I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 27 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 27

T - Words: 1,196 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
169 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review :)

As predicted, Kurt and Blaine moved into their apartment two days later and they were both relieved. They were exhausted from Alyson being unable to adjust to being at the girls’ apartment properly and honestly, they just wanted to have a place to themselves. Alyson seemed to relax a lot more than she had when she was taken into her new bedroom; a replica of her old bedroom.


Both boys were overwhelmingly happy having moved into their apartment, which they both viewed as perfect. All of the rooms were immaculately decorated due to Blaine not liking anything being out of place and they were together, that was probably the best part about it.


It was perfect, that was until one day when everything that Kurt had built up came crashing down on him all at once.


Blaine was sitting on the floor with Alyson playing with an excessively loud keyboard that Blaine seemed to enjoy more than the one year old, even if it was a children’s toy.


“Please let me teach her how to play the piano when she’s older?” Blaine asked Kurt, who laughed in response as Alyson hit the keys at random with her clumsy hands.


“She’s one, Blaine. How are you expecting her to play?”


“With more…pattern?” Blaine suggested as Kurt shook his head with silent laughter, just as there was a knock on the door.


“I know that when we first got together you said you didn’t know anything about babies,” Kurt began as he made his way to the door. “But I can’t believe you think that at one, almost two, she’s gonna be able to-“ Kurt froze as the door swung open to reveal…his dad.


Recognising Burt from photos, Blaine instantly got up from his seat on the floor and made his way over to Kurt, earning a disapproving noise from Alyson who crawled over to Blaine and Kurt. As Kurt was seemingly frozen to the spot, Blaine bent down and picked the little girl up.


“Hi…” Burt said awkwardly, receiving no reply from Kurt. “I know it’s kind of weird me just showing up but -“


“What are you doing here?” Kurt asked quietly, his heart pounding in his chest.


“I just wanted to talk to you…you’re my son.” Burt replied, eliciting a laugh from Kurt.


“I may be your son but you stopped being my dad the second you kicked me out of your house. How did you even find out where I lived?”


“That’s not important-“


“How is that not important!?” Kurt screamed as Alyson promptly burst into tears.


“Kurt…” Blaine said softly as Kurt turned to him with teary eyes and took Ally into his arms.


“I’m sorry bubba,” Kurt said, hugging the one year old close. A few seconds later, Kurt was running out of the room in tears, still clutching the little girl to his chest.


“Look, I know we’ve never met before but you’re obviously close with Kurt so-“


“What the hell is wrong with you?” Blaine asked incredulously, not caring that Burt was quite an intimidating person.


“Excuse me?” Burt asked, taken aback by the eighteen year olds boldness.


“You heard me. There must be something wrong with you if you think it’s okay to kick your son out and then randomly appear at his apartment, in another state may I add, with no explanation almost two years later. Do you know how much damage you’ve done? Kurt practically hated himself a few months ago because of you. He was happy here and you’ve probably just crushed that. It’s obvious you don’t care about him, at least not enough to be a good dad so why don’t you just do us a favour and go away?” Blaine rambled, not giving Burt enough time to reply as he shut the door in his face and ran into his and Kurt’s bedroom.


That’s where he found his boyfriend sat against the headboard with Alyson on his lap, tears streaming down his face as he frantically wiped at his cheeks with shaky hands.


“He’s gone,” Blaine said softly. “Are you okay?”


All Kurt was capable of doing in that moment was shaking his head as Blaine rushed towards him and wrapped his arms around him, happy to hold him for as long as he needed.


About ten minutes later, when Kurt’s breathing had calmed down a tiny bit, he muttered out a little ‘thank you’ and leaned his head against Blaine’s chest, closing his eyes.


“For what?” Blaine asked.


“I h-heard what you said to h-him,” Kurt hiccupped out. “No-nobody’s ever st-stood up for me like that before, so thank you.”


“I know I don’t actually know him, but I really don’t like your dad and he pretty much had to hear that, so…”


“It still meant a lot to me.” Kurt sniffled.


“I’d do anything for you.” Blaine whispered into the top of Kurt’s head.


“I love you so much,” Kurt cried. “I love you both more than anything.” He said, hugging a now sleeping Alyson closer.


“We love you too,” Blaine replied, resting his chin on top of Kurt’s head.


A little while later, Kurt drifted to sleep in Blaine’s arms. Noticing this, Blaine carefully detangled himself from his sleeping boyfriend and maneuvered him into a lying position and lifted Ally from his arms before taking her into her bedroom and putting her to bed while she made snuffling noises in her sleep. He then made his way into the kitchen and began making dinner.


No longer than half an hour later did Blaine hear Kurt making his way into the kitchen. He walked up behind Blaine and pressed a kiss to his cheek before sitting down at the table and rubbing at his eyes in a childlike manner.


“Where’s Ally?” Kurt asked.


“I put her in her room after you fell asleep. I checked on her a little while ago, she’s still sound asleep.” Blaine explained.




“You okay?” Blaine asked, sitting opposite Kurt at the table and taking his hand.


“I honestly have no idea,” Kurt replied, leaning his forehead against his free hand. “I can’t believe he could cause so much damage just by showing up.”


“It’s not really him showing up that caused the damage. It’s everything he did before. Him showing up just brought all of that pain to the surface from where you’d managed to bury it and put it all behind you.”


“I guess,” Kurt sighed.


“Come here,” Blaine said, pulling his chair out a little and opening his arms for Kurt who happily climbed out of his seat and made his way around the table to sit on Blaine’s lap and allow his boyfriend to cuddle him. “Forget about him,” He whispered into Kurt’s shoulder. “He’s not worth you spending your time thinking about. You deserve so much better than him.”



“I do have better,” Kurt replied. “I have you.”


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