Everything Will Fall To Pieces
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Everything Will Fall To Pieces

Everything Will Fall To Pieces: Scared.

K - Words: 1,790 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Jul 23, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
129 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review, muchas gracias!

"Hey are you okay?" Rachel asked as she sat down next to Blaine at lunch.

"Fine." Blaine replied simply, ignoring the presence of his best friend and continuing to eat his lunch.

"Really? Because you don't seem fine."

"I really don't wanna talk about it, Rach."

"Blaine." Rachel warned.

"Fine. They're starting to talk about college in all of my classes and it put me in a bad mood because I don't really wanna think about college, knowing that I'm gonna be flying to a different state and leaving Kurt here by himself for three years, happy now?"

"Blaine, I-" Rachel started, but was cut off when Blaine began to talk again.

"And please don't tell me that the only way I'll feel better is if I talk to Kurt because I won't, I'll probably just feel worse. I'll end up making him feel guilty or I'll make him worry about what's going to happen when I leave and then I'll just feel like complete and utter crap about myself."

"I don't know what to say, Blaine. I mean I think that you should talk to Kurt but..."

"I can't Rachel, and you don't have to say anything. I'm just gonna go finish this in the library; I've got a headache right now." Blaine said before more or less running out of the cafeteria.

"Is he okay?" Kurt asked, walking up to Rachel with his lunch.

"I don't know, I'm gonna go check on him." Rachel said, running after Blaine and leaving a confused Kurt at the lunch table.

The two boys still kept their ritual of going home to Blaine's house on Thursday, despite Blaine's weird behaviour.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" Blaine asked, walking over to the shelf where his DVD's rested. Kurt was deep in thought when Blaine questioned him and it took him a moment to actually register that Blaine had even spoken.

"Oh, um...anything's fine," Kurt said nonchalantly. The truth was he honestly didn't care what movie Blaine put on, he probably wasn't going to watch it anyway, and Kurt had every intention of trying to find out what was wrong with his boyfriend, so Blaine probably wouldn't watch it either. Blaine put on his Aladdin DVD before joining Kurt on the bed. Instead of snuggling up with each other like they usually did when they were watching a movie, the two teens were both sitting awkwardly next to each other at the top of the bed.

It was about ten minutes into the movie that Kurt realised Blaine wasn't actually watching the movie, he was just staring at the screen. "Blaine," Kurt said, reaching out to grab Blaine's hand. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Blaine replied.

"Remember when I was getting bullied and you told me that you wish I'd have told you about it instead of bottling it up? And you told me that I could always tell you if something was bothering me?" Kurt began as Blaine turned slightly to look at his boyfriend. "That goes both ways, Blaine. I can tell that something is wrong and I really wish you would talk to me about it. You've basically been ignoring me all week, Rachel's crazy worried about you. So am I, honestly. I don't know what's wrong with you and you won't tell me anything," He said and then noticed that Blaine was almost crying. "Blaine, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared." Blaine cried, tears beginning to fall down his face.

"Scared of what?" Kurt asked, tears beginning to form in his eyes from watching Blaine so terrified and small.

"Losing you," Blaine said, wiping some of his tears away with shaky hands before continuing. "They're starting to talk about college and stuff in class and I haven't been able to stop thinking about what's going to happen when I graduate and move to New York and it's driving me insane, Kurt. All I've been able to think about for the past week is what it's gonna be like living apart from you for three years and I'm terrified. We spend almost every second of everyday together and when we can't actually be together we're usually texting or talking in some way; how are we supposed to survive three years not seeing each other all the time?" Blaine asked, voice breaking and more tears flowing from his eyes.

"Blaine," Kurt said, tears also trickling down his own pale cheeks. "Why didn't you just tell me that you were worried about that?"

"Because I didn't want you to feel guilty. I know what you're like and I knew that if I told you then you'd feel like it was your fault because you're younger than me."

"Come here," Kurt said, wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt before lying against the pillows and holding his arms open for Blaine, who laid next to his boyfriend, resting his head on Kurt's chest as the younger teen wrapped his arms around him. "Okay, so I'm not as eloquent with words as you are, but there's something I do know. I know that you're not going to lose me, Blaine. I don't care if you move to freaking Antarctica and I don't see you again until I'm twenty, well no, I do care, but the point is even if that did happen, you still wouldn't lose me. It will obviously be hard, I mean I think we both knew that when we decided to start this relationship, but we'll be okay."

