Not The Same Without You
September Next Chapter Story Series
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Not The Same Without You: September

K - Words: 1,853 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Aug 25, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review! :)

The end of summer meant Kurt was moving into the dorms at Dalton. His life was basically a huge whirlwind of going to and from Dalton, trying to unpack, worrying about who his room mate would be and Skype dates with Blaine. He was in the middle of creating a wall collage of photos of him and Blaine next to his bed when a Skype call from Blaine was coming through to his laptop.

"Hey!" Kurt exclaimed excitedly, running to his desk and answering Blaine's call.

"Hi," Blaine laughed. "Someone's in a good mood today."

"I'm just happy to see you...kind of."

"Me too. How's the move going?"

"My stuff is all finally here, I've started unpacking and stuff. I still don't know who my room mate is though, I'm kinda nervous about finding out."

"You'll be fine. Whoever it is I'm sure they'll love you...just hopefully not too much."

"Oh hush, I'm yours dummy. What about you? How's New York?"

"Well we've found an apartment, as you can probably see. We just need to get furniture in here, and heating because it's freezing!"

"Well that sounds lovely," Kurt teased when he heard the door opening from behind him, so he quickly swivelled round on his chair to see who it was. "Nick?"

"Hey...this is so weird." Nick laughed.

"Wait, are you my room mate?" Kurt asked hopefully.

"It seems like it." Nick replied amusedly as Kurt ran over to him and enveloped him in a hug before pulling back quickly.

"Sorry, I was just kinda worried about who my room mate would be and I'm relieved that it's you."

"Well just for the record I'm glad it's me too," Nick said honestly. "And your boyfriend is laughing at us right now." He said, gesturing to the laptop screen as Kurt ran back over to his desk.

"I should probably let you go so you can finish unpacking." Blaine said when Kurt returned to his laptop, eliciting an adorable pout from the younger teen.

"When can I talk to you again?" Kurt asked sadly.

"I need to go furniture shopping with Rachel, because I don't trust her to pick out a decent sofa, but I can Skype you later tonight?"

"Okay, fine, choose sofa shopping over me." Kurt said dramatically.

"Oh shut up," Blaine laughed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt replied, closing his laptop. As soon as the call was ended, Kurt all but skipped back over to his bed and continued sticking his photos to the wall. He was glad Quinn liked photography because he'd probably have enough photos to cover the whole wall, and it was a pretty big wall.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked curiously, moving across the room to sit at the end of Kurt's bed.

"My friend Quinn likes to take photos and she printed a bunch of them out for me. I thought I'd make a collage to sort of help with Blaine and Rachel being in New York and not being able to see Quinn as much as I used to."

"That's actually a really sweet idea."

"Thanks." Kurt smiled.

"Hey, I was gonna invite Jeff over for pizza and a movie later if you wanna join us?"

"Um, sure."

"Don't worry, it won't clash with your Skype date." Nick laughed.


The Skype date never happened though. Blaine had texted him to say that he was busy moving furniture into the apartment and didn't have time.

Blaine: I'm so sorry.

Kurt: It's okay :)

Blaine: I promise I'll make it up to you, I love you.

Kurt: I love you too.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked, noticing Kurt's sad expression.

"Um, yeah," Kurt smiled at his two friends. "I'm just gonna go to bed, don't worry about the noise or anything, I can sleep through anything. Night."

"Night." Nick and Jeff said sadly as Kurt crawled into his bed and tried not to let the tears that were threatening his eyes fall, but failed miserably.

Kurt sobbed as quietly as he could into his pillow, but apparently he was louder than he thought as Jeff came over to his bed and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna talk?" Jeff asked softly.

"I'm being stupid," Kurt cried into his pillow, shaking his head.

"What happened?" Nick prompted, joining Jeff on the edge of Kurt's bed.

"Blaine was moving stuff into his apartment with Rachel and didn't have time to Skype me. I'm just being stupid, I Skyped him earlier, I just..."

"You're not being stupid Kurt," Jeff assured him. "It's okay to be upset about it."

"But I can't get upset every time he's too busy to talk to me, and it's gonna happen. I know I'm not gonna be able to talk to him whenever I want, it just really hurts."

"Okay, come and watch the movie with us," Nick said, pulling Kurt up. "I promise you'll feel better."

"Okay," Kurt nodded, following his friends back to Nicks bed where they all squeezed on in front of a small laptop screen. "Thank you guys."

"You're welcome." Nick smiled.


Around a week later, Kurt was finally settled at Dalton and had begun classes again. He was talking to Blaine as much as possible, but it turns out there were times that they both had to cancel promised phone call and Skype dates. It was hard, to say the least, but they were both getting through it one day at a time. Kurt sent Blaine regular updates on what was happening at Dalton, and although it hurt a little when Blaine didn't always reply, it helped to know that he could freely text Blaine. There were some days when when it was too much to handle however...

