May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
A/N: Final chapter! Im thinking of doing a sequel so let me know if youd read it :)
"But he hates me!"
"He does not hate you, he just..."
"Hates me!"
They had been dating for almost three weeks - officially - and Blaine desperately wanted to reintroduce Wes and Kurt, hoping that they could actually be friends, only Kurt was reluctant to do it.
"He doesnt hate you," Blaine sighed. "He doesnt even know you."
"Fine, he dislikes me," Kurt said. "And Im not exactly his biggest fan either."
"Kurt," Blaine whined. "Please?"
"Fine," Kurt huffed. "But dont expect me to play nice if he makes a snarky comment."
Blaine giggled - a tiny little giggle that Kurt had fallen in love with. "As long as you dont bite his head off I dont think well have any issues."
"I cant make any promises." Kurt teased, pressing a kiss to Blaines lips.
"Come on," Blaine said, linking his hand with Kurts. "Hes waiting for us."
They made their way to the ice cream place that the boys had had their first date and found Wes, sitting down with him.
"Im still mad at you," Wes said, eliciting a sigh from Blaine. "You shouldve told me the second you started talking to him again."
"No, I shouldnt have because you only wouldve tried to talk me out of it and I needed to make the decision by myself. Now shut up." Blaine said while Kurt tried to stifle a laugh, but failed miserably.
"Sorry," He said, although Blaine was laughing a little too. "Um...look, I know that we havent exactly gotten off on the right foot, but can we start fresh? If for nothing else then for Blaines sake."
Wes sighed. "Fine," He said. "But I still dont trust you."
The rest of the day went similarly, and Blaine wasnt the happiest bunny by the time they got back to Kurts apartment.
"You okay?" Kurt asked. He was sat in one corner of the sofa with his legs stretched out, his feet resting in Blaines lap as he sat in the other corner of the sofa, the two of them watching TV.
Blaine sighed and rested his head against the back of the sofa, turning to face Kurt. "Am I being stupid?"
"No," Kurt replied, reaching out of hold Blaines hand. "Im sorry the day didnt turn out how you wanted it to."
"Its not your fault," Blaine said, attempting a smile. "It was just...Wes. He was so rude to you even though you were nothing but nice to him. Thank you for trying."
Kurt smiled sadly at his boyfriend, removing his feet from his lap and crawling over to him, holding his arms open for him and allowing him to snuggle into them. "Dont let it get to you, okay? Real friends would accept your decisions."
"I just dont want to have to choose between you and him."
"You dont have to choose," Kurt said. "Its not his choice who you date, just as its not my choice who youre friends with."
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled, kissing him passionately before pulling away and leaning their foreheads against one another. "I love you."
Kurt opened his eyes in shock before a wide grin spread across his face. "I love you too."
Blaine smiled and cuddled back up to his boyfriend, tucking his head under Kurts chin. They fell asleep eventually and ended up as a pile of tangled limbs on the sofa, the TV still playing quietly in the background.