Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
"Hey." Kurt said as he opened the door for Blaine that afternoon.
"Hey," Blaine replied. "Do you have any idea how liberating it is to see you outside of school?" He asked, eliciting a small laugh from Kurt as he grabbed his keys and joined Blaine outside his house.
"Yes, I can finally do this," He said taking Blaine's hand into his own. "Without worrying about what other people are going to say...or without our crazy friends teasing us."
"Hm, well, enjoy it while you can, we're gonna be with our 'crazy friends' very soon, unfortunately."
"But you're forgetting about the fact that it's dark in the cinema..." Kurt added.
"Very true," Blaine said, turning around to kiss Kurt on the lips softly. "Okay, come on, they're gonna kill me if we're late." He said before all but running the rest of the way to his car, hand intertwined with Kurt's.
When they finally reached the cinema, they were greeted with Rachel running up to them and enveloping them both in a deathly hug, literally.
"Rachel, get off of me, I can't breathe." Kurt squirmed, trying to get the brunette to let go of him.
"Rachel, stop trying to suffocate my boyfriend." Blaine teased as he walked over to Mercedes who was currently buying the tickets.
"I'm sorry Blaine, he's just so huggable." Rachel replied, pinching Kurt's cheeks which only resulted in her getting hit in the arm by the youngest teen.
"Believe me, I know." Blaine laughed.
"Ugh, you guys are so weird," Kurt groaned, moving over to Blaine until he was close enough to rest his head on the older teens shoulder. "Hi." He said, looking up at Blaine in a way that his boyfriend found absolutely adorable.
"Hi." Blaine replied sweetly, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's waist and placing a kiss to the top of his head.
"How can you guys be all cute like that an expect me not to react to it?" Rachel groaned, stomping up behind the two boys who just shrugged in response.
"I swear, if you let her sit next to me you will pay for it." Kurt pretended to whisper to Blaine, but said it just loud enough that Rachel would hear.
"Hey! I heard that!" She pouted, playfully swatting Kurt in the arm.
"You were supposed to, dummy." Kurt retorted before all but going silent as they ordered their tickets.
"Hey, what happened to Mike and Tina?" Blaine asked. "I kind of just noticed that they aren't here..."
"Tina texted me and said that she couldn't make it and that Mike refused to hang out with us unless Tina was with him." Mercedes explained.
"I don't blame him." Kurt mumbled, which elicited a small laugh from his boyfriend who took his hand and led him into the semi-dark theatre.
"Can we sit at the back?" Blaine asked and immediately blushed at the looks he gained from his friends; Kurt just hid his face in Blaine's shoulder. "Not for that, oh my god!" He exclaimed.
"Look, Blaine, if you want to make out with your boyfriend you don't have to ask." Rachel said in a teasing tone as Blaine led Kurt to the seats at the end of the very back row, where they proceeded to sit down; Kurt by the wall so that he didn't have to deal with Rachel.
"I hate you all." Kurt groaned, throwing his head into the back of the seat.
"You don't hate me though, right?" Blaine asked, batting his eyelashes at Kurt, who just shook his head and laughed at his boyfriend's playfulness.
"No, you're too ineffable to hate." He replied and laughed into the eager kiss that Blaine placed on his lips as the lights dimmed and the advertisements began to make their presence known on the huge cinema screen.
Blaine was surprised that he and Kurt actually spent more than half of the movie making out, after earlier comments. He was even more surprised, however, to find that Rachel didn't say a single word about the boys kissing. They all agreed after the movie that they would go back to Rachel's house, as her dads weren't home, and order pizza. Blaine led a suddenly shy Kurt out of the cinema and to his car, where he waited a few moments before speaking.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, as Kurt nodded in response. "You're being really quiet..." He wondered aloud.
"I just feel kind of weird." Kurt replied shyly.
"About what?"
"About the fact that we just spent almost an hour kissing in front of two of our friends."
"You know they don't care, right? I mean, I know Rachel teases us a lot but she honestly couldn't have cared less."
"I know, it just made me feel kind of weird...I'm not used to it."
"We could have stopped, you know? If you felt uncomfortable."
"That's the thing though, I didn't feel uncomfortable. I didn't want to stop, but now I just feel really weird about it."
"Do you know why you feel weird about it now?"
"I don't know, I guess...I'm new to all of this. I'm not used to someone actually wanting to kiss me."
"Do you think we were moving too fast?" Blaine asked.
"No," Kurt said, shaking his head. "I just want to- can we just forget about this please?"
"As long as you're sure that you're okay?" Blaine answered, looking quickly at Kurt.
"I promise." He said, leaning out of his seat slightly to kiss Blaine on the cheek.
"So you two were getting pretty cosy during that movie..." Rachel said later that evening as they were eating pizza, causing Kurt to choke on his slice.
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked, rubbing Kurt's back as he tried to swallow properly.
"Yeah," Kurt choked out. "I'm just gonna go get some water." He added, his voice hoarse from coughing.
"Well done, Rach." Blaine said sarcastically once Kurt was in the kitchen.
"I was kidding!" Rachel exclaimed in defence. "I didn't know he was going to start choking." Blaine just shook his head and followed Kurt into the kitchen, where he proceeded to wrap his arms around the younger teens waist from behind and prop his head on his shoulder.
