Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
"Quinn, will you shut up and help me pick something to wear, please." Kurt pleaded the next morning. Quinn was currently rambling on about how she was right and he'd thank her and Rachel for what they did eventually, while Kurt was in the middle of a fashion crisis.
"Kurt, he's not going to be here for two hours, and, oh my gosh, I can't believe you bought that many clothes for a one night sleepover!"
"You honestly find it hard to believe that I packed more than one outfit?"
"No, but I didn't think you'd pack that many!" Quinn exclaimed, before sorting through Kurt's clothes with him and actually trying to help him. "You know anything you'd wear would look really nice."
"Really nice isn't nice enough, Quinn!"
"Kurt," Quinn laughed. "You showed up to the coffee shop last night in your pyjamas and he was impressed."
"Oh god, don't remind me."
"Point is, all of this is like a million times nice than your pyjamas, no offence, so it really doesn't matter what you choose."
"What about this?" Kurt asked, holding up an outfit.
"Yes." Quinn said with a nod.
"No, it's not right." Kurt said, shaking his head and rifling through the pile of clothes once again.
"Ugh!" Quinn groaned. This was going to be a long two hours.
"Blaine... Blaine! Stop pacing, you're making me nauseous!"
"I feel like something is missing..."
"Everything is fine, Blaine. He's gonna love it, stop worrying." Rachel reassured him. Blaine was in the middle of planning his and Kurt's date.
"No, there's definitely something missing, I just can't put my finger on it."
"Oh my gosh Blaine, I can't believe you woke me up at like eight for this."
"Hey, you're the one who secretly plotted with Quinn to set us up, so- that's it! I know what's missing. I'll be back in a while!" Blaine said before grabbing his keys and leaving his house, ignoring Rachel's obnoxious shout of 'HALLELUJAH' when he left.
"Oh god, he's early!" Kurt exclaimed as he saw Blaine stepping out of his car from Quinn's bedroom window.
"Go in there and finish your hair, I'll keep him busy. You might not wanna come out until you're done though, I'm bringing him upstairs."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kurt repeated, running back into Quinn's en suite, while Quinn left her room, shaking her head and laughing at her best friend.
"Hey, come in." Quinn said, opening the door for Blaine.
"Thanks." Blaine said, stepping inside and following Quinn upstairs.
"He's just doing his hair, which will take him god knows how long," Quinn explained, entering her bedroom and motioning for Blaine to sit beside her on her bed. "Kurt, it's not nice to keep people waiting!" She shouted, teasingly.
"Shut up, I'm nearly done." Kurt shouted back, eliciting laughs from both Quinn and Blaine.
"That probably means he'll be about another ten minutes." Quinn joked.
"I heard that," Kurt pouted as he left the small bathroom. "Hey, I just need to put my shoes on and we can go."
"Okay." Blaine smiled.
"So, you're not gonna tell me where you're taking me?" Kurt asked once they were inside the car.
"Nope." Blaine replied simply.
"Ugh," Kurt groaned, throwing his head back against the seat of the car. "I hate surprises."
"I promise, you'll like this one," Blaine laughed. "Oh, stop pouting, I'm not giving in."
"Fine, but you better be right about me liking it or you're gonna pay."
"I believe you. So, you look nice, I mean compared to last night..."
"I swear if you bring that up one more time I'm leaving you dateless." Kurt warned teasingly.
"I'm just kidding. You really do look nice though."
"Thank you. So do you, I like this." He said, pulling at the edge of Blaine's bow-tie.
"I actually usually wear these all the time, believe it or not."
"I'll go with not. How comes I've never seen you in one?"
"Hm, maybe you just weren't special enough until now."
"Funny, considering you've apparently had a crush on me for a while now." Kurt retaliated.
"Well from what I've heard, so have you."
"Yes, because I've obviously had a crush on myself."
"Oh hush, that isn't what I meant and you know it."
"Are we nearly there? I'm getting impatient waiting to find out where we're going."
"We're actually here."
"The park?"
"Yup." Blaine said before getting out of the car and running round to the other side to open Kurt's door for him.
"Ever the gentlemen," Kurt teased. "What are you doing?" Kurt asked curiously as Blaine went to grab something out of the the back of the car.
"I, um...thought that we could have a picnic..." He said as he took the picnic basket out of the car.
"Firstly, how the hell did I not see that? And secondly, aww, Blaine."
"I didn't know if you'd want to or not, so..."
"Blaine, it's perfect." Kurt assured him, and elicited a huge grin from the older teen.
"Okay. Sorry, I'm just kinda nervous." Blaine said as they began to walk through the park together.
"Don't apologise. I'm nervous too you know."
"I promise you, you have nothing to be nervous about."
