July 29, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 29, 2015, 7 p.m.
I didnt intend for this to get so dramatic so quickly but yano...enjoy?
"Im not letting you back in after school." Kurt said to Blaine the next morning once the teen was done showering and helping himself to Kurts food.
"Thats fine," Blaine smiled. "I know someone who can pick locks. Love you." He said, leaning up to press a kiss to Kurts lips before leaving for school.
As soon as Blaine was gone, Kurt grabbed the nearest thing to him and threw it against the wall, causing Blaines empty cereal bowl to smash into a thousand tiny pieces, milk splattering across the room.
Later that day, as promised, Blaine got his friend to pick Kurts lock and he continued this routine for several days until everything went extremely wrong.
"Go home, Blaine!" Kurt called out to the consistent knocking on his door.
"Its Wes!" Came an anxious voice from the other side of the door.
Groaning, Kurt pulled himself off of the floor and opened the door, leaning against the door frame in a slumped manner. "What?"
"Wheres Blaine?" Wes asked.
"What do you mean wheres Blaine?" Kurt asked. "Id assume hes at home."
"He didnt come into school today," Wes said. "I went to his house after school and he wasnt there either."
"Im sure hes fine, Wes," Kurt replied, although he was beginning to get slightly worried himself. "Stop worrying."
"The only places he could be are here or his house!" Wes exclaimed. "Your boyfriend is missing and you dont even care!"
"Of course I care!" Kurt practically screamed. "I dont know what you expect me to do though! Its been one day, Wes - he couldve skipped school and been too scared to go home."
"Blaine doesnt skip school," Wes exaggerated. "Thats whats wrong about this."
"Give it a couple of days and if he doesnt show up then come and tell me, okay?" Kurt said. "Now go away." He said, slamming the door in Wess face.
Angrily, Kurt grabbed his phone and frantically dialed Sebastians number, thankful for the fact that hed left it on a piece of paper before he left a few days ago.
"Where is he?" Kurt asked as soon as Sebastian picked up.
"I have no idea what youre talking about." Sebastian said innocently, a smirk in his voice.
"Blaine," Kurt gritted out. "What the hell have you done to him Sebastian?"
"Nothing!" Sebastian exclaimed, faking shock. "Although I do have to admit I understand the appeal here..."
"I swear to god if you hurt him -"
"I warned you, Kurt."
"I am going to tear you apart limb by limb," Kurt threatened. "Tell me where you are."
"How do you know I havent already killed him?"
"Because I know you," Kurt replied. "Youre teasing me."
"Youre still smart then."
"Just tell me where you are, Sebastian." Kurt growled into the phone.
And suddenly the call was disconnected.
Crying out in frustration, Kurt threw his phone on the floor, not caring if it smashed into pieces.
He sat down on his sofa and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to figure out where Sebastian couldve taken Blaine that hed know about. He took his sketchbook off of the coffee table and began flipping through the pages filled with drawings, when suddenly it hit him.
Carelessly leaving his sketchbook open on the sofa, Kurt darted out of his house and made his way to the nearest airport, buying a ticket for the first flight available.
As soon as Kurt arrived at his destination, he made his way through a familiar route to a place that he was far too acquainted with; an abandoned house that he and Sebastian used to sneak out to when he was first turned.
"Sebastian!?" Kurt called out.
The house was even more wrecked than it had been a hundred years ago - however that was possible - and it was eerily silent and empty.
"I know youre here Sebastian!" He called out next. "And if you dont show your face in the next few seconds Im going to hunt you down and rip your heart out of your chest so fast you wont even be able to -" Kurt froze when he heard a pained cry come from somewhere in the house. "Blaine!" He screamed, running through the house in search of the teen.
"Get the hell away from him!" Kurt cried when he finally found Blaine and Sebastian.
Blaine was in a little ball on the floor, his wrists tied together and his ankles tied together. There were cuts and bruises on his face and the sixteen year old was crying, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes when he saw Kurt.
"Why would I want to do that?" Sebastian smirked. "This is so fun."
"You got what you wanted, Sebastian," Kurt said tearfully. "You got to me, okay? You hurt me - congratulations. Please just let him go, he hasnt done anything to you."
"Oh but he has," Sebastian retorted. "He took you away from me."
"I was never yours Sebastian!" Kurt cried.
"My bed would beg to differ," Sebastian said smugly, purposely winding Blaine and Kurt up. "Or maybe you were the one begging..."
"Sebastian, please," Kurt said tiredly, a tear falling from his eye. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I have spent the last century in love with you and you just left me."
"If you really meant that," Kurt said, his throat closing up with emotion. "If you really loved me you would want me to be happy."
"Hes changed you, Kurt!" Sebastian shouted. "Hes changed everything about you - why arent you seeing that?"
"He didnt change me; I changed because I realised I hated who I was, it just took meeting Blaine to realise that. I will do anything you want, just stop hurting him!"
"I want you to stay here with me," Sebastian ordered. "You can say goodbye to your precious little human, but thats it."
"Fine," Kurt gulped, willing himself not to cry. "If thats what you want."
"Good," Sebastian smiled, standing up and making his way towards Kurt. "I missed you." He said, leaning in and kissing Kurt on the lips.
Kurt took in a shaky breath as Sebastian pulled away, sniffling slightly. "Can I have a few minutes with Blaine, please?"
Sebastian glanced over to Blaine, who was shaking with fear, before looking back at Kurt and smiling. "Two minutes."
When Sebastian was gone Kurt rushed over to Blaine and untied his hands and feet before hugging him tightly.
"Dont leave me," Blaine choked out immediately, sinking into Kurts embrace and crying openly. "Please dont leave me."
"I have to, baby," Kurt said sadly.
"Why are you giving yourself up for me?" Blaine asked, pulling back to look at Kurt.
"Youre sixteen, Blaine," Kurt pointed out. "Im one hundred and forty three. Ive already lived my life, but you have so much to experience. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I let him hurt you."
"He is hurting me," Blaine cried, his face scrunching up sadly.
"Look at me," Kurt said softly, lifting Blaines head up by his chin and thumbing his tears away. "Knowing you has been the best thing thats ever happened to me. If I could be with you longer then I would, but you deserve so much in the world and I cant let him take that away from you."
"I love you so much." Blaine sobbed.
"I love you too," Kurt whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "Forever." He added, pressing a kiss to Blaines forehead.
"Times up!" Came Sebastians smug voice
"Will you be okay getting home?" Kurt asked quietly, Blaine nodding in reply. "Im done." He said loudly, standing up and walking over to Sebastian.
"Theres a taxi waiting for you outside." Sebastian said plainly to Blaine.
"Hes bleeding..." Kurt pointed out.
"Im sure he can find some tissue somewhere."
"Kurt, its fine," Blaine interrupted, shakily pulling himself to his feet. "Ill be fine."
Kurt nodded, pulling his arms around himself and forcing himself not to run after Blaine when he walked out of the wrecked house, and Kurts life.