After All These Years
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After All These Years: Chapter 4

M - Words: 6,431 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 01, 2014 - Updated: Jan 01, 2014
179 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review (:

After their huge argument, things started to get a little better for Kurt and Blaine. Kurt had taken a few days off from college to be with Blaine and despite Adam's questions of why he and Kurt had stopped studying together, Kurt made sure that he spent more time with Blaine and was always there for him, no matter what – especially with the whole brother fiasco.

Blaine was still having a mental battle over whether or not he should call Cooper. Kurt kept telling him that it was his decision, and he didn't have to do anything that he wasn't comfortable with, but that honestly just made Blaine's decision harder. Knowing that he had the choice of whether or not he called Cooper made it harder because he didn't know if he wanted to call Cooper or not – at least if somebody else was making the decision for him he wouldn't have to think about the pros and cons.

Then there was the problem with Wes. It'd been a week since Blaine had found out that Wes knew about Cooper and he was refusing to talk to his best friend. Of course, he missed Wes incredibly, but he'd still kept a huge secret from him, and Blaine wasn't ready to forgive him.

Kurt, on the other hand, was trying to avoid Santana's ongoing interrogation of why he was suddenly spending so much time at Blaine's. For whatever reason, Santana had a crazy theory that Kurt had ditched her and moved into Blaine's apartment – even though all of his stuff was still at their apartment and he'd only been dating Blaine for not even a month – no matter how many times Kurt told her that Blaine was going through a lot.

“You're thinking really loudly.” Kurt murmured, not opening his eyes as he combed his fingers through Blaine's curls from where the older man's head was resting on his chest.

“Sorry.” Blaine replied, turning his head and pressing a kiss to Kurt's chest over his t-shirt.

“What's up?” Kurt asked, blinking his eyes opening and looking down at his boyfriend.

“Everything,” Blaine sighed, snuggling closer to Kurt. “I think…I think I want to call Cooper…but I'm not sure.”

“What's stopping you?”

“I just…my dad. I know that if I talk to Cooper we're gonna end up having a conversation about him and I just…I thought I was done with my dad.”

“I get that, but…if you don't call Cooper, you're gonna have this on your mind all of the time anyway, so at least if you talk to him and you get the conversation about your dad out of the way it'll sort of be like…closure, in a way.”

“I guess,” Blaine sighed. “I'll call him later, but for now,” He said, sitting up a little before climbing over Kurt. “I want to make out with my boyfriend and feel like a normal person.”

Kurt smiled, reaching up to run his fingers through Blaine's hair. “That can be arranged.”


“Why are you staring so intently at your phone?”

“Twelve messages…” Kurt said, blinking at the phone in his hands.


“I've received twelve text messages since last night…one is from Santana…eleven are from Adam,” Kurt said, finally looking up at Blaine. “Eleven messages Blaine.”


“He won't leave me alone!” Kurt groaned. “Why is it so hard for him to understand that I. Cannot. Hang. Out. With. Him. Right. Now!?” He exclaimed frustratedly, punctuating each word with an aggressive tap on his phone, deleting message after message.

Blaine tried not to laugh as he pried Kurt's phone out of his hands. “Firstly, you're going to break your phone if you keep doing that and secondly, you can hang out with him, you're just refusing to.”

“Because I don't want to,” Kurt pointed out. “Now give me my phone.”

“Nope,” Blaine laughed, putting his phone on the other side of the room knowing that Kurt wouldn't get up to get it. He made his way back over to Kurt and sat down on his lap, eliciting an ‘oof' noise from Kurt, and pressed a kiss to his nose. “I love you.”

“You're heavy.” Kurt whined teasingly, scrunching his face up.

“Are you implying that I'm fat?” Blaine asked, smirking at his boyfriend.

“If I say yes will you give me my phone back?”

“What kind of logic even is that?” Blaine laughed, planting kisses over Kurt's face and making him squirm and laugh.

Blaaaaiiiineeeeee,” Kurt giggled.

“Kuuuuuuurt.” Blaine mimicked with a smile.

“Get off.” Kurt laughed.

“Hmmm…nope.” Blaine smirked, leaning in to press a kiss to his laughing boyfriends' lips.

“Pretty please?” Kurt mumbled against Blaine's lips.


Kurt finally gave in and continued to kiss his boyfriend until everything added up in his head.

