After All These Years
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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After All These Years: Chapter 9

M - Words: 5,544 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 01, 2014 - Updated: Jan 01, 2014
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Theres a time jump in this chapter, and theres another one in the next chapter (just as a little pre-warning.) Also, the next chapter is the last one, which surprises me because even though I wanted this to be 10 chapters long, I usually go way over my chapter limit on my stories...


In the end, Mr Anderson was sentenced with 25 years in prison. Kurt felt comfort in that fact, but he still had nightmare more regularly than he wouldve liked to. Blaine was there for him through everything, but Kurt couldnt help but feel like he was bottling up his own anger at his father.

Cooper was still sleeping on their sofa as both boys were sleep deprived and they probably wouldve ended up never leaving bed again if he wasnt there every morning to threaten them with a bucket of ice cold water.

Kurt wasnt feeling up to going into college, so most days he would stay at home with Cooper, and Blaine stayed home from work twice a week. Santana and Wes had all but spammed the boys inboxes with texts asking them how they were and if they needed them to visit, but they would always reply saying that they were fine, and they needed some time away from everyone - which their friends understood.

The night that they found out about the sentencing, Kurt broke down into tears. He was relieved to know that he was safe, and that Mr Anderson couldnt get to him anymore. Blaine had held him in his arms and whispered repeatedly, Its over. He cant hurt you anymore, baby. Its all finished. And Kurt had eventually calmed down.

Two weeks after finding out about the sentencing, Blaine made his way down to the gym and punched the living crap out of the punching bag, feeling better than he had since everything started. It was also two weeks later that Kurt felt like he could handle being in school and finally went back, being lumbered with questions that he refused to answer several times.

It wasnt until about a month later that Kurt finally started feeling like himself again, and felt comfortable having the curtains open. He gradually started going out on his own, and he was finally able to put everything that happened behind him.

As time passed, Kurt and Blaines relationship only grew stronger. They had arguments and disagreements, of course, and there were times when one of them slept on the sofa or stormed out of the apartment and ended up spending the night at their best friends house, but theyd always make up almost instantly.

Kurt graduated from college and started working at the Spotlight Diner with Santana, looking for auditions ever other week. He didnt even really need to work as Blaine earned quite a bit from the recording studio, and he had money from his trust fund, but he refused to let Blaine earn all of the money while they were living together.

Cooper and Wes both got married eventually - Wes having a little girl named Mia that Blaine coddled over at every chance he got. Santana and Dani somehow managed to stay together despite Dani going away for school for three months, and they moved in together when she got back.

Kurt let out a groan as Blaine wrapped his arms around him from behind, pressing kisses from his shoulder up to his ear before whispering, "Happy Anniversary." In his ear, sending shivers down his entire body.

"Its too early to be happy," Kurt whined teasingly, rolling over in bed to face his boyfriend. "Happy Anniversary." He said, leaning in to press their lips together.

"I cant believe its been six years already." Blaine said incredulously, bringing his hand up to card his fingers through Kurts hair.

"I dont want to work today," Kurt groaned. "I want to spend all day in bed with you...preferably naked."

"As fun as that sounds," Blaine laughed. "You forget that Im old now. I dont recover as fast as you anymore."

"Thirty. Five. Is. Not. Old." Kurt said, punctuating each word with a kiss to Blaines lips.

"Its older than you."

"Im going to slap you in a minute," Kurt said. "Anniversary or no anniversary."

Blaine laughed. "Watch, in ten years time youll be the one moaning that youre old."

"On the contrary," Kurt said in a teasing tone. "Youll just be extra moany because youll be in your forties."

"Oh, is that how its gonna be, huh?" Blaine teased.

"Yup." Kurt grinned.

Blaine grabbed his pillow from underneath his head and hit Kurt in the face with it, smiling at the squeal Kurt let out. Kurt let out a loud giggle, putting his hands in front of his face in an attempt to get Blaine to let up, but he just straddled Kurt and continued to hit him.

"Stop, stop!" Kurt laughed.

"It doesnt sound an awful lot like you want me to stop..." Blaine wondered aloud, continuing to hit his boyfriend.

