After All These Years
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After All These Years: Chapter 3

M - Words: 9,489 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 01, 2014 - Updated: Jan 01, 2014
167 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review! :)

As promised, when winter came, Blaine planned an ice skating trip for himself and Kurt. Not much had happened in the few months that the two boys had reconnected, they just spent their time talking about old times and getting to know each other better.

Wes still hadn't met, or re-met technically, Kurt since they'd been in care. Blaine hadn't actually mentioned Wes, surprisingly, to Kurt and he didn't think he even knew that they were still friends. How Blaine had gone seven months without mentioning his best friend, he wasn't sure, but he now had to tell Kurt that Wes had insisted he go ice skating with them.

“So, um, Wes kind of wants to see you again after so long, so he's invited himself ice skating…” Blaine announced the night of their ice skating trip as he and Kurt ate dinner in his kitchen.

“Who's Wes?” Kurt asked confusedly, shoving another forkful of his dinner in his mouth.

“You…you don't remember Wes?” Blaine asked, shocked.

Kurt just shrugged in reply, continuing to eat his food.

“He was like the only one of my friends that was actually nice to you when we were younger…”

“I still don't know who you're talking about.”

“Oh my…well, he'll be here soon anyway.”

“Okay,” Kurt smiled, standing up and putting his plate in the sink.

The two boys made their way into Blaine's living room after dinner and watched TV until there was a knock at the door, signalling Wes' arrival. There was an awkward silence when Wes first arrived after being told that Kurt didn't remember him, but Blaine broke it soon enough, letting them know that if they didn't leave then they were going to miss their time.

Blaine smiled when they left and he saw Kurt bundled up in his coat, scarf and gloves, looking positively adorable.

When they first stepped onto the ice, Kurt screamed and gripped onto Blaine.

“Slippery!” Kurt shouted. “Really, really slippery!”

“I've got you,” Blaine laughed, taking Kurt's hands.

“How the hell do you do this?” Kurt asked, tightening his grip on Blaine's hands.

“Just move your feet a little.” Blaine instructed.

Kurt attempted to skate a little but slipped, screaming. He would've fallen over if it wasn't for Blaine's arms going around his waist, keeping him up.

“It's not funny.” Kurt huffed as Blaine laughed at him.

“I'm not laughing,” Blaine said, trying to contain his laughter.

“Just…help me skate, okay?”

“You need to move your feet or you're not going to get very far,” Blaine said, smiling at the nineteen year old. “I promise I won't let go of you.”

“That doesn't mean I won't fall,” Kurt said with a small laugh. “On the plus side, if I fall I'll drag you down with me.”

“Gee, thanks,” Blaine laughed. “Now seriously, move your feet.”

“Okay,” Kurt said, taking a deep breath and muttering ‘I can do this.'

Kurt began to skate a little, gripping onto Blaine tighter every time he sped up too much. Blaine made the skating look insanely easy as he skated backwards, holding onto Kurt's hands. At first, Kurt looked like he was either going to throw up or pass out – Blaine wasn't sure which one – but as soon as he started to skate a little more confidently, a smile appeared on his face and he began to have a lot more fun.


Wes observed the interaction between Kurt and Blaine as he skated around the rink, finally understanding the way they felt about each other. He realised that the age difference and their history played absolutely no part in it whatsoever; they just enjoyed themselves around each other.

He didn't even realise that he was smiling slightly as he watched the two boys skating together. Seeing his best friend that happy with somebody that he knew meant a lot to him…well, he couldn't help but smile.

He was confused, however, by the fact that Kurt and Blaine weren't dating. It was more than obvious that they were crazy about each other and they were so comfortable together. They were also a really cute couple, admittedly. Or well, they would be a really cute couple if they stopped believing that they could be ‘just friends' forever.


“Okay…I'm gonna let go of your hands but I'm right here if you need to grab onto me.” Blaine said, slowly releasing Kurt's hands.

Kurt skated by himself for a few minutes – Blaine standing right in front of him, still skating backwards – before his skate slipped and he grabbed onto Blaine for support, succeeding in pulling them both down onto the ice, Kurt landing on top of Blaine.

Kurt was in fits of laughter immediately and Blaine couldn't help but laugh a little at how hilarious Kurt seemed to find the situation.

“I can't believe you find this so funny,” Blaine laughed. “Considering you were like, terrified of falling five minutes ago.”

Kurt just continued to laugh, burying his face in Blaine's chest until he calmed down and finally looked up at his friend.

Slowly, Kurt moved his head from where it was buried in Blaine's chest and looked up at the twenty nine year old, their faces inches apart.

“It's cold down here,” Kurt whispered, giggling a little.

“Yeah,” Blaine said breathlessly. “We…we should probably get up.”

“Yeah…yeah.” Kurt muttered, pushing himself off of Blaine and trying to get up but slipping over quickly.

Blaine shot up as soon as he noticed the pained look on Kurt's face and heard the sharp hiss come from him.

“Are you okay?” Blaine asked worriedly.

Kurt shook his head, clenching his eyes shut and trying to move his foot out from beneath him but letting out a strangled noise when he realised that it was too painful to move.

“We need to get you up and off the ice,” Blaine said, standing up and easing Kurt off the floor, feeling incredibly guilty when he saw a tear slip from the nineteen year olds eyes. He wasn't sure exactly how he was supposed to get Kurt off the ice considering the boy couldn't even move his foot, until an idea popped into his head. “Do you trust me?”

“What?” Kurt squeezed out, trying desperately to ignore the sharp pain in his ankle.

“Just…you can't exactly skate and I don't know how else to get you off the ice so I was going to…carry you?” Blaine said, making it sound a little like a question.

“You're lucky I'm in pain because there is no way in hell I'd let you do this otherwise. But I am in pain and I just want to get off of this stupid ice so yes, I trust you.”

Carefully, Blaine lifted the boy up into his arms, making sure not to do anything that would cause pain for him, and skated him off of the ice. As soon as they were off of the ice, Blaine gently set Kurt down on a bench and knelt to the floor, undoing his skates and slipping them off of his feet as carefully as possible.

“Ew,” Blaine muttered under his breath, hoping Kurt wouldn't hear him…but he did.

“What?” Kurt asked cautiously.

“Uh…your ankle…it just…it's sort of, maybe, kind of swollen?”

Kurt glanced down at his ankle, which was already a little inflated.

“Ugh, yay,” Kurt deadpanned. “Remind me why we came ice skating?”

