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Hero: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,867 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 30, 2015 - Updated: Jul 30, 2015
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Blaine and Ryan agreed to go out to dinner that Saturday. Blaine was half excited and half extremely nervous. He hadnt been on a date with anyone but Tyler in three years, and he and Tyler hadnt even been on a date in forever.

He was also really excited, though. He had been texting both Kurt and Ryan all week and hed hardly even thought about Tyler.

Blaine heard a wolf whistle come from Amy as he left his bedroom, causing him to blush and grin shyly.

"Someone looks gorgeous," Amy commented appreciatively. "Going to see Kurt?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I have a date."

"I told you!" Amy exclaimed proudly.

"Not with Kurt," Blaine pointed out. "His names Ryan. Hes a paediatrician - I met him while I was at the hospital with Kurt the other night."

"How is it that you get broken up with and you manage to meet two gay guys in one day?" Amy asked. "And one of them is a doctor!" She exclaimed.

Blaine laughed. "Someones jealous," he teased.

"I am," Amy whined with a teasing pout. "Dont you dare run off anywhere though! I want to meet him first."

"Must you?" Blaine asked, already thinking about the many terrible things Amy could say and do in the span of five minutes.

"As your best friend, yes - I must." Amy grinned, kissing Blaines cheek before making her way over to the sofa to sit down.

Blaine rolled his eyes but laughed, pulling his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrate with a text.

"Great," Blaine sighed as he sat down on the sofa next to Amy.

"Whats wrong?"

"Tyler," Blaine said, showing Amy his phone screen.

Tyler: Can we talk?

"Give me your phone," Amy said immediately.

"Amy," Blaine said warily.

"Blaine," Amy said in a stern voice. "He has no right!"

Blaine sighed but handed his phone over to Amy, watching as she typed furiously at the keypad before handing it back to him.

Blaine: Its Amy. Dont bother trying to talk to him and beg for his forgiveness or whatever, Tyler. You guys were together for three years and you dumped him after he had already had a bad day instead of trying to work things out first. You dont deserve him, to be completely honest, so just leave him alone.

A new text had arrived by the time Blaine finished reading Amys message, causing him to groan out loud.

Tyler: Im outside.

"Blaine, please tell me youre not actually going to go down there!" Amy exclaimed, following after Blaine when he got up and went to the door.

"What else am I supposed to do!?" Blaine asked.

"You could just wait for Ryan to arrive and go have fun," Amy pointed out like it was obvious.

"Yeah, because Tyler isnt going to try to stop us from leaving," Blaine said sarcastically. "Why are you so against me going down there anyway?"

"Because I know you love him a hell of a lot more than he ever loved you," Amy said. "And I dont trust him."

"You mean you dont trust me to not go running back to him if I get the chance," Blaine corrected, looking slightly hurt.

"And youre trying to tell me you wont?"

"Amy, Ive barely even thought about him this week. I swear, even if he wanted to me to, I wouldnt go running straight back to him."

"Blaine," Amy sighed, but Blaine turned around and made his way out of the apartment, his best friend following behind him.

"What do you want?" Blaine asked Tyler, who was leaning against his car.

"I just want to talk," Tyler said, pausing for a moment. "Without her."

"Tyler, I dont want to talk," Blaine said truthfully. "I just want you to go away so that I can get on with my evening."


Oh great.

"Ryan," Blaine said in a strained voice. Why did he have to show up right now!?

"Who is this?" Tyler asked accusingly.

"Oh, shut up," Amy interrupted.

"Blaine, whats going on?" Ryan asked.

"I -"

"Are you kidding me?" Tyler said. "Youre already going out with someone else?"

"Tyler -"

"Since when was it any of your business?" Amy asked.

"Can you all just be quiet!?" Blaine all but screamed, feeling like his head was going to explode.

"Baby -"

"Don't," Blaine said sternly, pulling his arm away from Tyler when he reached out for him. "You dont get to call me that anymore. Nor do you get to decide what I do in my free time or who I spend it with. And you," he said to Amy. "Stay out of my love life for once! I know that youre just trying to look out for me, but Im not a child! Im twenty three years old, Amy, I know how to look after myself," he then turned to Ryan, sighing as his face softened. "Im sorry."

"Its fine," Ryan smiled. "Im not really sure what I just walked in on, but its okay."

Blaine returned the smile, reaching out his hand to hold Ryans before turning back to Tyler.

"Go home, Tyler," Blaine said. "I dont want to talk to you, so stop wasting your time."

"Wait," Ryan said suddenly, as if hed come to a sudden realisation. "Your names Tyler?"

Both Tyler and Blaine turned to look at Ryan in confusion, Tyler nodding slightly.

"I thought you looked familiar," Ryan said, before freezing a little. "I..."