“I know what you're doing!” Kurt exclaimed suddenly, pushing Blaine back a little.

“I'm not –”

“You're procrastinating!” Kurt said, looking quite adorable. “You're wasting time because you think it'll get you out of calling Cooper.”

Blaine groaned, dropping his head to Kurt's shoulder. Kurt sighed a little, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's body and rubbing over his back soothingly.

“If you really don't want to then you don't have to,” Kurt assured him. “But if you do want to then stop using me as a distraction.”

“I want to do it, I…I'll call him now.” Blaine said, climbing off of Kurt and going into his bedroom to get his phone.

When he returned to the living room, he climbed onto the sofa and pulled his knees up to his chest, curing into Kurt's side and typing Cooper's number into his phone. Kurt wrapped an arm around him, pressing a kiss to the top of Blaine's head and allowing him to snuggle into his arm.

Taking a shaky breath, Blaine pressed the call button and held his phone to his ear.

“Hello?” Cooper's voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Hi, um…it's Blaine.” Blaine replied quietly.

“Oh, hey. What's up?”

“I was wondering if um…if maybe we could meet up for coffee or something and talk?”

“Sure,” Cooper replied, sounding as if he was smiling. “I can meet in about two hours if that's okay with you?”

“Yeah, uh, that's fine…” Blaine replied, biting his lip considerately. “Um…is it…would it be okay if I brought my boyfriend with me?” He asked, looking up at Kurt to see the nineteen year old smiling at him softly.

“Of course. I'll see soon then.”

“Bye.” Blaine said, ending the call and curling further into Kurt's side.

“You okay?” Kurt asked, carding his fingers through Blaine's curls.

“Yeah,” Blaine sighed. “You are okay with coming with me to meet Cooper, right?”

“Of course I am.” Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead.


Two hours later, Blaine was helping Kurt limp from the car to the coffee shop and laughing at his boyfriend cursing under his breath.

“I thought it was supposed to get easier to walk on these?” Kurt groaned, struggling to walk forwards.

“You can do it!” Blaine teased, rubbing Kurt's back soothingly.

“Shut up.” Kurt said, glaring at Blaine but smiling slightly nonetheless.

Although Blaine was teasing him, Kurt was glad that he had managed to take his mind off of the Cooper situation. If making fun of him calmed Blaine down…well, he'd just have to endure it.

“Ugh,” Kurt groaned. “The door is so far away.”

“It's a few feet away,” Blaine laughed.


After finally reaching the door of the coffee shop, Kurt turned to Blaine with a serious look on his face.

“Are you sure you're ready for this?” He asked.

“Yeah,” Blaine sighed, smiling a little at his boyfriend. “I think so.”

Smiling, Kurt reached forward to push the door open, groaning when it closed before he managed to walk through it.

Blaine laughed, walking a little ahead of Kurt and holding the door open for him, allowing him to limp into the coffee shop. They spotted Cooper almost instantly and made their way over to the table he was sitting at.

“Hey,” Blaine said nervously, fiddling with his hands.

Cooper looked up from where he was doing something on his phone and smiled, locking his phone and putting it on the table in front of him. “Hi,”

Blaine helped Kurt sit down before resting his crutches against his chair and sitting down himself.

“So…um,” Blaine said, laughing nervously. “I don't really know what I'm supposed to say.”

“Isn't there anything you want to ask me?” Cooper asked. “I mean, you just found out that you have a brother after 29 years of thinking you were an only child.”

“How did you even know you had a brother? If you moved away before I was born and clearly never came to visit…”

“I tried to come and visit, but Dad didn't let me. He didn't like the fact that I wanted to be an actor and didn't want me anywhere near you; he claimed that you were the only reminder he had left of Mom.”

“Yeah, that's why he hit me almost every day.” Blaine laughed incredulously.

“I'm sorry,” Cooper said guiltily. “I knew what he was like…I should've tried harder to see you, or at least tried to get you away from him.”

“It's not your fault,” Blaine assured him. “And I did get away from him eventually.”

“Still…you deserved to know that you had a brother.”

“That wasn't your fault either. Even if you'd tried to see me when I went into care you wouldn't have been allowed…apparently my file said that I wasn't allowed to know about you.”

“I guess…It's just, you've been through so much and I feel like I should've been there for you.”