"Yeah, well neither do you," Kurt said, taking a hold of Blaine's hand. "Is this okay? It's just we're in public and I don't know how comfortable you are with it..."
"Kurt, I'm more than okay with it. I've wanted to hold your hand pretty much since you stepped out of the car but I didn't know if you'd want to."
"I honestly didn't know if I'd want to. This is all new to me, so just do whatever feels right in the moment and I'll tell you if I feel uncomfortable, deal?"
"Deal," Blaine laughed, squeezing Kurt's hand tighter. "So where do you want to sit?" He asked.
"Anywhere is fine." Kurt said, and Blaine directed him over to a huge tree where he sprawled a blanket out on top of the grass, set the picnic basket on top and motioned for Kurt to sit down.
"So, you said yesterday you felt like a creep for liking me," Kurt laughed as Blaine covered his face with his hands. "Please elaborate."
"I don't even know. I think I was just trying to come up with an excuse not to tell you to be honest."
"Yeah, but even so, you must have had a reason to think it was creepy."
"Because...I- you aren't even 15 yet and I'm nearly 18, it just made me feel really weird. I mean the age difference doesn't bother me, I just felt creepy."
"You're so weird." Kurt laughed, turning on his side where he'd been lying next to Blaine to look at the teen.
"I've known you for like three weeks and you've probably told me that more times than the people I've known my whole life."
"Stop being weird and I'll stop saying it."
"No can do, sorry." Blaine said, also turning onto his side so that he was now face to face with Kurt.
"It's kinda cute, don't worry."
"Aww, you're blushing." Blaine cooed, causing Kurt to blush even more.
"As interesting as this conversation is becoming, it's starting to rain so we should probably leave." And that's how the two boys ended up running back to the car with a picnic blanket over their heads to shield them from the rain.
"Okay, I really don't want this date to be over yet, so how about we finish this picnic in the back seats of my car?"
"Why not." Kurt laughed and climbed into the other side of the car.
"Kurt, you're shaking like a leaf." Blaine said, taking Kurt's hands and realising quickly that they were ice cold.
"It's freezing."
"Hold on, I'll put the heating on," Blaine said as he leaned into the front of the car. "There, now come here." He added, putting the picnic basket on the front seat and pulling Kurt closer to him before wrapping his arms around the teen and allowing him to snuggle up to Blaine.
"How are you so warm?" Kurt asked through shivering teeth as Blaine wrapped the picnic blanket around him.
"That's just my clothes," Blaine laughed. "I'm kind of cold, but clearly not as much as you, your hands feel like ice. Do you wanna go back to my place? It'll be warmer there and-"
"No," Kurt said shaking his head. "I'm warming up. Plus I'm really comfy and it feels more like we're still on a date if we stay here."
"Okay but if you don't stop shivering soon we're going, I don't wanna make you sick."
"I'm fine," Kurt assured him, pulling back slightly so that he was face to face with Blaine, but was still wrapped in the warmth of Blaine's arms. "I promise."
"Kurt..." Blaine started, putting his hand on Kurt's icy cheek and sighing when the boy snuggled into the warmth of it. "I really wanna kiss you." He said quietly, staring Kurt in the eyes.
"So do it," Kurt instructed quietly and Blaine leaned in slightly and gently brushed his lips over Kurt's as both boys' eyes fluttered shut. They stayed like that for a moment before Blaine pulled back slightly and rested his head against Kurt's so that they were looking each other in the eyes. "Well...that's new." Kurt said after a few moment of silence, eliciting a laugh from the older teen.
"You're adorable. And you're blushing." Blaine pointed out.
"Yeah, well you have that effect on me." Kurt replied. Blaine was about to answer when he heard is phone ringing. He picked it up and let out a groan before answering.
"Hi, Quinn," Blaine said, so that Kurt knew who he was talking to, but that just resulted in Kurt becoming increasingly confused. "Why are you calling me?...Okay I'm putting you on speaker."
"Kurt?" Quinn asked.
"You left your phone here, your dad has been trying to reach you for ages, he- and he's calling again."
"Oh crap! Could you answer, give him Blaine's number and ask him to call me please?"
"Sure, you're probably gonna be in huge trouble considering the amount of time's he's called you though."
"Ugh, tell me about it. Thanks Quinny."
"Stop calling me that!" She demanded before Kurt hung up on her.
"Okay," Blaine started once Kurt had ended the phone call. "I'll drive you to Quinn's house to get your phone and then if your dad wants you home I'll take you."
"My dad is gonna kill me. I can't believe I left my phone at her house," Kurt groaned as he and Blaine got out of the back seats to sit in the front. As soon as Blaine started driving his phone went of- Kurt's dad of course. "Can you drive this car any faster?" Kurt said, leaning his head against the cool glass window and answering the phone to his dad. "Hey dad..."