Not The Same Without You
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Not The Same Without You: October

K - Words: 2,631 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Aug 25, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Idk what that was, I apologise. Please review :)

October....October meant Halloween. And Halloween meant scary things, which Kurt did not get along well with. He's some how managed to get coaxed into spending the night watching scary movies with Nick and Jeff, although he was secretly plotting to spend the whole time under the covers eating ice cream.

"I just don't understand why everyone finds it fun to get scared, it's stupid." Kurt said to Blaine one night over Skype.

"It's fun." Blaine shrugged.

"No, it's scary. And I hate Halloween."

"You're such a party pooper." Blaine pouted teasingly.

"Well at least there isn't an actual party for me to poop on...Ew."

"Oh my god," Blaine laughed, so much he was actually tearing up. "I can't believe you actually just said that."

"That's disgusting." Kurt said, scrunching his nose up adorably.

"I wish I had like, recorded you saying that. That's hilarious."

"Shut up," Kurt replied before letting out a huge yawn.

"Someone's sleepy."

"Nooo," Kurt whined. "I swear we're always cutting our Skype dates short because one of us is tired."

"You have school tomorrow," Blaine pointed out. "As a matter of fact, so do I."

"I miss talking to you."

"Me too," Blaine sighed. "On the plus side, I'm coming home for thanksgiving in a few weeks."

"But that's so far away!" Kurt pouted.

"Aw, poor baby," Blaine teased, mimicking Kurt's pout. "Go. Sleep. It's Friday tomorrow, I promise we'll have an extra long Skype date, okay?"

"Ugh, fine. You win. Damn you and your persuasion skills."

"Goodnight Kurt," Blaine laughed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt smiled before shutting his laptop and going into the bathroom to change into his pyjamas. He then proceeded to climb into bed, praying that Nick didn't bring Jeff back to the dorm while he was trying to sleep.

Halloween finally rolled around a few days later and Kurt wasn't much more excited than he previously was. People had been jumping out at him every which way all day and as much as he'd hate to admit it, he jumped ninety percent of the time. He was going out with Nick and Jeff straight after school to look for horror movies, which was completely pointless as he didn't know the first thing about them. Kurt had also managed to convince himself that Sebastian was planning something. He always caught him side-eyeing him in the corridors and although that was natural Sebastian Smythe behaviour, Kurt suspected that it was something else...or maybe he was just paranoid.

Sebastian didn't actually end up doing anything, and Kurt made back to his dorm alive. Although he went to the DVD store with the intention of actually picking something, Kurt left it to Nick and Jeff as he texted Blaine with a goofy grin on his face.

Blaine: Ugh, Rachel's looking online for furniture and it's all disgusting!

Kurt: Blaine, you've seen her wardrobe...are you that surprised?

Blaine: Fair point. I wish you were here to be my interior designer :(

Kurt: You just wish you had my eye for design ;)

Blaine: I do, but I also really really really really reaaaallllly miss you...

Kurt: That's a lot of really's there, mister.

Blaine: Kuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt, stop deflecting.

Kurt: Sigh, I miss you too.

Blaine: I know, I just wanted to hear...or see you say it :P

Kurt: Jerk.

"Kurt? Are you still with us?" Nick smirked, clicking his fingers in front of Kurt's face. Oh, right...Nick was speaking.

"Huh, wha- sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?"

"Are you sure you wanna do this? You don't have to if you really don't like scary movies..."

"I want to," Kurt admitted. "I've never really been good with them so I may bail like ten minutes into the first movie but I at least want to try."

"Fine," Nick sighed, unconvinced. "But if you start like, waking up screaming, I am not responsible."

"I promise that if I end up scarred for life I will take full responsibility." Kurt laughed, turning his attention back to his phone as Nick wondered back over to Jeff at one of the DVD racks.

Blaine: You love me.

Kurt: Hm, that's what you think...

Kurt: I'm kidding.

Blaine: I know doofus.

Kurt: PHEW. You didn't reply for a few minutes, I was getting worried.

Blaine: Sorry, I was trying to talk Rachel out of buying lemon coloured cabinets...

Kurt: Ew...

Blaine: Right!?

Kurt: Tell her I'm ashamed. That's shocking even for Rachel Berry!

Blaine: She just poked her tongue out at me.

Kurt smiled down at his phone, sighing before replying.

Kurt: I miss you guys.

Blaine: I know :( Don't worry though, in a few weeks I'll be there and you'll be praying for me to go back to New York :)

Kurt: That couldn't happen even if you tried. Okay, I've been ignoring Nick and Jeff pretty much since we left school so I guess I should go be social...