“You're here now.” Blaine countered.

Kurt smiled at the conversation occurring between the two brothers. It was more than obvious to Kurt that the two of them were related; Cooper was just as caring as Blaine was.

“Can you…can you tell me about Mom?”

Cooper smiled sadly. “You don't remember her, do you?”

Blaine shook his head. “I wasn't even one when she died.”

“You're just like her, you know,” Cooper said, smiling at his little brother. “She was the sweetest person ever…she never had anything bad to say about anyone – I honestly don't know how she ended up with Dad. You look like her too…you have her eyes, and her ridiculous curls.”

Blaine laughed, wiping tears from his eyes.

“She would've adored you…she probably did adore you.”

“Can I ask…I don't know why, I've just always wondered…do you…do you think she would've been disappointed in me?” Blaine asked quietly. “Because I'm gay?”

“She definitely wouldn't have been disappointed in you, Blaine,” Cooper assured him, smiling sadly as Blaine began to cry. “I know I don't really know you very well, but I can't imagine her being disappointed in you.”

“Are you okay?” Kurt asked, rubbing Blaine's back as the twenty nine year old wiped at his eyes, tears falling down his face.

Blaine nodded. “Yeah…yeah.” He said quietly, smiling at his boyfriend.

“I have to go. Santana's threatening to throw my stuff away if I don't go home and although I know she won't actually do it, she deserves an explanation as to why I haven't been there. Will you be okay if I go?” Kurt asked, Blaine nodding and smiling in reply.

“Yup,” He confirmed. “Promise.”

“Okay,” Kurt smiled, standing up and grabbing his crutches.

“I'll be back in a minute,” Blaine said to Cooper. “I'm just gonna walk him to the door ‘cause he tried to open it when we got here and nearly murdered it when it shut before he could walk through.”

“Blaine!” Kurt laughed.

“Okay,” Cooper laughed. “It was nice to meet you again, under better circumstances.”

“You too,” Kurt smiled. “I'm Kurt, by the way.”

“Come on you.” Blaine laughed, putting his hand on Kurt's back as he limped towards the door.

Cooper watched as they went; watched them laugh about something that he couldn't hear and watched them kiss sweetly at the doorway. Even though he'd only just met his brother, he was glad that he was happy after having a not-so-great childhood.


“Hummel!” Santana screeched when Kurt entered the apartment.

“Oh my god, Tana!” Kurt exclaimed. “It's a complete mess in here! I've only been gone for a few days, and you've turned the apartment upside down!”

“Because you haven't been here to tell me to pick my bag up off the floor when I come in from work or to tell me to put my dishes in the sink and wash them instead of leave them on the counter!”

“I am not your father, I shouldn't have to tell you to keep the apartment clean…oh my god, Santana.”

“Whatever,” Santana dismissed. “Why haven't you been home all week?”

“I'm not explaining anything until you clean this mess up.” Kurt said defiantly, sitting down on the sofa and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Kurt!” Santana whined.

“You can try to fight me on this but you and I both know that I'm the most stubborn person on the face of this planet.”

“Fine.” Santana groaned, stomping off.

As predicted, she ended up cleaning the whole apartment quickly and sat down on the sofa opposite Kurt, demanding to know why Kurt hadn't been at home.

“Blaine just found out that he has an older brother that his Dad tried to hide from him and he's sort of been struggling with it, that's why I haven't been at home.” Kurt explained.

“Oh…” Santana mumbled. “Is he okay?”

“He's fine,” Kurt smiled. “He met up with his brother today and they're getting on really well considering.”

“I think…” Santana began, grinning mischievously. “I think you, me, Dani and Blaine should have a movie night.”

“Why does that idea scare me?” Kurt asked cautiously, raising his eyebrow.

“It'll be fun!” Santana exclaimed defensively.

Kurt sighed, knowing Santana wouldn't give up. “I'll ask him in a while. He's still with Cooper and I don't want to interrupt them.”

“Cooper?” Santana asked confusedly.

“His brother.”

“Oh…” Santana nodded.


Of course, Blaine agreed to the movie night and showed up at Kurt's apartment with his bag a few hours later.

“Can't we just go to my room and make out all night instead?” Kurt asked, making Blaine laugh. “Santana's probably gonna embarrass the hell out of me.”

