I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 31 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 31

T - Words: 2,030 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
260 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Aaaaaaaaaaand, as I'm actually researching the products I mention in my stories now, this is what Alyson's bunny looks like :) Please review!

Christmas came and went, followed by New Years. Although things had previously been perfect, a lot changed as the New Year crashed in. Kurt found a new job that he was struggling to stay on top of along with college and he was more frustrated than ever, never having time to play with Alyson because he always seemed to have homework.

Blaine kept telling him that he needed to take a break or he was gonna make himself sick from the stress, but Kurt wouldn’t listen to him. He’d just put his earphones in and continue to scribble away at page after page of paper, which is exactly what he was doing when Blaine walked into their bedroom to ask Kurt something.

He sighed, unplugging the computer that Kurt was copying notes from and taking the cable away.

“Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed, yanking his earphones out. “I was in the middle of doing something!”

“Take a shower and get dressed, we’re going out.” Blaine instructed.

“What? Blaine – no. Give me the cable.”


“Why are you being like this? Blaine, just give me the cable.” Kurt whined, sounding tired.

“I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready.”

“Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed frustratedly, storming into the living room after Blaine, stopping suddenly when he noticed how clean and quiet it was. “Where’s Ally?”

“In bed.”

“Why? It’s like 2 in the afternoon.”

“Because she’s sick, which you’d know if you actually acknowledged her existence every once in a while.”

“Since when is she sick?” Kurt asked, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

“She’s been sick for days.”

“But –”

“Go get ready.” Blaine instructed, turning Kurt around and walking him to the bathroom.

Once Blaine was certain that Kurt was in the shower, he made his way back to the living room, sitting down on the sofa.

“Blaine?” A small voice said.

“Hey,” Blaine smiled, opening his arms for Alyson. The little girl walked across the room, her bunny held tightly in her hand, and allowed Blaine to lift her onto her lap.

“Where’s Daddy?” Alyson asked, resting her head against Blaine.

“He’s in the shower,” Blaine replied, feeling the three year olds forehead. She was still really warm, despite having been sick for a few days already. “How do you feel?”

“Icky.” She replied, rubbing her eyes. “I want Daddy.”

“I know you do, sweetie. He’ll be out soon.”

“Promise?” Ally asked sleepily.

“Promise.” Blaine smiled.

As predicted, Kurt came out of the bathroom a while later, rushing into the bedroom to get dressed before re-entering the living room.

“Daddy.” Ally said, opening her arms to Kurt.

“Hey bubba,” Kurt smiled, lifting his little girl into his arms. Alyson immediately snuggled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. Kurt brought a hand up to brush her hair away, his hand brushing her forehead at the same time. “Blaine, she’s boiling. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I tried to but getting you to listen to me when you’re studying is like trying to get a needle into a rock.”

“Daddy, I don’t feel good.” Alyson whined, sniffling a little before coughing into Kurt’s neck.

“I’m taking her to the doctors.” Kurt said, trying to comfort his daughter.

“I took her already.”

“Well I’m taking her back. How long has she been like this?”

“About four days,” Blaine said, standing up and making his way over to where Kurt was standing with Alyson.

“Ugh, I’m such a bad parent.” Kurt groaned, putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing his keys.

“You’re not, you just haven’t been paying attention.”

“Please just…make me pay attention next time.”

“I will,” Blaine laughed as Alyson started coughing, unable to stop herself. “Go get her some water, I’ll get her coat and we can take her back to the doctors.”

Kurt took his little girl into the kitchen, trying to set her down on the counter but being unable to as Alyson clung to him harder and whined, making her coughing worse. He kept the three year old balanced on his hip as he got her sippy cup and filled it with water, bringing it up to her mouth so she could sip from it.

Slowly, her coughing died down and she rested her head back on Kurt’s shoulder.

“Better?” Kurt asked, Alyson shaking her head in reply. Kurt smiled sadly, kissing the top of the little girl’s head.

He made his way back into the living room, taking Ally’s water with him in case she had another coughing fit.

“I need to put you down for a second so I can put your coat on,” Kurt said to the three year old.

Ally whined but allowed Kurt to put her down on the floor. He knelt down in front of her, taking her puffy little yellow coat from Blaine and helping her into it, zipping the front up before lifting her back into his arms.

Kurt and Blaine took Alyson to the doctor, ending up taking a bunch of different medicines home that Alyson seemed reluctant to take, mostly because she had to eat before she took them and eating wasn’t something she was willing to do.

“You need to eat, baby,” Kurt said, holding a spoonful of mashed up banana to Alyson’s mouth. Alyson made a strangled noise, turning her head away from the food and burying her face in Kurt’s t-shirt where she was sitting on his lap. “Blaine.” Kurt whined.

Blaine sighed, making his way over to sit on the sofa next to Kurt. Alyson looked up at him with sad blue eyes, looking so much like Kurt.

“Hey sweetie, why don’t you wanna eat?” Blaine asked.

“Icky.” Alyson said, looking as if she could burst into tears at any given moment.

“You need to eat so that you can take your medicine and get better, munchkin.” Kurt said softly, playing with Alyson’s soft brown hair.

