Not The Same Without You
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Not The Same Without You: June.

K - Words: 3,882 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Aug 25, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
156 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So yeah, I'm officially evil because this wasn't the nicest chapter and it's 4,000 words long. Oops? I also kind of left it on a cliffhanger because although each chapter is a different month, the next chapter is kind of a follow on from this one... Ignoring the fact that I'm clearly the nastiest person ever, please review! :)

June arrived and Kurt couldn't be happier. Summer was approaching and that meant that he was allowed to spend a few weeks in New York with Blaine. This time he wasn't so nervous about getting a plane there by himself, although he still wasn't looking forward to the nausea that followed. Despite the plane ride and the nausea that accompanied it, Kurt was immensely excited to see his boyfriend again. Sure, he'd seen him the month before but it was only for a weekend and it was a fair amount of weeks ago — anytime that Kurt had the chance to see Blaine, he would jump at it and he would treasure it.

It wasn't until towards the end of the month that summer break started, and it hadn't even started for Blaine yet, but as Burt drove Kurt to the airport, the sixteen year old was jittery with excitement. Burt shook his head with silent laughter as he saw Kurt fidgeting in his seat. Burt hadn't been entirely onboard with the prospect of Kurt dating somebody who would eventually have to leave him for several years when he first met Blaine, but now that he was watching the boys deal with it and get through the long distance day by day, he was incredibly proud of Kurt for handling it so well and he was, admittedly, proud of Blaine for keeping his promise to never hurt Kurt again, and for helping him deal with being apart from him.

"Make sure you call me every night, okay?" Burt asked as he stood opposite his son in the airport.

"Yes Dad," Kurt groaned. "We've been through this already. 'Kurt, you're sixteen years old and I'm allowing you to fly on a plane by yourself to spend four weeks with your nineteen year old boyfriend and friend, if you don't call me every single night to at least tell me that you're okay then you're grounded for the rest of your life, got it?'"

"Yes, well...just in case you forgot." Burt said awkwardly, ducking his head slightly.

"I didn't," Kurt laughed before enveloping his father in a hug. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Bud," Burt replied with a smile, despite Kurt not being able to see it. "You should go before you miss your flight."

"Okay." Kurt said, picking his bag up off the floor and slowly making his departure as he looked over his shoulder at his Dad and waved slightly.

Rachel was supposed to be picking Kurt up from the airport as Blaine wouldn't be out of college on time and Kurt would've been perfectly okay with that, had he not been incredibly disorientated when he stepped off the plane. Although he ended up feeling a little ill the last time that he flew to New York, he seemed to feel ten times worse this time around and really wished that Blaine could be there to hug him and make him feel better. He loved Rachel, but Blaine had always been best at making him feel better and no matter how much he loved Rachel, he'd much prefer Blaine to be there for him.

Nonetheless, Kurt attemped a smile as he made his way to Rachel. She saw right through it, however, especially as the sixteen year old was not-so-subtly clutching his stomach.

"You okay?" Rachel asked, rubbing the side of Kurt's arm comfortingly.

"Yeah, I just feel a little sick. I was expecting it though." Kurt replied honestly, making his way to Rachel's car.

When they arrived back at Rachel's and Blaine's apartment, the nineteen year old girl practically marched Kurt into Blaine's bedroom and insisted he try to get some sleep until Blaine got home from college. Kurt awoke a few hours later feeling like he'd gained a whole nights sleep, despite it still being light outside. He could hear murmurings coming from the other room, but he didn't care enough to get out of Blaine's ridiculously comfortable bed to see what it was about so he slowly closed his eyes as he began to drift back into slumber.

The next time Kurt awoke, it was to the sound of somebody entering the room that he was in. He slowly fluttered his eyes open to see Blaine sitting down on the edge of the bed with a smile.

"Hey," Blaine whispered, carding his fingers through Kurt's hair. "Are you okay? Rachel said you weren't feeling well."

"Yeah," Kurt smiled, his voice a little hoarse with sleep as he pulled himself into a sitting position with the blanket still wrapped around him and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. "It was just the plane; I feel better now."

"Good." Blaine replied, pressing his face into the top of Kurt's head and burying a kiss there.

"I heard you talking to Rachel...I actually don't know how long ago because I was kind of spaced out but is everything okay? You sounded kinda annoyed, I guess."

"Yeah, we just had a little disagreement."

"Jesus, about what? You guys never fight." Kurt asked incredulously.

"It doesn't matter," Blaine dismissed. "What does matter is that you, my gorgeous boyfriend, are finally here!" He exclaimed, tackling Kurt backwards onto the bed and eliciting a little yelp from the sixteen year old as he began to laugh. Kurt was about two seconds away from pushing Blaine off of him and demanding that he talk to him when Blaine leant in and kissed him, and everything that Kurt was previously thinking suddenly disappeared.