“Hm, as much as the idea of making out appeals to me,” Blaine began, taking Kurt's hands into his own. “Embarrassing you sounds far more interesting.”

Kurt made a whining noise, pouting teasingly at his boyfriend. Blaine laughed, leaning in to press a kiss to Kurt's lips; the two of them getting lost in the moment until Santana's booming voice pulled them apart from each other.

“You two have ten seconds to get your butts into the living room or I'm going to saw your lips off so that you are physically incapable of kissing any longer.”

Kurt let out a laugh, dropping his head to Blaine's shoulder.

“Come on,” Blaine laughed, helping Kurt limp into the living room as he didn't have his crutches with him.

“Hey guys,” Dani greeted from where she was sat on a beanbag on the floor, Kurt and Blaine replying with their own heys.

Much to Kurt's happiness, Santana didn't embarrass him too much, and he promptly dragged Blaine into his bedroom once the movie night was over.

“I wasn't kidding earlier when I said I wanna make out with you.” Kurt laughed, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck and kissing him. Blaine wrapped his own arms around Kurt's waist and carefully walked him backwards, making sure he didn't hurt his ankle, before gently lying him down on the bed and crawling on top of him, reattaching their lips.

“You're such a teenager.” Blaine mumbled teasingly.

“Shut up.” Kurt said, tangling his fingers in Blaine's hair and pulling him back down into yet another kiss.

The two boys kissed heatedly for a while until Santana burst through the door, just as Kurt wrapped one of his legs around Blaine's waist.

“Wanky!” Santana exclaimed, causing the boys to break their kiss too quickly – resulting in their teeth smashing against each other.

“Ow,” Blaine groaned, dropping his head to Kurt's shoulder.

“Get out of my room!” Kurt shouted, flushing red.

“Well, I was gonna see if you wanted to come and watch another movie with me and Dani but I can see that you two clearly have better things to do – like each other – so I'll take that as a no.”

“Santana!” Kurt exclaimed, throwing a pillow in Santana's direction.

“Okay okay, I can take a hint.” Santana said with a smirk, leaving the room.

As soon as Santana was gone Blaine began to laugh, causing Kurt to shove him until he was no longer on top of him and roll onto his side.

“Hey,” Blaine said softly, amusement suddenly gone. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing.” Kurt said, folding his arms under his head and blocking Blaine out.


Kurt sighed. “It's just…Santana. She seems to think it's okay for her to just barge into my room whenever she feels like it without knocking, and then she thinks she's hilarious for making me feel uncomfortable.”

“Have you told her that?” Blaine asked, running his fingers up and down Kurt's arm.

“Yes. She doesn't listen to me. She doesn't listen to me about anything, I don't know why this would be any different.”

Blaine sighed, lying down behind Kurt and wrapping his arms around him. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“Not really,” Kurt said, leaning back into Blaine's embrace. “Can you just hold me until I fall asleep and forget all about this?”

“That I can do.” Blaine said, pressing a kiss to Kurt's shoulder.

“Thank you,” Kurt said with a smile. “Blaine?”


“I love you.”

Blaine grinned against his boyfriends shoulder, wrapping his arms around him tighter. “I love you too.”


“Something smells really good,” Blaine said as he sleepily made his way into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist from before. “And I'm pretty sure it's not just you.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Kurt laughed, turning around in Blaine's arms and wrapping his own around Blaine's neck, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I was making pancakes but I burned them.”

Blaine laughed, playing with the hair at the nape of Kurt's neck. “Well then, I guess we'll have to find something else to have for breakfast.” He said, pressing a quick kiss to Kurt's cheek before sliding away to look through the fridge.

“Come back,” Kurt whined, making grabby hands at Blaine before giving up and making his way over to the fridge and resting his chin on Blaine's shoulder just as the twenty nine year old pulled a can of squirty cream out. “Okay, I know that your mental age is way under your actual age, but that isn't a meal Blaine.”

“That wasn't what I wanted it for.” Blaine said deviously, grinning at Kurt over his shoulder.

“What are you-” Kurt said, his sentence cut off when Blaine sprayed the cream onto his nose. “You…”

Blaine couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Kurt's face. His laughter stopped, however, when Kurt reached into the fridge and pulled out canned cheese.

“It's on.” He said with a smirk, spraying the cheese onto Blaine's nose and giggling until Blaine began to chase him around the kitchen.