"I surrender!" Kurt shouted, laughing loudly.

Blaine threw the pillow to the side and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend, who was still laughing manically despite his mouth being covered with Blaines.

"Come on," Blaine laughed, pulling away from his boyfriend and getting out of bed, pulling on his underwear and a vest. "Lets go eat some breakfast together before you go to work."

"I still dont see how its fair that you dont have work on our anniversary but I do." Kurt muttered as he climbed out of bed, pulling on his pyjama bottoms before following Blaine out of the room.

"The universe just loves me more than you." Blaine shrugged playfully.

"Ha, ha, ha," Kurt deadpanned, sitting down at the kitchen table while Blaine made coffee for the both of them. "Thank you." He said, kissing Blaine on the cheek when he put a mug of coffee on the table in front of him.

"What would you like for breakfast, my beautiful boyfriend of six years?" Blaine asked, cupping Kurts face while the twenty five year old scrunched his face up cutely.

"Pancakes please, my dorky boyfriend of six years." He teased. Blaine laughed and pressed a kiss to his lips before making breakfast and sitting opposite him, holding his hand across the table as if they were on a date instead of sitting in their kitchen eating pancakes.

Kurt was soon making his way to work, wishing he was at home with Blaine instead of handing out meals. As it was a weekday, there was hardly anybody there to eat because they were all at work, so Kurt spent most of his time sitting down at one of the tables and scrolling through his phone aimlessly, his chin resting in his free hand.

"Cheer up, you!" Santana insisted, sitting down opposite her best friend. "You look like you just watched a puppy die before your eyes."

"I dont want to be here," Kurt whined. "I want to be at home, ripping Blaines clothes off of him."

"All you think about is sex," Santana laughed. "Youre worse than me."

"Its our anniversary, San," Kurt said sadly. "Even if we were sitting in an empty room doing nothing but staring at the floor, it would be better than being here. I just want to be with him."

"And you will be, when you finish your shift," Santana assured him. "And you can spend the rest of the night doing whatever you two do when youre on your own."

"This place is empty anyway," Kurt pointed out. "Whats the point in being here if nobody is actually coming here to eat? I have better things that I could be doing right now."

"Stop whining," Santana said. "Im stuck here too, you know. So is Dani. I know that it sucks but life does suck sometimes and theres nothing that you can do to stop it."

Kurt stuck his tongue out at his friend, slumping down further in his seat. Santana just shook her head and got up, making her way back over to Dani until they had to serve somebody.

A few hours later, Kurt was more depressed than he thought possible, shaking salt over the counter that he was resting his elbow on and drawing shapes into it.

"Youre cleaning that up before you go." Stephanie - Kurts boss - said as she walked past him and over to Santana.

"Yup." Kurt mumbled mindlessly, drawing a broken heart into the salt.

"Kurt!" Santana called from across the restaurant a few minutes later. Kurt sighed, wiping the salt from the counter before making his way over to Santana.


"Go home." Stephanie said, laying a hand on Kurts shoulder.

"What? I still have two hours left of my shift."

"And youre grouchy and depressed, its ruining the atmosphere." Santana said.

"What she means to say," Stephanie interrupted, side-eyeing Santana. "Is that youve already spent basically the whole day here and its your anniversary, you deserve to leave early."

"Seriously?" Kurt asked, perking up instantly. Stephanie nodded, laughing when Kurt hugged her tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He rushed to get his bag, leaving the restaurant and all but skipping to his car, flinging his bag onto the passenger seat and climbing inside. Feeling happy for the first time since that morning, he turned the radio up loud and sang along at the top of his lungs, a wide smile on his face.

It was pitch black when he entered his apartment, much to his confusion. He flipped the switch, but the lights werent turning on. "Blaine?" He called out, wondering towards the bedroom as that was the place Blaine was most likely to be. He opened the door and gasped audibly.

The room had at least fifteen candles in random places and a blanket was spread out on the floor at the foot of their bed, which was covered completely in rose petals, a picnic on top of it along with a bouquet of flowers, soft music playing in the background. Blaine was standing next to the blanket, looking perfect in a pair of black skinny jeans, a light blue shirt and a dark blue bow-tie, the candles casting a gorgeous light over his olive skin.

