After All These Years
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After All These Years: Chapter 5

M - Words: 5,877 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 01, 2014 - Updated: Jan 01, 2014
162 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review! :)

Time began to pass and Kurt and Blaine's relationship only grew stronger. Blaine was beginning to get even closer to Cooper and make up for the twenty nine years they hadn't been brothers and Kurt and Santana had begun to smooth out the rough edges in their friendship. 

Much to Kurt's happiness, Blaine's birthday was approaching, which meant that he got to plan a surprise for him. Blaine kept telling him that he didn't need to do anything big or special, but Kurt wasn't having any of it. 

Staying at Blaine's apartment to study became a regular thing for Kurt as he couldn't seem to get any peace with Santana and Dani, although he never really got time to study at Blaine's either… 

“Blaine, stop!” Kurt giggled, trying to shove Blaine away as he pressed kisses to his neck from behind him. 

“Don't wanna.” Blaine mumbled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend as he continued to suck bruises onto his neck. 

“I need to study.” Kurt said, tilting his head to the side nonetheless and letting out a groan. 

“You can study me…” Blaine said, punctuating his sentence with a kiss to Kurt's pale neck. “That's gotta be better than writing an essay.” 

Kurt groaned, spinning around in his swivel chair, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist, pulling him onto his lap and kissing him fully on the mouth, slipping his hands up the back of his shirt. 

“You're making me dinner while I study tonight in return for this.” Kurt giggled against Blaine's lips, pushing him off his lap and running into the bedroom after him. 


“Was that worth it?” Blaine teased, resting his head on Kurts chest and cuddling him tightly. 

"Youre always worth it," Kurt smiled, playing with Blaines curls. "Youve got to stop interrupting my studying for sex, though." 

"Noted," Blaine laughed. He absentmindedly began to trace random patterns over Kurts stomach with his fingers, his legs tangled completely beneath the sheets with his boyfriends.  

"I really dont want to move from here..." 

"You dont have to. You could just stay here with me all day..." Blaine said in a teasing tone, pressing tiny kisses to Kurts stomach. 

"You make a tempting argument, Mr Anderson." Kurt grinned. 

"But you have to study?" Blaine asked, looking up at his boyfriend as he nodded a little. Blaine sighed dramatically, rolling over so that he was lying just beside Kurt. "Fine." 

"Drama queen." Kurt giggled, poking Blaine playfully. 

They soon managed to get themselves out of bed and dressed once again, going back into the living room where Kurt proceeded to sprawl out across the sofa with his books while Blaine busied himself in the kitchen, making lunch for the two of them. 

Blaine watched TV and played with Kurts hair while the nineteen year old rested his head against his shoulder, his laptop open to a word document filled with words. They hardly moved for the whole day - only when it was completely necessary - and Blaine was soon pressing a kiss to Kurts forehead and letting him know that he was going to bed and he loved him. 


Blaine was greeted with the sight of Kurt hanging half off the sofa the next morning, his laptop barely on the sofa next to his body and most of his books and paper on the floor. He sighed, knowing that Kurt was getting way too stressed about the exams he was studying for. 

He quietly stacked Kurts books and sorted all of his paper into a pile, setting his laptop on the coffee table before sitting down on the edge of the sofa and gently carding his fingers through the nineteen year olds hair. 

"Kurt," He said as his boyfriend jumped awake, looking startled. He calmed down instantly, but it was clear that hed only actually been half asleep to begin with. 

"Wha-" Kurt mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Oh my god, I cant believe I fell asleep." He said, suddenly awake as he sat up and grabbed his laptop, frantically hitting the keys. 

"Kurt, you really need to go to bed," Blaine said softly, noting Kurts puffy eyes. "I know youve been up all night." 

"Mhm, in a minute." Kurt dismissed, not even glancing up at Blaine as he continued to attack the keys on his laptop. 

Blaine sighed, prying the laptop from Kurts hands and closing the lid. 

