Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Grounded.

K - Words: 1,796 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
128 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Reviews would be appreciated, please and thank you! Xoxo.

"Kurt Hummel, you are in so much trouble!" Burt's voice boomed through the Hummel household the second Kurt stepped inside.

"Hello to you too Dad." Kurt replied sarcastic.

"Where were you and why didn't you have your phone?"

"At the park and I left my phone at Quinn's house by accident."

"Who were you with?"

"My...uh, friend." Kurt said, willing the lump in his throat to go away as he spoke.

"Really? Because according to Quinn you were with your boyfriend..." Burt said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm going to kill her." Kurt said through gritted teeth.

"So you were then. Since when do you have a boyfriend?"

"Since like...today. Why are you so mad at me?"

"Because you were supposed to be at Quinn's house! You left without telling me first, with some kid I don't even know- oh and who you're apparently dating and I had no way to contact you."

"I'm sorry!" Kurt almost shouted back to his father. "I didn't mean to leave my phone at Quinn's house and it was just the park, it's not like I went miles away without telling you!"

"That's not the point, Kurt! I need to be able to contact you, say something happened to you, then what?"

"I said I'm sorry!" Kurt cried.

"You're grounded for a week. I also expect to meet this boyfriend of yours, he can come to dinner on Friday."


"Now go call him and tell him you won't be able to speak to him until school tomorrow, and remember to invite him for dinner, then come back down here and give me your phone!" Burt called as Kurt trudged up the stairs.

"I'm grounded," Kurt groaned into the phone. "For a week."

"I'm sorry." Blaine replied sympathetically.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know, I kind of feel responsible. I mean you were with me so..."

"It's not your fault. Besides, I'd rather go on a date with you and end up grounded than not go on a date with you."

"Fair enough. So I'm guessing the only time I'll be able to see you is during school..."

"Actually the only time you'll be able to make any contact with me is during school. Dad's taking my phone."

"Seriously!?" Blaine moaned.

"That's actually not the worst part..." Kurt began.

"How is that not the worst part?"

"My dad wants you to come to dinner on Friday."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope. He wants to- and I quote, 'meet this boyfriend of mine.'"

"Wait, how does he even know about us? I'm guessing you didn't tell him."

"Quinn told him. Remind me to plot her murder later on."

"Well look, unless your dad literally wants to kill me I'm sure we'll be fine."

"He probably will. I've got to go, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise, just give me a really big hug when you see me on Monday, okay?" Blaine asked, eliciting a laugh from Kurt.

"I promise. Bye Blaine."

"Bye Kurt." Blaine said before Kurt hung up, went to open his bedroom door and found his dad lurking outside.

"So his name's Blaine..." Burt wondered aloud once Kurt opened the door to his bedroom.

"Yes, his name is Blaine. He said he'll be here on Friday, and here's my phone."

"Good. So do you wanna come and help me in the shop or do you just wanna mope around here all day?"

"I guess I'll come with you," Kurt said after thinking it over for a while. "I need to distract myself or I'll probably lose it."

"Hey." Kurt said grumpily as he walked up to Blaine's locker on Monday morning.

"As much as I'm happy to see you, you're grumpy. I don't like grumpy Kurt." Blaine pouted.

"I'm sorry. I'm happy to see you too, I just..." Kurt trailed off.

"I get it, I do, but at least we have school together." Blaine reminded him, eliciting a smile from the younger teen.

"True," Kurt agreed, taking Blaine's hand in his. "I'm kind of worried about Friday though."

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're more nervous than I am." Blaine laughed, squeezing Kurt's hand.

"Let's just not talk about it, we have a week before my dad kills at least one of us." Kurt teased as they walked through the corridor together.

"THEY'RE HOLDING HANDSSSS!!!!!!" Rachel pretty much screamed as they turned the corner to meet the New Directions.

"Hi to you too Rachel." Blaine retorted as Kurt hid his face in Blaine's shoulder.

"As much as I'd like to hope Blaine was smart enough to actually make this happen, I have a feeling this has something to do with this one over here." Puck assumed, pointing to Rachel.

"Can you blame me?" Rachel asked smugly.

"No." All of the New Directions said in unison.

"Hey! We weren't that oblivious!" Blaine added.

"Even I have to admit that you were, I'm sorry." Mercedes said.

"Okay...well I'm gonna go find Quinn before class starts. Besides this conversation is actually painful. I'll see you at lunch?" Kurt asked, turning to Blaine and ignoring their friends' chants of 'kiss kiss kiss!'.

"Yup." Blaine said, before promptly kissing Kurt on the cheek and laughing at the adorable way the younger teen blushed instantly.

"Aww! He's blushing!" Rachel squealed, almost bursting with excitement.

