Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
"Thank you again for helping me with this." Kurt said. He and Quinn were buried in the school library printing out various photos and deciding which ones they liked best.
"You're welcome. And I did tell you that you would thank me one day for my amazing impromptu photography skills." Quinn laughed.
"Yes, you're amazing," Kurt teased. "What do you think of this one?" He asked, holding up a photo for Quinn to look at.
"Definitely use that one." Quinn replied certainly as Kurt felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He slipped the photo inside his folder carefully and pulled out his phone, smiling at the message that flashed up on his screen.
Blaine: I haven't seen you since this morning :( Can we go get lunch together?
"Do you mind printing out the rest of these photos and putting them in here so that I can go meet Blaine please?" Kurt asked sweetly, holding his folder out to Quinn who took it with a smile on her face.
"Of course I don't." Quinn assured him.
"Thank you, you're the best." Kurt said, quickly enveloping his best friend in a hug before all but running out of the library while texting a reply to Blaine at the same time.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" Blaine asked nonchalantly as he and Kurt ate their lunches.
"Uh, Quinn's actually coming over..." Kurt said awkwardly. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Blaine shrugged.
"Blaine, what's wrong?"
"It's just...we haven't been on a date or anything in ages and I kind of feel like I'm being pushed away."
"Oh my god, Blaine," Kurt exclaimed, taking Blaine's hand from across the table. "I'm so sorry I made you feel like that, I swear I am not pushing you away. I've just been really busy working on something that I can't wait to show you but I promise I'm not deliberately avoiding you or anything like that."
"I know, I'm sorry I just...I miss spending time with you."
"Okay, you're staying at my house on Friday and we're gonna watch movies and eat as much junk food as we can stomach. I should also be finished on what I'm working on by then so that will make it even better." Kurt smiled.
"Okay." Blaine said, grinning dopily.
"I feel bad for not telling him why I haven't had any time." Kurt sighed, leaning his head against the edge of his bed. He and Quinn were sitting on his bedroom floor cutting out photos and deciding which ones to keep, etcetera.
"I know but you'll feel better on Friday when he finds out why, and he's gonna love this by the way."
"Yeah but it's not just that. He's right, we have spent hardly any time together and the worst part is that I didn't even realise."
"Because you've been working on something amazing for him, I know that you're feeling bad and I get it but don't beat yourself up about it."
"You're right. It's just after the whole breakup fiasco I get paranoid about the tiniest bumps in our relationship."
"Come here," Quinn said, opening her arms for Kurt who immediately enveloped her in a hug. "You guys are gonna be okay, trust me."
"I'm terrified Quinn. He's graduating in two months and leaving not long after that and I'm absolutely petrified."
"I know, but you'll get through it." Quinn comforted.
"What if we don't?" Kurt asked, pulling back to look at Quinn with worried eyes. "What if the long distance is too much and everything falls apart? What if we're not strong enough to survive?"
"You will," Quinn said reassuringly, placing her hands on his shoulders to look him straight in the eyes. "I've never seen two people so in love before Kurt, trust me, you guys are strong enough to get through it."
"I know I'm just really scared." Kurt admitted as Quinn cradled her best friend against her chest as he began to cry.
Friday finally arrived and the school day ended with Kurt walking into Glee in tears and dragging Blaine into the first empty classroom they could find.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked worriedly, trying and failing to calm the younger teen down.
"Do you remember when we were broken up and you found me in the bathroom?" Kurt asked through shaky breaths.
"The jock that was harassing me...I was getting my gym clothes out of the locker room and he-he didn't hit me or anything he just really scared me."
"What did he say?"
"He mostly just c-called me names and, and...Stuff,"
"Hey, breathe," Blaine said, pulling the trembling boy into his arms. Kurt was extremely tense but he immediately reciprocated the hug, clinging desperately to Blaine's shirt as he attempted to bury his head in the older teen's chest.
"I feel really unsafe Blaine. I can't keep walking these halls terrified that somebody is gonna do something to me."
"I know baby, I know," Blaine comforted, resting his chin softly on Kurt's head while he carded his fingers gently through his soft chestnut hair. "Kurt, I know you really don't want to but you need to tell your Dad."
"I will," Kurt sniffed, nodding in agreement. "Can you still stay over? I wanna show you what I was working on and I think it'll be easier for me to talk to my Dad if you're there."
"If you want me to stay, then I'll stay."
"I do," Kurt cried. "I really do."
The two boys ended up skipping Glee, and instead went to get ice cream as Blaine knew first hand that it was the best thing to give Kurt when he was upset.
"You okay?" Blaine asked, noticing the deathly grip that kept getting tighter on his hand.
"My Dad's gonna be so mad that I didn't tell him." Kurt said as way of explanation.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Blaine asked curiously.
"Because it was bearable. It hurt at first and it got to me but it was easy to forget about it and get over it but now...now I'm just scared."
"Nothing is gonna happen to you, I promise. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."
"What about when you're not there anymore though, Blaine? We've told teachers before, they don't care. I don't feel safe there and I hate it."
