March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review (even though I probably confused the hell out of you)
Kurt was happy. Like, really happy. Yeah, he'd been happy for a while since he'd started dating Bliane, but he finally felt as if all of the missing pieces of his puzzle — also known as his life — were finally coming together. In some ways he, Blaine and Ally were like a little family. Sure, they were only eighteen and they didn't actually live together, but they spent most of their time together and Blaine had started to take care of Ally a lot more. Alyson also clearly loved Blaine; she'd always exclaim "Blaaaa" whenever Blaine would walk through their apartment door or sometimes she'd ditch Kurt to snuggle up to Blaine when they were watching a movie. Normally Kurt would be jealous that Ally wanted to spend time with someone other than him, but he loved watching Blaine interact with the almost two year old.
A problem that Kurt was facing, however, was whether or not he was going to go to college and where he was going to go if he decided to. He knew that Blaine was going to study at NYU — he'd already gotten accepted — but Kurt wasn't sure if he could move all the way to New York. Blaine would always try to convince him that he could, he knew that it was Kurt's dream, but Kurt would just make up excuses such as 'Ally can't handle moving.' He didn't want to be away from Blaine, he didn't want to stay in Ohio, but he had to think about Alyson before everything else.
The two boys were in the middle of making out on Kurt's sofa when they heard something slip through the door to the apartment. Kurt attempted to get up, and started laughing when the boy below him tried to pull him back down.
"Blaine," Kurt laughed, pulling himself into a sitting position. "I'm sure you can go two seconds without kissing me." He tease, pressing a kiss to Blaine's nose before getting off the sofa and walking to the door, picking up the white envelope that had been posted through the letter box. He walked back to the sofa, sitting on one end and laughing when his boyfriend instantly planted his feet in his lap, still lying across the length of the sofa.
Kurt opened the envelope, not having the faintest idea what it was. He carefully read the letter, his face scrunched up in confusion the entire time.
"What is it?" Blaine asked, noticing the confused expression on his boyfriends face.
"Apparently...I got accepted into NYADA." Kurt said slowly, trying to figure out how that had even happened.
"Oh..." Blaine said, a quilty expression covering his face which his not-so-distracted boyfriend noticed.
"Blaine...what did you do?"
"Please hear me out before you get mad," Blaine said, sitting up on the sofa, his legs still on top of Kurt's. "So I may have...sort have sent in an application for you..."
"You did what!?" Kurt exclaimed, completely forgetting that the walls in his apartment weren't exactly thick and Alyson was asleep in her bedroom.
"Please just listen to me! It was getting too late to apply for colleges and I remembered you saying that you'd love to study there if you had the time for it with Alyson,"
"'If I had the time' being the key factor in that, Blaine!"
"I'm not finished," Blaine sighed. "I called the school and explained your situtation to them and they said the course you want to study is a little more flexible so you only have to go in twice a week and with my school I only have to go in three times a week, therefore I can look after Ally while you're at school."
"But I can't afford this, Blaine. Do you have any idea how expensive NYADA is? The only reason I could enroll at Dalton was because my dad payed for it, apparently he cared enough to give me a good education but didn't care enough to let me live with him."
"Re-read the letter Kurt," Blaine said with an amused smile on his face. Kurt confusedly lifted the letter up and re-read it, making sure he didn't miss anything out. "You have a scholarship, a full scholarship."
"I sent in an application for you along with a video of you singing but I also wrote a letter explaining why you couldn't afford to enroll there."
"You're going to NYADA," Blaine smiled as Kurt looked at him with a shocked expression. "You, me and Ally are going to New York."
"I can't believe you," Kurt laughed with tears in his eyes. "You really are the most perfect boyfriend ever, aren't you?"
"I try." Blaine teased.
Graduation came and went, boxes were packed and Kurt's car was loaded up with them. They'd decided on driving to New York as Ally didn't have a passport and taking her on a plane would probably be a disaster anyway.
"I have no idea how she's gonna survive this car ride." Kurt laughed as he strapped an energetic Alyson into her car seat.
Blaine walked around the side of the car and took both of Kurt's hands, smiling happily at his boyfriend.
"Ready to get the hell out of this town?" Blaine asked excitedly.
"Yes," Kurt groaned happily. "I've been ready for as long as I can remember.
"Let's go then." Blaine laughed, getting into the drivers seat as Kurt took his seat in the passenger side.
"Dada," Alyson gurgled happily around the dummy in her mouth as she cuddled her bunny close to her.
"Yes bubba?" Kurt asked, turning around in his seat to look at the almost two year old with a smile.
"Bunny." The one year old mumbled, holding her bunny out in front of her.
"Yes honey, that's a bunny." Kurt laughed as Ally hid her face in her teddy and giggled.
"She's crazy." Blaine observed, glancing at the baby in the rearview mirror.
"That is because she's my daughter," Kurt pointed out with a laugh. "So what exactly are we gonna do with our stuff until we find somewhere to live?"
"I have abosultely no idea," Blaine admitted. "I guess we can either put it in storage or just drive around with it, which probably wouldn't be smart."
"Well Rachel's already agreed to look after Ally while we go apartment hunting as she already found somewhere to live." Kurt said before letting out a huge yawn.
"Go to sleep," Blaine laughed. "I know you hardly slept last night and if we're switching half way through this drive I don't want you to fall asleep and kill us all."
"You really have no faith in me, do you?" Kurt teased. "But sleep sounds like a good idea right now so I don't care."