Blaine: Yes, go, get scared!

Kurt: I'm already scared.

Blaine: If you start to get freaked out just hide under the covers and text me, okay? You'd be doing me a favour anyway, I don't think I can handle any more of Rachel's hideous furniture browsing.

Kurt: I will. I love you :)

Blaine: I love you more :P

Kurt smiled, locking his phone and sliding it into his pocket before joining Nick and Jeff who were staring intently at two different movie cases.

"Those look horrendous." Kurt shivered, eyeing the two movies.

"That's the point, duh." Jeff said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You guys are insane," Kurt replied, shaking his head with laughter as his two friends exclaimed 'Thank you!' simultaneously. "Oh, FYI we are buying ice cream when we're done here. I don't think I'll survive without it."

"We can buy as much ice cream as you can stomach." Nick laughed as Kurt grinned from ear to ear.

It took about an hour for them to pick the movies that they wanted and buy Kurt's ice cream (Nick and Jeff buying different snacks for themselves) and to finally get back to the dorms. It was strange for Kurt not to be going home on a Friday, but his dad was away for work anyway. The boys took turn getting into their pyjamas in Kurt and Nick's bathroom before pushing the two beds together so that they had more room. They were squished up on the joint beds with Nicks laptop in front of them while Kurt clutched a tub of cookie dough ice cream to his chest and Nick rested his head happily on Jeff's shoulder.

Kurt made it successfully through the first movie...well as successfully as you can when you're jumping every ten seconds. They were half way through the second movie when Kurt abruptly jumped out of the bed, tears streaming down his face as he grabbed his phone and darted towards the bathroom.

"Kurt?" Nick said worriedly as the blue eyed boy fumbled with the handle on the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"

Kurt didn't reply, he just simply pulled the door open with all of his strength and ran inside, slamming the door and locking it behind him before slumping against it and gradually sliding down until he was seated on the cool tile floor, clutching his phone to his chest. His vision was clouded by the tears that kept flowing as he unlocked his phone, frantically scrolling through his phone book for Blaine's number with shaky hands. Kurt had dialled Blaine's number three times, but the older teen wasn't picking up. The fifteen year old let out a frustrated sob, clicking on Blaine's name once again and almost screaming with relief when he picked up.

"Hey! Hey! Sorry, Rachel was trying to burn down the apartment." Blaine said breathlessly into the phone.

"Blaine," Kurt cried, barely able to hold the phone to his ear with the force of his shaking hands.

"Kurt? Are you okay?" Blaine asked concernedly, clearly able to tell that Kurt was bawling his eyes out.

"Blaine," Kurt said again, sobbing into the phone. Blaine could tell that Kurt was having a hard time actually speaking, and his eyes started to well up at how helpless he felt. The person who meant more to him than anything was on the phone to him, crying his eyes out and there was literally nothing he could do to help.

"Kurt, baby," Blaine said softly, voice dripping with emotion. "I need you to tell me what happened or I can't do anything."

"T-the movie," Kurt stuttered, barely controlling his breathing. Blaine sighed. He knew that Kurt hated scary movies but he had no idea how bad he actually was with them. "B-Blaine I can't b-breathe."

"Shh," Blaine cooed. He wanted nothing more than to just wrap Kurt in his arms and kiss away all his fears. "It's not real, baby."

"I k-knew that w-was a s-stupid idea,"

"Hey, you didn't know this would happen. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have done it if you did."

"I need you," Kurt cried, and that was all it took for Blaine to break. The elder teen squeezed his eyes shut, cold tears trickling down his face. "I need you to h-hold me and tell me that everything's o-okay. I need y-you to r-run your fingers t-through my hair and s-squeeze my hand until I c-calm down. I need you Blaine," The fifteen year old sobbed helplessly, and Blaine was pretty sure he heard him dry heaving.

"Shh, Kurt. You're gonna make yourself sick," Blaine started, trying to keep his emotions in check even though there were endless tears falling down his cheeks at the sound of his boyfriends cries. "I don't know how to make this better."

"S-sing to me?" Kurt asked quietly.

"Uh, yeah. Give me a minute," Blaine rushed out, running into the bathroom to splash his face with water and then into the kitchen to drink some water so that he didn't sound like he was barely keeping himself together, even though that was exactly what was happening. He also used that short amount of time to all but sprint into his bedroom and return to the living room with his keyboard. "This song literally has nothing to do with anything right now but it was the first song that popped into my head that I know you like so yeah..."

"Blaine," Kurt half cried. "You're rambling."

Blaine sighed. Half out of relief that Kurt was starting to calm down and half to shake himself of whatever weird mood he was in.