The two boys only managed to fit in about two minutes of making out before Blaine's phone sounded from his pocket and he reluctantly pulled away from his boyfriend with a groan.

"Typical," Blaine muttered under his breath, moving off of Kurt so that he could sit up and taking his phone out of his pocket. "Hello?...No...I'm kind of busy right now...What?....I told you I'd be busy all-...Because my boyfriend just flew in...No?...Oh my god, fine...Bye."

Kurt looked at Blaine confusedly as he hung the phone up and fell backwards on the bed with a groan.

"Um..." Blaine began awkwardly, looking up at Kurt from his position by his legs. "So basically my friend needs help studying for his exam next week and apparently there's nobody else available to help him so he's practically demanded that I go and help him even though I told him that I'd be busy for the next few weeks and yeah..." He rushed out in a quick breath. "You don't mind hanging out with Rachel for a few hours do you?"

"Oh," Kurt said defeatedly. "Um, no...I'll be fine." He lied, faking a smile as his boyfriend grinned at him and lept up to place a kiss to his lips.

"You're the best, I love you." Blaine said, not giving Kurt a chance to return the sentiment as he was up and out of the rooms in a few seconds.

Kurt closed his eyes and leant his head against the headboard, waiting until he heard Blaine leave the apartment before he made his way into the living room to find Rachel curled up under a blanket watching TV. When she heard Kurt enter, she looked up and smiled at him sadly, patting the space next to her and lifting her blanket up. Kurt gratefully climbed under the blanket with Rachel and ate popcorn with her while watching bad TV shows until he got tired and made his way back to Blaine's bedroom.

Despite being tired, Kurt found himself lying awake until Blaine came to bed later in the evening, not knowing that the sixteen year old was awake, and wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind. Kurt felt like crying when he felt the tender kiss that Blaine pressed to his shoulder through his t-shirt, but continued for forge sleep until he finally fell into slumber.

Hanging out with Rachel seemed to become a regular thing for Kurt as Blaine became increasingly busy. They rarely had a moment to themselves; Blaine was either out doing stuff with his 'college friends' or it would be the two of them with Rachel, they just had no time together. Kurt understood Blaine spending time with his friends, of course, but it was slightly hurtful that he'd flown out to see him and he'd pretty much been neglected for people that he saw every day anyway. Blaine seemed genuinely upset every time that he told Kurt he had to go somewhere, but obviously that didn't mean anything as he didn't even try to cancel the plans, not really.

"So...we haven't really had a lot of time together recently," Blaine began one night as he lay in bed next to Kurt; the sixteen year old curled up on his side, reading on his Kindle while Blaine 'socialised' with his friends. "And I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me to this party tomorrow night? It's not really a party...okay, well it is but it's just the people that I'm friends with so it won't be that bad."

"Blaine," Kurt sighed, not even turning to face the nineteen year old. "You know for a fact I'm not really a party kind of person."

"But I don't want to go without you." Blaine replied.

"You could always not go, you know." Kurt snapped, a little more harshly than he meant to.

"They're my friends, Kurt..."

"Yeah, well I'm your boyfriend."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Blaine asked, a little hurt.

"Nothing," Kurt sighed, placing his Kindle on the floor next to the bed and making himself a little more comfortable. "I'll come, okay?"



"Night...I- I love you." Blaine said timidly, lying on his back as Kurt didn't even attempt to turn to face him.


The next day, Kurt and Blaine seemed to interact with each other as if they were walking on broken glass. Rachel noticed how tense things were, and she was almost one hundred percent sure she knew why that was.

"Is everything okay with you guys?" Rachel asked as the three of them sat and ate lunch that day.

Kurt blatantly ignored her as he continued to repeatedly stab his pasta with his fork, but didn't actually eat any of it.

"We're fine." Blaine said simply and shoved another mouthful of food into his mouth so that he was incapable of speaking to Rachel any longer. Luckily, Rachel dropped the topic and continued to eat the remainder of her lunch in silence.

Kurt still went to the party later that evening and, simply put, it was a disaster.

It started out okay...ish. The two boys were still walking on thin ice with each other but Blaine successfully introduced Kurt to all of his friends and they managed to make a little bit of conversation before Blaine promptly disappeared. He claimed to be getting a new drink, but that was the last that Kurt saw of him. He tried searching for him, but only managed in getting lost in a sea of people. Sure, there weren't that many people considering how many there could be, but Kurt didn't know anyone except Blaine and he was kind of freaking out.

After managing to find his way to the front door and made his way outside with tears streaming down his face, Kurt sat down on the steps leading to the door and pulled his phone out, dialling Rachel's number.

"Hey, Kurt. What's up?" Rachel said when she picked up the phone.

"Can you come and get me please?" Kurt sobbed into the phone, clutching it to his face with a deathly grip.

