Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:16 a.m.
"Have I ever told you how much I like your hair without gel in it?" Kurt whispered, playing with the curls on Blaine's head. The New Directions were at Blaine's house celebrating with a movie night as they'd won Regionals that Friday. They were watching a movie and Blaine was currently sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa with Kurt in between his legs and his arms wrapped tightly around the younger teens waist. Kurt who kept turning around every ten seconds to kiss Blaine, not that Blaine was complaining.
"Are you kidding me? It's awful." Blaine replied quietly so that they wouldn't disturb their friends.
"I like it," Kurt pouted. "It looks cute on you."
"Shut up!" Puck groaned, throwing a pillow at the boys who were now making out.
"We're kissing, Puck. You can't hear us." Blaine replied.
"I beg to differ." Rachel added and Kurt hid his face in Blaine's shoulder to muffle the laughs that were escaping his body.
"Well it's my house and I'll kiss my boyfriend if I want to, okay?" Blaine retorted smugly, resuming previous activities while Puck turned the TV up to a significantly higher volume.
"I love you." Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips.
"I love you too." Kurt giggled.
"I'm gonna go get some more snacks." Blaine announced, detangling himself from Kurt so that he could leave the room.
"I'll help!" Rachel exclaimed suddenly, jumping off the sofa and following Blaine into the kitchen.
"I don't actually need any help, Rach." Blaine said when Rachel appeared behind him in the kitchen.
"I know, I just wanted to talk to you without everyone around.
"Okay...what's up?" Blaine asked, scooping ice cream into two bowls for him and Kurt.
"I miss you."
"What?" Blaine replied, laughing slightly.
"We used to hang out like, all the time and now you're spending all of your time with Kurt and I miss you."
"Rachel you come to my house every Tuesday to study and we're always hanging out in school."
"Exactly! When was the last time we actually went somewhere together without a bunch of those losers coming with us?"
"I really hope you weren't referring to my boyfriend when you said losers..." Blaine said slowly before continuing. "And I'm sorry if you feel like I've been ignoring you or whatever, I'm just trying to spend as much time with Kurt as I can, you know? In a few months I'm not going to be able to spend every day with him. You on the other hand I'm going to be living with, we're gonna see each other all the time."
"I know, but I still miss hanging out with you okay?"
"Well we can go somewhere tomorrow if you want? Kurt promised Quinn he'd stay at her house anyway so..."
"Yes!" Rachel nearly shouted, jumping up to hug her best friend. "Thank you!"
"Mhm," Blaine mumbled, laughing and pushing Rachel off him. "Now go back in there so that I can finish this please."
"I'm gone!" Rachel said excitedly before running back to the living room, leaving a very amused Blaine standing in the kitchen.
"What was that about?" Kurt asked, wrapping his arms around Blaine from behind and resting his chin on the elder teen's shoulder.
"Rachel said that she wanted us to spend more time together so we made plans for Saturday."
"Aww," Kurt cooed, kissing Blaine on the cheek.
"Oh shut up," Blaine laughed. "Actually while you're here, I made you some more ice cream."
"Yay! Thank you Blainey," Kurt exclaimed adorably, wrapping his arms around the laughing boy's neck and kissing him sweetly on the lips. "Best boyfriend ever."
"That's me," Blaine giggled, saluting Kurt. "But seriously go back in the living room; I'll be in there in a minute."
"Okay, love you."
"I love you too." Blaine replied, kissing Kurt once more before letting him take his ice cream back into the room where a different movie was now playing.
"So what are we doing today?" Rachel asked Blaine that Saturday, linking their arms as they left Blaine's house.
"What? Oh, um...I got us movie tickets then we can go get dinner somewhere."
"Are you okay?" Rachel asked concernedly.
"I'm fine I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Blaine lied.
"Well in that case, I'm driving. I don't feel like dying tonight, thank you very much." Rachel replied, snatching Blaine's keys from him.
"Okay Blaine, what's wrong?" Rachel asked later that evening. Blaine had been acting weird all day and had barely spoken two words to her.
"Stop lying to me," Rachel said, setting her fork down on the table before continuing. "You're my best friend, I've known you for over four years, Blaine, do you really think I can't tell when something's wrong?"
"Like I said, I didn't sleep much last night."
"Yes well I can see that," Rachel replied, receiving a pointed glare from Blaine. "But that's not all. You're distracted, and you're only ever this distracted when you're over thinking something."
"I had a really weird dream last night." Blaine confessed...well, sort of.
"I don't remember everything but it was basically about Kurt being here without me and...God, it doesn't even matter," Blaine suddenly snapped. "The point is, yes, I'm distracted. I'm sick of thinking about New York and I'm sick of knowing that I have to leave in a few months, okay!?"
"Woah, calm down, we're in public remember."
"Sorry, I just..." Blaine sighed. "I feel like I'm holding him back, Rach."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...I'm leaving him here by himself, and instead of being able to have normal teenage experiences he's gonna be tied to me still and I just, I feel like it's unfair of me to do that to him. He's fifteen, for crying out loud, he should be able to live his life without me holding him back."
"Are you kidding me? He can still live his life, Blaine! This isn't really about holding him back, is it?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You're afraid that he's gonna find someone else while you're not here, aren't you?" Rachel asked as Blaine rested his head in his hands.