“I'm gonna go see if they have an ice pack that you can put on it.” Blaine said, starting to walk away but being stopped by someone grabbing his hand.

“Please don't leave me.” Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with tear-filled eyes.

Blaine sighed a little, sitting down next to Kurt and putting his arm around the boy when he rested his head against Blaine's shoulder.

“I'll get Wes to go and get one when he finally skates back round to this side of the rink.”

It didn't take long for Wes to skate back round and once he did, he immediately got off the ice and ran over to Kurt and Blaine.

“What happened?”

“We fell over and when Kurt tried to get up he slipped and fell on his ankle,” Blaine explained, whispering as he was pretty sure Kurt was asleep on his shoulder. “Which leads me onto asking if you could go and see if they have an ice pack that he can put on his ankle? I was going to get one but he doesn't wanna be by himself and his ankle looks really bad.”

“Sure,” Wes said, going off to find somebody who may be able to help him.

Almost five minutes later, Wes came back with…a whole first aid kit.

“I asked you to get an ice pack, not a whole hospital!” Blaine whisper-shouted.

“I know and I was going to get an ice pack but then I thought that he might wanna wrap it and…this happened.” Wes explained, holding the first aid kit up.

“Ugh, whatever,” Blaine laughed, nudging Kurt a little to wake him up. “Hey, we got you an ice pack. Well, Wes got you an ice pack and an entire first aid kit.”

Kurt looked up at the two of them confusedly for a moment before sitting up and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Blaine took the ice pack from Wes and wrapped it in tissue before kneeling on the floor and gently placing it on Kurt's ankle. Kurt hissed at first, but slowly adjusted to the cold feeling.

Once Blaine thought that the ice pack had been applied for a suitable amount of time, he removed it and pulled Kurt's sock off, causing the nineteen year old to look down at him with a raised eyebrow.

“What are you doing?”

“Wrapping your foot…” Blaine said as if it was completely obvious.

Kurt just laughed, allowing Blaine to get back to ‘wrapping his foot.'


“I can't walk like this!” Kurt exclaimed.

He had one shoe on and one shoe off as he attempted to walk towards Blaine's car.

“Hop?” Wes suggested.

“Very helpful,” Kurt deadpanned. “Just…can you guys help me, please?” Kurt sighed.

And that was how Wes and Blaine found themselves with one of Kurt's arms over each of their shoulders as he limped towards the car, trying not to grip his friends too hard.

They finally made it to the car and eased Kurt into the passenger seat, making sure he didn't bump his foot on anything and then began to make their way to Kurt's apartment.

Again, they had to help Kurt limp into his apartment, causing Santana to give them strange looks. Kurt just told her that he would explain everything later and enveloped Blaine in a hug.

“Thank you.”

“For what? You can't even walk because I took you ice skating.” Blaine pointed out, laughing a little.

“I still had fun,” Kurt countered. “And also thank you for helping me. I know I'm a little dramatic but you still helped me.”

“You're crazy if you think I'd do any different.”

Kurt pulled back and smiled at Blaine, desperately wanting to kiss him. They stayed like that for a few moments until Wes awkwardly cleared his throat from beside them, causing them to pull apart awkwardly.

“Uh...thank you as well, for helping me.” Kurt said, smiling at Wes.

“You're welcome.” Wes replied.


“You do realise that you and Kurt act more like a couple than actual couples do sometimes.”

“Wes…can I tell you something?” Blaine asked, seeming nervous as he sat next to his best friend on his sofa.

“Sure, what's wrong?”

“I…I think I'm falling in love with him,” Blaine muttered, staring down at his sofa and picking at his sleeves. “But I…I don't know what I'm supposed to do because I told him that we should be friends and I don't want to confuse him by saying that I want to date him and ugh, what do I do?”

“I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you should ask him out.”

“Why are you saying that?” Blaine asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Because I saw you two tonight. I haven't seen you that happy in so long and it was just because you were in Kurt's presence. Even after he hurt himself, it was obvious how much you cared about him. I don't think I've ever seen somebody look so in love before, and you're not even together. I know that it's killing you trying to stay just friends with him.”

“What if he doesn't feel the same way anymore?” Blaine asked.

“Oh my god,” Wes laughed. “I thought that being gay somehow meant that you weren't completely oblivious to when someone likes you or not.”

“I am not oblivious!”

“If you think that there's any possibility Kurt doesn't feel the same way about you, then yeah, you are.”

Blaine sighed, sitting silently for a few minutes. “Will you be okay here by yourself for a little while?” He asked all of a sudden. “I have to go do something.”

“If by something you mean ask Kurt out, then yes.” Wes laughed.

“Wish me luck.” Blaine said, laughing nervously as he made his way to the door.

“You don't need it!” Wes called to him as he left the apartment.


“Kurt, it's for you.” Santana said once she opened the door, revealing Blaine.

“Because I can clearly walk to the door.” Kurt said, gesturing to his swollen ankle.

“You're so dramatic, ugh,” Santana said, although there was affection in her voice. “Come in.”

Kurt smiled when Blaine entered the apartment, but he had a confused expression on his face soon after.

“Hey…not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?”

“I uh, wanted to ask you something…kind of.” Blaine said nervously, glancing at Santana as she left the living room.

“Okay,” Kurt smiled, patting the space next to him for Blaine to sit down.

“So uh…I, um, I was wondering if, um…”

“You're so nervous,” Kurt said, his smile faltering. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing! Nothing's wrong I just…uh…okay,” Blaine said, taking a deep breath. “I was wondering if youmaybewantedtogoonadatewithme?” Blaine rushed out, shutting his eyes.

When Kurt didn't reply, he slowly opened his eyes to see the nineteen year old smiling at him, looking as if he was trying to stop himself from laughing.

“What?” Blaine asked.

“You just…you were so nervous to ask me that,” Kurt giggled. “It was really cute.” Blaine made a little groaning noise, ducking his head as he blushed. “Aw, now you're blushing.”

“Just shut up and answer my question.” Blaine groaned, hiding his face.

“Yes,” Kurt laughed. “Of course I want to go on a date with you.”

“Oh thank god,” Blaine sighed. “I was worried that your feelings had changed or you thought that it was weird that I wanted to go on a date with you because I suggested that we don't date but you know, I couldn't stop thinking about you like, ever, and I can't be just friends anymore and mphff–” Kurt cut Blaine off the only way he could think – with a kiss.

