Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Dalton.

K - Words: 1,845 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
117 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review!

The following Monday, Kurt began at Dalton. As Blaine wouldn't be able to see Kurt for the entire day, he went to Kurt's house for breakfast.

"Nervous?" Blaine asked as Kurt struggled to get a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"This is stupid," Kurt sighed, dropping his spoon back into his bowl.

"Transferring schools or being nervous about it?"

"Both. Blaine, I want to be with you until you graduate, I don't wanna be at some stupid prep school with uniforms and rubbish, all I want is to be with you."

"I wanna be with you too Kurt, but you're going to Dalton. Be honest with yourself, were you really happy at McKinley?" Blaine asked, and didn't get a reply. "Exactly. You have a chance to be happy, Kurt. To not be afraid every time you leave a classroom or turn a corner. Nobody can hurt you there, and your safety is more important to me than anything."

"You're right." Kurt gave in.

"Plus...you totally pull off a blazer and tie." Blaine added.

"You dork," Kurt laughed. "Plus you haven't seen me in my blazer yet, this is a jumper dear." He said, pulling on the soft jumper he was wearing.

"Well, you're still going to be the cutest guy in that school."

"That's a lot of guys you're comparing me to there, Mister." Kurt teased.

"Hm, nope, I'm certain you're going to cuter than all of them." Blaine replied, standing up from the table and pulling Kurt in for a hug.

"Thank you," Kurt mumbled into Blaine's shoulder. "Once again your dorkiness has saved me from my idiocy."

"You're welcome," Blaine laughed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt replied.

"Kurt! We're gonna be late if we don't get going."

"Coming!" Kurt called back, taking Blaine's hand and leading him towards the front door. "You're still picking me up after school right?"

"Yup, I have a free period at the end of the day so I'll probably be there early."

"Well I can't wait." Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms back around Blaine's neck as the older teens arms found their way around Kurt's waist.

"Kurt! We really need to go." Burt called from inside the car. Kurt sighed and pulled back.

"I love you." Kurt said, resting his forehead against Blaine's.

"I love you too, now go before you're late." Blaine laughed, twirling Kurt around and leading him to his dad's car. Kurt reluctantly got inside the car and waved goodbye to Blaine as his dad pulled away.

Kurt and his dad had to meet with the principal first, and they'd agreed that Kurt would move into the dorms after summer as it was more than a little inconvenient to set that up now. Kurt was relieved, as moving into the dorms would probably result in seeing Blaine even less. He didn't have too much trouble finding his way to each of his classes, until just before lunch when he couldn't find his English classroom.

"Excuse me?" Kurt said quietly, tapping someone on the shoulder so that he could ask for directions, only he wasn't expecting what he saw...

"Kurt..." Sebastian said smugly, turning around to face the younger teen. "What are you doing here?"

"I...uh, I transferred."

"Clearly...why? Break up with little Blainey did you?"

"Actually no, but it has nothing to do with you." Kurt replied, internally smiling when he saw the smug grin that Sebastian was wearing drop from his face.

"Right...well what do you want? There must be a reason you started speaking to me..."

"I didn't know it was you until you turned around, but I was gonna ask if you could show me where my class is. Don't worry, I'll find it myself." Kurt explained, turning around and running down the hallway. Blaine had promised that morning that he would leave his phone on so if Kurt was freaking out or just wanted to talk he could call or text him and the older teen would find an excuse to leave class. Kurt ran into the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls while frantically dialling Blaine's number.

"Hey, are you okay?" Blaine asked when he picked up the phone.

"No," Kurt cried. "I'm lost and I stopped someone in the hall to ask for help but it turned out to be Sebastian. I don't know what I'm doing, Blaine."

"Woah, slow down. Sebastian goes to Dalton?"

"Yeah, he thought that I was here because we broke up and he was acting all smug until I told him we didn't and then he was just plain rude."

"Okay, well with the whole Sebastian thing all I can say is don't let him get to you and try to avoid him as much as possible, and about you being lost...can't you ask someone else for help?"

"Everyone's in class already, I'm hiding in the bathroom."

"Well I can tell you've been crying so clean yourself up a bit and then try to find a teacher, okay?"

"Okay." Kurt sniffed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt said, ending the call and leaving the little stall.

"Hi, um...I didn't mean to listen in or anything but are you okay?" A boy in the bathroom asked Kurt when he left the stall.

"Yeah...I'm just kind of lost." Kurt admitted quietly.

"Okay well how about you wash your face a little then I'll help you get to class?" The boy suggested.

"Thank you." Kurt replied, splashing his face with water so that the tears were less visible.

"It's fine," The boy smiled. "I'm Nick by the way."

"I'm Kurt."

"So Kurt, what class do you have?"

"Uh...English..." He murmured, pulling his schedule out of his pocket and showing it to Nick.

"Ah, same as me," Nick laughed. "Come on." He said, holding the door open for Kurt.