“I don’t want to eat.” Alyson cried, sobbing into Kurt’s shirt.

“Shh baby,” Kurt said, hugging the three year old. “Do you want to go to bed?”

“Can you read to me?” Alyson hiccupped through her cries.

“Of course.” Kurt smiled, lifting her up and carrying her to her bedroom.

Once Kurt managed to lull the little girl to sleep, he went back into the living room, collapsing onto the sofa and burying his face in a pillow.

Blaine smiled a tiny bit, glad to have his boyfriend back, before he sat on the edge of the sofa next to Kurt, massaging his shoulders a little.

“I don’t know what to do,” Kurt groaned. “She won’t eat and because she won’t eat she can’t take her medicine. I don’t know how to make her feel better.”

“She’ll be fine,” Blaine assured him. “Kids get sick, it’s normal.”

Kurt rolled over so that he was facing Blaine, taking his hand.

“I can’t deal with college anymore,” Kurt said, staring at Blaine’s hand. “I just…I’ve been so wrapped up in my schoolwork every second of every day and I’m still not finishing everything in time because I have to work at the same time. I’ve been completely neglecting my daughter because I’ve had so much word to do – I didn’t even know she was sick. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do though…that school is my dream and I knew when I found out that Ally was gonna be born that it would change everything and I wouldn’t have a ‘normal’ life, but I don’t know what to do.”

“Do you want to drop out?” Blaine asked, stroking his thumb over the back of Kurt’s hand.

“Honestly? No, I really don’t. I love that school but I love Ally more, so I have to drop out.”

“You don’t have to,” Blaine said. “You can talk to your teachers and try to work something out so that you have less work.”

Kurt shook his head. “No. There’s no way I’m even letting there be a possibility that I could end up ignoring Alyson again. I’ll just find a job that I can work during the day while she’s at school and then I’ll be here as soon as Ally gets home and I’ll have the whole night to spend with her.”

“Are you sure?” Blaine asked. “Your happiness is important too.”

“I’m sure,” Kurt nodded, forcing a smile onto his face. “Maybe when Ally gets older I can go back to college and start performing again, if I still want to, but for now…that’s what I’m going to do.”

Blaine sighed, brushing Kurt’s hair back and leaning down to press a small kiss to his lips.

“I’m gonna go make some dinner, anything in particular you want?”

Kurt shook his head, smiling at his boyfriend. “Anything you make is delicious.”

Almost as soon as Blaine entered the kitchen, Alyson made her way into the living room, crying and clutching her bunny to her chest.

“Daddy.” Alyson said through her tears, making her way over to Kurt as soon as he sat up and letting him lift her up onto his lap.

“What’s wrong, bubba?” Kurt asked, brushing his little girl’s hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.

“My tummy hurts.” Alyson cried, resting her head against Kurt.

“I’m sorry baby, I wish I could make it go away.” Kurt said sadly, kissing the top of her head.

Alyson wiped her eyes with her arm, cuddling her bunny and snuggling into Kurt’s arms.

“Do you wanna have a bath and get into your jammies and then we can watch a movie?”

The three year old nodded sleepily, wrapping her arms around Kurt’s neck and allowing herself to be lifted up and carried into the bathroom. Ally protested by whimpering when Kurt tried to put her down on the floor, but finally allowed him to set her down.

Kurt ran a small amount of water before sitting Alyson’s bunny on top of the toilet seat so she could still see it and helping her out of her clothes, lifting her up and sitting her in the bath. Once she was settle, the little girl let out a small sneeze that Kurt couldn’t help but smile at. He grabbed some tissue and wiped her nose before gently cleaning her small body and washing her hair.

Kurt covered the three year old in her Finding Nemo poncho towel before lifting her back into his arms and taking her into the living room.

“I still think that thing’s incredibly adorable.” Blaine laughed. He’d been the one who’d bought the towel for Ally – he couldn’t resist – and she’d fallen in love with it.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s adorable,” Kurt said, smiling at his boyfriend. Of course, when Blaine had brought it home and showed Kurt, he’d said that it was completely ridiculous, but even he had to admit that his little girl looked insanely cute in it. “Ally, can you try eating something now please?” Kurt asked, sitting down with the little girl on his lap.

“Yoggie.” Ally mumbled, burying her face in Kurt’s top.

“Do we have any yoghurt left?” Kurt asked Blaine.

“No, but I can go and get some if you keep an eye on dinner?”

“Thank you.” Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine before letting him go to the shop.

Blaine was back within ten minutes, handing Kurt a tub of yoghurt and getting a spoon from the kitchen before continuing with dinner.

Kurt peeled the lid off of the banana flavoured yoghurt – the only flavour that Ally would eat – and scooped a spoonful up, bringing it to the three year olds lips. Alyson slowly opened her mouth, taking the yoghurt off of the spoon and swallowing it.

“Nice?” Kurt asked, Alyson nodding a little in reply.


They continued like that until the yoghurt was finished and Kurt settled Alyson on the sofa with cartoons on the TV before going into the kitchen to eat dinner with Blaine. Once he was finished, Kurt changed Ally into her pyjamas and put Alice in Wonderland on, the little girl snuggling between Kurt and Blaine until she fell asleep.


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