Blaine made a shocked noise when Kurt first pressed their lips together but he soon melted into his, threading his fingers through Kurt's soft hair and pulling him closer.

When the two boys finally pulled apart, they leant their foreheads together; their faces so close that their noses were nudging together. They stayed there for a few minutes, just smiling at each other until Kurt broke the silence.

“I just hope your date idea doesn't require too much walking.” He said, laughing a little.

“We can wait until your ankle is better if you want?”

“Ugh, nooooo,” Kurt groaned, rubbing his nose against Blaine's. “That's too long.”

“It'll only take a few days,” Blaine laughed.

“I don't care. Still too long.” Kurt muttered, smiling.

“Okay,” Blaine replied, still laughing a little. “Is tomorrow soon enough for you?”

“Sigh, I suppose it'll have to do.” Kurt said dramatically, grinning at Blaine almost straight after as he failed to keep a straight face.

“I have to go,” Blaine said, pulling away from Kurt a little. “I left Wes in my apartment.”

“Boo,” Kurt frowned.

“Just keep thinking about our date tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” Kurt grinned.

Blaine stood up, leaning down to kiss Kurt quickly, pulling away with an adorable ‘mwah' sound.

“I'll see you tomorrow.” Blaine smiled.

“Bye.” Kurt replied sweetly, smiling at Blaine.


“You're acting like a five year old on Christmas morning!” Wes laughed as Blaine jumped onto his sofa and fist pumped the air.

“I'm going on a date with Kurt!” Blaine exclaimed, jumping up and down a little.

“All the more reason for you to sit down properly like a normal twenty nine year old so that you're not in hospital when tomorrow actually happens.”

Blaine sighed, jumping off of the sofa and sitting back down next to his best friend.

“I need to come up with the perfect date by tomorrow…” Blaine muttered. “Crap.

“Stop worrying,” Wes laughed. “That boy is crazy about you.”

“I just want it to be perfect.”

“It will be,” Wes assured him. “Just stop worrying so much about it.”


The next day, Blaine texted Kurt to tell him that he'd pick him up at six and Kurt grinned, clutching his phone to his chest and squealing for a few seconds before texting Blaine back.

Kurt spent the whole day limping around his room trying to find the perfect outfit before beginning to get ready. He finished getting ready way to early and was left with nothing to do but get extra nervous while he waited for Blaine to arrive.

There was a knock on the door just before six causing Kurt to jump off the sofa and wince in pain when he landed on his foot a little too hard. He recovered quickly, however, and made his way to the door, his breath catching in his throat as soon as he saw Blaine standing outside.

He was dressed in a plaid top, a light pink bow-tie and suspenders. If you'd have described the outfit to Kurt, he'd have told you that it would look ridiculous, but Blaine…he looked perfect.

“You look…” Kurt breathed out, unable to finish his sentence.

“So do you,” Blaine laughed nervously, holding his hand out for Kurt. “Come on.” He said, smiling and helping Kurt walk to the car.

Blaine took them to a small Chinese restaurant that Kurt didn't even know existed and they sat in a booth tucked away in the corner. Blaine shyly snuck his hand across the table and held Kurt's hand, running his thumb over the back of his soft hand as Kurt ducked his head, smiling as he blushed.

A waiter came over and took their orders, smiling at the sight of the two boys holding hands, before leaving once again.

“I don't think I've ever been this nervous on a date,” Blaine laughed, taking a sip of his drink.

“I've never even been on a date.” Kurt shrugged.

“Wait…you've never – but how?

“Because I'm me.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Blaine asked, genuinely confused about why nobody would want to date Kurt.

“Let's see,” Kurt began, counting each thing on his fingers. “I love fashion, I sound like a girl, I'm obsessed with musicals –”

“Okay firstly,” Blaine said, cutting Kurt off. “You don't sound anything like a girl, your voice is beautiful. And loving fashion and musicals is what's special about you. Don't you dare even try to put yourself down because I'm not going to let you. You're amazing, Kurt, and you don't even see it.”

“I -” Kurt was unable to speak as the waiter came back over with their dinner.

The subject was dropped as the two boys began to talk about other things and continue smiling at each other shyly over their food.

Far too soon, they'd finished dinner and desert and were making their way back home. Once they arrived at Kurt's apartment, Blaine helped Kurt walk to the door and took both of his hands into his own when they were just outside.

“I had fun tonight,” Kurt smiled. “Thank you.”

“You don't have to thank me,” Blaine insisted. “Um, I was wondering if you wanted to do anything tomorrow?”

“I can't,” Kurt frowned. “I have school.”

“Oh, I forgot about that,” Blaine laughed. “Oh well, we'll do something another day.”

“Okay.” Kurt grinned, leaning in at the same time as Blaine to press their lips together.

They got lost in each other for a while, their arms wrapped around each other's as they continued to kiss. They were snapped out of their little world when Santana opened the door, telling them to stop eating each other's faces.

“I'll be in in a minute,” Kurt said to Santana, looking at her over his shoulder until she went back inside. “Call me when you get home?”

“Mhm,” Blaine hummed, leaning back in to press a single kiss to Kurt's lips before pulling away completely.

Kurt stood outside until Blaine's car was out of sight, smiling like a lovesick idiot. He finally went back inside, leaning against the apartment door and trying to contain his happiness.

“I'd ask how it went,” Santana began, sitting on the sofa. “But I have a feeling you're going to turn into a teenage girl.”

Kurt rolled his eyes, crossing the room to sit next to his best friend. “It was perfect.” Kurt grinned.

“Clearly,” Santana laughed. “That little display you two put on out there makes me think it was more than perfect.”

“Shut up,” Kurt laughed, nudging Santana in the side. “Okay, I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to bed. Night Santana.”


Despite being in college the next day, Kurt spent all of his time texting Blaine. He couldn't participate in a lot of stuff, dance especially, anyway because of his foot, so why not text his boyfriend? The only downside was that texting and walking lead to not seeing where you were going, and not seeing where you were going meant walking straight into people.

Kurt screeched unnecessarily loudly when he walked into someone, sending them both flying over. He cried out in pain, sitting up and clutching his ankle, his phone somewhere in the deserted hall from where it went flying out of his hand.

“Oh my god!” The person exclaimed, shuffling over to Kurt. “Are you okay?”

Kurt shook his head, his face scrunching up in pain.

“Let me take you to the nurse's office,” He said, holding his hands out to help Kurt up.