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, trying to get the laptop back from Blaine. "What are you doing? I needed that!" 

"What you need is to go to bed. The laptop will still be here when you wake up." 

"No," Kurt said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Give me the laptop back." 

"Im not giving you the laptop until you get some rest." 

"Fine. Ill go somewhere else and study," Kurt replied, pulling his shoes on before grabbing his bag. He reached for his books but Blaine got to them first, tucking them under his arm along with the laptop. "Blaine! Why are you being such a jerk today?!" 

"Im not being a jerk," Blaine said calmly. "Im trying to do whats best for you." 

"Youre not my father, I can take care of myself!" Kurt shouted, standing up and storming out of the apartment. 

Blaine let out a deep sigh, going into his bedroom and putting Kurts stuff on the top shelf of his wardrobe. 


It was eight oclock at night when Blaine really started to worry about Kurt. He knew that Kurt was mad at him, but hed been out the whole day and Blaine had no idea where he was. 

Blaine: Are you okay? (8:03pm) 

Blaine: I know that youre mad at me but please just let me know that youre okay. (8:16pm) 

Blaine: Kurt, Im really worried about you. Please just send me a text so that I know youre safe. (8:34pm) 

Blaine: Kurt, please! I dont care how angry you are at me right now, Im freaking out and I need to know that youre okay! (9:00pm) 

And still, no reply. He knew it was unlikely that anything had happened to Kurt, but he couldnt stop his hands from shaking and his heart from thumping wildly against his chest as tears began to spill from his eyes. 

"Please, please, please answer!" He shouted frustratedly into the silence of his living room as he attempted to type out another text message with shaking fingers. 

Blaine was startled by the noise of a door opening, but as soon as he registered what it was he jumped up, letting out a relieved sob and all but running into Kurts arms. 

"You are such a jerk," Blaine sobbed into Kurts shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck. "Ive been texting you for over an hour, I was so scared that something had happened to you. Why the hell werent you replying to me, you idiot!?" 

"My phone died," Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Blaines waist a little as the twenty nine year old continued to cry into his shirt. "Im okay, though, I promise. Im completely fine." 

"Where were you?" Blaine asked, pulling back and wiping his eyes with shaky hands. 

"I went to the library, seeing as someone took my laptop away from me." Kurt said bitterly, walking past Blaine and sitting on the sofa. 

"Dont you dare," Blaine said brokenly. "Ive spent the last few hours worried sick about you. Dont you are come back here and start pinning me as the bad guy, I was trying to help you." 

"If you didnt take my laptop from me I wouldnt have had to go anywhere." 

"I took your laptop away from you because youve had no sleep and youre stressed out. You need to relax." 

"So I guess that means you arent giving my laptop back to me?" Blaine shook his head in reply. "Fine, Ill go find it then." Kurt said, standing up and making his way towards Blaines bedroom. 

"Kurt," Blaine said, grabbing Kurts wrist softly. Kurt span around instantly and shoved Blaine - a little too hard. The twenty nine year old went flying onto the floor, his shoulder bashing harshly on the corner of the coffee table as he cried out in pain. 

"Oh my god," Kurt muttered. "Blaine -" 

"Get out," Blaine said, his voice breaking as tears fell from his eyes. 

"Blaine, I didnt -" 

"Get the hell out of my apartment." He said, pulling his knees up to his chest and squeezing his face up in pain. 

When Kurt was gone, Blaine reached out for his phone with the arm that wasnt hurting, scrolling through his contacts with blurry eyes and dialling the only person he needed in that moment: Wes. 

It was the first time Blaine had even attempted to contact Wes since the brother incident and it was obvious that Wes was a little surprised by Blaines call when he answered with a shy, "Blaine?" 

"Wes," Blaine sobbed, gripping his shoulder as pain shot through him. "I need you." 

"Im on my way." Wes replied instantly, and it was only a matter of time before Blaine heard a knock on his door. 