"I have a confession," Blaine said, walking over to Kurt and shutting the door before taking both of his hands into his own, leading him over to the blanket and sitting down opposite him. "Stephanie wanted to give you the day off today but I talked to her and told her to make you go in so that I could spend the day setting this up. I texted Santana to send you home when I was done."

"" Kurt was lost for words, staring into Blaines beautiful hazel eyes.

"Happy Anniversary," Blaine said, a smile gracing his lips as he leaned forward to kiss Kurt gently on the lips. "I hope I did okay."

" did way more than okay," Kurt said, finally finding his voice as he smiled at his boyfriend. "I cant believe you did all of this. You know I wouldve been perfectly happy eating take-out in bed with you."

"I wanted to do something special for you," Blaine admitted. "I wanted to go all out for once. We usually just go to a restaurant and then come back and ignore a movie on the TV while we make out like teenagers."

Kurt let out a little giggle. "Thank you," He said, leaning forward to rub his nose against Blaines. "Happy Anniversary." He whispered happily.

Kurt picked up the flowers and sniffed them happily while Blaine poured out two glasses of wine and handed one to Kurt.

"You didnt see the rose petals in the living room, did you?" He asked, passing a sandwich to Kurt.

"I cant believe you cut these into heart shapes," Kurt laughed. "Youre so cheesy. But to answer your question, no I didnt. I couldnt see a thing out there, Im surprised I didnt trip over the sofa."

"I kind of covered the entire floor and sofa in them." Blaine admitted with a small laugh, picking up a sandwich of his own.

"Well, I hope you have fun cleaning up tomorrow." Kurt teased with a little laugh.

"The bed is probably going to be the worst," Blaine said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Especially when Im finished with you tonight."

Kurt laughed and shook his head at his boyfriend. "The bed will be the easiest because we can strip the sheets off and shake the petals onto the floor before we clean them up. The sofa will be the hardest because its fabric and theyre probably going to get stuck down the cushions."

"Okay, Mister Smarty-Pants," Blaine teased. "No need to show off."

"Oh my god," Kurt laughed. "You have chocolate covered strawberries."

"Duh," Blaine said. "Its not a romantic picnic without chocolate covered strawberries."

He laid a giggling Kurt down on the blanket and reached for the bowl of strawberries, pulling one out and bringing it up to Kurts lips. Kurt took a small bite from the strawberry while Blaine ate the rest of it.

"This looks a lot cuter in the movies," Kurt said when he was finished eating the strawberry. "Its actually really hard to swallow a strawberry when youre lying down."

Blaine laughed, pulling Kurt back up and bringing another strawberry up to his lips. Again, Kurt took a small bite off of the bottom while Blaine ate the rest, smiling at his boyfriend while he ate it.

"Mm, much better." Kurt said, batting Blaines hand away when he tried to reach into the bowl again and taking a strawberry out himself, bringing it up to Blaines lips this time. Blaine bit a little off, humming appreciatively while Kurt ate the rest.

"Delicious." He smiled.

As the night progressed, the boys ate more fruit and drank more wine, laughing at each other and sharing loving glances. Kurt was certain hed never felt so happy in his life, until Blaine did something he wasnt expecting in the slightest.

"Kurt," Blaine began, smiling at his boyfriend and cupping his cheek, running his thumb over it softly. "Wow, okay, where do I start?" He said, letting out a small laugh. "When I met you, or re-met you, my first thought was wow, that guy is hot," He said, eliciting a laugh from Kurt. "And then I realised that it was you and I was slightly confused, to be honest, as to how youd gone from a cute, chubby faced baby to the most gorgeous man Id ever met. Every day since then has just been so much...brighter than before that night, and Im so thankful to have you in my life which is why I was wondering..." Kurt gasped and covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes filling with tears as Blaine pulled a small black box out of his pocket and knelt down on one knee. "Kurt Hummel, the man I love more than anything in the world, will you marry me?"

