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Hero: Chapter 12

T - Words: 1,678 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 30, 2015 - Updated: Jul 30, 2015
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*3 years later*

Blaine was halfway to work when he heard his phone ringing. Hed been smart enough to invest in a Bluetooth headset so that even if he was driving somewhere, Kurt could always reach him. Kurt had whined at him at first, to stubborn to admit that it was a good idea, but hed been glad when Blaine had bought one for him.


"Blaine!" Kurt whisper-exclaimed. "Why the hell is Tyler asleep on our sofa!?"

Blaine sighed. Hed been woken up at 2 in the morning by an insistent knocking on the front door - he had no idea how it hadnt woken Kurt up, too - and was greeted by a desperate Tyler in need of somewhere to stay.

"He showed up in the middle of the night covered in cuts and bruises. He had nowhere to stay and apparently somebodys after him."

"Im not surprised!" Kurt exclaimed. "The guys a grade-A douchebag, Im surprised it took this long for him to get into something he couldnt get himself out of."

Needless to say, Tyler had only gone further downhill after Blaine found out about his cheating. Theyd never actually spoken after that, but it was impossible not to hear stories about what Tyler was up to in his neighbourhood.

"Kurt, he had nowhere to go, what was I supposed to do!?"

"Tell him to get lost! I dont want him in our house, Blaine. I dont want him anywhere near Cleo, and I especially dont want him anywhere near our baby when hes born."

"Kurt," Blaine sighed. "Believe me, I dont particularly want him there either, but nobody deserves to be left out on the streets - especially if theres someone after them."

Kurt groaned. "Damn you and your morals," he said. "Fine. Have it your way. But he has a week and I want him gone."

"Okay," Blaine replied.

"You suck,"

"I love you," Blaine said in a sing-song voice, grinning widely.

"Idiot," Kurt replied, but his smile was evident in his voice.

"I have to go," Blaine said as he pulled into the school parking lot. "I promise Ill make it up to you later," he added deviously, grabbing his bag and leaving the car.

Kurt scoffed. "Yeah, if I let you."

"You jerk," Blaine replied teasingly.

"Stop pouting," Kurt laughed. "You know you always get your way."

"Liar!" Blaine gasped. "When I tried to order pizza two nights in a row you threatened to slap me."

"And I wouldve actually done it," Kurt laughed. "You cant eat pizza two nights in a row, Blaine. Thats disgusting."

"Oh hush," Blaine retorted. "Okay, I seriously have to go," he said, putting his bag down behind his desk and glancing up at the clock. "Ill see you later, okay?"

"Okay," Kurt replied. "I love you - try not to traumatise too many kids today!"

"Screw you!" Blaine laughed into the phone right before Kurt hung up.

Kurt busied himself with replying to emails and getting some work done, until Tyler woke up, and he was preoccupied with glancing up from his laptop every 20 seconds to make sure he was behaving himself.

"Youre so paranoid," Tyler commented, keeping his eyes fixed on the TV.

"Yeah, well, forgive me for not trusting you," Kurt said sarcastically.

"Im not a criminal, Kurt," Tyler pointed out. "I dont know what you think Im gonna do, but youre probably wrong."

"I dont want you in my house," Kurt spat. "And for as long as youre here, Im not letting you out of my sight."

"Yeah, yeah," Tyler laughed.

"So, whod you screw over this time?"

"Oh, shut up," Tyler said, rolling his eyes.

"I cant believe Blaine ever dated you," Kurt scoffed.

"Because youre just a perfect little angel, arent you?"

"I never said that. I know Im not perfect - not by a longshot - but Id never, ever cheat on someone."

"You dont know anything about me, Kurt," Tyler pointed out. "You have no right to judge me."

"Nothing you tell me could ever justify what you did to Blaine," Kurt retorted. "And Im almost certain youve done worse."

"Yeah, well its none of your business," Tyler said.

Kurt rolled his eyes, about to get back to his work when his phone began to ring.

"Hello?...Yes...oh my god...yeah, okay...thank you."

"What's up with you?" Tyler asked as Kurt almost threw his laptop off the chair in an attempt to get up.

"Im having a baby," Kurt said frantically, rushing around the apartment in an attempt to grab everything he needed.

"I didnt know Blaine turned straight," Tyler commented snarkily.

"I swear to god I will come over there and punch you in the face," Kurt said aggressively, freezing momentarily.

Tyler snickered, staying silent as Kurt continued rushing around before finally darting out of the apartment, clearly not caring that he had left Tyler unattended as he dialled Blaines number.