He was frozen to the spot, however, and remained curled up in a ball on the floor. Wes ended up using the key that Blaine had cut for him a while ago and immediately rushed over to his best friend when he saw the state he was in. 

"What happened?" Wes asked gently. 

"K-Kurt," Blaine cried. "We got in a fight a-and he...he p-pushed me over." 

"Are you okay?" 

Blaine shook his head frantically, sobs escaping him. "My shoulder." 

"Okay, I need you to take your shirt off." 

"I c-cant," Blaine said, looking up at Wes tearfully. "It hurts so bad." 

"Okay..." Wes said quietly. He thought for a few moments before moving forward and gently moving Blaines arm where he was still clutching his shoulder. He grabbed the end of Blaines t-shirt and began pulling it up, carefully pulling his good arm out before sliding the shirt over his other arm. Blaine let out a little cry, but the shirt was soon off and Wes was able to see how bad his shoulder looked. "How hard did he push you?" Wes said before he could stop himself. 

"How bad is it?" Blaine asked through his tears, turning his head but being unable to see anything. 

"I...Its just a bruise...a big bruise." 

"I wanna see," Blaine said. "Help me up?" He asked Wes, sniffling and wiping his eyes a little. 

Wes helped him up and into the bathroom where Blaine proceeded to turn around and look at the full length mirror over his neck. He cried harder at the sight of the red-purple bruise spreading from the top of his shoulder to a quarter of the way down his back, not because he had a huge bruise across his back, but because Kurt had been the cause. 

"Are you okay?" Wes asked in a concerned voice. 

"H-he...he did this," Blaine whispered, unable to tear his eyes from the injury despite the tears falling from his eyes. "The person I love more than anything in the world did this to me." 

"Im gonna go get you some ice, it should help." Wes said softly, leaving the bathroom quietly. 

When he came back, Blaine was sitting on the lid of the toilet, staring down at the floor. The tears and sobs had stopped, but it was clear how distraught Blaine was. He gently placed the ice to Blaines shoulder, emitting a sharp hiss from his friend at the initial contact. 

"What are you going to do?" 

"I dont know," Blaine admitted. "I dont think he meant to do this, but he did and Im not sure if I can forgive him. Not yet, anyway." 

"What were you even arguing about?" 

"He got no sleep last night because he was studying, so I took his laptop away from him and told him Im not giving it back to him until he got some sleep. He stormed out of the apartment and didnt come back all day...I sent him a bunch of texts telling him that I was worried and when he came back I was crying because I was so scared that something had happened to him, and he just ignored the fact that Id spent hours worrying about him and made it seem like I had been completely unfair. I told him I wasnt telling him where I put his laptop so he said hed go and find it himself and when I tried to stop him he just...he turned around and pushed me over." 

"Im not taking sides here," Wes began, moving the ice down and eliciting another hiss from his friend. "But dont you think you were being a little unfair? I mean, hes an adult. If he wants to study constantly and not sleep, shouldnt it be his decision? You have to remember that youre older than him, Blaine. If you make it seem like hes doing something wrong it might seem like youre...disciplining least to him, anyway." 

"It is his decision, but were a couple, Wes. Were in a relationship; were partners and were in this together. Were supposed to be there for each other and look out for one another, thats all I was doing. I was doing what was best for him, I wasnt trying to baby him." 

"Maybe he didnt see it like that?" 

"I dont know, but I...Im not ready to talk to him. Whether or not he deliberately hurt me, I got hurt both physically and emotionally, and I need time before I talk to him." 

"We need to get you to bed right now," Wes said, removing the ice and smiling softly at his best friend. "Do you have any spare pillows? If you wanna lie comfortably youre gonna need them." 

"Yeah, theyre in the spare room," Blaine said, standing up and rubbing his eyes in a childlike manner. Blaine made his way into his bedroom while Wes grabbed the spare pillows. He entered his best friends room before piling the pillows up to make a comfortable bed for Blaine. 

"Do you wanna put a shirt on or sleep like that?" 