“My phone,” Kurt squeezed out, trying desperately not to cry. The person retrieved Kurt's phone and handed it to him as soon as he managed to get Kurt up onto his feet…well, foot.

The person helped Kurt to the nurse's office, freaking out when Kurt started to cry. Kurt just shook his head, physically unable to talk because he was in so much pain.

He was barely able to tell the nurse that his ankle was already swollen before he fell over and sort of mumbled out his name when he was asked what it was.

Kurt began to freak out a little when he was told that he may have broken his ankle and he'd have to go to the hospital for an x-ray, muttering Blaine's name over and over again.

“Who's Blaine?” The nurse asked. “Does he go here?”

Kurt shook his head.

“Is there any way we can contact him?”

Kurt pulled his phone out with shaky hands, scrolling through his contacts to Blaine's name and handing the phone to the nurse.


Blaine was in the middle of helping Wes put furniture together for his new apartment when he heard his phone ringing from the other side of the room. He quickly ran across the room just in time to answer the phone, smiling when he saw Kurt's picture on his screen.

“Hey you,” Blaine greeted when he answered the phone.

“Is this Blaine?” A feminine voice asked.

“Uh, yeah…” Blaine replied, confusion evident on his face. Wes looked over at him questioningly, Blaine just shrugging at him in reply. “Who's this?”

“I'm a nurse at Kurt's college,” She explained. “I was wondering if you could possibly meet us at the hospital?”

“Hospital!?” Blaine exclaimed too loudly, causing Wes to cross the room and try to calm him down. “Why –what happened? Is he okay?”

“He's fine, he just may have broken his ankle,” Blaine breathed a sigh of relief. “We just need to take him in for an x-ray and he's a little shaken. He kept saying your name so I thought it would help if you could meet us there.”

“Yeah,” Blaine breathed, relieved that nothing serious had happened. “Yeah, I'll leave now.”

Once Blaine was finished on the phone, Wes insisted that he took Blaine to the hospital as he was still shaking from being told that he needed to go and meet Kurt at the hospital. He explained what happened to Wes while they were in the car and practically darted out of the car as soon as they were at the hospital.

He met the nurse outside – he only knew it was the nurse because she came over to Blaine and told him where Kurt was – before making his way inside to find Kurt. By the time he actually got to Kurt, he was getting a cast put on his foot.

“Hey,” Blaine smiled as he crossed the room, awkwardly hugging Kurt from the side and burying his face in the nineteen year olds hair. “What happened?”

“I walked into someone in the hall and fell over,” Kurt explained, clutching Blaine's arm to his chest where he was still sort-of-hugging him. “I obviously landed on my ankle and because it was already injured from Saturday I broke it.”

Blaine pressed kiss after kiss into Kurt's hair, never wanting to let go of him. “I'm so glad you're okay,” Blaine said, feeling a little emotional. “I was told that I needed to meet you at the hospital and I didn't know why. I kind of just assumed the worst.”

“All done,” The doctor said once he was finished with Kurt's cast, standing up and smiling. “Unfortunately, with the cast comes learning how to walk on crutches.”

“Blegh,” Kurt said, making Blaine laugh adoringly.

“I'll help you. I was on crutches when I was fifteen so I'm an expert.” He said, laughing still.

“What about school?” Kurt asked. “I go to a performing arts college. Pretty much everything except singing requires movement.”

“I would suggest just talking to your teachers and see what they say.” The doctor replied.

“Okay,” Kurt sighed.

“Let's get you up on these.” The doctor said, bringing a pair of crutches over to Kurt and helping him up.

Kurt was exhausted by the time he reached the door, and that was with Blaine's help.

“I feel like I'm gonna hate using these.” Kurt said to Blaine, sitting down on the first seat he saw.

“You'll get used to them.” Blaine laughed.

Wes, the nurse, and the boy that bumped into Kurt made their way over to him, asking him if he was okay.

“I'm so sorry,” The boy said, looking genuinely guilty. “I should've been looking where I was going.”

“It's okay,” Kurt replied with a smile. “I should've been looking where I was going too.”

“I'm Adam, by the way.”

“Kurt.” He replied.

“Do you want to come back to school or do you want to go with Blaine?” The nurse asked.

“Is it okay if I go with Blaine?” Kurt asked. “I can barely walk in with these and if I attempt to go to school right now I'll probably end up breaking my other ankle.”

“That's fine,” The nurse smiled. “Come on you.” She said to Adam, leading him out of the door.

“Ready to try and walk to the car?” Blaine asked with a smirk.

“Ugh,” Kurt groaned, eliciting laughter from Blaine and Wes. “Can't you just, like, carry me?”

“No,” Blaine laughed. “Come on, you need to learn how to walk on them.”

He helped Kurt stand up and helped him walk to the car, easing him into the passenger seat before putting his crutches in the back. Wes agreed to let him drive his own car back as he'd calmed down, and climbed into the back seat.

“You okay?” Blaine asked Kurt once he was in the car.

“Yeah,” Kurt smiled, leaning his head against the back of the seat.

“Good.” Blaine replied, leaning over to press a kiss to Kurt's forehead before making his way back to Wes's, dropping his best friend off and taking Kurt to his apartment.

“I feel kinda bad for leaving Wes,” Blaine said as he pulled away from his friend's apartment. “He's only just moved there and it's a mess.”

“We can go back if you want to?” Kurt suggested. “At least that way I get to watch you lift heavy stuff.”

“Ha ha,” Blaine said sarcastically, but couldn't stop himself from laughing a little bit. “He'll be fine. I'll help him out more tomorrow. I have you to look after right now.” He said, smiling softly at Kurt.

Kurt's face scrunched up happily, making Blaine laugh. Yeah, he had the cutest boyfriend ever.


The two boys spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the sofa watching movies and laughing as Blaine tried to throw popcorn into Kurt's mouth from where he was lying with his head in Blaine's lap.

“Open your mouth wider!” Blaine laughed.

“I can't open it any wider,” Kurt said, laughing. “You just can't aim, even though my face is like inches away from your hand.”

Blaine laughed, deliberately throwing popcorn at Kurt's face and making him giggle. Kurt reached behind him into the popcorn bowl and grabbed a handful.

“Open,” Kurt said, giggling. Blaine opened his mouth, trying not to laugh as Kurt threw all of the popcorn at him.

“I got some in my mouth!” Blaine laughed once he finished eating the little amount of popcorn that he actually caught in his mouth. “On another note, we're making a mess.”