"Okay," Blaine said, taking a deep breath. He put his phone on speaker and rested it on the sofa next to him so that Kurt would hear something other than his keyboard. He began playing the soft melody to Come What May before singing at the appropriate time.

By the time Blaine had finished the song, all he could here on the other side of the phone was Kurt's ragged breathing. When he had started, he could still hear heartbreaking sobs coming from the fifteen year old, even though they were significantly quieter. He picked the phone up and took it off speaker before holding it to his ear.

"Kurt?" Blaine said softly.

"Thank you." Kurt replied quietly, and Blaine let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay? You kind of scared me before."

"Yeah I just got kind of worked up..."

"You don't sound okay," Blaine pointed out worriedly.

"That's because I'm still shaking like crazy and I also kind of feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"Have some water and get into bed, okay?"

"Okay," Kurt replied, clamping his eyes shut as the last of his tears trickled down his pale cheeks.

"You're sure you're okay? I don't like the idea of leaving you when you just spent nearly twenty minutes crying your eyes out and barely coherent."

"I promise I'm okay. Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Kurt. I will always be here for you when you need me."

"I know."

"Okay, now go get that water and try and get some sleep. I'll call you in the morning to see how you are."

"Okay." Kurt responded.

"Can you also give your phone to Nick so that I can speak to him, please?"

"I know you're batting your eyelashes right now." Kurt giggled, wiping his eyes on the fluffy hand towel that was in his and Nick's bathroom.

"You know me too well," Blaine sighed dramatically. "But seriously, I need to ask him something so..."

"I'll give him my phone don't worry," Kurt replied, leaving the bathroom to find Nick and Jeff sitting anxiously facing each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Kurt returned, walking over to his two friends and passing his phone to Nick. "Firstly, I promise I'm okay. Secondly, don't feel guilty about me freaking out. It is not your fault. You asked me if I was certain I wanted to do this and I said yes. Also, Blaine wants to talk to you, Nick," He said in a rush, noticing that both of them looked like they desperately wanted to speak. Nick sighed and took Kurt's phone from his hand. "Can you help me push my bed back please?" Kurt asked Jeff who nodded in response and hopped off the bed.

"Hello?" Nick said into the phone awkwardly, having never actually spoken to Blaine before. He crawled off the bed and went into the bathroom that Kurt was previously occupying.

"Nick?" Blaine said back.

"The one and only," Nick laughed slightly. "Is he okay?"

"I think so," Blaine sighed. "Did you have any idea he was that bad with scary movies?"

"No. I mean, he said that he didn't like them but I assumed it was just like 'Oh, I don't like scary movies but I'll probably be fine if I watch one.' I didn't realise that he was actually terrified of them."

"Neither did I, we usually watch Disney movies."

"I know," Nick laughed. "He seemed fine at first though. We watched a whole movie and he was perfectly okay, but half way into the second one he just ran into the bathroom crying."

"Can you keep an eye on him for me please?" Blaine asked, heartbroken that he couldn't look after his baby himself. "I kind of have a feeling he's gonna have a nightmare or...something."

"Of course. Do you want me to call you if anything happens or...?"

"Just...just look after him, please. I'll give you my number and if anything does happen just tell me tomorrow, I said I'd call him in the morning anyway but I just..."

"I get it," Nick assured him. "I'm surprised you're so calm to be honest. If I were in your position and I knew Jeff was such a mess I don't think I'd be able to keep myself together."

"Well I don't think almost bursting into tears several times while trying to comfort your scared, upset, fifteen year old boyfriend over the phone really counts as keeping it together but...I felt like I had to try."

"You're a really good boyfriend." Nick smiled into the phone.

"Thanks," Blaine laughed. "Okay, I should let you go. Thank you, by the way."

"I haven't done anything?"

"I mean for being there for Kurt. I know that everything is hard for him at the moment and you and Jeff are the only people who can physically be there for him most of the time. He may not say or show it a lot, or at all, but I know that you've helped him more than you think."

"Well, you're welcome then I guess."

"Okay, I'll give you my number and then you can go." Blaine laughed before giving the younger teen his phone number and saying his goodbyes. When Nick re-entered the bedroom, he found Kurt curled up in his bed facing the wall while Jeff sat on the edge next to his pillow, stroking his fingers through the boy's soft chestnut hair while gesturing for Nick to be quiet with the other hand. Nick smiled lovingly at his boyfriend before tiptoeing over to Kurt's bed, setting the fifteen year old's phone down on his night stand and kissing Jeff gently on the lips.

Blaine on the other hand was curled up on the sofa with his head in Rachels lap as tears made their way down his face.


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