Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Sick.

K - Words: 2,121 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review! Gracias!

When Kurt woke up the next morning, he felt worse than he had since he was five. His vision was clouded by unshed tears as his eyes watered endlessly, his head hurt so badly that you'd think somebody was jabbing a knife into it and every part of his body ached. He managed to gain the strength to drag himself out of bed long enough to go downstairs for headache tablets. When he got to the kitchen he was greeted by his father who was way too cheery for Kurt's head to handle.

"You okay, bud? You don't look to good." Burt asked, voice coated in concern.

"I feel awful," Kurt groaned, shaking his head at his dad's question. "I feel like something came and crushed me in my sleep, everything hurts."

"Go back to bed; I'll bring you something for the pain okay?"

"Okay." Kurt said sleepily and began to trudge back up the stairs. Once he was back in bed he reached for his phone so that he could call Blaine like he promised to the night before.

"Using your phone won't help your head you know." Burt said coming into Kurt's room, bearing water and pain medication.

"I promised Blaine I'd call him, I'll turn it off after." Kurt said to his father.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need me." Burt said before silently leaving the room. As soon as his dad left the room, Kurt took the pain medication and then searched through his contacts and dialled Blaine's number. Blaine who picked up almost instantly...

"Hey you!" Blaine exclaimed as he answered the phone, making Kurt's head throb even harder.

"Hey." Kurt croaked, wincing at the sound of his own voice.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked.

"I'm sick, which explains why I was so exhausted last night."

"Aw, can I do anything? Do you want me to come over?"

"Yes but I don't wanna get you sick too." Kurt groaned, closing his eyes at became increasingly more painful to keep them open.

"Well unless you're planning on mauling me once I get there, I'll probably be fine," Blaine laughed. "But seriously, even if I do end up sick, if it makes you feel even a tiny bit better I don't care."

"How do you always do that?" Kurt asked.

"Do what?"

"Constantly amaze me."

"There is nothing amazing about me caring about you, Kurt. Now, are you going to agree to me coming over or do I have to break into your house?"

"Okay fine, but if you end up sick it's your fault."

"I promise that if I get sick I will take full responsibility for it. I'll see you in a while."

"Okay, bye." Kurt said before hanging up the phone and proceeding to roll onto his stomach and press his face into his pillow, hoping that would help the pain in his body, until he finally drifted back to sleep.

Kurt awoke to the sound of somebody moving around in his bedroom. He fluttered both of his eyes open to find Blaine all but tiptoeing over to Kurt.

"Hey." Kurt croaked, rubbing at his eyes sleepily.

"Hey, sorry; I was trying not to wake you." Blaine whispered, coming over to sit on the bed and stroke his fingers through Kurt's hair.

"That feels nice." Kurt said, crawling closer to Blaine.

"How do you feel?" Blaine asked, letting his boyfriend snuggle into his arms.

"Like crap," Kurt sniffled. "But a little better now that you're here. Speaking of, how long have you been here?"

"Not long, I came in a little bit before you woke up," Kurt just responded by snuggling closer to Blaine. Blaine shifted himself and the younger teen slightly so that he was lying down with Kurt's head resting on his chest while he continued to card his fingers through his boyfriend's soft brown hair. "You can sleep you know." He said, noticing Kurt trying to stay awake.

"But you just got here; I don't want you to have wasted your time coming here to have me fall asleep on you." Kurt murmured.

"Kurt, you're sick, I came here to look after you, not for you to entertain me. I can tell you're tired, go to sleep." He said softly.

"'Kay." Kurt replied, and that was all it took before Kurt fell into a dreamless sleep.

Kurt awoke a few hours later to find himself in the middle of an abhorrent coughing fit. After what seemed like minutes of coughing, the pain in Kurt's throat began to subside.

"You okay?" Blaine asked, rubbing his hand over Kurt's back soothingly.

"No," Kurt shook his head and crawled closer to Blaine. "I'm sick of being sick already. I'm sick of sleeping and I'm sick of being stuck in bed. The only thing I'm not sick of right now is you."

"Your dad brought down some more medicine so take that and it should help a bit. Speaking of, he said that he had to go to work but if you need him then call him."

"I hate this stuff. It tastes like crap and makes me sleepy."

"Sleeping will make you feel better, you know." Blaine pointed out.

"I know but it's so boring," Kurt complained. "Can you at least put the TV on, like really quietly?" He croaked out.

"Only you could find sleeping when you're sick boring," Blaine laughed.

"I like being busy, just lying here is boring to me."

"Quiet enough?" Blaine asked, wrapping his arms back around Kurt and nuzzling his face into the top of the teens head.

"Mhm," Kurt mumbled, soaking up the warmth that was surrounding him all before letting out an inhumanly sounding sneeze. "Ugh, that hurt my throat."

"Here," Blaine said, passing Kurt a tissue from the box that sat on his bedside table. "You just got snot all over my shirt."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Kurt exclaimed once he finished blowing his nose.

"Kurt, it's fine," Blaine laughed. "I was joking. Come here." He said opening his arms and kissing Kurt on the top of his head when the younger teen gratefully fell into his embrace.

"Don't joke with me about ruining clothes." Kurt said seriously.