Kurt ran and ducked down behind the kitchen counter, staying there until he realised Blaine didn't follow him. He slowly peered over the top of the counter to see that the kitchen was emptied. His eyebrows instinctively raised and he ducked back down, crawling to one end of the counter and looking around the edge to see if Blaine was hiding there, but he wasn't. Sighing, Kurt turned around, only to get a dollop of cream squirted onto his face.

“Blaine!” Kurt giggled, grabbing Blaine's can and standing up, tip-toeing when Blaine stood up and tried to grab it from him. “Shame I'm taller than you isn't it?”

Blaine grabbed Kurt around the waist, hosting him up over his shoulder and laughing at the squeal he elicited from Kurt. “Shame I'm stronger than you isn't it?” Blaine smirked, running through the kitchen into the living room.

“Blaine!” Kurt screamed, giggling nonetheless. “Put me down!” He said, kicking his feet around.

“But this is so fun!” Blaine laughed, running around the apartment as Kurt screamed and laughed, flailing around in Blaine's arms. “Okay okay, I'm done.” Blaine said, laughing as he lowered Kurt to the floor and took the two cans from his hands, placing them on the floor and wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

“You're ins- mmphh,” Kurt began, cut off by Blaine covering his lips with his own. “Insane.” He mumbled against Blaine's lips, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and deepening the kiss. “Crazy.” He mumbled next, tangling his fingers in Blaine's curls. “Preposterous.” He said, giggling when Blaine pulled away and shoved him playfully.

“Preposterous? Really?” Blaine laughed.

“Mhm.” Kurt hummed, pulling Blaine back and kissing him once again.

“You talk far too much.” Blaine murmured, walking Kurt backwards and pushing him gently onto the sofa, climbing on top of him and kissing him passionately.

“Shut me up then.”

“I intend to.” Blaine smiled, continuing to kiss his boyfriend.

 “You two just never stop, do you?” Santana asked sleepily as she emerged from her bedroom, her hand entwined with Dani's, to find the two boys making out on the sofa, both of their pyjama shirts hanging open.

“Leave them alone.” Dani giggled, pushing Santana into the kitchen and leaving them alone in the living room once again.

Once Dani and Santana finished their breakfast, they made their way back into the living room to find that Kurt and Blaine weren't even wearing their shirts anymore and Blaine had begun to kiss his way down Kurt's chest.

“I love you both, but if you do anything that requires being naked on that sofa I will not talk to either of you ever again.” Santana said, standing by the sofa with her arms crossed over her chest.

“I guess we better go to my bedroom then.” Kurt said breathlessly, pushing at Blaine's shoulders until he got up from the sofa, taking Kurt's hand and leading him into his room.


“Well…breakfast took an interesting turn.” Kurt said, pulling his duvet over him tighter and snuggling into Blaine's side.

“That was much better than breakfast.” Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurt's head.

Kurt turned his head so that his chin was resting on Blaine's chest and grinned up at his boyfriend.

“As much as I enjoyed that, I'm starving.” Kurt giggled, pressing a kiss to Blaine's chest.

“Then I guess we better go and eat.” Blaine smiled, grabbing his pyjama bottoms off the floor and pulling them on before standing up.

“It probably would've been smart to get our shirts before we came in here…I feel naked.”

“That's because you are, my dear,” Blaine laughed, leaning down to kiss Kurt chastely. “Get dressed, I'll be in the kitchen rummaging through your cupboards.”

“Okay.” Kurt laughed.

Kurt made his way into the kitchen a few minutes later in fresh pyjamas. Blaine was making…Kurt wasn't sure what he was making, but both Santana and Dani were smirking at him

“What?” Kurt asked self-consciously, bringing a hand up to his face. “Is there something on my face or…”

“Nope.” Santana smiled.

“Why are you smiling at me?” Kurt whined, sitting down opposite his friends.

“Nothing,” Santana said. “It's just…um…you may wanna be a little quieter next time.”

“Oh my god.” Kurt groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

“I don't really need to hear…that while I'm trying to watch TV with my girlfriend.”

“Okay, I get it. Now can you please shut up?” Kurt whined.

“Yup,” Santana said, standing up and taking Dani's hand. “It's my turn to have my wicked way with my significant other now.” She joked, pulling Dani from the room.