"He should be able to date other people while I'm not around."
"Okay, screw this, we're leaving." Rachel announced suddenly, leaving some money on the table for their food and dragging Blaine out of his seat.
"What? Where are you taking me?"
"To Kurt,"
"No," Blaine replied, tugging his arm out of Rachel's grasp. "He's staying at Quinn's, I don't wanna interrupt them."
"You need to talk to him Blaine, and I'm not gonna let you delay it because I know you and I know that you'll end up not saying anything."
"Fine," Blaine sighed. "But I will not be held responsible for ruining his evening."
"Shut up Blaine." Rachel instructed, pulling Blaine towards his car.
"Quinn Fabray, I swear to god if you don't give me my phone I'm going to..."
"Going to what?" Quinn teased holding Kurt's phone higher in the air as the brown haired teen continued to chase her around the room. Quinn was currently threatening to text a photo of Kurt and Blaine kissing - which she had taken herself when she so very kindly stole his phone the night before - to his dad, so Kurt, naturally, ended up chasing the blonde girl in circles in attempt to get his phone back.
"Just give me my phone!" Kurt cried.
"Okay okay!" Quinn laughed, handing the device back to her best friend.
"QUINN!" Kurt suddenly screamed. "You actually sent it!? I can't believe you!"
Quinn was too busy laughing to notice the boy climbing on top of her and hitting her repeatedly with a pillow while growling a mantra of 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.'
"Kurt!" Quinn exclaimed, laughing and trying to catch her breath. "Calm down and get off me, I didn't send it to your dad!"
To that Kurt lowered the pillow and let out a small, "What?"
"Check the recipient name, I sent it to myself you idiot."
"Oh thank god," Kurt sighed, about to climb off Quinn when he realised something... "I still can't believe you would scare me like that, Quinny!" And with that he resumed hitting Quinn with the pillow while she laughed, screamed and squirmed beneath him until they heard somebody clearing their throat from the doorway. "Rachel?"
"Hi...um, I'm sorry that I just showed up, Quinn your mum let me in."
"I thought you were spending the day with Blaine?" Kurt asked confusedly.
"That's actually why I'm here," Rachel began, stopping when Quinn began pushing at Kurt and muttering 'Get off me, you freak, this is so awkward' and resuming when Kurt was sitting safely by Quinn's side. "Blaine kind of needs you."
"What's wrong? Is he okay?" Kurt asked frantically, beginning to worry.
"He's fine, calm down," Rachel comforted. "He's just...it's hard to explain. He's waiting downstairs in the car but I think it would help if you just went and talked to him?"
"Yeah, I'll um; I'll be back in a bit," Kurt mumbled, rushing out of the house without even caring that he was in his pyjamas. As he left the house he could see Blaine sitting in one of the backseats; slumped against the seat and staring blankly out of the window. "Blaine?" The younger teen said softly, opening the door on the other side and climbing in slowly.
"Hi," Blaine said quietly, trying to smile at his boyfriend even though Kurt could see he was trying really hard not to cry.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just um..." Blaine choked out, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"What's wrong? You're scaring me."
"Kurt I...god this is hard..."
"Blaine you're seriously freaking me out now, what's wrong?" Kurt asked, even he was almost crying now.
"I can't...I can't do this anymore." Blaine said shakily, more tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Can't do what anymore Blaine?" Kurt practically whispered, a stray tear falling from his eye.
"This," Blaine cried as the tears began to flow freely. "I can't...Kurt I need to let go of you."
"Blaine, don't," Kurt begged. "Please."
"I'm sorry, I..." Blaine began, but couldn't finish as Kurt had left the car, running back into Quinn's house. What Blaine didn't see was Kurt falling against the closed door and bursting into tears while Quinn and Rachel came running down the stairs, startled from the slam of the front door.
"Kurt, what the hell happened!?" Quinn exclaimed, running to her best friend's side and cradling him gently in her arms as he fell to the ground, crying his eyes out.
"He...he b-broke up with m-me." Kurt hiccupped, crying harder as Quinn looked at Rachel with a stunned expression.
"He did what!?" Rachel practically shouted, but immediately lowered her tone as she received a pointed glare from Quinn. "That idiot, I swear to god I'm gonna kill him."
"What did he say?" Quinn asked the broken hearted boy gently.
"H-he just said he c-couldn't 'do this' anymore."
"What is wrong with him!? I told him to talk to you not break up with you!"
"Rachel! He's crying his eyes out here and you shouting about what you told or didn't tell Blaine to do isn't helping."
"I'm sorry," Rachel said gently, kneeling next to Kurt where he was sobbing into Quinn's chest. "Kurt, are you okay?" She asked, ignoring Quinn's mutter of 'How stupid are you?' and sighing when Kurt shook his head frantically back and forth. "I'm gonna go talk to him, and if that doesn't knock and sense into his thick skull I'll slap some sense into him."
"Kurt, do you want me to call your dad?" Quinn asked, easing the shaking boy off the floor.
"N-no, I...I still want to stay. I need to be with you right now." He sniffled.
"Call me later?" She asked Rachel, who nodded before leaving. "Okay, let's get you upstairs."