"Thank you again," Kurt said as the boys made their way to class. "I'm kind of freaking out with the whole transferring schools thing, so..."

"Like I said before, it's no problem...okay, we're here. I'll explain why you weren't in class and then you can come sit with me okay?" Nick asked and Kurt just nodded in response, following the boy into class.

Kurt spent the rest of the day with Nick, who was kind enough to show Kurt to all of his classes and then wait for him afterwards so that he wouldn't get lost again. Kurt also met Jeff, Nick's boyfriend, and the two of them made Kurt feel welcome. Kurt had managed to avoid Sebastian for the rest of the day, much to his relief, but noticed him sending Kurt smug glances every time they passed each other in the hallway. As soon as Kurt left the school building that afternoon, he saw Blaine standing by his car and the younger teen all but ran to him, practically pouncing on him while he hugged him as hard as he could.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you." Kurt mumbled into Blaine's shoulder.

"How was the rest of your day?" Blaine asked. "I mean, forgetting that you got lost and hid in the bathroom."

"It was better...I made some friends..." Kurt said, getting into the passenger seat as Blaine got into the drivers seat.

"See! You're already fitting in."

"I don't think being overheard crying in the bathroom exactly counts as fitting in..."

"I think there's more to it than that, Kurt." Blaine laughed.

"Well we happened to be in the same class so he let me sit with him and helped me get to all of my classes then he went to lunch with me and introduced me to his boyfriend so..."

"You'll be fine," Blaine assured him. "I know it's hard for you, I mean transferring at the start of the year would be hard, transferring two months before summer must be even harder."

"It's just weird...I'm used to spending my time with you, Quinn and Rachel."

"You'll adjust, just give it time. And like you said, you have a couple of friends already so at least you won't be completely by yourself."

"I know, I just wish you were there." Kurt sighed, leaning his head against the back of the chair.

"I know." Blaine replied, leaning over to kiss the younger teen on the cheek while they were at a red light.

They decided to go the the Lima Bean and Blaine couldn't stop smiling as he parked the car.

"Why are you all smiley? It's kinda creepy..."

"No reason," Blaine said way too sweetly. "Come on." He said, motioning his head to the door before stepping out of the car, Kurt following quickly behind him. Blaine was acting even stranger as they entered the small coffee shop. They were in line when Kurt felt a pair of arms wrapping around him from behind. He jumped before turning around to see who it was.

"Quinn!" Kurt exclaimed, enveloping the blonde teen in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"This one," Quinn began, motioning to Blaine. "Set it up."

"I knew something was up with you!" Kurt said happily to Blaine.

"You were kind of bummed about moving schools and I knew that you missed Quinn so..."

"Thank you." Kurt replied, hugging Blaine quickly.

"You're welcome. Rachel should be here in a bit too."

"You're the best."

"I know." Blaine laughed.

"So, how is Dalton?" Quinn asked when Blaine forced the two of them to go sit down while he ordered their drinks.

"Well...it's definitely not McKinley..."

"Do you like it there?"

"I guess, it's just...I don't know. It's different there." Kurt shrugged.

"You'll get used to it."

"Yeah, Blaine keeps saying the same thing," Kurt laughed, just as Blaine walked over with their drinks. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, and you will get used to it." Blaine assured him as Kurt laid his head on the older teens shoulder.

"Okay, enough Dalton talk," Kurt declared. "Distract me."

Rachel showed up a little while later, and the four friends spent almost two hours talking and laughing. The two boys decided to go back to Kurt's house to watch a movie but just ended up making out the whole time. They were still kissing when Burt walked into Kurt's bedroom. Neither of the boys heard him come in until he cleared his throat, causing Blaine to jump and promptly roll off of Kurt, which resulted in him rolling off the bed and falling on the floor.

"Ow..." Blaine groaned.

"Oh my god, Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed. "Are you okay?" He asked, peeking over the side of the bed and trying not to laugh at his boyfriend.

"Mhm." Blaine mumbled, pushing himself off the floor. They both forgot that Burt was even in the room until he cleared his throat again from the doorway.

"Uh, I didn't mean to interrupt..." Burt began awkwardly. "I just came to see if Blaine wanted to stay for dinner?"

"Um...sure." Blaine said confusedly, feeling a little dizzy from the fall.

"Okay, well...I'll leave you two to it." Burt said, leaving the room laughing and shaking his head.

"You're such an idiot." Kurt laughed.

"He made me jump! I didn't mean to roll on the floor," Blaine pouted. "I'm mostly just embarrassed that he walked in on us kissing..."

"It's not like it's the first time." Kurt shrugged.

"Yeah but...I was on top of you." Blaine said, scrunching his face up in the cutest way possible.

"Well I doubt he'll say anything, I think you falling off the bed made up for that."

"Shut up." Blaine laughed, pushing Kurt backwards and attacking him with a hug.


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