Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
"Dad?" Kurt called when they were inside.
"In here!" Burt shouted from the kitchen.
"Um, dad," Kurt began as he and Blaine stepped into the kitchen where Burt was currently preparing dinner. "This is Blaine, Blaine, my dad..."
"Nice to meet you, Mr Hummel." Blaine said, extending his hand for Burt to shake.
"Call me Burt," He replied, shaking the teen's hand. "Dinner won't be ready for a while so why don't you two go into the living room and watch TV or something." He suggested.
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Kurt asked his dad.
"I'm not that bad of a cook, Kurt." Burt replied.
"Okay, okay," Kurt laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender. "We're going."
"Well that didn't go too badly." Blaine said once he and Kurt were safely in the living room, where Burt couldn't hear them.
"Yeah well that was just the introductions, we have to try and survive dinner," Kurt sighed, slumping down onto the sofa and throwing his head backwards into the pillows. "How are you not more nervous? You're the one meeting him for the first time."
"I think you're nervous enough for the both of us." Blaine laughed, sitting down next to Kurt on the small sofa.
"I'm sorry; I just don't know how my dad feels about this...he's been very sneaky with his opinion."
"What do you think his opinion is?"
"I don't think he's too happy about it, considering how he found out and all, but I think that he'll support us...eventually."
"And what's wrong with that? Wouldn't you rather he takes his time to be okay with us than just hate the whole idea in general?"
"Yeah, but I just want him to see how amazing you are now."
"You're pretty amazing yourself," Blaine replied sweetly. "Is it safe to kiss you with your dad in the kitchen?" He laughed.
"As long as he doesn't catch us, it's perfectly safe." Kurt also laughed, as Blaine leant in slightly and kissed him quickly.
"BOYS! DINNER!" Burt's voice suddenly boomed through the house and both boys burst out laughing.
"Oh my god, could you imagine if he came in to tell us that?" Kurt laughed.
"That probably would have ruined my reputation with your dad for good." Blaine agreed.
"So let me get this straight, you're almost eighteen and you're dating my fourteen year old son?" Burt asked accusingly.
"I'm not actually eighteen for like, 3 months." Blaine said, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"And I'm fifteen in two weeks, stop making it seem like I'm some little kid."
"But it never occurred to either of you that this is a little strange?"
"Not really," Blaine started. "I mean, yeah, there might be an age difference but it really doesn't seem like that at all. When I'm talking to Kurt, I don't feel like I'm talking to a fourteen year old, even though I am."
"Guys, I'm like right here. Do I get any say in my own relationship or do you two get to dictate this whole evening?" Kurt asked, growing impatient. Burt sighed.
"Okay, what do you want to say?" Burt asked as Kurt took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to say.
"I like Blaine," He started. "And as much as you may have a problem with that, I can't change it. Blaine was the first friend I made, and he introduced me to all but one of the friends I actually have now. I felt uncomfortable with them at first, but Blaine always made sure that I felt welcomed,"
"Kurt." Burt tried to interrupt.
"Let me finish. If anyone ever said anything that upset me or made me feel uncomfortable, he didn't become all judgemental because they were his friends before I was, he actually cared. He made sure that I was comfortable with people. I find it crazy that he actually likes me back, but he does. The kindest, most caring person I've ever met actually likes me, and yeah, he may be three and a half years older than me. He may be graduating in a year's time while I'm stuck in high school for another three years, but I honestly couldn't care less. I don't care that he's seventeen and I'm not even fifteen yet. I don't care that I could be classed as a child in comparison to Blaine. I don't care. And I'm sorry, Dad, but I don't care if you don't like that there's a small difference between our ages, but if you actually got to know Blaine, you would see what I see in him." Kurt finally finished, and neither his father nor Blaine knew what to say.
"You really feel that way?" Burt asked, breaking the silence that occurred after Kurt's speech.
"Yes," Kurt replied, letting out the breath that he didn't even know he was holding. "I thought I made that pretty clear."
"Look, I'm not crazy about the fact that you're dating a senior, but Blaine obviously makes you happy,"
"He does." Kurt interjected.
"I'm not done," Burt warned.
"Sorry." Kurt said, ducking his head slightly.
"Like I said, I'm not crazy about it, but I'm not about to go and ban you from seeing each other. You clearly make each other happy, and from what I've seen, Blaine's a good kid."
"Wait, so you're saying you're okay with it?" Kurt asked hopefully.
"Yes," Burt sighed. "But a warning to you, Blaine, if you hurt my son..."
"I won't." Blaine assured him.
"I believe you."
"Thank you daddy!" Kurt exclaimed, jumping out of his seat to hug his dad.
"Okay, now maybe we can eat this meal properly," Burt suggested once his son was back in his seat. "It took me ages to cook."
"Only because you wouldn't let me help you." Kurt reminded him, and both his dad and his boyfriend laughed slightly.
"I would disagree, but it's actually true." Burt admitted.