"Shirt," Blaine replied simply. Wes grabbed a random t-shirt from Blaines pyjama drawer before helping him into it and tucking him into bed. "I feel like a baby." 

"Theres nothing wrong with needing help, you dork," Wes smiled. "Goodnight bubba." He grinned teasingly, blowing a raspberry on Blaines cheek, ruffling his hair and leaving the room. 

"You suck!" Blaine laughed, but calmed down not long after and pulled the covers over himself, drifting into a dreamless sleep. 


"Kurt," Santana groaned. "I know youre upset and all but Im so tired." 

"I pushed him, Santana," Kurt said. "And he went flying into the coffee table. How could I do that to him?" He asked, his face scrunching up as he began to cry. 

Santana sighed, pulling her best friend against her chest and rubbing his back as he cried. 

"Im an awful person," Kurt cried. "I hurt the most important person in the world to me." 

"Youre not an awful person," Santana countered. "You make a mistake; you screwed up." 

"Yeah but I didnt shout at him or call him a name, San. I pushed him over so hard that he collided with the coffee table...and he looked so broken when I left." 

"Get some sleep," Santana suggested. "And then when youre feeling more like yourself in the morning, go and see him. Apologise to him and talk to him." 

"What if he doesnt want to see me?" 

"Then give him some space." 

"I dont think I can handle him being mad at me," Kurt said with a frown. "I know its my fault but I just...his face when I left. I cant see that again. It broke my heart. I cant believe I did that to him." 

"Kurt, go to sleep," Santana said. "Hes not going to be willing to see you until then."

"Fine." Kurt huffed, cuddling into Santanas arms.

Santana drifted to sleep almost instantly, but Kurt was still awake. He couldnt seem to drift to sleep no matter how hard he tried, even though he knew he needed to. Blaine was going to kill him.


Blaine had a restless sleep. It wasnt exactly easy to sleep with a bruise covering half of your back, but after a few cups of coffee he was awake enough to last the day.

"Do you want me to do your back again?"

"Perv," Blaine grinned teasingly. "Yes please."

Wes laughed, smacking Blaine on the back of the head as he went into the kitchen to get some ice. He came back and placed the ice on the table while he helped Blaine out of his shirt, sitting behind him and gently placing the ice to his bruise. Blaine hissed a little before he adjusted to the feel of the ice. He distracted himself with his phone when there was a knock at the door. Blaine threw his head back, groaning. 


"On it." Wes smiled, making his way to the door and opening it. Blaine stayed put on the sofa, scrolling through his phone.

"Oh my god, Blaine..." Kurt gasped when he caught sight of Blaines shoulder behind Wes.

Blaine turned around at the sound of Kurts voice, his face dropping despite the fact that he wasnt that happy to begin with.

"Kurt, I think -" Wes was cut off by his best friend speaking.

"Its fine," Blaine said quietly. "Ill be fine."

Wes sighed. "Im gonna go home for a bit - shower and change my closers. Call me if you need me."

And with that he left, leaving Kurt standing frozen in the doorway of Blaines apartment. He slowly made his way inside and shut the door, making his way over to his boyfriend. He knelt down in front of Blaine, cupping his cheek gently.

"Im so, so sorry Blaine," Kurt said guiltily as Blaine stared blankly into his eyes. "I swear I never meant -"

"You still havent slept." Blaine stated, noticing the dark circles under Kurts eyes.

"I couldnt," Kurt said, his eyes watery. "Believe me, I tried. Santana held me for hours but every time I closed my eyes I saw your face, and I saw how heart-broken and hurt you looked."

"What are you here?"

"To apologise," Kurt said, caressing Blaines cheek with his thumb. "Im so sorry I pushed you. I cant believe I did that to you. Im honestly surprised that you didnt break up with me the second you saw me."

"Why would I break up with you? It was an accident."

"No it wasnt," Kurt said, a tear spilling from his eye. "I mean, I never meant to bruise you but I meant to push you. I thought you would just stumble backwards a bit but I was mad and I guess I pushed you a little too hard."