“Buzz kill.” Kurt pouted, laughing his head off when he unexpectedly got another handful of popcorn thrown at his face.

“Were you never taught to eat your food and not play with it?” Blaine asked accusingly, leaning forward a little.

“Nope,” Kurt laughed, pulling Blaine further forward by the back of his head and beginning to kiss him.

“What have I gotten myself into?” Blaine teased, pressing another kiss to Kurt's lips.

“Shut up.” Kurt mumbled against Blaine's lips, keeping his hand on the back of his boyfriends head as they continued to kiss.


“My neck hurts,” Blaine laughed as he finally pulled away from the nineteen year old.

“You started it.” Kurt smirked.

“Am I allowed to clean up now, or…?”

“I suppose so.” Kurt sighed dramatically.

“You're lying in a pool of popcorn,” Blaine pointed out. “Just think about that for a second.”

“Ew,” Kurt said, his face scrunching up adorably.

“Exactly.” Blaine said, pressing a kiss to Kurt's nose before helping him sit up.

“I wanna help you,” Kurt sighed as Blaine began to clean up. “I feel bad.”

“Aw,” Blaine cooed, kneeling on the floor in front of Kurt. “It's okay, I promise.”

“I still feel like I should help.”

“You do realise that even if you tried to help, I wouldn't let you right? Broken ankle or no broken ankle.”

“Just hurry up so that we can get back to cuddling.” Kurt smiled, leaning forward to brush his nose against Blaine's.

Blaine grinned, pressing a kiss to Kurt's lips and pulling away with a ‘mwah' before going back to tidying up.


“I don't wanna go home.” Kurt groaned. They were lying back on the sofa watching a movie – Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's chest.

“You can stay if you want,” Blaine replied. “But you'll have to wear my clothes to school tomorrow.”

Kurt looked up at Blaine, grinning at the idea of having to wear Blaine's clothes. “That idea appeals to me.”

“Me too.” Blaine laughed, pressing a tiny kiss to Kurt's lips.

“Speaking of…do you have anything I can change into to sleep in?”

“Yup,” Blaine smiled, sitting Kurt up before getting up and going into his bedroom, returning a few moments later.

Kurt made his way into the bathroom slowly, the clothes resting on his shoulder, so he could get changed.

He struggled when it came to getting out of his jeans, but eventually succeeded and changed into the pyjama bottoms that Blaine had given him, feeling much more comfortable.

“You okay in there?” Blaine asked from outside the bathroom. “You've been in there for a while.”

Kurt opened the door, smiling at Blaine's worried expression. “I couldn't get my jeans off, I'm fine though.”

Blaine grinned, loving how Kurt looked in his clothes.

“What?” Kurt asked, looking down at himself self-consciously.

“Nothing…you look adorable.” Blaine said, laughing softly.

Kurt groaned, hiding his face but grinning nonetheless.

“Come on, let's go cuddle on the sofa some more before we go to bed. I was comfy before.”

Kurt giggled, grabbing his crutches and making his way back to the sofa with Blaine. They stayed there for another hour or so watching TV, content with not speaking as they held each other close. Soon enough, however, they were making their way to bed. Kurt happily crawled in next to Blaine and snuggled up to his side, resting his head on his boyfriends chest as Blaine pulled the covers around them, kissing the top of Kurt's head when the nineteen year old began to drift to sleep almost instantly.


When Kurt awoke the next morning, he rolled over to see that Blaine was missing from the bed and there was a sweet smell drifting through the apartment. Sitting up at the edge of the bed and grabbing his crutches, Kurt began to make his way into the kitchen, smiling when he reached the doorway and saw Blaine dancing and singing to music. He leaned against the doorframe, watching as Blaine continued to dance around until he turned around and saw Kurt standing there with a grin on his face, almost screaming.

“Don't do that!” Blaine said, laughing. “You scared me.”

“I didn't know being your boyfriend meant I was privileged enough for private kitchen concerts.” Kurt teased as Blaine walked over to the door.

“Shut up,” Blaine laughed, leaning in to kiss Kurt, only to be pushed back.

“Morning breath.” Kurt grimaced.

“Don't care,” Blaine replied, leaning back in and kissing Kurt, laughing when he ducked down to get away from Blaine. “I would chase you but you're injured so I'll let you off.”

“Let's get go and brush our teeth so you can kiss me properly.” Kurt laughed, standing up and limping towards the bathroom, resting as much weight as possible on his crutches.

Once Kurt reached the bathroom, he froze, causing Blaine to walk straight into him.

“What's wrong?” Blaine asked.

“I don't have a toothbrush.”

“I have spare ones, dummy.” Blaine laughing, reaching around Kurt to open the bathroom door, leading him inside.

Once inside, Blaine knelt down and began to rifle through the cabinet at the bottom of his sink for a spare toothbrush.

“Voila!” Blaine exclaimed triumphantly, standing up and handing a brand new toothbrush to Kurt.

“Thank you.” Kurt giggled, taking the toothbrush out of its packaging.

The two boys brushed their teeth in comfortable silence, glancing at each other in the mirror and grinning around their toothbrushes.

When he finished brushing his teeth, Kurt stood awkwardly, staring at the toothbrush intently.

Blaine laughed adoringly, taking it from Kurt's hand and placing it in the cup that stood by his sink, along with his own toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste, smiling like he'd done something incredible.

“You're ridiculous,” Kurt laughed, steading himself against the sink.

“Am I allowed to kiss you now?” Blaine asked hopefully, grinning at Kurt like a small child.

“Yes.” Kurt answered simply, smiling as he leaned forward to meet Blaine in a kiss.

Blaine brought his hands to rest of Kurt's waist, helping him stand a little as he moved his hands from the sink to wrap his arms around Blaine's neck, never breaking the kiss.

“Why do I have to go to school?” Kurt mumbled against Blaine's lips.

Blaine laughed, finally disconnecting the kiss.

“Speaking of – you're going to be late if we don't leave soon. Go get ready, I left some clothes on top of my dresser for you.”

“Fine.” Kurt pouted, pressing one last kiss to Blaine's lips before grabbing his crutches and making his way into the bedroom.


“Hey, wait up!” Kurt heard from behind him.

Turning around, Kurt was met with the face of the guy who he'd bumped into the day before.

“Hey,” Kurt smiled. “Adam, right?”

“Yeah,” Adam replied. “I just wanted to say sorry, again, about yesterday.”

“I told you, it's fine,” Kurt laughed, slowly walking through the corridor beside Adam. “It was partly my fault anyway.”

