March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review :)
Kurt woke up one morning — well, it was five in the morning to be precise — to the sound of Alyson's crying, and feeling like he'd been crushed underneath a bus. He dragged himself out of bed slowly and somehow managed to navigate his way to Ally's room through bleary eyes.
It took almost an hour for Kurt to get Alyson back to sleep, and when he finally did he almost screamed with relief. He practically threw himself against the pillows at the head of his bed, burying his face in between them as he drifted back to sleep.
Kurt's slumber was interrupted about an hour later when he heard his phone ringing at a painfully loud volume. Kurt decided to ignore his phone in favour of completely wrapping his head in pillows until it finally shut up. Kurt picked up his phone and looked at it through squinted eyes to see that he had a new voicemail. As much as he wanted to ignore it, Kurt knew it was Blaine that'd called him and he'd be distracted knowing that there was a voicemail from him just waiting to be listened to.
'Hey sleepy-head! Well...I'm assuming you were asleep anyway. I have absolutely nothing to do today so I was gonna grab some coffee and come to yours if that's okay? Just text me whenever you listen to this. I love you.'
No matter how much Kurt was annoyed that he'd been woken up, Blaine's message made him smile and he texted him back — probably with a lot of typos as he could barely keep his eyes open — letting him know that he could come over.
Knowing that Blaine wouldn't take too long to get to his apartment, Kurt cucooned himself in his duvet and made his way into the living room to sit with his knees tucked up to his chest on the sofa.
When Kurt heard a knock on his apartment door, he shuffled his way there, opened the door for Blaine and shuffled his way back to the sofa — still completely wrapped inside his duvet.
"Kurt," Blaine said sadly, crossing the room to sit next to Kurt on the sofa. "You look awful. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"
"M'fine." Kurt mumbled, lying down on the couch and rubbing his face against the soft blanket that he didn't even know was there.
"You're not fine," Blaine replied, kneeling on the floor in front of Kurt and feeling his face with his hand. "You're burning up."
As soon as Blaine moved his hand away from Kurt's cheek, the chestnut haired teen grabbed it and put it back into place, murmuring something about his hand feeling cool before he drifted into unconciousness.
When Kurt awoke, he was lying on his back with his head resting in Blaine's lap and a wet flannel on his forehead.
"Hey," Blaine smiled down at him. "How do you feel?"
"Like I've died and gone to hell," Kurt croaked out. "How did you even get me into this position?"
"Not easily...I almost rolled you onto the floor at one point."
"Thanks, you're the best boyfriend ever." Kurt mumbled, rolling onto his side and burying his face in Blaine's t-shirt. "I'm gonna get you sick."
"I'll be fine." Blaine replied, carding his fingers through Kurt's mussed up hair.
"That feels nice."
"Do you want me to get you anything?" Blaine asked softly.
"Just you."
So apparently Kurt was very clingy when he was sick. Blaine heard Ally crying and attempted to get off the sofa so that he wouldn't have to wake Kurt up, but his boyfriend clung onto his leg and made whimpering noises in his sleep.
After successfully prying himself out of Kurt's grip without tripping over and flying face first into the coffee table, Blaine gently moved Kurt's body so that he was lying fully on the sofa again — he ended up half dangling off of the edge from refusing to let go of Blaine in his unconscious state - and folded up his jacket, placing it under his boyfriends head as a pillow.
"Blaine?" Kurt mumbled as he gently stirred into consciousness a while later. Apparently Kurt wasn't loud enough because Blaine didn't come back into the living room for a few moments.
"Hey," Blaine smiled as he re-entered the living room. "I was just about to wake you and see if you wanted anything to eat?"
"Yes please...just, not a lot, I don't have much of an appetite."
"Okay." Blaine replied, pressing a tiny kiss to Kurt's forehead before making his way into the kitchen.
Kurt followed Blaine's path into the kitchen a few moments later, ditching the duvet in favour of a fleece blanket as it was easier to walk around in. He entered the kitchen to find Blaine making food while Alyson sat in her high chair and happily drank her milk — she had started insisting that she drink it herself, well as well as you can insist something using only your body language — but put it down the second she saw Kurt.
"Dada!" Alyson exclaimed happily.
"Blaine," Kurt sniffed. "You didn't have to look after her," He said, taking Ally out of her chair and allowing her to snuggle into his shoulder. "You could've just woken me up, you know."
"I know, but I didn't want to." Blaine replied.
Once Ally was finished with her cuddles, she began to reach out for her bottle again and Kurt sat her in her high chair before taking his own seat at the table.
A few moments later, Blaine placed a bowl of noodles in front of Kurt — who muttered a tiny thank you — and sat down next to his boyfriend.
"Oh my god, Blaine. These are delicious." Kurt said after his first bite, immediately scooping up a second spoonful.
"My mum used to make them for me when I was little, I loved them."
"I can't believe you've never made these before."
"I promise I will make you them whenever you want." Blaine laughed at his adorable boyfriend.
He looked adorable to Blaine, even in his sick form. Kurt hair was a complete mess, it was standing up in random places and flat in others, — Kurt would probably throw a fit if he saw it — his eyes were slightly watery and his nose was all red because he was cold.
When Kurt had finished eating, they put Alyson in her playpen and cuddled up to eachother on the sofa while ignoring the TV.
"Thank you for looking after me today, even with the potential risk of you catching whatever the hell I have," Kurt said, cutting Blaine off as he went to speak. "And I know you're gonna say not to thank you, you'll always be here for me, you love me, blah blah blah. I know, but it still means a lot to me."
"Well then...you're welcome," Blaine sighed, rubbing his nose against Kurt's ice cold one. "I really wish I could kiss you, but that would make the 'potential risk of me catching whatever the hell you have' more dangerous."
"Tease." Kurt pouted, even though he was kind of glad — he did not want to make Blaine sick or have to make him deal with his breath, which was probably disgusting considering he hadn't brushed his teeth.
"I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt replied, staring at Blaine for a few moments.
"Laaa!" Ally exclaimed from where she was sitting on the floor of her playpen, pulling both Kurt and Blaine's focus towards her.
"We love you too, Ally." Kurt laughed.