"You meant to push me?" Blaine repeated, tearing up.

Kurt nodded. "I wanted to stop you from holding me back, but I ended up hurting you, and Im so, so sorry." He said, holding Blaines face in both of his hands and wiping away the tears that fell.

"I cant believe you," Blaine cried. "I cant believe you would deliberately do this to me." He said brokenly, shoving Kurt away from him and standing up.

"I didnt mean to do this!"

"You obviously meant to do something or you wouldnt have pushed me!" Blaine shouted back.

"Im sorry!"

"Sorry isnt going to cut it." Blaine said, running towards the bathroom but slipping over in the process, screaming in pain.

"Blaine!" Kurt shouted, running after him and kneeling down next to him. "Are you okay?"

Blaine shook his head frantically, allowing Kurt to help him into a seated position. Blaine was a sobbing mess as Kurt tried to comfort him whilst making sure he hadnt hurt his shoulder any further.

"Shh, Blaine," Kurt said, playing with Blaines hair as he knew it calmed him down. "Youre okay...youre okay." He said softly, carefully putting his arms around Blaine to comfort him.

"I hate you," Blaine cried, burying his face in Kurts shirt. "I hate you so much."

Kurt swallowed, continuing to play with Blaines hair. He knew he didnt mean it, but it still hurt like hell to hear it. "Shh," He said softly. "Breathe, baby. Youre going to make yourself sick."

Blaine repeated "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" like a mantra until he finally calmed down, relaxing in Kurts arms.

"Im sorry," Blaine said eventually. "I...I dont really hate you, I just..."

"I hurt you," Kurt finished. Blaine nodded sadly. "I wanna fix this," Kurt said. "I need to make this better."

"Can it wait? My shoulder hurts so bad. Wes left some frozen peas on the table, could you...?"

"Yeah," Kurt said, crawling across the floor towards the table, grabbing the peas and crawling back, placing it to Blaines back. "Oh my gosh, am I hurting you? Im so sorry!" Kurt exclaimed when Blaine let out a hiss, pulling the ice away quickly.

"Youre not hurting me," Blaine assured him. "Its just cold. That always happens."

"Oh," Kurt breathed, sounding relieved as he put the ice back into place. "...Does it hurt a lot?"

"Its like...a dull pain most of the time. Its just when I move, it sort of shoots through me."


"Dont, Kurt...just dont, please."

"Okay," Kurt whispered, resting his forehead against the back of Blaines head. "Blaine?"


"I...I love do know that, right?"

"I know," Blaine replied, smiling slightly. He reached behind him and took Kurts free hand into his own, lacing their fingers together. "I love you too. I promise were going to be okay, Im just not in the mood to talk right now. We both need to sleep, and then we can talk like adults without going at each others throats."

Kurt nodded against Blaines head, moving the ice down slightly. He smiled for the first time in two days, finally feeling like everything would be okay.


The boys settled into bed a while later - Kurt helping Blaine lie in a comfortable position before he proceeded to curl up to him, finally able to drift to sleep. They both slept through the remainder of the morning, and most of the afternoon. Blaine woke up first, content to lie there and watch Kurt in adoration until he woke up with a tired whine, covering his face.

"Hey," Blaine smiled, carding his fingers through Kurts hair as he slowly blinked his eyes open and looked at Blaine. "Hungry?" Kurt nodded, sitting up and stretching. "Okay, well Im too lazy to make something so what do you wanna order?"

Kurt laughed, throwing himself back against the pillows and grinning at Blaine. "Why isnt this weird? We were practically murdering each other earlier and we havent even technically made up, but everything just feels so...natural."

"It is natural," Blaine replied, brushing Kurts hair away from his eyes. "We just hit a bump in the road, it happens."

"I prefer smooth roads," Kurt pouted. "I dont like fighting with you."

"Me neither, but its inevitable."

"Why are you always right?" Kurt asked teasingly.

