Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Smythe.

K - Words: 2,108 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
131 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm sorry :( Please review!

"Mum?" Blaine called curiously as he and Kurt entered his house one Thursday. Blaine had seen his mum's car outside and he was certain she'd be at work.

"In here!" Jenna shouted from the living room.

"Hey, what's going on?" Blaine asked, walking into the room and stopping dead in his tracks when he saw who was there.

"Well, hello Blaine." Sebastian said, stepping closer to the boy.

"Sebastian." Blaine acknowledged, tightening the deathly grip he already had on Kurt's hand.

"And who is this?" Sebastian questioned, gesturing to the confused and, although he'd hate to admit it, slightly scared fifteen year old standing by Blaine's side.

"This is Kurt, my boyfriend." Blaine emphasised and loosened his grip on the boys hand when he saw Sebastian physically deflate a little.

"Boyfriend?" Sebastian asked in reply, raising his eyebrows a little. "He looks about twelve, Blaine."

"Sebastian," Jenna warned. "Why don't you and Kurt go upstairs for a while so that I can finish my conversation with Sebastian?" She suggested and Blaine immediately tugged Kurt out of the room and up to his bedroom.

"Wanna tell me what that was about?" Kurt asked once they were safely inside the elder teen's bedroom.

"That was Sebastian," Blaine sighed. "He's my mum's best friend's son, I've known him for forever."

"He likes you," Kurt pointed out. "When you said I was your boyfriend he looked...disappointed."

"No, he likes Sebastian, he just hates losing. That's basically what this is to him."

"You don't like him do you?" Kurt laughed slightly.

"I hate him, but my mum seems to think we're the best of friends for some reason."

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked sincerely, sitting down next to Blaine on his bed.

"Yeah, I have you to distract me."

"I can do that." Kurt said, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.

"Do you know who Sebastian Smythe is?" Kurt asked Rachel the next day at school.

"He's some idiot who used to have a huge crush on Blaine but was a complete jerk, even at nine. Why do you ask?"

"He was at Blaine's house yesterday and he won't tell me anything except that it's his mum's best friend's son and they've known each other for ages."

"There really isn't much to tell. He used to like Blaine and Blaine, obviously, didn't feel the same way and Sebastian just became the world's biggest jerk."

"I think he still likes Blaine..." Kurt said, biting his bottom lip.

"So that's what this is about. Why do you think that anyway?"

"When we saw him yesterday he was acting all smug and when Blaine said I was his boyfriend his face just...dropped." Kurt explained.

"Kurt," Rachel said, taking Kurt's hand into her own. "You have nothing to worry about, trust me."

"I know, I know, it's just...Sebastian is really intimidating."

"Believe me, I know," Rachel laughed. "You should talk to Blaine if you're really that worried."

"I'm not worried I just...ugh."

"Well tell him that you're 'ugh' then."

"Fine, I'll talk to him after school. Thank you by the way."

"You're welcome." Rachel smiled.

Kurt didn't see Blaine for the rest of the day so he decided to go over to his house after school to talk to him; however he wasn't prepared for what he actually saw...

"Hey, is Blaine home?" Kurt asked when Jenna answered the door.

"Yeah," Jenna said smiling. "Come in, he's up in his room."

"Thanks," Kurt replied, heading up towards Blaine's bedroom. "Hey Blaine, I..." Kurt started, opening Blaine's door but completely freezing when he saw the sight before him.

"Kurt," Blaine started, but couldn't continue because Kurt ran out of the room crying. "Kurt, wait!"

"Leave me alone Blaine." Kurt cried.

"Please let me explain!" Blaine exclaimed, running after Kurt, down the stairs and out the front door.

"What is there to explain, Blaine!?" Kurt shouted, turning around to face Blaine while tears poured down his face. "You were kissing him! How can that possibly have an explanation!?"

"It wasn't like that, Kurt! Please just let me explain! Kurt!" Blaine cried as Kurt continued to walk away.

"Go away." Blaine mumbled from underneath a pillow when he heard an insistent knocking on the door.

"Blaine, you've been ignoring my phone calls and texts all weekend and your mum said you haven't left your room since Friday night, I'm coming in." Rachel said, entering the curly haired teen's bedroom.

"Leave me alone, Rachel." Blaine replied, never moving his head from the pillow that it was buried under.

"You're my best friend; I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want to talk about it." Blaine said, and Rachel could tell he was nearly crying.

"Blaine, look at me," Rachel said, trying to pry the pillow from his hands and surprisingly succeeding. When Blaine sat up to look at Rachel, she saw messed up hair and red puffy eyes. "Oh Blaine, what happened?" She asked and Blaine promptly burst into tears, falling into Rachel's arms. "Hey, shh, it's okay," Rachel comforted, rubbing Blaine's back gently with her hand. "What happened?"

"On Friday," Blaine croaked out, hardly able to speak from the sobs that were wracking his body. "Sebastian came into my room and he...he kissed me, but Kurt walked in before I could stop him and he ran out crying. He wouldn't even let me explain." Blaine cried.

"Shh, it's okay, he just needs time Blaine."

"It's not okay Rachel!" Blaine suddenly shouted, sitting up once again to face his best friend. "He hates me!"

"I'm pretty sure that boy couldn't hate you even if he tried."

"What am I supposed to do Rach? He won't speak to me, I can't lose him." Blaine sobbed, shaking his head before completely erupting into tears once again.

"You're not going to lose him Blaine, he's crazy about you."