"What happened?"

"I don't know where Blaine is and I got lost and I don't want to be here anymore." Kurt cried, more tears spilling from his pale blue eyes.

"Shh, calm down. Where are you?" Rachel asked in a soothing voice.

"I don't know!"

"Shh, I'm gonna come and get you but I need you to do me a favour okay? Can you go inside and just ask somebody whose house you're at?"

"Okay," Kurt agreed shakily, wiping as many tears from his face as possible before making his way back inside and finding out the information that Rachel needed.

"I'll be there soon. Just wait outside for me, okay?"

"Thank you." Kurt replied with a little sob, putting his phone into his pocket once the phonecall was over and waiting for Rachel to arrive.

When the nineteen year old girl arrived, Kurt immediately made his way towards the car as she met him halfway and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked as she felt Kurt's warm tears seeping through her top.

"I honestly have no idea." Kurt replied, pulling away from the hug and wiping his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"Come on, let's go." Rachel said, rubbing Kurt's back as she led him to the car.

As soon as they got back to the apartment, Kurt got changed into his pyjamas and took his hair out of its hairspray hold before entering the kitchen and sitting opposite Rachel as she handed him a mug of hot chocolate.

"I know it's summer but hot chocolate always makes me feel better when I'm upset." Rachel smiled.

"Thank you." Kurt replied with a small smile before taking a sip of the drink.

"So what's up with you and Blaine? You've been really...tense all day and now this..."

"We kind of argued last night. Well, it wasn't an argument, per se, it was just really awkward and we didn't even cuddle in bed we just...laid there facing opposite parts of the room and now I think we're both too scared to speak to each other because we're worried that we're going to say something wrong."

"I'm gonna talk to him when he gets home...I can't believe he did that to you tonight, whether or not it was deliberate."

"Um...I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight? I kind of just...I love him but I really don't want to be around him right now." Kurt asked, staring at the table until he felt Rachel take ahold of his hand and he looked up at her.

"Of course," She said with a smile. "You can go in now if you want? Just because it's quite late and he'll probably come in soon."

"Thank you." Kurt replied, taking his hot chocolate and making his way into Rachel's room.

It was no more than twenty minutes when Kurt heard Blaine coming into the apartment and Rachel's excessively loud exclamation of "BLAINE DEVON ANDERSON!"

"You called?" Blaine said, walking into the kitchen, clearly a little drunk.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Rachel practically screamed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the fact that you took your sixteen year old boyfriend to a college party and then left him in a house full of nineteen to twenty one year olds that he's never met in his life! Oh, and then you come home drunk and completely oblivious to the fact that you didn't even return with him! What has gotten into you Blaine? Seriously. That boy is the sun and moon to you and you've been neglecting him pretty much all week in favour of spending time with the same people that you see everyday. I get that we're in college and yeah, we're supposed to have fun and go to parties but he's only sixteen, Blaine! I know that it doesn't seem like that to you most of the time and that a good thing, except when he kind of needs you to look after him. He phoned me up crying tonight because he couldn't find you and had no idea where he was. This isn't Ohio, Blaine, New York is foreign to him and even if it wasn't the point still stands that you basically just ditched him for no reason."

"Oh my god, I'm such an idiot," Blaine groaned, burying his face in his hands momentarily before standing up and making his way to the kitchen door on wobbly legs. "I wanna see him."

"He doesn't wanna be around you right now, Blaine, and I honestly don't blame him."

"Where is he?" Blaine asked, turning around to face Rachel with watery eyes.

"He's in my room and he's fine. Well, he will be if you just leave him alone for a little while or you're gonna make things worse." Rachel said, but Blaine was already making his way to Rachel's bedroom. "Don't you dare go in there, Blaine."

Of course, Blaine ignored her and made his way into his roommates bedroom. Kurt was literally buried under the covers and Blaine made his way round to the other side of the bed and knelt down on the floor to where he could slightly see Kurt's head peeping out from under the sheets.

"Kurt, baby," Blaine said softly, reaching out to touch Kurt's cheek with his hand. The only response that Blaine recieved was Kurt pushing his hand away and turning to his other side. "Are you okay?" Blaine asked, moving to sit on the other side of the bed so that he could see Kurt as his brain clearly didn't understand that Kurt didn't want to see or talk to him in that moment.

"Leave him alone, Blaine." Came Rachels voice from the doorway.

"I'm allowed to see if my boyfriend is okay, mother."

"Not right now you're not. Go to bed before you do something you'll regret."

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked the sixteen year old again, completely ignoring his best friend. The two friends heard a little sniffle come from Kurt and they both immediately knew that he was crying.

"Blaine," Rachel began, knowing that Blaine realised that Kurt was crying. "Leave him alone."

"Kurt, baby, what's wrong?" Blaine asked, trying to card his fingers through Kurt's hair but the teen just rolled onto his other side and pulled the blankets completely over his head.