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Im not really sure its my place to say..."

Tyler seemed to realise what was happening immediately, shooting Ryan a look as if to say shut up.

"Will one of you tell me whats going on?" Blaine asked desperately.

Tyler was still sending looks to Ryan, but he seemed to dismiss them a little, slowly speaking.

"I...a few months ago I went out with my friend to celebrate his birthday and...I...he ended up ditching me not long after we got there and he was dancing with this guy. I could barely see his face because it was too dark, but I remember him saying his name was Tyler when he came back to get a drink. I wasnt drinking so I was driving him home and I...he brought the guy with him and they..." Ryan stopped for a moment, seeing that Blaine was close to tears. He sighed, but continued anyway, figuring that Blaine needed to know. "They were making out basically the entire way back to my friends house and I...I mean I guess its pretty obvious what happened when they got inside."

Blaine pulled his hand away from Ryans, stepping backwards as a tear fell from his eye.

"You were cheating on me," Blaine said simply, staring at Tyler. "All that crap about us being too different to each other was complete and utter rubbish, wasnt it? Youve been cheating on me this entire time."

"Blaine, I...its not -"

"Dont you dare tell me its not how it sounds," Blaine cried. "I cant believe you!"

"Blaine, Im sorry, I -"

"You cheated on me!" Blaine shouted. "You werent even honest about it, and you want me to accept some pathetic apology!?"

"Blaine," Amy said, stepping forward a little. "Blaine, lets just go inside."

"You disgust me," Blaine said, walking towards Tyler. "I cant believe I didnt figure it out sooner."

"Yeah, well maybe if you werent doing school work all the time and you actually remembered you were in a relationship every once in a while I wouldnt have had to cheat."

Everyone saw the moment something snapped inside Blaine and he saw red, launching himself at Tyler. Hed already punched him harshly in the nose by the time Ryan managed to pull him back, holding him tightly until he stopped trying to fight his grip and sunk into his embrace, turning around and crying into his shoulder.

"Take him inside," Ryan said to Amy, gesturing to Tyler. "Well be in in a minute and Ill get him cleaned up."

Amy nodded, grabbing Tylers arms a little too roughly and dragging him inside.

"Im sorry," Blaine sniffed, pulling back to look at Ryan. "Tonight was not supposed to go like this at all."

"Its okay," Ryan said honestly, wiping Blaines tears away. "We can go out to dinner another time, okay? Lets go inside and sort out the douche and then well just talk or something instead."

Blaine laughed a little at Ryan calling Tyler a douche, nodding and wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

They made their way inside, Blaine instantly running over to Amy and curling into her side on the sofa while Ryan grabbed some tissue and attempted to stop Tylers nose from bleeding. Blaine couldnt help but feel a little jealous at how close Ryan had to get, but when he saw Ryan grab Tylers chin a little too tight and tilt his head back aggressively, he smiled a little.

Once theyd finally gotten rid of Tyler, Amy cleared her throat and stood up, claiming she was going out to meet some friends and left the apartment.

Ryan sat down next to Blaine, who slowly inched forward until he could curl into his side, unsure if he was pushing things too quickly too far. Ryan seemed happy to hold him though, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Im sorry you had to witness that," Blaine admitted. "I probably didnt make the best first impression."

"Actually, I think you reacted in a completely normal way," Ryan said. "You probably shouldnt have punched him in the face - regardless of how much he deserved it - but still. Im sorry I had to be the one to tell you."

Blaine shook his head. "Dont be," he said. "At least I found out. He clearly wasnt going to tell me himself, so...Besides, its not like you even knew me when it happened."

"Hes such a douche," Ryan said incredulously. "He didnt deserve you."

"You dont even know me," Blaine pointed out. "Not really."

"True," Ryan agreed. "But he doesnt deserve anybody even remotely decent."

Blaine laughed. "I was really looking forward to tonight."

"Me too, but dont worry," Ryan replied. "I promise well make up for it."

"Im holding you to that," Blaine said, grinning up at Ryan.

"Youre adorable," Ryan said truthfully with a laugh.

"So Ive been told," Blaine teased.

"Shut up," Ryan laughed, shoving Blaine playfully.

Blaine giggled, cuddling back up to Ryan before turning serious again.

"Thank you for everything tonight," he said. "Im pretty sure any other guy wouldve run just finding us all arguing in the middle of the street."

Ryan laughed a little. "Stop thanking me and apologising," he said. "If I didnt want to be here I wouldnt be. I know we dont really know that much about each other but I like you, Blaine, and Im not going to run away because your ex is an idiot."

Blaine smiled up at him, satisfied with that answer. "I like you, too," he admitted, grinning at the kiss Ryan placed on his forehead.

"Good," he teased, cuddling Blaine a little tighter.


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