"I'm gonna go before this becomes more embarrassing than it already is, bye." Kurt said, reluctantly letting go of Blaine's hand and heading towards his English classroom.

"How mad is he?" Quinn asked as she took her regular seat next to Kurt in English that day.

"I'm grounded for a week, he took my phone and thanks to you Blaine has to come to Friday night dinner, also known as Friday night interrogate-Kurt-and-his-boyfriend." Kurt answered sarcastically.

"But it was an accident..."

"That's what I said!" Kurt groaned.

"I'm sorry." Quinn comforted.

"It's not your fault...well, it is but at least I actually got to go on a date with Blaine."

"Speaking of, how did that go?"

"It was perfect, Quinn."

"Where did he take you?"

"To the park for a picnic, but it started raining after a while so we went back to his car for a while, that's where we were when you called."


"I'm kind of worried about Friday though. My dad doesn't know he's a senior..." Kurt said, biting his lip.

"And it didn't cross your mind to mention that?"

"Of course it did, but I can't just come out with 'oh, by the way, I'm dating a senior.' Plus, if Blaine's there when he finds out maybe he'll see that it's not a big deal?"

"Maybe, but either way he's probably gonna be mad at you for not telling him. And you should also tell Blaine that your dad doesn't know..."

"I will I just...I want to actually enjoy having a boyfriend for now without worrying about what my dad's gonna say or think."

"Then do that. But just make sure you tell him."

"I will." Kurt promised before their teacher entered the classroom and began the lesson.

"What's up with you?" Rachel asked as she sat down next to Blaine in Math that day.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, you look depressed. Which, hey, I totally get, this class sucks. But after this weekend you should be like, ecstatic."

"I am, it's just I finally tell him how I feel and the only time I get to spend with him is between classes, and even then we can barely hold hands. Oh, and I have to go to this dinner on Friday with him and his dad, who is probably gonna hate me."

"It's only a week, Blaine. And I'm pretty sure his dad isn't gonna hate you, you're awesome."

"Was that supposed to make me feel better? Because it really didn't help."

"I'm sorry."

"Ugh, this sucks. I can't even speak to him outside of these walls."

"You should really phrase better, I mean he's not even inside these walls so..."

"Shut up, Rachel."

"Can we please eat lunch on our own today?" Blaine asked once Kurt left his English classroom.

"Um, sure, why?"

"Because," Blaine began, reaching for Kurt's hand. "Lunch times this week are the most amount of time I get to spend with you at once, and I'd actually like to spend it with you instead of those freaks we call friends who can't go two minutes without teasing us."

"Okay, but Rachel's gonna kill you, you know." Kurt laughed.

"Nah, she'll just be glad that she can ogle at us without either of us complaining." Blaine answered as the two boys walked hand in hand into the cafeteria, passing their regular table without a word. Surprisingly enough, however, none of the New Directions even attempted to get the boys to sit with them. Unsurprisingly though, Rachel was staring at them with so much glee on her face you'd think Christmas had come early.

"So, there's something that I should probably tell you before dinner on Friday..." Kurt said as he and Blaine sat opposite each other at the small dining table.

"Go ahead." Blaine said before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well, I- um...I kind of didn't tell my dad that you're a senior."


"So, you've already seen how protective my dad can get of me."

"He's your dad, Kurt," Blaine laughed. "He's supposed to get protective."

"I know, I just wanted you to know in case he like, freaks out on you or something."

"Okay, well I'm sure he'll understand, won't he?"

"I honestly have no idea."

Friday night finally arrived and both boys were incredibly nervous throughout the entire school day. The plan was that Blaine would go with Kurt to the Hummel house straight after school that day so that the boys could spend some time together- after hardly being able to make contact for a week, and then they would eat with Burt. Kurt was becoming very skeptical of what his fathers opinion on Blaine would be, however. Yes, Kurt's dad was supporting of the fact that he was gay, but he had never actually had to deal with it before, and neither had Kurt. Blaine was the first boyfriend Kurt had ever had, and not only that, but he was nearly three and a half years older than him. Not only was Blaine older, Kurt had also gone out on a date with him, while he was supposed to be at Quinn's house, and not told his dad that he was even going out- let alone on a date. Both boys were undeniably silent the whole way to Kurt's house, the only sound in Blaine's car being the radio, which was currently airing cheesy pop songs that Kurt hated, but he was so focused on what was going to happen tonight that he didn't even notice that they were playing. They both left the car, closing the doors quietly, and began to make their way towards the front door.

"You ready for this?" Kurt asked as they stood in front of his house, the first words spoken since they had left school that afternoon.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Blaine replied, and with that Kurt unlocked his front door and both boys entered the house, completely prepared for whatever was going to happen, or at least they thought they were.


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