"Blaine?" Kurt said, out of breath as he climbed into his car.

"I know," Blaine said, sounding equally as out of breath.

"Ill see you in a bit," Kurt said. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

Miraculously, they both made it to the hospital before the baby was born. They were both in tears when they saw each other, and the tears didnt stop for a while after that.

"I wish wed had time to get Cleo from school," Kurt said.

They were sat together on a hospital bed, Blaine with his back against Kurts chest and Kurts arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Their little baby boy was wrapped in a soft blue blanket, a blue and white dummy in his mouth with a little elephant on it. He was bundled up warmly in Blaines arms, who was looking at him as if he might not be real.

"One of us can go grab her soon," Blaine pointed out. "Besides, if she was there for the actual birth shed probably be traumatised."

"True," Kurt laughed, kissing Blaines shoulder. "We need a name."

"I was thinking...maybe Ethan?" Blaine asked, looking back in order to gauge Kurts reaction.

"Really?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah," Blaine smiled. "If you want. I know that it would mean a lot to you, and Ive always liked the name Ethan anyway."

"I love you so much," Kurt said, tears clouding his eyes as he leaned forward to kiss Blaine gently.

"I love you, too," Blaine smiled, glancing back down at Ethan. "Hes so tiny."

"Hes gorgeous," Kurt added. "He already has your curls."

"Poor thing," Blaine laughed.

"Hey, I like your curls," Kurt pouted.

"Hm, well Im sure theyll look much cuter on him than me," Blaine concluded. "My perfect little baby boy."

"Im gonna go get Cleo now," Kurt said.

"Yeah?" Blaine asked, looking up at Kurt with a smile.

"Yeah," Kurt said. "I want her to be here for this."

"Okay," Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt softly before sitting up so that he could get off the bed. Ethan let out a whine at the disruption, opening his hazel eyes and stretching his tiny hands out. "Whats all that noise about?" Blaine asked in a childish voice, letting Ethan latch onto his finger.

Kurt let out a strained noise. "You make it so hard for me to leave," he whined.

Blaine chuckled. "Go," he said. "Im sure you can survive half an hour away from us."

Kurt sighed dramatically. "Fine," he agreed, kissing Blaine on the lips and Ethan on the forehead before grabbing his phone and keys. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Blaine smiled, watching Kurt leave before turning his attention back to Ethan, talking to him enthusiastically until he drifted back to sleep, still grasping Blaines finger tightly.

Kurt returned not too long later, Cleo in his arms with her head on his shoulder, looking shyly towards Blaine and Ethan.

"Hey, princess," Blaine grinned, sitting back up and succeeding in not waking Ethan up again. Kurt set Cleo down on the floor, smiling as she tentatively walked over to Blaine and peered up at the baby. "This is Ethan."

"Hes so little," Cleo commented quietly.

"You were that little once," Kurt pointed out, kneeling down behind Cleo and putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Nuh-uh," Cleo giggled, shaking her head.

"You were too," Kurt laughed, wrapping his arms around her little body. "You were teeny tiny."

"Not anymore!" Cleo exclaimed proudly. "Im big now!"

Kurt and Blaine both chuckled.

"Youre going to get a lot bigger, too," Kurt said.

"Like Ethan will?"

"Yup," Kurt said. "Not for a while though, thank goodness."

"Do you want to hold him?" Blaine asked, receiving an eager nod from Cleo in reply.

Cleo climbed up onto the bed as instructed, Kurt showing her how to position her arms before Blaine gently placed Ethan in her arms, sitting next to her and supporting his head. Kurt was able to snap a photo on his phone before Ethan woke up, confused for a moment at not being in Blaines arms anymore, before letting out a loud wail, his dummy falling from his mouth.

"Hey, little man," Blaine said, grabbing the little stuffed elephant Kurt had brought to the hospital with him and shaking it, a small rattle sounding from inside it. Ethans cries died down a little as he looked up at Blaine with sad eyes, watching the elephant as it was shaken from side to side. "Whats that?" Blaine gasped.

Ethan let out a little hiccup and closed his eyes again, yawning soundlessly.

"Why does he sleep a lot?" Cleo asked.

"Thats just what babies do, munchkin," Blaine replied. "You used to sleep lots too."

"Babies are funny," Cleo said, her voice curious as her parents let out adoring chuckles.

"Cleos are funny," Blaine teased.

Cleo laughed loudly, allowing Kurt to take Ethan from her and set him down in his little bed. Blaine hugged the five year old tightly, letting out a fake noise of pain when Kurt joined in on the hug, squishing Blaine between the two.


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