“I know but I still feel guilty…you broke your ankle.”

“It's okay,” Kurt exaggerated, still laughing a little.

“At least let me buy you lunch? It's not really good consolation for breaking your ankle but…”

“If you insist,” Kurt sighed dramatically, giggling straight after.


“Hold on,” Kurt said, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. He smiled when he saw a text from Blaine flash up on the screen.

Blaine: Do you need me to pick you up after school?

Kurt speared another forkful of his salad into his mouth before tapping out a reply.

Kurt: It's fine. I'm gonna study with Adam after school so I'll just get him to take me home xx

Kurt considered whether he should send the kisses or not, but decided to hit send before he chickened out.

Blaine: Okay :) xx

Kurt grinned, locking his phone and placing it next to his bowl on the lunch table.

“Who was that?” Adam asked teasingly.

“Blaine,” Kurt replied, smiling a little as he continued to eat his lunch.

“Is he like your brother or uncle or something?” Adam asked, causing Kurt to nearly choke on his lettuce.

Kurt cleared his throat a little, taking a sip of his water before replying.

“Uh…no, he's my boyfriend.”

“Oh,” Adam said awkwardly, staring down at his food. “But…he looked so much older than you.”

“He's not that much older than me.” Kurt said defensively, suddenly not feeling hungry.

“How old is he?”

“…Twenty nine.” Kurt said quietly.

“Where did you even meet him?” Adam asked, seemingly shocked.

“It's a really long story, can we just…not talk about it please?” Kurt asked, feeling more than uncomfortable.

“Okay,” Adam agreed.


Blaine was fed up. He'd hardly spoken to his boyfriend in two weeks and it was frustrating as hell. Obviously he'd tried to take Kurt on dates or just share a phone call with the nineteen year old, but he always seemed so damn busy.

He'd bring Kurt coffee every morning and they'd get to talk for a few minutes before Kurt was rushing off, saying that he was going to be late to class, or he wouldn't even be there by the time he  reached his apartment and Santana would answer the door.

He'd text Kurt every day asking if he wanted to go to Blaine's for dinner, but he always seemed to have study sessions with Adam.  Blaine would call Kurt every night, just to talk to him, but he always seemed to be studying.

Blaine understood that Kurt had a lot of tests, but their relationship had only just started and it was already falling apart. He wasn't jealous of Adam, but he missed Kurt. He missed talking to him and laughing with him. He missed kissing him and cuddling up on the sofa to watch movies with him. He just wished that his boyfriend missed him as much as he missed Kurt.

“You okay?” One of Blaine's colleagues asked, noticing how miserable he seemed.

“Yeah, I just…tired.” Blaine said, running his hands through his hair.

“Go home and get some rest,” She said with a smile. “It's Friday anyway, nobody will even notice you're missing.”

“I- yeah, okay,” Blaine sighed. “Thanks.”


Blaine went home with the intention of moping around watching terrible movies that he hated and thinking about how much of a failure his relationship was, but when he smelt a strange scent coming from his kitchen, he knew there wasn't a chance in hell that was going to happen.

He briefly considered whether he should even enter the kitchen, what if he was being robbed? But then he realised that somebody was clearly cooking and it was highly unlikely that if somebody broke into his apartment with the intention of robbing him they would be cooking him dinner as a sorry.

“Kurt?” Blaine said in surprise when he opened the kitchen door to find his kitchen table full of candles, Kurt standing at his oven and cooking who knows what.

“Blaine!” Kurt squealed. “Um…you're not supposed to be here.”

“Neither are you. Shouldn't you be in school?”

“We uh…had dance lessons all day so I got sent home.”

“And you got into my apartment how…?” Blaine asked, raising his eyebrow.

“I kind of…maybe…sort of found your spare key?” Kurt squeaked out. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here without asking you first but I just kind of wanted to surprise you and if I told you it wouldn't have been much of a surprise and…I'm sorry.”

“It's okay,” Blaine smiled. “It's not every day I come home to find a cute guy cooking in my kitchen with about a dozen candles around my kitchen, so I'll let you off.”

Kurt blushed but smiled nonetheless, getting back to whatever he was doing.


“Why am I only just finding out that you can cook like this?” Blaine groaned, shoving another forkful of food in his mouth.

“Close your mouth when you eat please, this was supposed to be romantic.” Kurt laughed.

Blaine swallowed his food before reaching across the table for Kurt's hand.

“It is romantic. You may have broken into my apartment but you cooked an unbelievably delicious meal and this kitchen looks like something out of a movie,” Blaine laughed, looking around at the candles that lit up his kitchen. “It's probably the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me.”

Although the room was dimly lit, Blaine could see the blush appearing on Kurt's cheeks as he smiled shyly.

“Now seriously…where did you learn to cook like this?” Blaine asked, continuing with his dinner.

“We did cookery in high school and I liked it so Elaine started teaching me stuff after school,” Kurt explained. “Other than that I just look at cookbooks.”

“This is like heaven on a plate.”

“You're such a dork,” Kurt laughed.

“I'm serious.”

“Don't eat too much, you need room for dessert.”

“You made dessert too?” Blaine asked. “I officially have the best boyfriend ever.”

“Shut up,” Kurt laughed.


After dessert, the two boys made their way into Blaine's living room with the intention of watching TV, but all they ended up doing was rolling around on Blaine's sofa, making out with each other.

“Ignore it.” Blaine mumbled against Kurt's lips when his phone buzzed on the table next to them.

“It might be important –” Kurt pointed out as Blaine left a trail of kisses from his mouth to his neck, continuing to kiss the skin there. Kurt reached out to grab his phone, allowing his boyfriend to continue kissing beneath his ear. “It's Adam.” Kurt said breathlessly, trying to tap out a reply while Blaine kissed him.

Blaine froze as soon as he heard Adams name.

“Of course it is.” Blaine muttered under his breath, sitting up and moving so that he was no longer on top of Kurt.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Kurt asked as he stopped hitting the keys on his phone.

“Nothing.” Blaine replied, standing up and leaving the room.

“Blaine!” Kurt shouted, following Blaine into his bedroom as fast as possible with his crutches. “What the hell was that?”

“Nothing, Kurt.”

“Don't lie to me. What's wrong?”

“Kurt, I'm fi-”


Something inside Blaine snapped and he stood up, his heartbeat speeding up as he turned to face Kurt.