Kurt nodded frantically, tears falling from his eyes as he tried to find his voice. "Yes," He said, his voice breaking with emotion. "Yeah...yes."

Blaine let out a nervous laugh, opening the box with shaky hands and sliding the ring onto Kurts finger before cupping his cheeks and pressing a kiss to his lips. Kurt grasped onto Blaines shoulders, sobbing as he kissed Blaine with as much passion as he could muster.

Blaine pulled back and let out a shaky laugh, a tear falling from his eye as he smiled widely at Kurt. He enveloped the twenty five year old in a hug, both of them crying loudly.

"Youre shaking." Blaine laughed through his tears, holding Kurt close.

"So are you." Kurt sobbed out, burying his face in Blaines shoulder and gripping onto his shirt.

"I cant believe I really just did that. I was so nervous, I nearly chickened out."

"You romantic sap," Kurt laughed as he and Blaine pulled back from their hug and wiped their eyes free of tears. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Blaine replied, linking his fingers through Kurts and rubbing his thumb over the ring, unable to stop himself.

He gently lowered Kurt to the ground and hovered over him, kissing him deeply. Kurt brought a hand up to tangle into Blaines hair while Blaine kept the other hand pinned to the floor so that he could run his thumb over the ring while he kissed his fiancé.

The only time Blaine let go of Kurts hand was to pull his work shirt over his head and undo his belt while Kurt worked on pulling his bowtie off and unbuttoning his shirt.

"I think we should take this to the bed," Blaine whispered once they were both down to just their underwear. Kurt nodded, allowing Blaine to take his hand and lead him the short distance to the bed where he once again laid him down gently and hovered over him, about to kiss him when -

"Theres a rose petal in my underwear!" Kurt exclaimed, eliciting a laugh from Blaine. "Its touching my butt, its touching my butt, ew!"

Blaine just laughed and pulled Kurts underwear off so that he no longer had to worry about the petal, and brushed some of the other petals out of the way so that he wasnt lying on any more.

"Better?" Blaine asked with an adoring smile.

"Mhm." Kurt hummed with a cute grin, pulling Blaine down to kiss him.

They got married three months later and Blaine was attempting to keep their honeymoon location a secret from Kurt, but he came across the plane tickets while he was rummaging through the drawers in their bedroom for something.

"Italy!?" Hed all but screamed, causing Blaine to run into the room, thinking that something was seriously wrong.

"Oh..." Blaine muttered. "That was supposed to be a surprise..."

"Were going to Italy for our honeymoon!?"

"I found a really nice villa with a swimming pool and the view is mmphf-" Blaine was cut off by Kurt running across the room and jumping into his arms, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. "Im just gonna take a wild guess here and assume that youre mm- happy with that then- mmphf."

"I love you," Kurt grinned. "I love you. I love you. I love you." He said, punctuating each I love you with a kiss. "Can we get married already?"

Blaine laughed. "One more week. You can do it!"

One week went by fleetingly and Kurt was nervously standing in front of a mirror in Santana and Danis apartment, just about ready to cry his eyes out. Hed been shaking like crazy since the moment he woke up. He had no idea why he was so nervous, it was just Blaine after all, but he felt like he might throw up.

Blaine, on the other hand, was crying his eyes out. He was pacing back and forth in front of Wes, rambling on and on while Wes attempted to feed and overly excited two year old Mia.

"What if he changed his mind?" Blaine asked worriedly. "What if he doesnt want to marry me anymore?"

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Wes asked, pulling Mias hand out of her mouth. "Blaine, hes head over heels in love with you, and he has been for more than six years now. Hes not going to change his mind, you dummy."

"No sad," Mia said, tugging on Blaines sleeve. "No cry."

Blaine laughed at the two year old, pressing a kiss to her chubby little cheek. "Shes definitely your daughter."

"Go get dressed," Wes said. "Im gonna get this little munchkin dressed and then go get ready myself. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

Blaine nodded, grabbing his suit and going into the bathroom to get dressed in front of the mirror. Once he was dressed, he looked at every aspect of his outfit several times, finally letting out a deep breath and leaving the bathroom.

