March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review! :)
The closer Ally got to turning one, the more Kurt noticed how she had begun to try and say words other than 'Dada'.
She'd often pick up on words that Kurt said and try to sound them out, but usually only managed to get a few vowels out. Her favourite word to try and say seemed to be 'Rachel' but as she couldn't make a 'ch' sound, she could only successfully say 'Raa' and even then it sounded somewhat like 'Waa'.
Kurt, Blaine, Rachel and Wes were all at the park when Ally had decided to try and be talkative even though she couldn't actually talk.
“Baa.” Alyson gurgled, crawling towards Blaine happily.
“Hi,” Blaine said cutely as he lifted Alyson up and sat her on his lap. Kurt smiled from where he was sitting opposite Blaine, next to Rachel. Alyson snuggled into Blaine's side as the four friends continued with their picnic.
Kurt couldn't help but keep looking at his daughter as she stayed in her spot on Blaine's lap, mouthing 'I love you' when the shorter teen caught him looking.
Although they'd been dating for two and a half months, nobody actually knew that they'd said those three words to each other before and it was kind of like their own little secret. Of course, Wes and Rachel could clearly see that they loved each other, but they didn't know they'd actually said it.
It was hard not to realise it, really. The four friends had been in many situations where Rachel and Wes would have to turn the TV up or talk extra loudly to drown out the noise of the two boys making out.
Blaine had also become really close with Alyson, which just made Kurt love him even more. He'd often see Blaine sitting on the floor in the living room playing with Alyson, or chasing her around the apartment on his hands and knees. Blaine was actually quite good with Alyson, considering he didn't know the first thing about babies, but Kurt had noticed that Blaine was good with everyone, so it didn't really surprise him.
Kurt was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Alyson crawling towards him and onto his lap until he felt her tiny hands resting on his legs as she tried to pull herself up. Kurt lifted her up into the air and laid backwards until she was hovering over his face. The seven month old giggled and kicked her legs about as Kurt pulled her closer to his face before kissing her on the cheek and pulling off with an adorable 'mwah' sound.
Kurt wasn't noticing much of anything that day because he didn't notice Finn approaching the picnic blanket. Actually, nobody noticed until they heard the teen clear his throat awkwardly.
As soon as Kurt saw it was Finn, he took Ally into his arms completely and crawled across the blanket to Blaine, seemingly refusing to look at Finn. He knew it was childish, but in that moment he didn't really care.
Blaine, confused as hell, took Kurt's hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of it calmingly.
“Um...Rachel, can I talk to you?” Finn asked, side-eyeing Kurt and the boy he'd never seen before in his life.
“Really, Finn? Whatever you have to say to me couldn't have waited until school?”
Blaine suddenly realised what was happening and instinctively gripped Kurt's hand a little tighter.
“Please?” The tall teen practically pleaded and Rachel sighed before getting up and following Finn, squeezing Kurt's shoulder gently as she walked past.
Once they had left, Kurt let out a shaky breath, clenching his eyes shut and holding Alyson tightly to him. Alyson didn't seem to mind at all, however. She just tried to cuddle closer to her daddy.
“Are you okay?” Blaine asked, still creating circle patterns on the back of Kurt's hand with his thumb.
“I haven't seen him since my dad kicked me out and he didn't even acknowledge me.” Kurt said, blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall.
“Can someone please explain to me what's happening?” Wes said awkwardly. “Who was that?”
Blaine looked at Kurt for a moment, silently asking if he could tell Wes. Kurt nodded slightly before wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Kurt's step-brother.” Blaine explained simply.
“Do you wanna go and walk around for a bit?” Blaine asked Kurt, knowing he'd get restless just sitting there.
Kurt nodded, turning quickly to Wes. “Do you mind watching Ally? I'll put her in her buggy, I just wanna be with Blaine right now.”
“Yeah,” Wes smiled and Kurt placed Alyson in her pram before taking Blaine's hand and walking in the opposite direction to where Finn and Rachel walked.
“Now that we're by ourselves,” Blaine began as they walked hand in hand through the park. “Are you really okay?”
“I should be. I should hate him but he's still my brother and the fact that he didn't even acknowledge that I was even there hurt.”
“He seemed kind of...awkward. Like you told a kid they couldn't do something and they were trying with all their will not to, even though they wanted to.”
“I think he only ignores me because of my dad but...according to Rachel, that doesn't make it any better.”
“It doesn't,” Blaine said honestly. “He's your brother and he should stand up for you.”
“It's not just that though,” Kurt said, biting his lip. “When we were sophomores, he thought he got this girl pregnant, but it actually turned out that she cheated on him with his best friend.”
“Well then...”
“Thank you,” Kurt said suddenly, standing in front of Blaine and holding both of his hands. “You didn't even know what was happening there at first and you tried to comfort me. And when you did realise what was going on you knew how to make me feel better.”
“Well, you're welcome,” Blaine smiled, leaning his forehead against Kurt's. “I love you.”
“I love you too, so much.” Kurt replied, kissing Blaine softly on the lips before pulling back.
“We should probably go back, Rachel's probably back now too anyway.”
“I suppose so,” Kurt sighed sarcastically.
“Drama queen.” Blaine teased, nudging Kurt in the side with his elbow as they walked back to the picnic blanket.
“You love it.” Kurt replied, rolling his eyes as he smiled happily.
“I do.”