During the second week of school, the world was just not on Kurt's side. He'd forgotten his homework for two classes, he'd dropped all of his books after running straight into Sebastian and he'd forgotten the key to his dorm and had to wait outside for an hour while Nick was at Glee. Yeah, Kurt was having a great day.

"Why are you sitting outside our room?" Nick asked as he and Jeff approached Kurt that afternoon.

"I forgot my key."

"You could've just come and got it from me instead of sitting out here..."

"Ugh," Kurt groaned. "I didn't even think of that. Today sucks."

"Wanna talk about it?" Nick asked next, opening to door to his and Kurt's dorm as Kurt and Jeff followed him inside.

"No," Kurt sighed. "I'll be okay, I'm just gonna get some homework done while I wait for Blaine to call me."

"Okay, well if you change your mind we're here for you." Nick smiled.

"Thanks." Kurt said sincerely, hanging his blazer over the end of his bed and sitting at his desk with his books and laptop. After about thirty minutes of studying, Kurt was sick of sitting at his desk, he was sick of the light on his laptop burning his eyes and he was kind of sick of the sound of his room mate making out with his boyfriend. At least he finally realised how annoying other people found it when he and Blaine made out in front of them...Kurt slammed his book shut, grabbed his earphones and phone and curled up in his bed listening to the Wicked soundtrack and staring at the various photos on his wall until Blaine finally called and he shut himself away in the bathroom.

"Hey." Blaine greeted cheerfully when Kurt picked up his phone.

"Hey." Kurt returned as cheerfully as he could.

"Are you okay? You sound kinda...not okay."

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." Kurt lied.

"No you're not, you only say 'um' when you're lying to me." Kurt tried to blink away the tears that were threatening his eyes before replying.

"I'm not okay," Kurt cried, trying to be quiet so that Nick and Jeff wouldn't hear him but also wanting to scream at the world. "I'm having a really bad day and I miss you and my dad and Quinn and Rachel and I'm sick of listening to my room mate swapping spit with his boyfriend. I feel like the universe hates me today."

"Oh Kurt," Blaine said sadly. "What happened?"

"I forgot to hand in my homework for English and History and ended up getting detention for tomorrow, I ran straight into Sebastian and dropped everything over the floor which made me feel so stupid and I forgot the key to my room and instead of going to ask Nick for his I sat outside for an hour like an idiot."

"Firstly, you're not stupid or an idiot," Blaine began.

"Well I feel like that right now," Kurt snapped. "Sorry, I just..."

"I know, I get it. I wish I could be there to make everything better for you."

"Me too," Kurt sobbed. "I miss you like crazy. I thought that it would get easier but if anything it's just getting harder to be away from you."

"I miss you too."

"When can you visit? I feel like I'm gonna go insane."

"I'm not sure. I'm sorry, I hate being away from you too, but..."

"I know. I know you can't just drop everything to come here and see me, I just feel like everyone I love is being taken away from me. The only people I really have here are Nick and Jeff and they're amazing but it's not the same."

"Okay, here's what you're gonna do; You're gonna have a shower, then you're gonna get in your pyjamas and one of my hoodies because I know how cold it gets in Ohio," Blaine said, eliciting a barely there laugh from his boyfriend. "You're gonna get into bed and you're gonna watch a Disney movie because I know that Disney and ice cream are the only things that cheer you up."

"Those...and you," Kurt said, smiling to himself. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. And I'd advise you to put in earphones so you don't have to listen to Nick and Jeff 'swapping spit' as you so eloquently put it."

"I feel kinda bad about saying that. We do it all the time, I feel like a hypocrite for being annoyed about it."

"You probably wouldn't usually, but you've clearly had a really bad day so..."

"Yeah, I guess," Kurt sighed. "Thank you again."

"I love you." Blaine said, voice full of emotion.

"I love you too." Kurt replied, hanging up the phone and leaving the bathroom to get a towel and some pyjamas, and his moisturising equipment, of course.

"Hey, we're gonna go get some food, do you want anything?" Nick asked when Kurt emerged from the bathroom.

"No, I'm okay. I'm just gonna have a shower and get into bed. Thank you though." Kurt smiled, retreating back to the bathroom where he proceeded to follow Blaine's instructions.

When Kurt was finished in the shower, he changed into his favourite and most comfortable pair of pyjamas and one of Blaine's softest hoodies before curling up in bed with his laptop and his Bambi DVD. By the time Nick and Jeff returned to the dorm, Kurt was sound asleep and only around a quarter of the way through his DVD. Nick quietly walked over to Kurt's bed and shut the blue eyed boy's laptop down before placing it back on his desk. They decided to go back to Jeff's dorm and eat so that they wouldn't wake the sleeping boy, and Kurt probably would have been relieved if he had been conscious when they made the decision.


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