"You guys look beautiful," Blaine smiled, walking over to the sofa where Mia was sat with Caroline - Wess wife - getting her hair pulled into two cute pigtails. They were both wearing light yellow dresses, but Mias was a lot puffier and girly than Carolines. "Wheres Wes?"

"Still getting ready," Caroline said with an eye roll. "His logic is that he has to look extra nice as hes your best man, even though nobody is going to pay any attention to him at all."

Blaine laughed, taking Mia into his arms when she reached out for him. "Wes always has to look good," He pointed out. "Anyone would think he didnt have a wife and daughter."

"I can hear you," Wes said, entering the living room. "How do I look?"

"Not as good as me." Blaine teased, poking his tongue out at Wes.

"Daddy!" Mia grinned, clapping her hands.

"At least somebody appreciates me." Wes joked, blowing a raspberry on Mias cheek as she giggled loudly.

"Yay daddy!" She cheered as all three adults laughed at her cuteness.

"Ready to go?" Wes asked Blaine.

"As ready as Ill ever be," Blaine said, taking a deep breath. "But Im stealing your daughter until we get there or I might cry again."

"You guys look stunning!" Kurt said when he saw Santana and Dani in their light yellow bridesmaids dresses.

"So do you," Santana smiled. "You make me wish I was a gay male."

"Hey!" Dani laughed.

"Youre so weird," Kurt laughed. "Okay, we need to go or were going to be late, and I might die if were late."

The wedding ceremony went smoothly - or well, as smoothly as possible when you have a two year old as your flower girl.

Mia walked down the aisle with Caroline, who gently told her what to do. Mia grinned and took a handful of petals out of the basket, throwing them up in the air as everybody chuckled at her. Caroline helped her a little along the way, and when they got to the end, she turned the basket upside down and dumped the remaining petals on the floor, holding the basket up to Caroline and clapping at her work when her hands were free. Blaine and Wes shared a look, laughing at the little girl. Caroline attempted to show her where to stand, but the two year old quickly noticed that Wes was on the opposite side and ran to him, shouting "daddy!" and leaning against his leg.

Luckily, everyone found it amusing and it actually helped to calm a lot of Blaines nerves - well, until Kurt walked down the aisle side-by-side with Santana. At that point, Blaine was pretty sure he was close to passing out. A lump formed in his throat, but he somehow managed to swallow it down and make it through, and all too soon I do was said, rings were slid onto fingers and the only thing that mattered was Kurts - his husbands - lips on his.

They were both crying their eyes out, but there were wide grins on everybodys faces. Mia was clapping excitedly even though she had no idea what was happening and Wes laughed, lifting her into his arms and looking out for Caroline, smiling softly at her.

There was a small party afterwards, and Kurt all but refused to leave Blaines side. They had their first dance as a married couple to the song Come What May, before Mia was running over to them with a wide smile.

"Whoosh!" She exclaimed happily. That was what she had taken to saying whenever she saw people dancing, and Wes was pretty sure it was because shed seen one too many ball gowns swishing around in Disney movies.

Blaine smiled down at her, lifting her into his arms. She giggled and reached out to hold onto Kurts shoulder and the three of them danced together while Wes and Caroline took photos of them.

"Im gonna go sit down for a while." Kurt whispered in Blaines ear.

"You okay?"

"Im perfect." Kurt grinned, pressing a kiss to Blaines lips before joining Wes and Caroline, smiling as Blaine lowered Mia to the ground and held onto both of her little hands, dancing with her and spinning her around as she watched the bottom of her dress puff out. He could hear her little giggles despite not being very close to them, and it made him smile even more.

"I know exactly what youre thinking," Caroline said to Kurt, pulling his attention away from his husband. "Youre thinking about having kids, arent you?"

Kurt nodded guiltily. "Look at him," Kurt said, gesturing to where Blaine was now doing the iconic Dirty Dancing move with Mia while Time of My Life played in the background. Although she didnt seem to get the running up to Blaine idea, she found it amusing when he lifted her high into the air and giggled loudly. "He makes it impossible to not want a family."

