July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
*2 years later*
It was safe to say that Ethan had quickly leaned towards Blaine, probably as he was figuring out that Blaine was more likely to say yes, or not tell him off if he did something wrong. Blaine was also naturally more comforting, quickly swooping in to hug him tightly if he was upset and singing him lullabies almost every night.
Cleo, on the other hand, had Kurts stubbornness - which only got worse as she grew up. Blaine couldnt help but laugh whenever she became extremely stubborn and crossed her arms over her chest, resembling Kurt more than ever.
Surprisingly, Cleo absolutely adored her baby brother. Kurt and Blaine were both expecting her to be somewhat jealous of him, but she was constantly pleading them to let Ethan stay up for "just five more minutes" to play with her even though the majority of the time he was sitting there barely awake.
"I just dont understand why Cooper agreed to have his birthday in Ohio," Blaine complained. "I really do not want to spend four days with my parents."
"Cleo, put him down," Kurt reprimanded for the umpteenth time. "He clearly doesnt want you to carry him, or he wouldnt be crying."
"Fine!" Cleo exclaimed frustratedly, sitting Ethan down on the floor before running off to continue drawing.
"It wont be that bad, baby," Kurt said to Blaine from where he was attempting to keep the living room as clean as possible. "Youll probably see Cooper more than your parents."
"Its going to be my entire family," Blaine pointed out. "And everyones going to want to see Cleo and Ethan."
"Stop stressing out," Kurt laughed, sitting down next to Blaine and kissing his cheek. "It will be fine, and if you really want to leave we can just say the kids are getting tired and run." He teased.
Blaine chuckled. "I love you."
"I love you, too, dummy," Kurt grinned.
"Papa," Ethan said quietly, pulling himself onto his feet and toddling over to Blaine with his arms wide open, giggling loudly when Blaine swept him up into his arms and held him in the air, blowing raspberries at him.
Kurt shook his head at the pair, taking a quick photo before getting back to cleaning.
Cooper's birthday approached quickly, and Blaine was extremely quiet the entire flight there. The only time he would speak was if Kurt genuinely needed an answer to something or he was talking to Ethan or Cleo.
Kurt completely understood why he was being so quiet; Blaine wasn't exactly the happiest about having to spend four days around his parents, and the last time they'd seen the Anderson's it hadn't exactly been a walk in the park.
Mrs Anderson had done nothing but reprimand Blaine for not being strict enough with Ethan, even if he hadn't actually done anything wrong in the first place. According to Blaine's mother, simply letting Ethan decide what he wanted to play with, when he wanted to play with it, was being far too lenient.
Mr Anderson, on the other hand, was constantly pointing out how Blaine wasn't actually Cleo's father, and Kurt wasn't really Ethan's father, so they clearly couldn't be fathers to both of them together.
Cooper had tried to get them to just be quiet, but it hadn't worked in the slightest. Needless to say, Blaine hadn't spoken to his parents much after that, and he was more than reluctant to see them again, like…ever.
Still, he loved his brother, so he was going to be there nonetheless.
They arrived at their hotel a few hours later – Blaine had insisted that they book a room rather than stay with his parents, and they easily entertained the idea – and Blaine was still as quiet as ever. Kurt smiled as he walked into the bedroom to find him sitting with Ethan on his lap, playing on his toy keyboard with him.
“There are my two beautiful boys,” he grinned, kissing Ethan on the cheek and laughing softly when he paid no attention, continuing to hit the keys on the keyboard. “I'm gonna take Cleo out for dinner, do you want to come or should I just bring you something back?” He asked, running his fingers through Blaine's loose curls.
“I'm not that hungry,” Blaine replied, leaning into the touch. “I might just order some room service and share it with Ethan.”
Ethan looked up at the sound of his name, dismissing the toy piano in favour of snuggling up to Blaine.
“You need to eat something, baby,” Kurt argued softly. “Are you sure you don't want to come out with us? It might make you feel better.”
Blaine let out a resounding sigh. “Okay,” he agreed.
Kurt pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “I'm gonna get Cleo ready, can you sort Ethan out?”
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt once more before lifting Ethan up and standing up so that he could get himself and the two year old ready.
Cooper's birthday was the next day, much to Blaine's dismay. Cooper had told him to just ignore what anyone said, but Blaine still grimaced at the mere sight of his mother. Cleo was having the time of her life, making her way from family member to family member and enjoying each and every compliment she received on her beauty. Ethan, however, was clinging to Blaine tightly, hiding his face in his shoulder every time somebody tried to talk to him.
“You wouldn't have this problem if you brought him up right, Blaine,” Mrs Anderson commented, overhearing Blaine telling Kurt that Ethan was clearly terrified by all of the people.
“Oh, shut up,” Blaine groaned.
“Blaine –“
“No,” Blaine said, turning to face his mom fully. “Stop telling me how to raise my children. They're my children, not yours. I couldn't care less what you think of my parenting, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing a hell of a lot better than you ever did. He's allowed to be scared by the amount of people he's around, mother,” by this point, many people had stopped their conversations in favour of watching the argument between Blaine and Mrs Anderson. Blaine's father looked disappointed as did many of his other family members. Other people just looked shocked at Blaine's confrontation. Cooper, on the other hand, was practically grinning, his face one of sheer pride. “He's never been around this many people before, and him being scared is normal. It doesn't mean he's not being raised properly, or that there's something wrong with him, it means that he's human. Stop trying to correct every tiny thing I do. I'm not perfect, nobody is, but you have no right to try and tell me how to live my life, or how to look after my children – especially when you weren't exactly great at it yourself.”
“Get out,” Mrs Anderson spat.
“Gladly,” Blaine sneered, cuddling Ethan a little tighter and grabbing Cleo's hand before proudly leaving the house, Kurt following swiftly behind.
“Are you okay?” Kurt asked when they made it outside.
“I'm…yeah,” Blaine smiled, letting out a shaky breath. “I can't believe I actually just did that.”
Kurt chuckled, kissing Blaine's cheek. “I'm proud of you,” he said. “You're the least confrontational person I know, and I know that wasn't easy for you, but she deserved everything you said to her.”
“She hates me,” Blaine said.
“Highly unlikely,” Kurt said. “But even if she does…so what? She's horrible.”
Blaine opened his mouth to reply, his train of thought being interrupted by the front door opening – Cooper, Lucy and Zoe making their way outside.
“What are you doing?” Blaine asked.
“Celebrating my birthday with my real family,” Cooper smiled. “Can I also just say that I have never been more proud of you in my life.”
Blaine laughed, briefly half-hugging Cooper. “I'm sorry I ruined the entire party.”
“You didn't ruin anything,” Cooper assured him. “Well, maybe mom's reputation, but she deserved it.”