"Because Im awesome," Blaine grinned. "Youre just jealous."

"Hush, you." Kurt laughed. Unable to stop himself, he crawled up the bed and pressed a small kiss to Blaines lips, tentative and nervous as if it was his first kiss.

Blaine let out a little breath, threading his fingers through Kurts hair and pulling him forward, opening his mouth a little wider and kissing him deeper. Kurt straddled his boyfriend, leaning over him completely, pressing him into the bed a little. The boys were snapped out of their moment by Blaine moving his mouth to cry out in pain.

"Oh god, Im sorry," Kurt said quickly, climbing off of Blaine and helping him sit up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Blaine said, gasping slightly. "Just...kissing...not fun with a bad shoulder...jesus christ."

"I dont think it was the kissing itself that caused that." Kurt laughed, rubbing the small of Blaines back gently.

"That actually feels really nice," Blaine said, leaning his head against Kurts shoulder. "Its like...the whole of my back feels achey but that just feels...soothing, I guess."

Kurt smiled softly at his boyfriend, continuing the motion with his hand as he placed a kiss to his forehead. "We should order food."

"We should...god, were awful. We cant sleep for appropriate amounts of time, we cant feed ourselves..."

"Im practically a teenager still, whats your excuse?" Kurt laughed.

"Ew, dont say that. It makes me feel like a pervert." Blaine grimaced, scrunching his face up.

"Youre not a pervert, Blaine."

"I know, but I...does it ever bother you? The age thing?"

"No," Kurt replied instantly. "I dont even remember that youre older than me sometimes. Most of the time I think youre younger than me," He laughed. "I mean, I am more mature than you and -" Kurt was cut of with a loud giggle as Blaine grabbed a pillow and hit him over the head with it.

"I really wanna kiss you some more." Blaine pouted.

"But it hurt you last time..."

"Just...stay like this," Blaine suggested. "I should be fine."

"But I -"

"Kiss me." Blaine demanded, pulling him closer.

"I dont want to hurt you." Kurt whispered, his face inches away from Blaines.

"You wont," Blaine assured him. "I promise Ill tell you if it hurts even the slightest bit, okay?"

"But -"

"Kuuurt," Blaine whined. "I swear, Im okay, and Id be a lot more okay if your lips were attached to mine so will you please just stop worrying, shut up and -" Blaine was cut off by Kurt pressing their lips together. Blaine grinned, kissing his boyfriend back happily.


"Foods here!" Kurt announced a few hours later, entering the bedroom with bags full of Chinese.

"Gimme," Blaine said, making grabby hands for the food. Kurt laughed, cuddling into Blaines side before pulling the food out. They began eating in silence, occasionally stealing bites of each others food and pressing small kisses to one anothers mouths when they felt the need to. "How is it that eating take out in bed feels more romantic than an actual candlelit dinner?" Blaine asked, his mouth full of noodles.

"Moment ruined," Kurt laughed, pushing Blaines jaw gently to get him to shut his mouth. "Please chew with your mouth closed. I dont like noodles being spat at my face, thank you."

Blaine made a show of chewing with his mouth closed before he swallowed, grinning at Kurt. "Better?"

"Much." Kurt giggled, pressing a kiss to Blaines cheek. 

Once they were finished eating, Blaine carelessly threw their packages onto the floor and accepted Kurt into his arms, drawing patterns over his arms with his fingers.

Kurt sighed. "I know its only been one day but I missed you so much," He said. "I missed being in your arms...I missed feeling your fingers in my hair and I just...everything feels right now."

"Move in with me." Blaine blurted out.

Kurt sat up a little, looking at Blaine with an unreadable expression. "What?"

"I didnt...that wasnt supposed to come out - but I meant it! I just...I...oh god, I suck at this...youre always staying over and I always sleep better when Im with you and, I mean we dont have to stay here, we can find somewhere else to live that fits both of us and -" Blaine babbled endlessly, cut off by Kurts lips on his own.