"Blaine, he doesn't want to see you right now!" Rachel exclaimed, getting frustrated with the other nineteen year old.

"Kurt —"

"Go away." Kurt said, his voice croaky from crying and muffled by the sheets.

"But —"

"Okay, that's it." Rachel sighed, marching across the room and grabbing Blaine's arm before beginning to lead him into his own bedroom.

"Why doesn't he want to see me?" Blaine asked Rachel, his eyes filling with tears.

"Because you're acting like a jerk right now," Rachel replied honestly as a few tears left Blaine's eyes. "Go to sleep, sober up and maybe he'll talk to you tomorrow morning. Or afternoon considering you'll probably be unconscious in the morning."

"But I love him." Blaine said, his lip quivering as more tears left his eyes.

"I know," Rachel sighed, combing through Blaine's curls with her hand. "He loves you too, but you both need to get some sleep and talk to each other in the morning."

"Okay," Blaine sniffed. "Can you do me a favour though please?"

"What is it?"

"Cuddle him and make sure that he's okay, please." Blaine replied, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands.

"I promise," Rachel said with a smile, pressing a kiss to Blaine's forehead. "Now get your butt into bed you big baby." She teased, tucking him in once he was lying in bed.

Blaine was asleep in seconds, not that Rachel was really surprised. The brunette haired teen made her way back into her own bedroom and climbed into bed next to the sixteen year old.

"He's asleep," She sighed tiredly, gently caressing Kurt's arm with her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I have no idea...I...I don't think I was this hurt when he broke up with me and that's really saying something because I was a mess after that...It's like he's a completely different person and I feel like I'm losing the Blaine that helped me off the floor when I was fourteen."

"You're not losing him, he's just...I don't know what he's doing. Blaine's kind of an idiot, as you know, and he's just not thinking about what he's doing right now, I guess. You both just need to sit down and talk about everything, because things have been weird between you guys since you got here and I don't know why." Rachel replied, never stopping the motion of her hand.

"I'm scared of talking to him." Kurt admitted quietly.


"Because he's not...Blaine and I'm scared that he's gonna say something horrible or...I don't know. I really don't want to lose him."

"You're not going to, Kurt," Rachel assured him, keeping good on her promise to Blaine and wrapping her arms around the sixteen year old in a hug. "He may have his off moments, and when he does he goes like way, way, way off the charts, but he loves you more than anything, and that doesn't just disappear for no reason."

"I really hope you're right."

"You guys are going to be fine." Rachel reiterated.

As predicted, Blaine didn't wake up until the next morning and when he did, he found Kurt curled up on the sofa in his pyjamas. The TV on but Kurt didn't appear to be watching it, he was just staring at the screen with no purpose whatsoever.

"Kurt?" Blaine said softly as his boyfriend looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. "Can we talk?"

Kurt nodded, sitting up on the sofa and drawing his knees up to his chest as Blaine sat down next to him.

"Um...I really don't know where to start..." Blaine said, staring at his hands. "I'm sorry, I guess-"

"You guess?" Kurt repeated quietly. "Blaine I...I don't think I've ever felt so hurt in my life. I got a plane here by myself to see you and I've done everything but see you. Then there's last night...I can't believe you, of all people, did that to me."

"Kurt, I-"

"And then you 'guess' that you're sorry for it."

"Kurt, I didn't mean to do that to you. You've got to believe me when I say that. You know me better than anybody, you know that I'm not that person..."

"I honestly don't know who you are anymore," Kurt said, his voice breaking as he looked up at Blaine with tears rolling down his cheeks. "The Blaine that I know would cancel unnecesarry plans to spend more time with me. The Blaine that I know wouldn't have left me alone at a party full of people that I don't know and then come back at whatever ridiculous time it was, drunk, and then not listen to anyone. The Blaine that I know would've actually made the effort to go out with me instead of leaving me here with Rachel, who probably had better things to do than look after me. The Blaine that I know would be able to apologise to me properly, and wouldn't make me feel like complete crap."

"Kurt," Blaine practically sobbed. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. Was I an idiot? Yes. Should I have thought about you more? Yes. Am I a sucky boyfriend? Yes. But acknowledging all of that won't make it better. It's not going to fix this."

"And the Blaine that I know would fight for me instead of giving up on trying to fix it." Kurt said, standing up and grabbing his bag before making his way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Blaine asked, tears running down his cheeks.

"I asked my dad to pick me up. I feel like nothing is gonna get resolved if I stay here and to be honest...I kinda don't want to be here right now." Kurt replied, opening the door to the apartment.

"Kurt," Blaine choked out, his voice full completely of emotion. "I love you so much."

Kurt stopped for a few moments, his chest heaving as he tried to keep himself under control. "I love you too."


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