“You want to know what's wrong?” He asked, not being able to stop the words from spilling out of his mouth. “I'm sick of you ignoring me, that's what's wrong! Recently any time I try to see you or talk to you, you're either too busy studying with Adam or you're late for school. It's like you don't even want to spend time with me and we've only just started dating!”

“Are you seriously jealous of Adam?” Kurt asked incredulously.

“It seems as if you'd rather spend time with him than you would with me,” Blaine pointed out, his hazel eyes filling with tears. “Like just then. I was kissing you and you were more interested in texting him. How is that supposed to make me feel?”

“He's my friend, Blaine! It's not like I have the biggest supply of people willing to be friends with me!”

“What the hell are you talking about? You have loads of friends!”

“Like who? I have Santana and Adam.”

“You have Wes,” Blaine pointed out. “And me.”

“That's not the same, though. Yeah I'm friends with Wes but he's not somebody that I feel like I could text or call if I needed to talk to someone. And you're my boyfriend, it's not the same thing.”

“That's not the point anyway!” Blaine cried. “I know he's your friend and there's nothing wrong with that but it'd be nice if you actually showed me that you cared every once in a while.”

“Are you kidding me?” Kurt asked, laughing. “I came over here so that I could make dinner for you and you say that I don't care?”

“You've hardly spoken to me in two weeks!” Blaine exclaimed, willing himself not to cry. “Tonight was the first time I've actually felt like I have a boyfriend and like always, Adam was more important.”

“I wasn't going to ignore him, Blaine! I was texting him to tell him that I was busy.”

“I can't do this.” Blaine said, suddenly a lot quieter as his tears finally spilled over, sitting on the edge of his bed and pulling his trainers on and making his way into the living room.

“Blaine! Where are you going?” Kurt asked, following him slowly on his crutches.

“Out…somewhere, anywhere, I don't know. I just need to get some fresh air. Just…go home, Kurt.” Blaine said, unable to stop the tears from coming.

“So this is how it's gonna be from now on?” Kurt asked. “Whenever we have an argument you're just gonna leave?”

“I don't know what else I'm supposed to do, Kurt!” Blaine cried, more tears spilling from his golden eyes.

“You're supposed to talk to me! We're in a relationship, we're supposed to be able to talk about things!”

“I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to you when you can't even see how much you're hurting me!” Blaine practically screamed.

“Blaine,” Kurt said, his voice a lot softer. “Adam doesn't mean anything to me. Not the way that you do.”

“Why should I believe that?” Blaine asked, his voice breaking. “You'd clearly rather spend time with him than me.”

“You should believe that because I'm your boyfriend and you should be able to trust me,” Kurt said, feeling sick.

“It doesn't even feel like you're my boyfriend anymore.” Blaine said in a strangled voice, trying to contain a sob.

“God dammit Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed. “Adam's not the one that I'm in love with! Why is that so hard for you to see!?”

Blaine's heart began to beat even faster – if that was possible – as his breath caught in his throat, more tears leaving his eyes. He wrapped his arms around himself, feeling like a small child.

“I don't want to be with Adam, or anybody else. I only want to be with you.”

Blaine was seconds away from pretty much jumping into Kurt's arms and never letting him go when there was a knock on the door. He sighed but he sounded like he was choking as he tried not to let the sobs that were desperate to leave his body out.

Wiping his eyes as much as possible, Blaine made his way to the door.

“Look, I'm not interested in buying anything so –” Blaine began, cut off by the man on the other side of the door.

“You're Blaine Anderson, right?”


“I…you probably have no idea who I am,” The man said, laughing nervously, “Um…my name's Cooper, I…I…I'm your brother.”

Blaine froze. “…Is this some kind of sick joke?” He asked. “I don't have a brother.”

“I know that you think you don't but…I'm almost eighteen years older than you. I had already left home by the time you were born and when I was told that mum died…I couldn't come home.”

“No…” Blaine said, shaking his head and feeling incredibly faint. “No…you're not my brother. I don't have a brother. Dad would've told me if I had a brother!”

Kurt couldn't stop himself from coming closer to Blaine when he saw how broken and confused he looked.

“He hated me,” The man…Cooper…replied. “He didn't want to lose you, even though he did anyway.”

“No!” Blaine screamed. “Stop it! You're not my brother!”

“Blaine -” Kurt said, trying to comfort Blaine, only to be pushed away.

“Leave me alone!” Blaine cried, running into his bedroom.

Kurt would've run, or tried to run anyway, after him had it not been for the man standing at the door, probably confused as hell.

“Is he okay?” He asked, seeming genuinely concerned.

“Yeah…I…he will be. We kinda had a huge fight before you came and…I don't know.” Kurt said, feeling a little confused himself. “You're really his brother, aren't you?”

“How'd you guess?” The guy asked, laughing a little.

“You look like him,” Kurt pointed out. “Plus you seem genuinely worried about him even though you've never met him before.”

“Can you just…give him my number and tell him that I want to talk to him? Whenever he's ready.”

“Sure.” Kurt smiled, accepting the piece of paper that said ‘Cooper Anderson' followed by his number.

“Thank you.”


When Kurt entered Blaine's room, it was to find Blaine sitting on the end of his bed, staring blankly at the door as if he was waiting for Kurt.

“Blaine?” Kurt said softly, making his way towards the bed on his crutches and sitting next to his boyfriend.

Blaine looked up at Kurt, his face instantly scrunching up as sobs began to wrack his body, tears streaming endlessly down his face.

He curled himself into a little ball, his knees drawn up to his chest, and rocked himself back and forth, crying harder than he'd cried in so long.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine as best as he could, whispering calming words into his hair where he peppered kisses.

He gently maneuvered himself and Blaine into a lying position, trying not to move his leg too quickly. Blaine buried his face in Kurt's chest, fisting his t-shirt with his hand as he soaked it with tears.

The two of them eventually fell asleep in that position – Kurt's fingers tangled in Blaine's curls and Blaine's whole body snuggled as close as possible.


Kurt awoke to the sound of knocking on Blaine's apartment door. He detangled himself from Blaine carefully so as not to wake his boyfriend and grabbed his crutches, limping his way into the living room.

“You look like crap,” Wes said once Kurt opened the door to him too.

“Hi to you too,” Kurt retorted. “Blaine's asleep.”

“He's always asleep at this hour on a Saturday,” Wes laughed. “Seriously though, why do you look so crappy?”

Kurt sighed, gesturing for Wes to come inside before sitting next to him on the sofa and beginning to explain the events of the previous night.