“You're awful!” Kurt shouted after her with a laugh.

“Food for my beautiful boyfriend.” Blaine smiled, placing a plate in front of Kurt.

“Mm yay,” Kurt grinned. “You're the best.”

“I know.” Blaine laughed, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead before sitting opposite him with his own food.

“Can we just spend the day doing nothing at all? I feel like being lazy.”

“That sounds perfect.” Blaine smiled.


The next day, Blaine picked Kurt up from college as they were going to the movies, but he couldn't help but notice Kurt seemed…distant. He sat in the passenger seat with his knees drawn to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs, his head resting against the window as rain pitter-pattered against the glass.

“You okay?” Blaine asked, glancing at Kurt as they came to a traffic light.

“I'm fine.” Kurt replied, forcing a smile onto his face.

“Are you sure?” Blaine asked, frowning a little. “You seem…not okay.”

“Blaine,” Kurt sighed. “I'm fine. I promise.”

“Okay…” Blaine said uncertainly, turning his attention back to the road.

Throughout the movie, Kurt sat curled up in the same way he had in the car. He didn't hold Blaine's hand on the way in or the way out, whereas he would usually never let go of it. When they got back to Blaine's apartment, the nineteen year old curled up on the sofa and buried his head in his arms, sobs escaping his body.

“Kurt,” Blaine frowned, sitting down next to Kurt and rubbing his back as he cried. “Kurt, baby. What's wrong?”

“I'm so stupid.” Kurt cried, his voice muffled from where his mouth was smooshed against his arm.

“You're not stupid,” Blaine countered. “Why would you even think that?”

“Everybody hates me,” Kurt sobbed, lifting his head and wiping at his eyes. “I was so stupid to think I actually had a chance at having friends.”

“What are you talking about?”

“School,” Kurt cried. “Ever since I was little I've been bullied and teased and I thought that coming to New York, starting college, things might actually change. People might actually see me for me and not the stupid labels I've been stuck with my whole life but no, of course they don't. People still call me names and shove me in the hallway and I should be used to it but it freaking hurts,” He said, tears streaming down his face. “I don't understand why I'm such a failure. Why does everybody hate me so much?”

“Are you crazy?” Blaine asked, sitting sideways on the sofa to face Kurt completely. “Kurt, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. People tease you because they're closed-minded idiots who are completely oblivious to how perfectly imperfect you are. Don't listen to a word they say, because I swear to you – they're all wrong. They don't know you; they don't know a single damn thing about you and I'm not gonna let them make you feel so bad about yourself. I'm not gonna let you talk about yourself that way because you're nowhere near right. You're incredible, Kurt. You're the most…selfless, adorable, crazy and loveable person I've ever met in my life and I really wish you could see that.”

“Why should I believe you?” Kurt asked sadly, more tears trickling down his pale cheeks. “You're the only person that's ever thought about me like that…how am I supposed to know that you're right and they're wrong?”

“Because I love you,” Blaine smiled sadly, reaching up to wipe Kurt's tears away with his thumb. “I love every single dorky, adorable thing about you and I would never lie to you, Kurt.”

“I hate feeling this way.” Kurt cried, curling into a little ball.

“I know baby,” Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt. “Can I…do they do anything…they haven't hit you or anything, have they?”

Kurt shook his head, sitting up and wiping his eyes. “Not since high school.”

“Good,” Blaine sighed, relieved. “Promise me that if they do so much as touch one hair on your head, you'll tell me.”

Kurt nodded, smiling a little. “I promise.”

“Thank you,” Blaine smiled, opening his arms. “Now get your cute little butt over here.”

“You're such a dork.” Kurt laughed, snuggling into Blaine's arms.

“I'm your dork.”

“Touché,” Kurt grinned, burying his face in Blaine's chest. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being there for me, I guess. Nobody's ever really stuck up for me before.”

“Kurt,” Blaine said incredulously. “I love you. I will always be there for you and I will always stick up for you.”

“I love you so much.” Kurt said, a few more tears falling from his eyes as his voice cracked.

“I love you more.” Blaine smiled, rubbing his nose against Kurt's.

“You said you'd never lie to me.” Kurt said, grinning mischievously.

“Ah, but I didn't.”

“But you did, because it's impossible for anyone to love somebody as much as I love you.”

