Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Anderson.

K - Words: 2,140 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review :)

"So...my parents kind of want you to come to dinner on Saturday." Blaine told Kurt while they were at the older teen's house one Thursday after Glee club.

"Uh, why?" Kurt asked confusedly, shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth, even though they'd both been completely ignoring whatever they were watching on TV in favour of snuggling on the sofa and talking for hours.

"They want to 'properly introduce' themselves." Blaine explained, creating quote marks with his fingers.

"But I've met them already..."

"Kurt, I don't think them walking in on us making out in my bedroom and then telling you their names before awkwardly leaving counts as meeting you," Blaine laughed. "Besides they don't really care what I do in my free time so it probably won't be as bad as when I met your dad."

"It wasn't that bad."

"Whatever, you know what I mean. So do you mind?"

"Of course not, Blaine. I'll have to make sure it's okay with my dad first though."

"Okay, just let me know." Blaine said, kissing Kurt gently on the lips.

By the time that Blaine arrived at Kurt's house to take him to dinner that Saturday, the younger teen wasn't even ready.

"He may be a while," Burt warned as he let Blaine inside. "You can go up and wait for him if you want."

"Okay, thanks." Blaine laughed before heading up to Kurt's bedroom.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed as the curly haired teen entered his bedroom. "You're early."

"I'm actually not..." Blaine said, gesturing to the clock on Kurt's bed stand.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even realise what the time was, I'm sorry!" Kurt rambled.

"Kurt, it's okay," Blaine laughed. "My parents are always late to places. What's going on up here anyway?"

"I can't find anything to wear." Kurt pouted.

"You are so predictable, Kurt Hummel. Do you want me to help?"

"Yes please." Kurt said, nodding.

Ten minutes and several different outfits later, the two teens were on their way to the restaurant where they were meeting Blaine's parents.

"So I should probably warn you about my parents..." Blaine began.

"Oh god, this is you meeting my dad all over again isn't it?" Kurt groaned, throwing his head into the back of the chair.

"Not exactly," Blaine laughed. "It's just my parents, they're..."

"Serial killers? " Kurt guessed.

"No, you weirdo," Blaine said, laughing and shaking his head at his crazy boyfriend. "They're just...well they're not like your dad at all."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, well they're business people, and I mean literally. Like, if someone called your dad sir or something he's insist that they use his first name, whereas if someone my parents didn't really know didn't call them sir or ma'am they'd probably be offended."


"Yeah, they're honestly not that bad. My mum is definitely better than my dad but once you get to know them they're okay."

"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked, noting the way that Blaine took a deep breath before talking, causing the younger teen to instinctively reach for his boyfriends hand.

"I guess my dad is just...less accepting. He would never come straight out and say it but you can just tell. When I first came out I remember that he kept talking to me like it was my choice or something or whenever one of his business partners came over for dinner if they had a daughter close to my age he would make sure that they were invited so that he could try and get us to go out or something."

"Oh Blaine, I'm sorry. That's horrible." Kurt sympathised, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"It's okay," Blaine sniffed, trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall as he squeezed Kurt's hand back. "Eventually he figured out that it wasn't going to change anything and he basically ignores it. My mum's a lot better about it though, she doesn't really address it in front of my dad but she gets it."

"Still, you shouldn't have to get used to something like that Blaine. Can I ask you something though?"

"Of course."

"Do you think your dad will be okay with me being there or whatever?"

"He knows that you're going to be there, however reluctant he may be about it. And I honestly couldn't care less if he doesn't like you or doesn't like that we're together because his opinion on who I date doesn't mean anything to me."

"I know, I just don't want you or your mum to feel awkward or like you have to choose sides or anything."

"Sometimes I wonder how it's possible to love somebody as much as I love you and then you go and say something like that which leads me to wonder how you're so sweet and caring at only fifteen."

"You're not too bad yourself, Mister," Kurt said, stepping out of the car where Blaine was holding the door open for him.

"Shall we?" Blaine asked, holding his arm up for Kurt to link his own with.

"Why thank you kind sir." Kurt teased as Blaine shoved him playfully.

"So, Kurt, tell us something about yourself." Jenna Anderson prompted while they were waiting for their meals to be served.

"Um, well I live with my dad, I love singing and I want to do either fashion or Broadway when I graduate, so I'm hoping to go to New York for college."

"You live with just your dad?" Dylan Anderson asked suddenly, it was the first time he'd actually been interested in making conversation. "What about your mum?"

"Dad," Blaine hissed at his father.

"She, um...she died when I was eight." Kurt said awkwardly. Blaine just took his boyfriends hand under the table and squeezed it reassuringly. They had talked about Kurt's mum before and Blaine realised how much it still hurt the younger teen to talk about it, so he just prayed that his blunt father would shut the hell up.

"Oh..." Mr Anderson replied, taking a sip from his glass of water.

"What my husband means to say," Jenna began, kicking the other elder under the table. "Is that that's awful, we're sorry."

"It's okay," Kurt said, offering a small smile. "It's not like you knew or anything."

"Still, that's no excuse for my husband's rude behaviour."

"Okay how about we all stop talking about my father's lack of manners and discuss something more interesting?" Blaine suggested, squeezing Kurt's hand a little harder as he shot his father a pointed glare.

