I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 25

T - Words: 1,051 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review! :)

Kurt and Blaine spent the entirety of the next day hunting for apartments while Rachel and Santana took Alyson out for the day. Predictably, they found nothing of interest and went back to the girls' apartment exhausted, once again, and a little defeated. They knew it would take a little bit of time, of course, but they'd looked at a lot of places and none of them were good enough. They were either too small, — they'd decided that although they wanted a fairly small apartment, it needed to be big enough for Ally to crawl around and big enough for her to have a decent play space, especially as she got older — completely out of the boys' price range, or they were just really horrible.

"Dada," Ally gurgled happily when Kurt and Blaine entered the girls' apartment later that evening, crawling towards Kurt and attempting to pull on the bottom of his jeans even though they were skin tight, as per usual. Kurt bent down and picked the one year old up, pressing a kiss to her nose as she giggled and tapped Kurt's nose with the palm of her hand.

"Hey baby girl," Kurt said with a smile, bouncing Alyson gently on his hip. "Did you have fun with Rachel and Santana today?"

"Tana fun!" Alyson giggled, resting her head against Kurt's shoulder.

"I think you've made a new friend." Kurt said to Santana, who was smiling back at him as she washed paint from her hands.

"She's freaking talkative for a one year old," Santana laughed. "But she's actually pretty good company."

"Yeah, she likes to copy words that she hears, even if she has no idea what she's actually saying."

"Dada." Alyson said, wiggling around in Kurt's arms. He'd come to learn that when Ally wanted to crawl around or play she would start wiggling around. As the girls' apartment had carpet flooring, Kurt knelt down on the floor and set Ally carefully in a standing position. He laughed slightly when she lost her balance and plopped herself into a sitting position, looking up at him confusedly. Soon enough, Alyson was up on her knees and crawling towards Santana while gurgling happily.

"Where's Rachel anyway?" Kurt asked as Santana bent down to pick the almost two year old up and Blaine came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"She went to get something for dinner," Santana explained. "Seeing as we have nothing that sounds particularly apetizing or edible in our cupboards."

"Isn't that what grocery shopping is for?" Blaine asked, resting his chin on Kurt's shoulder.

"Yes, thank you for that Einstein," Santana laughed, rolling her eyes as she sat on the sofa with Alyson on her lap and begin to play with her baby fine hair. "We're going at the end of the week."

Everybody laughed as Alyson started waving her hands around as she attempted to repeat Santana's sentence. The one year old seemed extremely proud of herself when she was done and grinned at Kurt.

"Kurt," Santana laughed, wrapping her arms around the baby seated on her lap. "Can I please steal your daughter?"

"Nope," Kurt grinned, dragging Blaine behind him as he moved to sit on the sofa opposite Santana. "She's ours." He said, nudging Blaine and not even realising what he'd said. Although both Santana and Blaine both noticed it, neither of them commented on it as they continued to fuss over the little girl until Rachel arrived with dinner.

"Kurt..." Blaine said as they lay together in bed that night, Kurt with his head on Blaine's chest as the hazel eyed teen absentmindedly drew patterns on Kurt's back with his hand.

"Yeah?" Kurt replied sleepily.

"I wasn't going to say anything but you know that you called Alyson ours earlier, right?"

"Oh," Kurt said, stiffening a little in Blaine's arms. "That was a okay right? I mean...I know that she doesn't call you dad or anything but I mean that's practically what you are to her and if she was old enough to understand it then that's probably how she'd think of you and we're moving in together and-"


"Yes?" Kurt squeaked out.

"Be quiet," Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurt's head. "Of course it was okay. I kinda liked it actually...it made me feel like we're a real family."

"Can I ask you something? And you have to answer honestly, don't just lie for the sake of not hurting my feelings."

"I'm a little worried now, but sure..."

Kurt sighed a little bit, not knowing how to phrase his question. "Do you ever wish that...I don't know...that maybe you weren't dating somebody with a baby? I know that sounds kind of harsh but you kind of just went from being a normal kid in high school to being a kid in high school who was dating a seventeen year old father and helping him look after his baby. Don't you wish that you'd decided to be with someone else instead of me so that you still had your childhood?"

"Honestly? No. Not really. I mean, it's still kind of strange sometimes to wake up and realise that I'm moving in with my boyfriend and his baby when I'm only eighteen, and I don't mean that in a bad way, but I honestly wouldn't change anything. I love you and Alyson more than anything, to be honest. I didn't really think about it but I didn't think I could be this happy looking after a child at eighteen, one that's mine or not, but I am. I am happy, really happy. The only thing that I don't like or that frightens me a little is my lack of experience with babies because whenever you ask me to look after Ally I always freak out because I'm scared that I'm gonna do something wrong, which is because this is a completely new thing to me still, but you're worth it. You're worth me learning to do something that sort of terrifies me everyday."

Kurt exhaled deeply, burying his face in Blaine's chest as a few tears slipped from his eyes and he tried to remind himself how to breathe properly. "Blaine...you..." Was all Kurt managed to say, but Blaine understood. He wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt's shoulders and pressed another kiss to the top of his head, hugging him as they both drifted into a content sleep.


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