"However cute your babbling is, be quiet," He laughed. "Of course I want to move in with you."

" do?"

Kurt nodded with a smile on his face. A grin slowly spread across Blaines face and he pulled Kurt into a hug, making sure he didnt hurt himself in the process.

"Calm down," Kurt laughed, pulling away a little and pressing a chaste kiss to Blaines lips. "I do think we should find somewhere else to live, though. Dont get me wrong, I love your apartment, but I feel like its your home. I want to find somewhere that feels like our home."

"Our home I think I like the sound of that."

"Me too." Kurt smiled, rubbing his nose against Blaines with a smile on his face.

"You make me so happy," Blaine whispered, caressing Kurts cheek with his thumb. "I dont ever want to be with anyone but you. Youre it for me. Youre my everything."

Kurt didnt even register the fact that he was crying until he saw a tear drip down from his face onto Blaines cheek, and he laughed shakily, wiping his eyes.

"You jerk," Kurt laughed. "You made me cry."

Blaine just pulled Kurt into a kiss, holding him as close as possible.


"Blaine?" Wes voice sounded through Blaines apartment. No reply. "Blaine? Are you here?" He called out, wondering around the apartment and checking all of the rooms. "Blaine?" He repeated, opening the door to Blaines bedroom...

"Oh jesus christ, I didnt need to see that!" Wes screeched, covering his eyes.

"Wes, oh my god!" Blaine exclaimed, pulling the covers over him and his boyfriend as Kurt hid his face in Blaines neck.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Wes asked, mortified.

"I really dont feel like having the birds and the bees talk with you right now Wes, Im pretty sure youre familiar with what we were just doing. Now get the hell out of my bedroom!"

"I thought you guys were fighting!" Wes exclaimed, not budging from the doorway of his friends room.

"We made up!" Kurt replied, his voice muffled where it was still buried in Blaines neck.

"Clearly," Wes laughed humorlessly.

"Wes, get out of my room!" Blaine shouted, causing Wes to retreat quickly.

"Oh my god, thats humiliating," Kurt groaned. "I cant believe he just walked in on that."

"We have an issue now..." Blaine mumbled. "Do we continue with my best friend in the living room or..."

"Ugh, no. The mood is officially ruined. I dont even want to move after that, oh god."

Blaine chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurts head. "Come on, lets get dressed and then go lecture Wes on the meaning of privacy."

"Kay," Kurt replied, following Blaines instructions. "Wait...why does Wes have a key to your apartment?"

"Because Im an idiot," Blaine laughed. "Make sure I dont give him one when we move, please."

"I will dump you if you give him a key," Kurt teased. "I dont want that to ever happen again, ugh."

"Youre adorable when youre embarrassed." Blaine smiled, walking over to Kurt and cupping his flushed cheeks.

"Blaine," Kurt whined. "Youre making it worse."

"Im doing it on purpose." Blaine pointed out, pressing kisses to Kurts cheek.

"You suck."

"Are you decent?" Wes called from the living room.

"We are, Im not entirely sure about you though." Blaine commented as his best friend opened the door.

"Okay, so Im going to pretend like that didnt just happen," Wes said, blushing a little as he sat on the edge of Blaines bed before second thinking it and standing back up, causing Blaine to roll his eyes.

"Its not infected, Wes," He pointed out. "Im sure youve had sex before."

"Ew, ew, ew, stop!" Kurt squeaked, blushing a furious shade of red.

Blaine chuckled at Kurts embarrassment, sitting on the chair by his desk and pulling Kurt onto his lap, entwining their fingers and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Anyway," Wes coughed. "What happened with you guys?"

"We screamed at each other, we felt bad, we talked, we kissed, we decided to move in together and...well you witnessed first hand what happened next."

"Please stop bringing that up." Kurt whined.

"Wait, youre moving in together?"

"Were always with each other, and hes always staying over anyway. Hes practically already moved in, so were just making it official. Although we are going to move."

"What!?" Wes screeched. "Where!? You cant leave me!"