"I'm sorry." Blaine said sadly, bringing Kurt's hand up to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on his knuckles.
"Because I can't do anything to make you feel better."
"But you already have, Blaine. When I came into Glee club you left instantly to talk to and then you took me to get ice cream because you know it makes me feel better. Hardly anybody knows that about me and I already feel so much better."
"Yeah but I can't do anything to make you feel better overall. There's nothing I can really do to stop you from feeling scared. I can comfort you but that's it."
"Can we please just go back to mine?" Kurt sighed. "My dad probably won't be home yet but I have something for you."
"Okay." Blaine said in a curious tone.
"So I said that I was working on something this week and this is why I've been so busy," Kurt explained, handing Blaine a square shaped paper bag. "I've been trying to finish it as fast as I can but I also wanted it to be perfect so at the same time I was trying not to rush but with a lot of hard work and Quinn's help with the photos I finally got it done." Blaine looked at Kurt curiously before pulling out what was inside the bag. There was a square shaped book with a photo of Kurt, Blaine, Quinn and Rachel stuck to the front and text around it that said 'The Klaine Scrapbook' which Blaine couldn't help but laugh at slightly. He started to look through the pages of photos; some were captioned, some had funny speech bubbles and facial features drawn on in black markers, some were cut into different shapes such as hearts and circles and others were just stuck down by themselves.
"Kurt...this is incredible," Blaine observed, looking carefully at all of the pages where different photos had been stuck. They were mostly of Kurt and Blaine; some posed and some at moments when they had no idea they were been photographed. There were others of the two boys with Quinn and Rachel and the occasional photo of them with the other New Directions. "I can't believe you put all of this together."
"When you gave me the promise ring, I realised that I wanted you to have a part of me with you too and I knew that Quinn had a bunch of photos that I could use. I'm not as good with words as you but...I wanted to make this because like you said with the ring, whenever there's a time that you're upset or having a bad day, you can look through this and hopefully it'll cheer you up. It's more like, instead of just having a piece of me with you, you have a piece of us and all of our friends."
"You really are amazing, you know that right?" Blaine said proudly.
"It's a gift." Kurt teased.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss Blaine gently on the lips.
"I love you." Blaine murmured against his boyfriends lips.
"I love you too," Kurt said happily, kissing Blaine again until they heard Burt come in from work. "Time to face the music," Kurt sighed, reluctantly pulling away from Blaine before getting off of his bed, reaching a hand out for the older teen and leading him downstairs.
"Dad, can I talk to you?" Kurt asked timidly as he and Blaine entered the living room where Burt was watching the TV.
"Sure, what's up?" Burt asked, giving his son his full attention.
"Um..." Kurt mumbled, sitting down and pulling Blaine down next to him.
"Seriously, what's wrong? You look like you're about to tell me that you two eloped." Burt laughed.
"I uh...I've kind of been getting bullied." Kurt said quietly.
"Wait, what? How long has this been going on?"
"It's not exactly a...consistent thing, people just harass me sometimes."
"And why didn't you tell me this before?"
"Because I could handle it. It didn't really get to me but today...this guy who did something to me before he...he was just calling me names but I felt so scared, Dad. I feel really unsafe at that school."
"I can't believe you never told me about this Kurt!" Burt shouted.
"Dad, I just told you that I feel unsafe and you're shouting at me!" Kurt cried.
"I'm sorry," Burt sighed. "Have you told any teachers?"
"We told them about stuff worse than this but they didn't do anything."
"Worse!?" Burt all but screeched. "Sorry, I just...I really wish you told me."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, the point is you're telling me now."
"Dad, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I feel so unsafe and scared there."
"Blaine, do you mind if I talk to Kurt alone for a minute?" Burt asked.
"Uh, sure," Blaine replied, squeezing Kurt's hand gently before heading upstairs.
"I have a suggestion, but I want you to listen to me carefully before freaking out or saying no, okay?"
"What did he say?" Blaine asked when Kurt re-entered his bedroom and sat on his bed.
"I, uh...I'm transferring schools." Kurt said quietly, staring down at his fidgeting hands that were resting in his lap.
"Now?" Blaine asked curiously. "There are like two months of school left."
"Yeah, um, have you heard of Dalton?" Kurt asked, and Blaine nodded in response. "They have a zero bullying policy there...my Dad's sorting everything out tomorrow."
"I'm sorry." Kurt said seriously.
"What, why?"
"Because...I'm not even gonna get to be with you for your last two months of school."
"Kurt, look at me," Blaine said, tilting Kurt's head gently with his hand so that the younger teen was looking at him. "I don't care. If you being safe means that we can't go to school together for the next two months then I don't care."
"I just hate the thought of being away from you anymore than I have to." Kurt said as Blaine pulled them both into a laying position; Blaine on his back with Kurt's head resting against his chest.
"Me too, but I'd rather you be safe."
"I love you so much." Kurt said, nuzzling his face into Blaine's chest.
"I love you too."