I'm Trying To Tell You
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'm Trying To Tell You: Chapter 15

T - Words: 1,178 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Sep 16, 2013 - Updated: Sep 16, 2013
160 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I feel so guilty for making Finn bad in this chapter, but I'm doing it for the sole purpose of the storyline! I love Finn and Cory, but Kurt backstory is basically that everyone except Rachel turns on him so I had to, I'm sorry!

I'm also sorry for the little bit of angst that was in this chapter but I never really write that much about the characters' backstory and Kurt obviously has quite a sad backstory so yeah... the next chapter is gonna be really cute though :D

Please review!

I've stayed at Dalton after school for the past three days now, please let me come home with you today.” Blaine pleaded that Thursday when Kurt tried to convince him to stay at Dalton, yet again.


Fine,” Kurt sighed. “But you're completely ruining my plans.”


What plans...?” Blaine asked curiously.


I was planning to make you stay here all week and then tomorrow I was going to ask you if you wanted to have a movie night...Rachel said she doesn't mind looking after Alyson.”


We can still do that!” Blaine exclaimed quickly, not wanting Kurt to change his mind. “But I still miss seeing you outside of school, please?” He said, batting his eyelashes as he knew Kurt wouldn't be able to resist.


Okay,” Kurt laughed as Blaine acted like an excited dog and practically pounced on Kurt. “You're adorable when you're happy.” He said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and burying his face into the shorter teens shoulder.


Well...I call that improvement seeing as Wes said I act like a five year old.”


You do,” Kurt laughed, face still pressed against Blaine's blazer. “But it's cute.”


You're lucky I like you.” Blaine said decisively, pulling back to look at Kurt.


Mhm,” Kurt hummed sarcastically, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.


Get a room!” Wes shouted from behind them, causing Kurt to pull away with laughter, burying his face in Blaine's blazer once again to muffle his laughs.


In case you haven't noticed,” Blaine began. “We're in my room.”


Close the door then,” Wes laughed. “There are just some things you don't need to show the entire school.”


We're going now anyway...well, if this one stops laughing long enough to successfully leave the room.”


Okay, I'm done,” Kurt said, pulling away from Blaine's shoulder and trying not to burst out laughing. “Are you sure you don't wanna change before we go?”

“Actually...yes. Wes, occupy him!” Blaine said loudly, grabbing clothes from his dresser and all but marching into the bathroom.


When Blaine was finished changing, the two boys headed the the Berry's house and collected Alyson before making their way back to Kurt's apartment.


As soon as Kurt set Ally on the floor, she began to crawl away happily.


It looks different in here...” Blaine observed, trying to figure out what was different.


I moved a lot of stuff in case she bumped into it or broke something.” Kurt explained.


She's adorable,” Blaine said, laughing slightly as Alyson plopped herself into a sitting position in the middle of the floor. “It looks like she's enjoying her new found freedom.”


You're telling me,” Kurt laughed. “Whenever I'm holding her for too long she starts kicking her feet around so that I'll put her down on the floor and she can crawl away.”


Dada,” Alyson said cutely, crawling towards Kurt as fast as her little legs and hands could handle.


Yes bubba?” Kurt asked, kneeling down on the floor in front of Alyson who sat herself down and reached out for Kurt's cheeks with her hands. She placed one hand on each cheek and just sat like that for a few moments until Kurt spoke. “I love you too baby.” He said, kissing her on the cheek and eliciting a giggle from the little girl.


Blaine stood just behind Kurt and watched him interacting with the five month old adoringly, feeling the urge to say 'aww' but fighting it as he would ruin the moment.


A little while later, they were all sitting in the kitchen eating dinner. Alyson was kicking her feet around in her high chair, desperate to get on the floor and crawl around but not being able to as Kurt was feeding her. He was just about to get Alyson out of her chair when he heard his phone ringing from the living room.


Can you look after her for like one second please?” Kurt asked Blaine, who nodded in response, before all but running into the living room and jumping on the sofa to get to his phone before he missed the call.


Hello?” Kurt said into the phone breathlessly.


I'm not even gonna ask what you were just doing to make you sound that breathless...” Came Rachel's voice from his phone speaker.


Oh my god, no!” Kurt exclaimed, horrified. “I just ran in here and basically did a belly flop onto the sofa because I almost missed your call.


Mhm, sure you did,” Rachel laughed. “Anyway, I have something to tell you and I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it...


Go on...


I saw your dad today...he asked how you were doing.


Are you kidding me?” Kurt asked incredulously. “He kicks me out of the house at seventeen, then he sees my best friend and suddenly he cares about me?


I was at Breadstix and I saw him come in with Carole. I'm just glad Finn wasn't there...it's hard enough ignoring him at school let alone outside of school.


I know you love him Rachel,” Kurt said knowingly. “I don't even understand why you're ignoring him any more. He didn't do anything to you.


He's a jerk! When he thought he got Quinn pregnant it was okay but when you make that mistake he acts like you committed a crime. That's not fair, Kurt.


He's only doing it because of my Dad,” Kurt sighed. “In case you haven't noticed he can be very intimidating when he wants to.”


That still doesn't make it right. You're his step-brother, it wasn't fair for him to just block you out of his life. You're my best friend, Kurt. You're more important to me than any guy.


I love you, Rach,” Kurt laughed slightly. “Okay, I should go. Blaine's been sitting in the kitchen with Alyson for about ten minutes now, probably confused as hell.


Are you okay?” Rachel asked concernedly.


Yeah,” Kurt lied. “Thank you. Bye Rachel.


Bye.” Rachel replied as Kurt hung up the phone and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, willing himself not to cry.


Are you okay?” Blaine asked, coming out of the kitchen to see Kurt sitting on the sofa, trying not to cry with his knees pulled up to his chest.


Kurt shook his head in reply and Blaine went back into the kitchen, returning with Ally a few moments later before disappearing into Alyson's bedroom and finally coming back into the living room and sitting next to Kurt on the sofa.


What's wrong?” Blaine asked softly.


I hate him.” Kurt cried, tears running freely as he pulled his face away from his hands and wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.




My dad,” Kurt replied, crying even harder as Blaine pulled him into his arms. “A year ago I never thought I could ever hate my dad.”


What happened?”


Rachel ran into him and he was acting all fatherly, asking how I was as if he actually cares which he clearly doesn't because he basically disowned me.”


Blaine kissed him on the top of his head before scooting into the corner of the sofa and patting his lap. “Come here.” He said gently, Kurt getting the message immediately and lying down with his head on Blaine's lap.


The shorter teen gently combed his fingers through Kurt's soft hair as the blue eyed teen cried himself to sleep on his lap.



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