July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 30, 2015, 7 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine were allowed to take Ethan home that evening. They got back to their house, glad to see that Tyler hadnt completely destroyed the place.
"Im gonna take Cleo up to bed," Kurt said, ignoring Tylers stars and hoisting the sleeping five year old higher up on his waist.
"Okay," Blaine replied, leaning into the gentle kiss Kurt placed on his lips before he made his way upstairs.
Blaine set the baby carrier down on the chair and took Ethan out, smiling adoringly when he let out a small yawn, curling his fingers into the material of Blaines shirt.
"Are you hungry?" Blaine asked Tyler, making his way into the kitchen to fill a bottle up for Ethan.
"A little," Tyler replied.
"I think were just going to order something in," Blaine said, standing by the microwave while he waited for Ethans milk to warm up.
"You dont have to buy food for me, Blaine."
Blaine made his way back to the living room and sat next to Tyler, grinning as Ethan watched him while he drank his milk, flexing his tiny hands.
"Well, Id rather pay for a little extra food than have you rot to death on my sofa," Blaine teased, receiving a chuckle from Tyler in response.
"He looks just like you," Tyler commented, looking at the baby.
Ethan turned his head away from the bottle, letting out a tiny sneeze. The noise seemed to scare him, his face scrunching up almost instantly, and a sad cry ripping from his little body as he burst into tears.
"Hey," Blaine said gently, laughing adoringly as he picked Ethan up and hugged him the best that he could, rubbing his back soothingly. "Its okay, baby boy."
"What happened?" Kurt asked as he came downstairs.
"He sneezed," Blaine replied, his facial expression full of love. "It scared him."
"Aw," Kurt cooed. Blaine leaned Ethan back against his hand and grinned when he immediately turned his attention to Kurt. "Hey there, little man," he said, running his hand over the soft curls on Ethans head as he slowly calmed down. "Youre so gorgeous, just like your papa."
Ethan blinked up at Kurt, letting out a small whine.
"I think somebodys still hungry," Blaine smiled, lying the newborn back down and bringing the bottle to his lips once again.
"What do you guys want to order?" Kurt asked, pressing a kiss to the top of Blaines head.
"I dont really mind," Tyler said.
"Pizza?" Blaine suggested, grinning up at Kurt.
Kurt rolled his eyes fondly. "Really, Blaine?"
Blaine pouted up at Kurt, batting his eyelashes dramatically.
"Ugh, fine," Kurt laughed. "Youre lucky I love you."
"I love you, too," Blaine grinned.
Later that night, Blaine was finding it extremely difficult to sleep. He was way too excited about finally having Ethan with them, and he wasnt even remotely tired. Finally giving up on sleep, Blaine quietly got out of bed and tip-toed into Ethans nursery, just watching him sleep for a while, before going downstairs.
"Why are you still awake?" Blaine asked, seeing Tyler watching the TV.
"Couldnt sleep," Tyler said, shifting up on the sofa so Blaine could sit next to him.
"Me too," Blaine said. "Excitement, mostly."
"Youre really happy, arent you?"
"I am," Blaine smiled.
Tyler nodded, a little sadly. "This couldve been us," he pointed out. "But I screwed it up."
"You didnt," Blaine argued. "Put the cheating aside for a minute, because I didnt know about that at first. The relationship was falling apart all by itself, Tyler. I didnt see it at first, probably because I was scared, but it was."
"What do you think wouldve happened if we had stayed together?" Tyler asked out of curiosity.
"I honestly have no idea," Blaine said. "Maybe we wouldve ended up breaking up anyway, or maybe wed still be together."
"Im so sorry I hurt you like that," Tyler said.
Blaine shook his head. "It was years ago, Tyler. I promise you, Ive forgiven you for it."
"Still," Tyler said stubbornly. "You didnt deserve that."
"Its okay," Blaine said. "Where is this coming from?"
Tyler shrugged. "I screwed up," he said. "Badly. I just...I miss who I was when I was with you."
"Youre still the same person," Blaine pointed out. "I mean, I dont know what youve done, and Id rather keep it that way. I know you though, and I know that deep down youre still the exact same person you were back then."
"I dont know how to be that person anymore, though."
"Well, a start would be apologising to anybody youve hurt," Blaine said. "Stop hanging out with whoever is making you act like this, secondly. Then just go from there."
"Blaine?" Kurts sleepy voice came from the top of the stairs a few moments later, his footsteps following not a second later. "Why arent you in bed?"
"I couldnt sleep," Blaine replied, making his way over to Kurt. "I came down to make some tea, but Tyler was still up and we just started talking."
"You okay?" Kurt asked, clearly hardly awake.
"Im fine," Blaine chuckled, kissing Kurts cheek. "Lets go back to bed."
"Kay," Kurt mumbled.
"Goodnight," Blaine said to Tyler, glancing back briefly with a smile, before taking Kurts hand and leading him back upstairs.