"Have you guys talked about it at all?" Caroline asked. Wes was still taking a ton of pictures on the camera he and Caroline had so conveniently bought especially for that occasion.

"No, but I know that he wants it. He loves kids, he always has."

"So talk to him about it," Caroline said, rubbing Kurts arm gently. "The worst he can say is no, and somehow I dont see that happening."

"Your daughter has officially worn me into the ground." Blaine announced, joining Caroline, Kurt and Wes while he held Mia in his arms.

"I knew it was a bad idea to give you cake." Caroline laughed, taking Mia from Blaine as he sat down next to Kurt.

Nick and Jeff suddenly came running over to Wes, whispering something in his ear as Wes face lit up. "Kurt, Blaine, come with us!"

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"We have a...sort of wedding present for you."

"Im scared." Kurt whispered to Blaine as they followed the other three boys, eliciting a chuckle from Blaine.

"We can hear you." Nick pointed out.

They lead them outside, where they were stood waiting for a moment before Jeff rushed off, returning with...

"Elaine!?" Kurt exclaimed.

"Hey," She smiled, enveloping Kurt in a hug. She hugged Blaine next, who was gaping and clearly had a million questions going through his head. "You guys have grown up so much." She said, releasing Blaine.

"I...what?" Blaine said, looking over to Wes who was grinning proudly.

Elaine laughed a little. "Wes got in contact with me and explained everything and told me that you guys were getting married - congratulations by the way - and he invited me here. I couldnt say no to seeing my favourite boys again, could I?"

"Youre so sneaky," Blaine said to Wes, laughing. "And I know you two were in on it too." He said to Nick and Jeff, who shrugged innocently.

"Lets go inside," Kurt suggested. "Its freezing out here and people are probably thinking we ditched our own wedding."

They all made their way back inside, re-joining Caroline and Mia who Wes introduced Elaine too. Blaine excitedly found Cooper and introduced Elaine to him while Kurt found Santana and Dani. Elaine couldnt help but laugh at the boys excitement.

"Mommy," Mia said, pulling on Carolines arm. "Whoosh, whoosh!"

Caroline laughed, setting Mia on the floor and standing up, taking a hold of her hand. "Come on, you." She said, leading the two year old onto the dance floor.

Blaine snuck up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his neck where he was sat down, pressing a kiss behind his ear. Kurt smiled, turning his head to look at Blaine. "Hi." He said cutely.

"Hi," Blaine laughed. "May I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may." Kurt giggled, taking Blaines hand and following him onto the dance floor.

There was an upbeat song playing but they wrapped their arms around each other, swaying slowly. Kurt rested his head against Blaines shoulder, burying his face in a his neck and breathing in his scent, smiling softly and contentedly.

"Today has been perfect," Kurt said. "Honestly it was more perfect that I couldve ever hoped."

"I know," Blaine smiled, reaching for Kurts hand simply for the reason that he wanted to feel the ring resting on his finger. "Mia made me laugh."

"I saw her walking down the aisle," Kurt admitted. "I was kind of peeking out of the door so I knew what to expect - I was scared I would freeze up if I didnt."

"Im glad you didnt," Blaine laughed. "I dont know what I wouldve done. I wouldve either run down the aisle to hug you or I wouldve broken down in tears. Neither one wouldve been too great." He said.

"Its so weird...being married. Everything feels the same, yet everythings different."

"Different in a good way, I hope."

Kurt moved his head to look up at Blaine with a smile, nodding. "Different in the best way." He said, leaning forward to capture Blaines lips in a kiss. They stayed like that until the end of the song, swaying gently while they kissed, one hand joined together between them.

A few hours later, a few people had left the party and Mia was asleep on Wes lap, holding onto a small stuffed bunny.

"Go," He said to Blaine, who was gazing at Kurt from across the room while he talked to Elaine. "Take your husband home, have amazing sex and text me before you leave tomorrow."

Blaine laughed, carefully leaning down to hug his best friend without waking Mia up. "Thank you for everything today. I probably wouldnt have gotten through it if I didnt have you."

"Hey, you did the same for me," Wes reasoned. "But youre welcome."

Blaine made his way over to Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. "Mind if I steal my husband away?"