"You're too cute for your own good," Blaine said, and pulled Kurt back into a lying position when he noticed the boy was starting to fall asleep. That was interrupted a few minutes later, however, when Teenage Dream blasted from Blaine's phone. Kurt groaned loudly and buried his head in the pillow, wishing his head would stop throbbing. "Sorry, I thought I put it on silent."

"It's okay just please turn it off before my head literally explodes." Kurt cried, his voice muffled from the pillow.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked once he turned his phone off.

"My head is throbbing and this stupid medicine isn't doing anything except making me want to pass out." Kurt groaned, sitting up and leaning his head in his hands, before all but collapsing into Blaine's open arms. They stayed in that position for a while, Blaine rubbing his hand soothingly over Kurt's back as the younger teen snuggled into Blaine's chest, willing some of the pain in his head to go away.

"I have to go," Blaine began as Kurt sat into an upright position to look Blaine in the eyes. Blaine leaned his head against the younger teens before continuing. "Try to get some sleep and I'll call you during lunch tomorrow, okay?" Kurt nodded in response.

"Thank you for wasting your afternoon looking after me." Kurt smiled slightly.

"Hey, it wasn't a waste. I love spending time with you, even if you are sick and unconscious." Blaine replied sweetly, reciprocating Kurt's smile.

"If you insist."

"I do," Blaine said, kissing Kurt on the nose. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay," Kurt said before wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulders. "You should really go," He laughed before pulling back. "Bye Blaine."

"Bye baby." Blaine said, getting off the bed and leaning down to brush some stray hair out of Kurt's face that had fallen when he laid back down, and kissed the top of his head gently before leaving the room quietly.

"Hey, where's Kurt?" Rachel asked as she approached Blaine at his locker the next morning.

"He's sick." Blaine replied simply.

"Aw, what's wrong with him?"

"Just a cold probably, he had a bad headache and a sore throat yesterday, his eyes looked watery too when I went to see him yesterday, I said I'd call him at lunch."

"Well tell him I said to feel better soon." Rachel said.

"I will," Blaine smiled. "Come on, we're gonna be late to class." He said before dragging Rachel along to their classroom.

Kurt Hummel was bored. He was bored of being sick, bored of being stuck in bed, bored of sleeping, bored of the rubbish reality TV that he had playing on mute and bored of the incisive pounding in his head. He was more excited than probably necessary for Blaine to call him that day, and, crazy as it may sound, he actually wished that he was at school. He slept for a few more hours before his ringtone finally went off, signalling that Blaine was calling him.

"Hey." Kurt said sleepily.

"Hey, sorry, did I wake you up?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, but don't apologise, I was actually looking forward to this phone call. It's the most interesting thing I've done all day." Kurt groaned.

"Aw," Blaine cooed. "How do you feel?"

"A little better. It still feels like someone is trying to crush my skull though."

"I'm sorry to say this but only sleep will help." Blaine laughed.

"I know, I know."

"Why are you whispering while you're talking on the phone?" Puck basically shouted as he approached Blaine in the hallway.

"I'm talking to Kurt, he's sick and I'm whispering because he has a headache." Blaine explained, trying to hint to Puck that he should be quieter.

"Oh. Hey Kurt!" Puck near enough screamed down the phone and then walked away.

"Which part of me having a headache does that douche not understand?" Kurt croaked out.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's not your fault."

"Do you want me to come over after school?"

"Could you? It probably sounds crazy but I miss you already." Blaine could tell from the tone in Kurt's voice that he was pouting into the phone.

"Sure, I'll come over after Glee practise, I miss you too."

"Thank you! You're the best."

"I know," Blaine laughed. "Okay, I should go, I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye." Kurt replied.

"Hey you." Blaine greeted as he walked into Kurt's bedroom later that afternoon.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed cheerfully, well as cheerfully as you can when you're losing your voice.

"Somebody's feeling better." Blaine laughed.

"A little. I mean, I still feel like crap but I'm better. And I'm glad you're finally here." Kurt replied snuggling into Blaine's side where the older teen had now sat down next to his boyfriend.

"Me too, school sucks without you," Blaine pouted. "What medicine has your dad given you anyway? You're acting like a five year old," He laughed. "An adorable five year old." He added, noticing the pointed glare he received from the younger teen.

"I don't know and I don't care. Whatever is it, it's better than what I was taking yesterday."

"I'm just glad you're feeling better."

"Me too." Kurt said before drifting off to sleep once again.

Kurt awoke to the sound of his dad coming into his bedroom, and the surprising sight of Blaine waking up next to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you; I just came to see if Blaine wanted to stay for dinner?" Burt said quietly.

"Um," Blaine said groggily, clearing his throat before continuing. "Sure, if it's okay with you that is."

"I wouldn't have asked you if it wasn't okay with me, dummy," Burt laughed. "If you guys just come down in about ten minutes it should be ready." He added before leaving the room.

"How long were we asleep?" Kurt asked shortly after his dad left.

"You were asleep for about two hours, I fell asleep almost an hour after you." Blaine explained.

"Ugh," Kurt groaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I still feel like I haven't slept for a week."

"Well, you can sleep for a week if it will make you feel better." Blaine suggested teasingly.

"God no," Kurt croaked out then winced at the sound of his voice. "My throat is killing me."

"Let's go to dinner then, you can get some water." Blaine said, getting out of bed and extending his hand for Kurt to take.


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