"He saw me kissing someone else; I don't think he's just going to get over that."

"No, but like I said, give him time. He'll talk to you when he's ready."

"It's killing me Rachel. It's been two days and I miss him like crazy, I feel like absolute crap."

"I know, and I get that you're upset that he won't talk to you but imagine how he must be feeling right now."

"I can't. I can't imagine how he must be feeling because I know it will just make me feel worse about myself than I already do."

"Kurt?" Burt asked quietly, stepping into his son's room Monday morning. The teen had holed himself up in his room all weekend, refusing to tell his dad anymore than that he'd argued with Blaine on Friday.

"Yeah?" Kurt replied, not bothering to face his dad but instead continuing to face the wall and clutch his pillow to his chest.

"Are you okay to go to school or do you want to stay home?"

"I'll go," Kurt sighed. "I don't think I can handle just being stuck here."

"You sure? I know you didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I could hear you crying at around 5 this morning."

"I'll be fine, if I stay here I'll just end up thinking too much and I'll go crazy."

"Well if you want to come home just call me and I'll come and pick you up okay?"

"Okay." Kurt replied, attempting to smile at his dad.

"How do you feel?" Quinn asked as she sat down next to Kurt in English that day. Kurt had called her as soon as he got home on Friday and she'd immediately gotten the bus to his house and held him while he cried for over an hour.

"I feel like my whole world has been crushed." Kurt said truthfully.

"Oh Kurt," Quinn said, wrapping her arms around him while Kurt tried not to break into tears once again. "I still think you should at least talk to him."

"I can't, not yet. It kills me to just walk past him in the hallways. The worst part is that I actually miss him."

"Of course you miss him. You two spend almost all of your time together."

"I've tried so hard to hate him but I can't. It hurts so badly."

"I know," Quinn said, trying to comfort her best friend. "It won't forever though."

"Blaine, this is ridiculous. You've barely said one word to anyone all day." Rachel said.

"I hate myself." Blaine groaned, hitting his head against the desk in front of him.

"I hate you too right now, you're being stupid. I get that it hurts Blaine, but shutting everyone and everything out while you throw yourself a pity party isn't going to help anybody."

"Did you see him this morning, Rach? He looked so lost and broken. I did that, I've completely crushed his heart."

"Technically Sebastian crushed his heart."

"Oh let's be real, Rachel. I could have pushed him away before Kurt walked in, I could have stopped him if I really tried."

"Yeah because you just magically knew he was going to kiss you."

"I should have! He's Sebastian for Christ's sake." Blaine exclaimed, probably too loudly considering class hadn't ended yet. It did, however, end ten minutes later and Blaine couldn't have left the room quick enough.

"Blaine Devon Anderson, where do you think you're going!?" Rachel called after him.

"I'll catch up with you later; I just need to be by myself right now."

"Blaine, I..."

"Rachel, please."

"Fine, I'll see you in Glee." Rachel said before walking away.

Blaine immediately headed for the locker room which conveniently had a punching bag in, which the curly haired teen really needed right now. He was going to his gym locker for spare clothes when he heard coming from the showers, familiar sobs. Wondering if he was the cause, Blaine walked slowly over to the showers where he found Kurt curled up in a ball on the floor; his knees were pulled up to his chest while his arms wrapped around his legs and he buried his head in between them.

"Kurt?" Blaine said quietly.

"Go away." Kurt mumbled, not lifting his head once.

"What's wrong?" He tried, kneeling on the floor so that he was level with the younger teen.

"Please leave me alone." Kurt cried, and Blaine was about to leave when he heard a painful hiss come from Kurt.

"Kurt, look at me," Blaine said gently. "Please?" He pleaded when Kurt made no attempt to lift his head. Kurt sighed and then slowly looked up at Blaine, which elicited Blaine to gasp audibly. "Kurt, what happened?" Blaine nearly exclaimed. The left side of Kurt's lip was cut deeply and there was blood running onto the sleeve of the grey jumper he was wearing.

"Nothing," Kurt lied. "I'm fine." He said, even though there were still cold tears running down his face.

"You're not fine, Kurt. Your lip is nearly sliced in half and you've been crying your eyes out for who knows how long. I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but please tell me what happened?" Blaine said gentle but firm as Kurt took a deep breath, trying to make the tears subside while he spoke.

"I was trying to stay as close to Quinn as I could all day but she had to go to the bathroom so I was waiting outside and a jock hit me but I accidentally bit my lip at the same time and it cut. I ran in here before Quinn could see me though; she's probably going crazy."

"I think you need stitches." Blaine inspected, tilting Kurt's head by his chin so that he could see how deep the cut was.

"I'm fine." Kurt said shakily.

"Kurt, you're physically shaking right now," Blaine said, taking a hold of Kurt's hand. "You're still crying and you have a really deep cut in your lip, stop saying you're fine because you're not. Will you please just let me help you?"

"Okay." Kurt nodded and Blaine gently eased him off the ground.

"Did he hit you anywhere else? You seem really..."

"I'm just tired and shaken; I'm okay though I promise."

"Okay. I'm taking you to the hospital, the school nurse isn't going to be able to do anything and that definitely needs medical attention."


"Please don't try to argue with me, Kurt. I'm not leaving you."

"I was just going to say that you left your clothes on the floor."

"Oh...hold on," Blaine said, grabbing his clothes and running back to his locker where he literally shoved his clothes inside. "Okay, let's go."


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