at how quickly the boys had returned to their normal, teasing selves.
A few days later, Thanksgiving arrived. Kurt was frantically setting the huge table that his Dad had put into the garden so that they had enough room for everyone that was coming. Blaine mum and Cooper were coming, and Rachel, her Dads and Quinn and her parents were also coming over, meaning that they couldn't use the small table in their kitchen that only seated four people. Kurt was so distracted that he didn't even hear Blaine coming into the garden until a pair of warm arms wrapped around his middle from behind. Blaine nuzzled his face into Kurt's shoulder and all but sniffed the soft jacket that the fifteen year old was wearing.
"Oh my god, are you smelling me?"
"You smell good," Blaine shrugged, letting go of the younger teen and moving to stand in front of him.
"Blaine Devon Anderson," Kurt laughed. "You just took dorkiness to a whole new level."
"Sue me," Blaine teased, taking the plates that were in Kurt's hands and setting them on the table before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.
"Boys!" Burt called from inside. "There's someone here to see you."
Kurt pulled back, grabbing Blaine's hand and running inside. He almost screamed when he saw Quinn standing at the door in a stunning pink dress, her hair in two plaits with little pink bows tied around the ends of them.
"Quinn!" Kurt shrieked, enveloping the laughing girl in a hug. "You look amazing."
"Thank you," Quinn said, breathless from the force of the hug.
"God I missed you." Kurt pouted, pulling back from the blonde girl.
"I missed you too." Quinn returned. They all just stood there for a few moments before Quinn's parents awkwardly cleared their throats from the doorway, consequently breaking the silence.
"How about the three of you," Burt began, gesturing to the two fifteen year old's and the eighteen year old standing in an almost-circle. "Go upstairs and catch up?" He suggested.
Kurt simply reached for Blaine's hand with one arm and for Quinn's with the other, already leading them upstairs as he mumbled a happy "'Kay."
It wasn't long before everyone had arrived and they were all seated around the table in the garden, eating and laughing at the embarrassing stories that all the parents decided to tell, Cooper supplying a few of his own much to Kurt's amusement.
"Oh! Yeah, there was that one time that Blaine-" Cooper was cut off by Blaine throwing a scrunched up napkin at his face, he had the tendency to do that to his brother.
"Okay!" Blaine announced. "That was a terrific collection of humiliating stories you just told my two best friends, my boyfriend and their parents. Thank you for that insight into my embarrassing childhood. Now, if you don't mind, Cooper? Shut up." The whole table laughed at the mortified expression on Blaine's face, even Kurt. But luckily the fifteen year old knew his boyfriend well enough to know that he was actually really embarrassed, and changed the subject quickly. Blaine smiled at Kurt thankfully and squeezed his hand under the table.
"You okay?" Blaine whispered to Kurt who had pulled his legs up to his chest and tucked his knees under his chin, wrapping his arms around his calves and effectively curling himself into a little ball on his chair.
"Mhm," Kurt mumbled. "Cold."
"Come here," Blaine said, pushing his chair back a little and stretching his arms out for Kurt. Kurt instantly left his chair and climbed into Blaine's lap, nuzzling his face into the older teens chest as Blaine's arms enveloped him and he was surrounded by warmth.
"Ugh," Rachel groaned. "You guys are so cute it's sickening."
The two boys just grinned at her and only focused on each other as conversation resumed around the table.
"Don't you dare fall asleep on me, Kurt Hummel." Blaine teased as the night grew later and Kurt seemed to sink further into his embrace.
"'M comfy," Kurt mumbled into Blaine's chest, fisting his T-Shirt with one of his hands. Blaine started to tickle the fifteen year old, causing the younger teen to jump out of Blaine's lap with a yelp, but Blaine also stood up. He took slow steps towards his boyfriend before full on running at him as Kurt all but sprinted across the garden, screaming as Blaine chased him.
Jenna and Burt both smiled at each other knowingly as they watched Blaine chasing the younger teen around the garden. The rest of the table just shook their heads as they laughed at the teens.
Blaine finally caught up to Kurt, wrapping his arms around him from behind, quickly lifting him off the ground as Kurt screamed louder and spun him in a circle.
"Put me down!" Kurt exclaimed, laughing as he flailed around in Blaine's arms.
"Gladly," Blaine said, literally lying Kurt down on the floor, laughing as he turned to walk away but something yanked on his shirt sleeve and he fell on top of Kurt. "Hi." Blaine smiled, leaning on his elbows so that he could see his boyfriends face properly.
"Hi," Kurt returned, leaning up to kiss the eighteen year old. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"Nuh-uh," Kurt giggled. "Not possible."
"Hmm, is that so?"
"Yup." Kurt grinned.
"How much sugar have you had today?" Blaine laughed.
"Clearly not enough considering I almost fell asleep on you a few minutes ago."
"Oh trust me, it's kicking in now."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kurt asked, pretending to be offended.
"Just that I have the cutest boyfriend ever." Blaine replied truthfully, leaning down to kiss Kurt again.
They continued kissing for at least ten minutes before Cooper came over to them and, rudely, interrupted them.
"Guys," Cooper said, clearing his throat awkwardly. Blaine pulled away and stared up at his brother while Kurt just laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath. "Firstly, be thankful that it's me coming over here. Burt was going to initially but I knew that would be humiliating so I stepped in. Secondly, we're all gonna go inside and watch a movie so I would highly recommend you come and join us before Burt literally pries you apart." And with that, he walked away, leaving a blushing Kurt and a slightly confused Blaine lying on the grass.
Blaine and Rachel left a few days later, and even though he promised himself that he wouldn't cry, Kurt was a teary mess.
"Hey," Blaine said softly, wiping the tears from Kurt's cheeks with his thumbs. "It's only a few weeks until Christmas, and then I'll be back."
"I know," Kurt sniffed. "I just really don't want you to leave."
Blaine enveloped the fifteen year old in his arms and squeezed him tightly.
"Me neither, but I have to," He said, just as his flight was called. "I have to go."
"I'll see you soon?" Kurt said sadly as Blaine pulled back from their hug.
"Definitely," Blaine promised, kissing Kurt gently on the lips. "I love you."
"I love you too."