"Jeeze, calm down. Im not going anywhere," Blaine laughed. "Ill still be in New York, Im not moving to Antarctica."

"Thank god," Wes sighed. "You scared me."

"Im in college," Kurt pointed out. "Why would we move to a completely different place?"

"I didnt think about that..."

"Clearly." Kurt laughed.

"So, you guys are okay now?"

"Were more than okay." Blaine said, hiding his grin behind Kurts shoulder.

"Okay, well seeing as you guys arent going at each others throats anymore, Im gonna go and leave you to it."

Once Wes was gone, the boys relocated to the living room. Kurt sat with his legs thrown over Blaines thighs while Blaine rested his laptop on Kurts legs, the two of them looking for apartments.

"We could view some of these tomorrow if you like?" Blaine suggested, his free hand tangled with Kurts.

"Id like," Kurt grinned, leaning forward to press a small kiss to Blaines lips. "I love you."

"I love you more." Blaine teased, rubbing his nose against Kurts.

"I love you most." Kurt replied, poking his tongue out at Blaine.

"Hush, you," Blaine laughed. "Lets pick out which apartments we want to see tomorrow and then...I think we still need to talk about what happened yesterday."

"But were okay now." Kurt frowned.

"Yeah but we never really talked it out and itll just end up happening again."

"Okay, okay," Kurt agreed. "But were watching a movie and cuddling afterwards."

"Deal." Blaine smiled.

The boys chose four apartments to look around before Blaine closed his laptop and placed it on the coffee table, scooting down on the sofa so that only Kurts feet were in his lap.

"What, no," Kurt frowned. "Why are you moving away from me?"

"Shh," Blaine giggled, beginning to massage Kurts feet. "Youre so dramatic."

"Youre good at that," Kurt said with a dreamy smile. "You should be a masseur."

"Ill keep that in mind," Blaine laughed. "Moving onto yesterday..."

"Im sorry," Kurt said. "I know Ive said it a million times now but I mean it. I was acting like such a brat when you didnt do anything wrong."

"Im sorry too. I wasnt trying to control you, but it kind of seemed like I was and Im sorry for that. But at the same time...were in this relationship together, Kurt. I was only trying to help you out, because thats what being in a relationship means. It means being there for each other and helping each other."

"I know, I just hadnt slept and I snapped at you."

"I get that your exams are important, and of course I want you to study, but staying up all night isnt going to help you at all. You could recite that material backwards in your sleep anyway."

"Please," Kurt laughed. "Im not a genius, Blaine."

"Maybe not, but youre smart enough to pass without pulling allnighters, so stop stressing."

"Why are you always right?"

"Weve been through this," Blaine teased. "Its because Im awesome."

Kurt just laughed and put his foot in front of Blaines face until he pinned it down. They cuddled up on the sofa and watched a movie, as promised, shortly after. The two boys fell asleep on the sofa three movies later with content smiles on their faces, both of their dreams filled with images of what their lives were going to be like in the near future.


"Well that was completely useless." Kurt groaned as he dropped into a seat at the restaurant he and Blaine had chosen to get lunch at. 

They had just finished looking at the apartments theyd picked out, and they didnt like any of the four theyd looked at. It was either too big, too small, too modern or too old fashioned. They knew they were being slightly picky, but it had to be perfect.

"Hey," Blaine said softly, reaching across the table for Kurts hand. "Well find our home, just give it time. Id have honestly been surprised if we found the perfect apartment today, its the first day."

"I know, I just want to find the perfect place and I dont want to wait."

"Me too, but well find it eventually and when we do its going to be perfect, I promise."

"I cant wait." Kurt smiled, absent-mindedly stroking his thumb over the back of Blaines hand.

Blaine grinned over at his boyfriend as the waitress arrived, asking for their orders. Blaine ordered for the both of them and the rest of their meal was spent idly talking about their new apartment while their feet deliberately brushed against each other under the table as they fed each other forkfuls of their food.


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