“Well now you're just being cheesy.” Blaine laughed as Kurt shoved him playfully.

“Hey Blaine?”


“Can you do me a favour?” Kurt asked sweetly.

“Sure…what is it?”

“Kiss me?” Kurt asked, looking insecure.

Always.” Blaine smiled, leaning forward to capture Kurt's lips.


“Who the hell is knocking on your door at freaking one in the morning?” Kurt groaned, burying his face in a pillow, wrapping it around his ears.

“You make it sound like we were actually sleeping.” Blaine laughed, getting out of bed and pulling his pyjama bottoms on, making his way through his living room to the front door.

Kurt followed behind him, pulling his pyjama bottoms up at the same time and tripping over them as he got into the living room and saw Cooper at the door, falling flat on his face. Kurt whined, letting out a little ‘ow' but making no effort to get off the floor.

Blaine looked over his shoulder at his boyfriend and couldn't help but laugh – Cooper was laughing too, in his defence. “Are you okay?” Blaine asked, still laughing.

“Mhm, yup,” Kurt said, awkwardly getting up and pulling his trousers up before Cooper saw him practically naked, turning around and blushing. “Completely fine.”

“Anyway,” Cooper said, clearing his throat awkward. “Uh, I'm locked out of my apartment and my roommate isn't home – your place was the closest I could think of – so I was wondering if maybe I could crash here for the night?” He asked hopefully.

“Sure,” Blaine smiled, allowing his brother to enter his apartment. “Luckily for you, I have an extremely comfortable sofa.”

“It's true.” Kurt agreed.

“I'll keep that in mind,” Cooper laughed. “Thank you, by the way.”

“It's fine,” Blaine assured him. “I'm gonna go get some blankets and pillows, I'll be back in a minute.”

And, soon enough, Blaine was making his way back into the living room – his arms filled with a mountain of pillows and blankets. He walked over to the sofa and dumped them on top, unsure of how to continue from there.


“My boyfriend,” Kurt began with a laugh, making his way over to the sofa and beginning to arrange the pillows and sheets. “The twenty nine year old who doesn't know how to make up a bed. Tada!” He said proudly once he was done, opening his arms and gesturing to the now tidy sofa.

“My boyfriend,” Blaine mimicked with a smile. “The nineteen year old who thinks he's so clever.” Blaine teased, poking his tongue out at Kurt.

“Okay,” Cooper said awkwardly. “Well, uh, thank you…I'm just gonna leave you two to your little couple…ness and try to get some sleep.”

“Okay,” Blaine smiled. “And stop thanking me!” He called over his shoulder as he and Kurt made their way back to his bedroom, hand in hand.

“Does this mean I can't sleep naked now?” Kurt pouted as they entered Blaine's bedroom.

“You can if you want to,” Blaine laughed, stepping closer to Kurt and wrapping his arms around his waist, letting his hands wander. “I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it.” He said, beginning to kiss Kurt's neck.

“Blaine,” Kurt breathed. “We're not having sex while your brother is in your living room.”

“Thank you!” Cooper called out from the living room, eliciting laughter from both boys.

“Okay okay,” Blaine laughed. “Fine. No sex.” He pouted.

“Good boy.” Kurt smiled, ruffling Blaine's curls.

“I'm not a dog!” Blaine said, laughing at his boyfriend.

“Mhm, if you say so.” Kurt smirked, turning around to walk to the bed.

Blaine grinned to himself, suddenly grabbing Kurt's pyjama bottoms and yanking them down, causing him to trip and go flying onto the bed.


“Blaine!” Kurt laughed, rolling over so he could see more than just the darkness of his face being buried in Blaine's covers. “You're mean.”

“Only to you.” Blaine smiled, climbing over Kurt.

Obviously.” Kurt teased, rolling his eyes and leaning up to kiss his boyfriend.

“Go to sleep!” Cooper called from the living room with a laugh.

“Remind me why I let him stay here?” Blaine asked teasingly, climbing off of Kurt, taking his pyjama bottoms off and climbing in under the covers as Kurt did the same.

“Because he's your brother and you love him,” Kurt said nonchalantly. “Now shut the hell up and hug me while I sleep…please.”

“That was just beautiful,” Blaine said, placing his hand over his heart and pretending to tear up. “I'm touched.”