Elaine laughed. "I should probably get going anyway. It was really nice to see you both again. Wes has my number so I expect you both to stay in contact with me."

Kurt laughed and nodded, waving to Elaine as she left. "Come on." Blaine smiled, taking Kurts hand and leading him away.

"Where are we going?" Kurt asked.

"Im kidnapping you," Blaine explained. "We have an early flight tomorrow and I plan to thoroughly ravish you tonight, so Im starting now."

Kurt giggled as Blaine sped up, the two of them running from the reception hand in hand through the rain until they found their car. They clambered in, both of them panting from running and laughing.

"Were soaked!" Kurt laughed, shivering a little.

"A little rain never killed anyone," Blaine shrugged, laughing at his soaked husband. "You look ridiculous."

"So do you." Kurt giggled.

They made their way home and dried off before eating some dinner and making their way to bed.

"Kurt," Blaine said, his voice hoarse with sleep as he gently shook Kurt awake. "Kurt, we need to get ready."

"Mtired." Kurt groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

"I know," Blaine said sympathetically. "But we have a plane to catch in an hour."

Kurt whined, sitting up in bed and rubbing his tired eyes. "Whose stupid idea was it to get a flight at eight in the morning?"

"Guilty," Blaine replied. "Come on you, Ill make you some hot chocolate while you get dressed. I know its your favourite when youre sleepy."

Kurt smiled tiredly at his husband. "I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine said, leaning down to press a kiss to Kurts lips.

Seeing as he couldnt be bothered to really get dressed, Kurt put on a pair of comfy pyjamas that could almost quality as clothes, topping it off with a hoodie. He dragged himself into the kitchen and sat down at the table, slumping down in his seat.

"Aw," Blaine cooed. "You look adorable."

"Shut up," Kurt replied, leaning his head against the table. "Ugh, Im so tired."

"Hey, it was you who wanted to go for round three." Blaine teased, handing Kurt a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thank you."

"Coopers gonna be here in half hour," Blaine announced as he checked his phone. "So we have half hour to find something to eat in this kitchen."

"Good luck," Kurt snorted. "How did you get him to agree to this anyway? Who would want to go out at this ungodly hour?"

"He actually offered," Blaine replied, looking through the cupboards. "Apparently hes usually awake at this time anyway so he figured why not? And we officially have no food."

"Im not even hungry," Kurt replied. "I just want to sleep."

"You can sleep on the plane." Blaine pointed out with a little laugh, running a hand through Kurts messy hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Cooper arrived exactly thirty two minutes later and loaded their luggage into his car while Kurt grabbed a pillow and a blanket. He happily sat in the back seat amongst their luggage and hugged his pillow while Blaine sat in the front, reaching behind to hold onto his hand despite how uncomfortable it must have been for him.

"Thank you so much for this." Blaine said when they reached the airport, hugging his brother.

"Youre welcome," Cooper smiled. "Have fun, and try not to break the bed."

Blaine shoved Cooper playfully before helping Kurt get their luggage out of the car.

They were soon on their plane and Kurt was cuddled up against the window, his blanket wrapped around his shoulders while he hugged his pillow. He had his earphones in and his eyes shut, his left hand interlocked with Blaines right.

It was roughly seven at night their time when they got to their villa, but it was about one in the morning in Italy.

"I didnt really plan out the whole time thing right..." Blaine muttered as their car arrived at the villa.

"Blaine!" Kurt gasped. "Its beautiful here!"

They made their way up to the villa and dumped their bags on the floor by the door. Kurt was ready to go explore, but Blaine lifted him up - eliciting an undignified squeal from Kurt - and carried him bridal style around the villa until he found the bedroom and happily flung him onto the bed. Kurt was laughing his head off, clutching his stomach as he showed his amusement towards his husband.

"Youre such a weirdo." Kurt laughed.

"Okay, what do you want to do for the next few hours? I completely screwed up the timing so were gonna need to stay awake to adjust to this time."

"Hmm...I can think of a few things that we can do to pass the time." Kurt said suggestively, pulling Blaine onto the bed.


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