"How do you know that?" Blaine cried. "How can you possibly know that we're going to be perfectly fine?"

"I don't. Sure, we'll probably fight sometimes, and there will be times when it's unbearable to be apart, but we're strong enough to get through it. I love you, Blaine. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared about you moving away, I'm petrified to be honest with you. I've never felt like this about anyone before, and that's still scary to me. The fact that you're going to be miles away from me makes it even scarier. You're not going to be there for me every time that I need you, I know that. But we can text, call and Skype each other all the time. I can come and visit you on the weekends or you can come and see me and my dad, I'm sure that even he will miss you," Kurt said, eliciting a small laugh from Blaine when he said the last part. "Look, I don't know how easy or hard it will be. This is the first time I've had a normal relationship, let alone a long distance one. But what I do know is that for the last four months, having you as my boyfriend has been amazing and I'm not ready for it to be over, so if we have to deal with being in different states for three years then we'll deal with it. I'm not losing you Blaine."

"How are you only fifteen? You're amazing Kurt," Blaine said, smiling up at Kurt. "I love you so much." He said proudly as the last of his tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I love you too," Kurt replied, kissing Blaine gently. "Don't ever forget that I love you, okay? Because I. will. Always. Love. You." He finished, punctuating each word with a soft kiss to Blaine's lips.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Blaine laughed. "Thank you."

"You would've done the same for me."

"That doesn't mean that it means any less to me. I was freaking out and I was scared to talk to you and you got through to me. Even Rachel couldn't get me to open up, I mean I told her what was wrong but I didn't actually say much except I was worried about graduating."

"I could just tell that something was wrong, I mean you're usually really open about how you feel and you've never just pushed everyone away like that."

"I'm sorry I pushed you away, I was just scared I guess."

"It's okay. I did the same thing, remember? I still do sometimes, but I always have you to force it out of me."

"Do you have any idea how amazing you are?" Blaine asked.

"I have an idea, see; I have this equally amazing boyfriend who likes to remind me as often as he can."

"You dork." Blaine laughed, nudging Kurt playfully in the side.

"He's also equally as dorky as me." Kurt added matter-of-factly.


"Okay, I'm starving, let's go eat." Kurt said, pulling Blaine up and off the bed before they headed into Blaine's kitchen to find something to eat.

"I see you two are okay again..." Rachel observed, walking into the choir room the next day. The two boys had made the obvious mistake of trying to make out before Glee club started, and of course somebody walked in on them; they should have known Rachel would show up early.

"Yup. I finally got this idiot over here to tell me what was wrong." Kurt explained.

"See!" Rachel exclaimed, hitting Blaine on the arm and resisting the urge to roll her eyes when the curly haired teen let out a cry of pain. "I told you that everything would be okay if you spoke to Kurt."

"Oh my god," Blaine groaned. "You were right, okay? There was no need to hit me."

"Oh stop whining, it wasn't that hard you big baby."

"Kurt, Rachel's being mean." Blaine pouted as Kurt tried his hardest not to laugh at his boyfriend.

"Aw, it's okay bubba." Kurt cooed, ruffling Blaine's hair with his hand.

"You guys are awful." Blaine said, crossing his arms over his chest and facing the front of the class. Kurt and Rachel laughed for a minute before the youngest teen laid his head on Blaine's shoulder and looked up at him cutely.

"I wuv you Bwainey." Kurt said in a mock baby voice, eliciting a laugh from the elder teen.

"You're so weird," Blaine laughed. "And adorable. I wuv you too." He said before pressing a kiss to Kurt's cheek.

"Did I enter some alternate universe where everyone's insanely weird?" Quinn asked, taking a seat next to Kurt.

"It's not an alternate universe Quinny; we're all actually this weird." Kurt replied.

"You may be my best friend but I honestly do not understand you sometimes." Quinn laughed.

"Does anyone?" Blaine added.

"Hey!" Kurt exclaimed, hitting Blaine on the arm.

"Ow! What is this? National hit Blaine day?"

"What the...no, you know what? I'm not even gonna ask." Quinn said, shaking her head before turning her attention to the front of the choir room as Mr Schue began the lesson.


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