“Why thank you.” Kurt said in a low voice, smirking at Blaine. “No but I was being serious about cuddling…I never joke about cuddling.”

“Noted.” Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt as the nineteen year old rested his head on his chest.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” Blaine grinned.

“Shut up.” Kurt laughed, reaching to the side to switch the lamp that was illuminating the room off.


Blaine woke up in the middle of the night to find Kurt thrashing around in bed, a thin layer of sweat covering his body as little sobs escaped him. Blaine was unsure of what was happening for a few seconds before he realised Kurt was having a nightmare…and it seemed to be an intense one. Unsure of what to do, Blaine pulled Kurt against his chest, carding his fingers through his hair and shushing him – even though he couldn't hear him – in hope of calming him down. It worked for a few moments, but Kurt soon began thrashing around again as his whimpers grew louder. Kurt awoke with a scream, shooting up and crying loudly.

“Hey, shh,” Blaine said softly, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Kurt. The nineteen year old turned into his embrace and leaned against his chest as Blaine rocked him back and forth. “You're okay.” Blaine whispered, peppering kisses into his hair.

“What the – oh…you're okay,” Cooper said breathlessly as he burst into Blaine's bedroom. “I thought somebody was getting murdered in here.”

“He had a nightmare,” Blaine said, carding his fingers through Kurt's hair and cradling him against his chest. Kurt began crying harder at the mention of his nightmare, wrapping his arms around Blaine's chest. “Shh baby, you're okay. I've got you. I'm right here.” Blaine whispered soothingly, rubbing Kurt's arm softly.

“Bl-Blaine.” Kurt hiccupped, crying into Blaine's shoulder.

“Can you get him some water please?” Blaine asked Cooper, who nodded and made his way into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a glass of water and handed it to Blaine, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Here, baby, drink this.” Blaine said, rubbing Kurt's back until he lifted his head a little.

With much help from Blaine, Kurt drank a little of the water and leant his head against Blaine's chest as he tried to slow his breathing down.

“Are you okay?” Blaine asked once Kurt's breathing returned to normal and his sobs died down.

“I'm ti-tired.” Kurt hiccupped, clinging to Blaine tightly.

“I'm gonna go,” Cooper said, rubbing Blaine's shoulder comfortingly on the way out.

“Give me a minute,” Blaine said, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead before getting off the bed.

“No,” Kurt cried, his breathing getting faster again.

“Shh, I'm right here,” Blaine said softly, running his fingers through Kurt's hair. “I'm not going anywhere, okay?”

Once Kurt calmed down again, Blaine made his way over to his drawers and grabbed two T-shirt's and two pairs of underwear before making his way back to the bed. He helped Kurt into one pair before putting his own pair on and climbing back under the covers, pulling Kurt against his chest once again. He whispered comforting words into the darkness of his room for almost an hour before Kurt drifted back to sleep; his hand tightly gripping Blaine's t-shirt.


Kurt was still sound asleep when Blaine woke up the next morning, so he silently climbed out of bed and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Cooper was already up, sitting at the table and drinking a mug of coffee.

“Hey,” Cooper smiled.

“Hey.” Blaine yawned, walking over to the kitchen counter and making his own mug of coffee.

“How's Kurt?” Cooper asked.

“He's okay, I think. He was asleep when I woke up so I left him…it's not like he got a lot of sleep last night.”

“How are you?”

“Tired,” Blaine laughed. “But I don't care as long as he's okay.”

“You really love him, don't you?”

“I really do,” Blaine smiled, leaning against the counter. “He's just…he's incredible.”

“I should listen in on your conversations more often,” Kurt smiled as he entered the kitchen. “I like the sound of them.”

“Hey,” Blaine smiled, taking both of Kurt's hands into his own and pulling him closer. “How do you feel?”

“Groggy,” Kurt replied, laughing a little. “I'm okay though. Promise.”

“Good,” Blaine smiled, pressing a small kiss to Kurt's lips.

“I should probably get going,” Cooper smiled, standing up from his seat. “Thank you again for letting me stay.”

“If you say thank you one more time I'm going to hurt you,” Blaine laughed. “I honestly don't mind. You can stay whenever you need to.”

“Tha – never mind.” Cooper laughed.



After Cooper left, Kurt and Blaine cuddled up on the sofa for the rest of the day and watched movies, content to just be with each other.


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