“We got into a huge fight last night and while we were basically still fighting someone showed up saying that he was Blaine's brother. Blaine didn't believe him but…he was definitely Blaine's brother,” Kurt sighed. “He's a mess. He didn't say one word to me afterwards, he just cried himself to sleep in my arms.”

“Wow…” Wes said.

“You don't seem as surprised as I'd expect you to be…” Kurt pointed out. “I just told you that Blaine's brother – who he didn't even know existed – showed up last night.”

“That's because I'm not surprised…” Wes said, biting his lip. “I kind of already knew that he had a brother.”

“What?!” Kurt exclaimed, lowering his voice when he realised how loud he'd been. “You knew that your best friend had a brother all of these years and you didn't once think to tell him?”

Neither Kurt nor Wes noticed Blaine standing at the door of his bedroom with tears rolling down his cheeks until they heard a sniffle come from him.

“Blaine -” Wes started.

“Don't,” Blaine said brokenly. “You knew I had a brother? How could you not tell me something like that?”

“I…I couldn't,” Wes said, staring down at his hands. “When I was little I ran into the office and I accidentally knocked your file off of a desk. I didn't know what it was so I picked it up and it said that you had a brother.  I wanted to tell you straight away but one of the social workers found me and told me that I couldn't tell you because your dad didn't want you to know.”

“We're not in care anymore!” Blaine cried.

“Blaine…I'm so-”

“Get out.” Blaine said, his voice cracking a little.

“Blaine –”

“Go. Away.” Blaine said, and he was actually kind of scaring Kurt. He'd never seen Blaine look, or sound, so threatening.

Guiltily, Wes stood up and made his way out of the apartment.

“Blaine, are you –”

“You weren't there.” Blaine said, more tears falling from his eyes.


“I woke up and you weren't there. I thought you left me.” Blaine said brokenly, a small sob escaping him.

“Blaine, baby -” Kurt said sadly. “Come here.” He said, opening his arms for Blaine.

Blaine made his way over to the sofa, sitting next to Kurt and cuddling into his arms.

“I could never leave you,” He said, pressing a kiss into Blaine's hair. “I promise you, I'm not going anywhere.”

“I love you,” Blaine said, his voice cracking as he looked up at Kurt with tear stained cheeks, more tears appearing in his eyes. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Blaine.” Kurt replied, hugging Blaine close with everything in him.

“He's my brother, isn't he?” Blaine asked, burying his face in Kurt's shoulder. “Cooper…he's really my brother.”

Kurt nodded, wishing he could take Blaine's pain away. “Yeah…he is.”

Blaine let out another sob, clinging to Kurt like his life depended on him.

“Why did nobody tell me?” Blaine cried. “How could my dad keep that from me for twenty nine years? I don't even know him anymore and he still managed to keep it from me.” He said, soaking Kurt's top all over again.

“I don't know,” Kurt whispered hopelessly. “I really don't know.”

“I thought I was finished with stupid, family drama. I thought that now that I'm living on my own I could finally start my own life and forget about that stupid excuse for a father but he's still finding ways to make my life a complete hell.”

“I'm so sorry, baby,” Kurt replied. “I…I wish I knew how to help you…to take all of your pain away.”

“Hey,” Blaine whispered, sitting up and cupping Kurt's cheek. “You are helping me. Just by sitting here right now, you're helping me.”


Kurt and Blaine were lying on the sofa – Blaine with his head pillowed on Kurt's chest – watching a movie when Kurt's phone began to ring. He grabbed it from the coffee table and bit his lip when he saw the caller ID.

“It's Adam…”

“Just answer it.” Blaine said, sitting up and leaning against the back of the sofa.

Kurt didn't miss the broken expression on Blaine's face when he answered the call, and didn't miss how he went to stand up, but he stopped him with a hand on his wrist.

“Hey, Adam…um, I can't really talk at the moment…Blaine's kind of going through a lot right now and he needs me so…okay…okay…bye.”

“You didn't have to do that,” Blaine said, although it was clearly a lie. “I would've been fine.”

“Yes I did,” Kurt said, sitting up and pulling Blaine down next to him. “Firstly, you clearly wouldn't have been fine and secondly, even if you would've been fine I would've done the same thing. You're more important right now, okay?”

Blaine replied by wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and burying his face in his shoulder.

“Thank you,” Blaine whispered quietly. “I know I've been acting like a jealous brat -”

“Shut up, Blaine,” Kurt laughed. “You had every right to be upset with me. I have been ignoring you, but I swear I didn't mean to. I've been busy with so many tests – and I know that's no excuse – and I didn't realise that I was pushing you away, and then I didn't realise how much I hurt you. If I ever do it again then tell me straight away, and if I don't listen then shout at me, and if I still don't listen then hit me over the head with something really hard.” He said, eliciting a small laugh from Blaine. “There's that beautiful smile.” Kurt said, smiling at his boyfriend.

“I'm sorry too,” Blaine said. “I should've tried harder, and I should've believed you when you said that Adam doesn't mean anything to you I just…I don't know. Sometimes I feel like you're gonna find somebody your own age and you're gonna leave me. I know it's stupid but –”

“It's okay. I feel like that too sometimes and I wonder why you settled for me but then I'll look over and you'll be doing something completely stupid like balancing popcorn on your nose and I'll realise that I don't care. And that's really selfish but it's true.”

“I didn't settle for you, I fell in love with you. There's a big difference.”

Kurt grinned at him. “I love hearing you say that you're in love with me.”

“I'm in love with you.” Blaine said, smiling at Kurt.

“I'm in love with you too,” Kurt giggled.

“What should I do about the whole brother thing?” Blaine asked.

“Well that conversation changed quickly…”

“I'm serious. I don't know what I should do…”

“I have his number if you want to talk to him,” Kurt said, rubbing his hands up and down Blaine's arms. “But you don't have to until you're ready.”

“I don't think I'll ever be ready.” Blaine laughed.

“That's okay too. It's completely up to you,” Kurt said, grabbing the paper with Cooper's number on it. “You can rip this up if you want to. Or, you can leave it in your wallet or on your dresser and use it when and if you want to.”

“Will you be there?” Blaine asked, taking the paper from Kurt and staring down at the number on it. “If I call him…will you stay with me?”

“If you want me to be with you then I'll be with you.”

“Thank you.” Blaine smiled, hugging his boyfriend tightly.

“I love you.” Kurt said as if that explained everything.

“I love you too.”


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