"So, I actually had fun." Blaine said as Kurt walked him out to his car later that night.
"Me too, oddly enough."
"Because you were worrying about nothing." Blaine laughed.
"Hey, if I didn't make that huge speech about how amazing you are I probably would have had something to be worried about." Kurt said as Blaine leant back against his car and held both of Kurt's hands with his own.
"That was awesome by the way. Do you really feel that way?"
"Of course I do." Kurt assured him, squeezing both of Blaine's hands gently.
"Hm, well, remind me to make an amazing speech like that when you meet my parents." Blaine joked.
"Speaking of, I should probably let you go home..." Kurt said, pretending that he was thinking about it.
"Yeah, I probably should go. I told my parents I was coming to yours for dinner and if I stay here any longer they'll probably think I got kidnapped or something. Thank you." Blaine said.
"For what? My dad was the one who invited you to dinner."
"For making it actually worth it. And for what you said to your dad, that's probably one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about me."
"I find that hard to believe, but you're welcome." Kurt said as Blaine moved forward and connected their lips in a kiss. They stayed like that for a few moments before Burt stepped out of the house and made his presence known.
"Let him go Anderson." He warned and Blaine laughed against Kurt's lips, before pulling back slightly.
"Okay, I should go before your dad chases me back to my house. Um, before I go, some of the New Directions are going to the movies tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"
"I'm gonna say yes, but the second Rachel decides to humiliate me, I'm ditching you." Kurt said seriously.
"Okay," Blaine laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He said before pulling Kurt into a hug.
"Bye Blaine." Kurt said before letting go of Blaine and walking back up the pathway to his dad. Blaine got into his car and with a final wave to Kurt and his dad, took off on his journey home.
"So what do you think of Blaine?" Kurt asked while he and his dad were on the sofa watching TV later on that evening.
"You know what I think, Kurt." Burt replied, not tearing his gaze away from the TV once.
"No, I know what you think of his age. I have no idea what you think of Blaine, age aside."
"I think he makes you happy, and that's all that's important."
"That isn't an opinion, Dad! Unless..." He trailed off suggestively, as Burt slowly turned his head so that he was facing his son. "You like my boyfriend!" Kurt exclaimed, a huge smile across his face.
"I never said that."
"No, you completely avoided my question, which implies that you like him!" Burt just sighed in response. "Oh my god, you actually like my boyfriend!"
"Yes, I like him, okay."
"Oh my gosh, I have to go tell Quinn!" Kurt said, excitedly jumping off the sofa and running out of the room, calling to his father from the stairs. "When I come back down we are so talking about this!"
"No we are not!" Burt called back, laughing and shaking his head at his son's excitement.
As soon as Kurt got upstairs, his laptop started making the noise that alerted him he had an incoming Skype call. Coming closer to the screen, and sitting down at his desk, he noticed that it was Blaine calling him. He quickly pressed the accept button before all but shouting "Hey you!"
"Hey, someone's happy." Blaine laughed.
"With good reason." Kurt added, still smiling like a crazy person.
"O-Kay...care to elaborate?"
"My dad likes you! He actually said that he likes you!" Kurt exclaimed, making Blaine laugh.
"You're too cute sometimes."
"I try," Kurt replied sarcastically. "How comes you called anyway? I mean not that I'm not happy to speak to you..."
"Maybe I just wanted to talk to you." Blaine replied sweetly.
"Aww." Kurt cooed.
"I also needed to ask you if you wanted me to pick you up tomorrow. I forgot to ask before I left."
"Um, sure." Kurt replied.
"Okay, make sure you're ready for three then."
"Will do," Kurt said, mock saluting, before he heard his dad calling him from downstairs. "Ugh, my dad's calling me, I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay, bye." Blaine said before Kurt ended the call and ran down the stairs to see what his father wanted.
"Kurt! You're going to the movies; I doubt he's going to care what you're wearing." Burt exclaimed the next morning after seeing his son try on about 15 different outfits.
"I care! I have to find something perfect."
"For somebody who loves fashion as much as you, you should know that getting all dressed up to watch a movie is completely pointless. You're going to be sat in a dark theatre for two hours where nobody will even see your outfit, let alone pay actual attention to what it is. Besides, it's not like it's a date, pretty much the whole glee club is going."
"So not the point, Dad!"
"Okay, all these clothes are starting to frustrate me; I'll leave you to it."
"No! Wait, what about this?" Kurt asked, holding up a new outfit.
"I have the same opinion as I did with the other million choices, Kurt." Burt replied sarcastically.
"Fine," Kurt pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go; leave your son all by himself in the middle of a crisis..." He said melodramatically.
"Kurt, you're not in the middle of a crisis," Burt laughed. "And I have to go to work. You look nice in anything you wear, okay?"
"Okay." Kurt said.
"Okay," Burt reiterated. "I'll see you later. Have fun."
"I will. Bye dad." Kurt replied with a smile, and immediately got back to trying to find the perfect outfit to wear.