I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 32 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 32

T - Words: 995 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
189 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review:) Also, any suggestions/ideas for this story would be so so so soooooooo appreciated!

The next day, Kurt went to NYADA so that he could pull out – taking Alyson with him as she burst into tears anytime that he attempted to put her down. She was still refusing to eat nine out of ten times and could barely sleep for three hours at a time – rendering Kurt and Blaine exhausted.

"Kurt!" Rachel exclaimed, making her way over to Kurt when she saw him on campus and NYADA. "I thought you didn't have school on Wednesdays? And…why is Ally with you?"

"Shh, she finally fell asleep – I don't want to wake her up," Kurt said quietly. "I'm not in school…well, I'm in school but I'm not in school."


"I'm only here because I'm…dropping out."


"Be quiet!" Kurt whisper-shouted, motioning to the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Why are you pulling out?" Rachel asked, lowering her voice a little. "I thought it was your dream to come to this school?"

"It is…it was. I don't have time for anything anymore with work and Ally, I can't keep up. She's been sick for nearly a week and I didn't even know because I was so caught up in studying and homework, Rach. I can't…it's just too much."

"But…it's NYADA." Rachel said, frowning a little.

"I might reapply to another college when she gets older, or find another way to follow my dreams but for now…Rachel, she's the most important thing in the world to me. I don't care if I never get to be on Broadway if it means I can look after her and make sure she's happy."

Rachel smiled softly, looking at the little girl snuggled up to Kurt's shoulder. "How did you ever have any doubts that you were a good dad?"

"I have to go," Kurt said, smiling at his best friend. "Then I need to get home and try and get some food into this little one."

"Okay." Rachel smiled, waving as Kurt made his way to Carmen Tibideaux's office.

After explaining his situation to Carmen and blushing furiously when Alyson woke up and started crying for a good five minutes, Kurt was officially out of college, and he didn't know how he felt about it. Of course, he knew that it was the right decision for Alyson…but was it the right decision for him?

"I'm home!" Kurt called out once he entered his and Blaine's apartment, setting Alyson on the floor and taking her coat off of her.

"Hey," Blaine said, coming out of the kitchen with a soft smile on his face. "How was it?"

"It was fine," Kurt said, gratefully allowing Blaine to take him into his arms. "Although Ally woke up and started crying and I couldn't get her to stop."

"Aw," Blaine laughed. "How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure yet." Kurt admitted, burying his face in Blaine's shoulder.

"Well, let me know when you figure it out and I'll be right here," Blaine said, carding his fingers through Kurt's hair. "If you're sad, I'll hold you while you cry; and if you're happy, I'll help you organise a party." He said, eliciting laughter from his boyfriend.

"Thank you," Kurt laughed, pulling back to look at Blaine. "I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine smiled, pressing a kiss to Kurt's lips until they were interrupted by a small, sad voice.


"Hey bubba," Kurt smiled, kneeling down in front of the three year old. "What's wrong?"

Alyson made a whining nose before tip-toing and wrapping her arms around Kurt's neck. Kurt sighed sadly, wrapping his own arms around Alyson's waist and lifting her up, cuddling her close.

"Can you try and eat something now, baby?" Kurt asked, pressing kisses into the top of Alyson's head.

Alyson nodded slowly, keeping her face buried in her daddy's shoulder. Kurt took the three year old into the kitchen and sat her on his lap, mashing some banana up with a fork as that was the only way she would eat it.

Alyson successfully ate three forkfuls of banana before turning her head away, whining from where she'd buried her face in Kurt's t-shirt.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, gently combing his fingers through Ally's baby soft brown hair.

"Feel sick." Ally murmured.

"Do you wanna go back to bed?"

Alyson nodded, cuddling into Kurt as he carried her to her bedroom. He laid the little girl in her bed and tucked her in before sitting next to her and lulling her to sleep with another story book; kissing the top of her head gently before he left the room.

"I think I've figured out how I feel." Kurt said as he entered the living room, causing Blaine to look up at him from the sofa.

"Come here." He said, holding his arms out towards Kurt.

Kurt made his way over to the sofa, curling into Blaine's arms and holding one of his hands.

"I…It's kind of a mixture really. I'm sad because I loved that school and Broadway is the biggest dream I've ever had, but I think that it was the best choice I could've made. You and Ally are the most important things in the world to me and I love you both more than anything and now I have more time to be with you both – especially Ally…and I think that I'll probably be a better dad because of that decision, which is far more important than performing."

"I'm so proud of you," Blaine said, smiling as he pressed a kiss to Kurt's forehead. "I know that choosing to leave NYADA can't have been easy for you and when I first met you, you probably wouldn't have made that decision so easily, but you did. You knew what was best for Ally and you put that before your own happiness."

"I didn't put it before my own happiness though," Kurt replied, looking up at his boyfriend. "I am happy. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life – not because I was attending NYADA; not because I was performing…but because I have you and that beautiful little girl, and that's all that I want."

"You ridiculously sappy dork," Blaine grinned. "I love you so much."

"Good," Kurt smiled. "Because I love you too."


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