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Hero: Chapter 9

T - Words: 989 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 30, 2015 - Updated: Jul 30, 2015
186 0 0 0 0

"Im just saying," Blaine said as they entered Kurts apartment one afternoon, throwing his bag on the floor and shrugging his jacket off. "If youre going to work in a restaurant, dont act like a moody bitch."

"Woah," Kurt laughed, pulling Blaine down onto the sofa and massaging his shoulders a little. "Whats got you in such a bad mood?"

When Blaine got out of the hospital, Kurt had gotten Ryan to babysit Cleo for the night and theyd had dinner at Kurts apartment before sitting together and talking about, well, everything. They talked about their past relationships and their fears of getting into a new relationship - especially with someone who meant so much to them. Theyd agreed that no matter what happened - if someone got uncomfortable or scared, or if they had a fight - they would always make sure they talked to each other about it instead of running away.

"My parents," Blaine sighed. "Theyre flying out to New York for an entire week, and Im half tempted to go find a cliff to jump off of instead of spending a week with them."

"Surely theyre not that bad?" Kurt asked.

Blaine snorted. "Oh just you wait. I can guarantee you they wont be happy about us dating."

"So?" Kurt asked, causing Blaine to raise an eyebrow in reply. "Im serious. Youre an adult, Blaine. They cant control your life anymore."

"I know," Blaine said. "I know, Id just rather them not be here. At least Cooper will be with them, I guess."

"Im sure itll be fine," Kurt said, kissing him on the forehead.

"I hope so," Blaine sighed.

"Are you sure thats all thats wrong?" Kurt asked. "You look really bummed out."

Blaine smiled sadly. "Yeah, its just been a really long week," he said, leaning back against the sofa. "Im exhausted."

"Can I do anything to make you feel better?"

"Kiss me?" Blaine suggested with a smile.

Kurt grinned a little, leaning down to press his lips to Blaines.

"Having Cleo in playgroup all day is really convenient sometimes," Kurt mumbled against Blaines lips.

"Oh yeah?" Blaine teased. "And why is that?"

Kurt pushed Blaine down by his shoulders until he was lying horizontally along the sofa, reattaching their lips.

"Because," he said in-between kisses. "Now we can stay right here, and we dont have to worry about my two year old walking in on something that would scar her for the rest of her life."

Blaine laughed loudly. "Yeah, lets not ever get ourselves into that situation, please."

"Wasnt planning on it." Kurt chuckled, silencing any other reply Blaine may have had with another kiss.

Blaines family arrived a few days later, and hed invited them over to Kurts house for dinner. Kurt had pointed out that his apartment was much bigger and itd be easier to accommodate both of Blaines parents, and Cooper, his wife and daughter, and...well, Blaine had been far too anxious to argue.

"Uncle Blaine!" Was the first thing that Blaine and Kurt heard when they opened the door, a small child throwing herself towards Blaine.

"Woah," Blaine laughed, lifting her up into his arms. "How much sugar have you had today, missy?"

She giggled loudly, leaning her head against Blaines.

"Hi Cooper, how are you? Oh, Im fine thanks, Blaine. I missed you too." Cooper mocked as they entered the apartment.

"Dont be jealous," a woman - who appeared to be his wife - laughed. "You know shes everybodys favourite."

"Oh!" Blaine exclaimed. "Kurt, this is my mom, my dad, Cooper - my brother - and his wife, Lucy. And this little devil," he said, tickling the little girl in his arms. "Is Zoe."

"Its nice to meet you all," Kurt smiled, about to reply when he heard a loud uh-oh! come from Cleos bedroom.

"Daddy!" She called, running out into the living room, a huge splat of yellow paint down the front of her blue dress. "I gotted the paint on me."

"Cleo," Kurt sighed, making his way over to the two year old and kneeling down. "I told you to be careful, baby."

"I gotted it on the floor as well," she admitted guiltily.

Kurt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, lets just get you out of this dress and then well try and clean up the floor."

He stood back up and held his hand out for Cleo, cringing a little when his hand got covered in sticky yellow paint. He took her into her bedroom and got her out of her dress, being careful not to get paint anywhere else.

"Do you need any help?" Blaine asked a moment later, peeping his head around the door.

"Can you take this into the kitchen before I make an even bigger mess, please?" Kurt asked, holding out the dress.

"Sure," Blaine smiled, taking the dress from Kurt. "Do you want me to try and clean it, or?"

"If you dont mind," Kurt replied.

"Of course not," Blaine said, kissing Kurt briefly before making his way to the kitchen.

Kurt got Cleo changed into some clean clothes before kneeling down on the floor, moving her paints out of the way and staring at the stain on the floor. He let out a groan, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Daddy mad at me?" Cleo asked, a sad expression on her face.

Kurt sighed, shaking his head. "No, baby," he said, lifting the two year old up and sitting her on his lap, hugging her tightly. "Im not mad at you, I promise. You just need to be more careful with your paints in future, okay?"

Cleo nodded. "Sorry daddy."

"Its okay, baby girl," Kurt said, smiling as he kissed the top of her head. "Can you go and get Blaine for me, please?"

Cleo grinned and nodded, jumping off of Kurts lap and running out of the room, shouting Blaines name.



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