After All These Years: Missing Moments
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After All These Years: Missing Moments: New Addition

M - Words: 825 - Last Updated: Aug 11, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 14, 2014 - Updated: Jul 14, 2014
176 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: This is the only completed chapter I have of anything to post and the only reason that is is because I wrote it the same day I started this missing moments series. Ive hit a HUGE roadblock with every single one of my fics so please bare with me - I am trying!



"Mason," Blaine groaned, rubbing his eyes and glancing at the clock. 5:03 am. "Why the hell are you calling me at five in the morning?"

"Mias in labour," Mason said, sounding scared and excited and anxious all at the same time. "I dont know how comfortable you are with watching my wife give birth but Id really appreciate it if you could come down here before I explode into a thousand tiny pieces." He said, sounding like he was crying.

"Oh my god!" Blaine exclaimed, shaking Kurt awake. "Kurt, get up!"

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Kurt groaned, pulling the covers over his head.

"Mias in labour!" Blaine all but shouted, jumping out of bed and switching the light on. "Get up!"

"Oh my god," Kurt said, getting out of bed too and pulling some clothes on.

"Well be there soon, okay?" Blaine said to Mason.


Blaine put the phone down before looking up at Kurt, grins breaking out onto each of their faces as they got dressed and made their way out of the house.

Kurt and Blaine made it to the hospital in record time, joining an anxious Wes and Caroline while Mason stood by Mias bedside and held her hand the entire time - only moving to cut the umbilical cord when their baby girl was finally born.

"Oh my god," Mason breathed when he saw the crying little bundle, half tempted to run after the doctor when he took her away to clean her up and weigh her.

She was back soon enough, wrapped in a soft pink blanket and calm in comparison to before. The doctor placed her in Mias cradled arms before leaving the family alone to coddle the tiny little girl.

"Shes so beautiful," Mia said in awe, looking up at Mason with tear-streaked cheeks and an adoring smile on her face. "Shes perfect."

"Shes ours." Mason said, smiling when the newborn blinked her tiny brown eyes open and looked up at him, letting out a soundless yawn.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mia asked, receiving a small nod from Mason.

He carefully took the small bundle from Mia and cradled her in his arms. "Hi there," he whispered tearfully, unable to stop himself from smiling. "Im your daddy, and thats your mommy."

Mason looked back at their parents, who were smiling softly at the scene, before making his way over to them. "And these are your crazy grandparents."

"Hey," Kurt chuckled. "Dont go planting ludicrous ideas in her head."

Mason carefully handed the tiny baby to Blaine, who cooed at the confused expression on her face when she opened her eyes.

"Meet Emma," he said with a smile. "Emma Caroline Hummel-Anderson."

"Thats a mouthful," Wes laughed. "But its beautiful."

Blaine had his moment with Emma before passing her to an eager Kurt, who passed her to Caroline, who passed her to Wes - when the newborn finally got fed up of being moved and began to cry.

Mason took the little girl back into his arms and soothed her cries a little before putting her to bed so that she could finally get some sleep.

"Emma," Mason laughed, lifting the one year old out of her highchair and wiping her mouth with a tissue. "Did you actually eat any chocolate or did you just rub it over your face?"

"Dada!" Emma replied proudly, holding onto Masons shoulder.

Mason blew a raspberry on the little girls cheek, eliciting a loud laugh from his daughter.

"Whos making all that noise!?" Mia exclaimed in a high pitched voice as she entered the kitchen, causing Emma to giggle uncontrollably.


"Hey bubba," Mia grinned, kissing her chubby cheek before turning to Mason. "Im gonna go - Melody and your dads are on their way here."

"Okay," Mason smiled, pressing a kiss to Mias lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Say bye to mommy," Mason said to Emma, making a little waving hand.

"Bye-bye!" Emma grinned, squealing when Mia kissed her little lips.

"Bye-bye, baby."

Masons family arrived not to long after Mia left, and Emma squealed happily when she saw the three of them standing at the door.

"Hey there, cutie pants," Blaine grinned, taking the one year old into his arms as she began to babble random syllables.

"Hi to you too, dad," Mason laughed. "Its nice to see you."

Blaine babbled back to Emma as he walked across the living room and sat on the sofa with her, eliciting a laugh from Kurt.

"Leave him," he said. "Shes like a shiny new toy."

"He sees her like, every week." Mason laughed.

"Exactly," Kurt chuckled, briefly hugging his son.

"Happy fathers day," Mason said. "I was gonna say the same to dad but he doesnt seem very interested."

"Thank you," Kurt laughed. "Dont worry, hell care later when she goes down for her nap. Now excuse me while I go join him in fussing over my gorgeous granddaughter."

"Our parents are weird as hell." Mason pointed out to Melody.

"They always have been," Melody laughed. "But, I do see their point and I am now going to join them in giving an excessive amount of attention to my niece."


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