"Excellent idea, Blaine," Jenna agreed. "So Kurt, you said you wanted to do either fashion or Broadway, what made you love clothes so much?"

"I don't know, really. When I was younger I would put on fashion shows with my mum and we'd bribe my dad with food to watch them, I guess I've just always found it fun to put together different outfits." Kurt said as Blaine smiled lovingly at him.

"Isn't that something that girls do?" Dylan interjected.

"Dylan, don't." Jenna warned.

"Don't what? It's weird, Jen. He's a boy; he's supposed to like boy stuff not shopping for clothes."

"Define 'boy stuff', Dad. Because the last time I checked, boy stuff in your book was liking girls, which I clearly don't. So does that make me a girl?" Blaine exclaimed, noticing the way that Kurt's deathly grip on his hand got impossibly tighter.

"Don't be stupid Blaine." His father replied.

"Both of you stop," Jenna insisted. "Kurt, are you okay?"

"Yeah, um...I'm just going to the bathroom, excuse me." Kurt said, leaving the table and rushing into the restroom.

"Well done, Dad," Blaine said sarcastically. "I'm gonna go check on him." He said, following the younger teens path.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked once he got to the bathroom where Kurt was splashing his face with water.

"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen." Kurt said, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry," Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand into his own. "My dad's incredulous."

"It's not your fault."

"I know but I still feel bad. I get you to come and meet my parents and they make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay Blaine. I wanted to come remember? And the stuff your dad said...I really don't care. He can think whatever he wants about me, I just had to leave because I was feeling lightheaded and I needed to just get away from everyone for a moment."

"He still shouldn't have said that stuff, Kurt. Especially about your mum, that was just out of line. He's a grown man; you shouldn't have to make excuses for him."

"Trust me, I've heard worse." Kurt said as Blaine sighed and kissed the top of his head softly.

"Are you sure you're okay? If you want to go..."

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Okay, let's go then." Blaine replied, interlocking their fingers before leaving the bathroom.

A little later into the evening, Dylan had stepped outside to take a phone call and Jenna was relieved.

"I'm so sorry about him, Kurt." Jenna apologised.

"It's fine," Kurt said genuinely, smiling at her. "Blaine's already apologised profusely and neither of you should have to really."

"I like you," Jenna smiled. "I'm glad that Blaine has you."

"I told you he was awesome." Blaine said proudly as Kurt laughed at him, blush creeping up his cheeks.

"You are such a dork." Kurt commented.

"I agree," Jenna added before Dylan came back from his phone call, saying that he had to fly out for a business trip for the remainder of the weekend. "So Kurt, it's still early; would you like to come back to ours and watch a movie?" She asked as the three of them left the restaurant, Mr Anderson having already left for his trip.

"Sure." Kurt smiled.

"Okay, I'll meet you guys back at the house." Jenna replied, walking in the opposite direction towards her car.

"I like your mum." Kurt said as he and Blaine walked hand in hand to the older teen's car.

"Yeah, she's a lot better when my dad isn't around."

"I could tell," Kurt began, getting into the car and plugging his seatbelt in. "When your dad was there she seemed more tense, but once he left she was more laid back and we were all joking around with each other."

"You don't really see that when she's with my dad, he doesn't have a funny bone in his body."

"Well I'm glad you have one nice parent, otherwise I may have had to result to kidnapping you." Kurt joked.

"Hmm...I wouldn't be entirely against that idea." Blaine wondered aloud.

"Sucks that you have a nice mum then doesn't it?" Kurt laughed.

"You're adorable, you know."

"I know, you've told me several times. You must be getting old; you seem to keep repeating yourself."

"Oh shut up."

"You love me." Kurt replied smugly.

"Very true, and luckily for me you love me back." Blaine said, smiling over at his boyfriend.

"Well...a little bit."

"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed, hitting Kurt playfully in the arm as they left his small car and began to walk up to the Anderson household.

"What? I'm only telling the truth..." Kurt replied, trying to suppress his amusement.

"Okay, that's it." Blaine warned.

"What are you- ah!" Kurt squealed as Blaine grabbed him around the waist, hoisted him into the air and threw the younger teen over his shoulder before running up to the door of his house. "Blaine! Put me down!" Kurt screamed, kicking his legs like a baby as the older teen unlocked the front door and ran inside with Kurt still flung over his shoulder.

"Nope," Blaine replied. "Mom?" He called.

"Up here!" He heard his mother shout from her bedroom upstairs.

"Oh god, no!" Kurt said worriedly before Blaine all but sprinted up the stairs, causing Kurt to full on scream.

"Blaine, what the hell are you doing? It sounds like you're trying to murder the poor boy." Jenna questioned as Blaine walked into her room.

"Please help me." Kurt moaned as he hung upside down, torso draped over the elder teens shoulder.

"Oh Blaine," Jenna laughed as her son walked over to where she was currently brushing through her beautiful brown hair. "Put him down."

"Fine." Blaine huffed, walking over to the bed and flipping Kurt onto it as the blue eyed teen let out a high pitched squeal.

"Please do not ever do that again," Kurt pouted. "I think all of my blood rushed to my brain."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." Blaine cooed, helping Kurt off the bed and kissing him gently on the cheek. Jenna smiled from where she could see the boys' reflections in her mirror.

"So what movie do you guys wanna watch?" She asked, turning around to face the teens.


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