"You sure you're okay?" Blaine asked in concern.
"Yes." Kurt nodded before drinking some more water.
"It's just, I know that you got uncomfortable about that earlier and then Rachel brought it up, and well...you choked."
"Blaine, I'm fine," Kurt laughed, turning around so that he was facing his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders. "She just caught me off guard."
"Just promise me you'll tell me if you get uncomfortable."
"I promise." Kurt said, kissing Blaine softly on the lips. Of course, Rachel and Mercedes chose that particular moment to come into the kitchen.
"Sorry, we just wanted to make sure you were okay." Mercedes said as the boys jumped apart.
"I'm fine." Kurt replied.
"I'm sorry Kurt." Rachel said genuinely, stepping closer to Kurt to envelope the teen in a hug.
"It's okay," Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Rachel's middle. "You didn't mean to choke me." He added, eliciting laughs from everyone in the room.
"Okay, enough sappiness," Mercedes declared. "Let's go watch a movie or something." And with that, all of the friends re-entered the living room and made themselves comfortable; Kurt snuggling as close to Blaine as physically possible.
"Kurt, you're the one who nearly died because of me, you get to pick what we watch." Rachel said as Kurt snuggled further into Blaine's side.
"Anything Disney is fine with me." Kurt replied. They finally settled on watching The Little Mermaid as Kurt became increasingly tired.
"Sleepy?" Blaine asked after the younger teen let out a yawn.
"Mhm." Kurt mumbled, pressing his face into Blaine's chest and gripping the front of his shirt tighter.
"Come here, lay down." Blaine said as Kurt immediately laid his head in Blaine's lap, already beginning to fall asleep. A few minutes later, Kurt was in a deep sleep and Rachel quietly tip-toed out of the room before returning with a blanket, which she draped over the sleeping teen gently and then retreated to her seat at the end of the sofa. Instead of turning her attention straight back to the movie, however, she looked at Blaine and Kurt for a moment.
"You really like him, don't you?" She asked quietly, watching the curly haired teen card his fingers ever so softly through his boyfriend's hair as Kurt snuggled closer to him under the blanket.
"Yeah," He whispered, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the side of Kurt's head where he was laying facing the TV. "I really do." He finished, smiling at Rachel.
"I can tell. You're so gentle with him, and I mean I can tell that you're falling in love with him just from the way you look at him. I'm sorry that I act like a jerk sometimes. I don't mean to, I'm just joking with you guys. I really am happy for both of you." She said sincerely.
"I know," Blaine began, smiling at his best friend. "And it's okay. Just remember that he's never done any of this stuff before. He's never been with anyone, everything is new to him. He knows that you're just messing around too, just be a little more sensitive what you say to him."
"Guys," Mercedes whispered all of a sudden. "Look, I'm glad you're not arguing or anything but can you please, for the love of god, shut up. Some of us are trying to watch this movie."
"Sorry Mercedes." Rachel laughed quietly, trying not to disturb Kurt, before smiling once more at Blaine and finally focusing her attention on the mermaid movie that was playing.
"Kurt," Blaine called, gently shaking the teens arm. "Kurt, wake up." He said as his boyfriend rolled onto his back, opening his eyes slowly and blinking in the cutest way possible.
"Hi." Kurt said, batting his eyelids open and shut in an attempt to wake up fully.
"Hey," Blaine smiled, brushing Kurt's hair out of his eyes. "We need to go. Your dad won't like me for much longer if I don't return you home by your curfew."
"Mkay," Kurt mumbled, sitting up and stretching. "Just let me get some water, my mouth tastes like sleep." He said, wrinkling his nose in a way that made Blaine want to hug him and never let go, but he had to get Kurt home so he settled for kissing him on the cheek gently.
"Okay." Blaine replied as Kurt got up and retreated to the kitchen.
"Come here." Rachel said from her position by the TV, opening her arms for Blaine, who walked over to his best friend and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. They stood there hugging for a few moments before Kurt awkwardly cleared his throat from behind them.
"Ready?" Blaine asked, pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah." Kurt replied sleepily.
"Okay, let's go, bye Rachel." He said, leading Kurt outside.
"Bye boys!" She shouted back.
"What was that about?" Kurt asked once they were in the warmth of Blaine's car.
"You and Rachel were being all mushy, it was weird." Kurt said cutely, making Blaine laugh.
"Firstly, you're adorable. And secondly, she's my best friend. I mean she may be the biggest and most annoying diva ever sometimes, but she is a good friend when it really matters," He explained as Kurt yawned again and got more comfortable in his seat. "Still tired?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah. Oh god, why am I so tired today?" Kurt wondered aloud.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" Blaine asked as he pulled up outside Kurt's house.
"A little..."
"Well, you're home now, so you can go to sleep and call me tomorrow when you're fully awake, okay?" Blaine said, reaching over to stroke Kurt's cheek softly with his thumb and smiling when the younger teen nuzzled into the touch.
"Mhm," Kurt mumbled in response before unplugging his seatbelt and leaning over to hug his boyfriend tightly, who reciprocated the hug with just as much pressure. "Night Blaine."
"Night baby." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt on the cheek once again before letting his boyfriend go.