After All These Years
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After All These Years: Chapter 10

M - Words: 6,606 - Last Updated: Jul 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 01, 2014 - Updated: Jan 01, 2014
165 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

And weve reached the end! Im not the proudest of this chapter but yano...I like the ending :) I was thinking about maybe doing a series of missing moments kind of, like stories from when they were in care or random things that couldve been in the story but I didnt write, so let me know if you want me to do that :) Enjoy!

The boys spent their two weeks in Italy, and there was hardly a moment that they werent smiling. Kurt had randomly brought up the idea of kids while they were cuddled up in bed one evening, and Blaine had told him that he was having the exact same thoughts.

It took them a while to decide exactly what they wanted to do, and then they had to find a surrogate. As it happened, their surrogate ended up pregnant with twins. When they first found out, Kurt and Blaine werent really sure how to react, but they soon accepted it and as time passed they became more and more excited.

They found out that they were having a girl and a boy - ironically - and theyd decided to call them Melody and Mason, which Wes scolded them for. Apparently, Mia, Mason and Melody was a ridiculous group of names, but Blaine changed his mind by pointing out that their children would match - even if it was slightly weird.

The twins both had Kurts hair colour and light brown eyes from the surrogate. Melody had a slightly chubbier face than Mason, and Kurt appeared to have an obsession with her cheeks. Mia was extremely excited when they were born and she was unable to stop grinning when she held each of them, Wes helping her of course.

A year later, and Kurt and Blaine couldnt be happier. They had moved into a cosy little house not too far from the apartment that they had lived in as their apartment only had one bedroom. The twins had been crawling around for a while and were starting to take adorable little steps by themselves, along with them trying to talk.

Mia was five, and Melody had already become her best friend. Kurt and Blaine occasionally had Mia to stay over to give Wes and Caroline a break, and she would spend hours going through Melodys wardrobe and picking out outfits that she liked. Melody seemed to enjoy putting on a fashion show, so Kurt happily dressed her up in the outfits that Mia would pick out and laugh as she toddled over to Blaine with a big grin on her face.

"Da!" She exclaimed, clapping as Blaine took photos of her and laughed at the smile on her face.

"You look beautiful!" Blaine said, eliciting a loud giggle from Melody. She plopped herself down on the floor and crawled over to Mason, everything else completely forgotten.

Mia skipped over to the pair and sat down on the floor. Melody made a little noise and held her arms up until Mia picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"When did Mia get so mature?" Kurt asked with a little laugh, joining Blaine on the sofa.

"Wes is her dad," Blaine pointed out. "Im surprised it took her five years." He laughed.

"Very true." Kurt agreed, snuggling into Blaines arms as they watched the three children sitting on the floor playing.

Blaine couldnt help the grin that spread across his face when Mason pointed to his sippy cup on the table and said, "Ju ju ju!" excitedly. He got the cup of the table and gave it to the one year old, grinning wider when he let out a little "ta" and drank from it. Blaine pressed a kiss to the top of his head and whispered a tiny I love you that nobody could hear before re-joining Kurt on the sofa.

When the twins were six, Kurt got his first big part in a play. He found out while he was working and as soon as he got home, he all but ran through the house shouting I GOT THE PART! until he reached Blaine and jumped into his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and squealing happily. Blaine barely caught him and was laughing loudly, a wide smile on his face.

"I knew you could do it!" Blaine exclaimed, his arms wrapped tightly around Kurts body. "Im so proud of you!"

"What did papa do?" Melody asked Blaine from where she was sat at the kitchen table opposite Mason, eating her lunch.

Blaine lowered Kurt to the floor and kissed him on the cheek before answering Melodys question. "Remember how we explained to you that papa isnt at home on Saturday mornings because hes auditioning for plays?"

"Yup," Melody nodded. "Like the play I did in school. We did auditions for that."

"Well, he got the part that he auditioned for a few months ago." Blaine explained.

"Yay!" Melody grinned.

Kurt chuckled, pressing a kiss to Melodys forehead.

"Can we come to see your play?" Mason asked.

"Of course you can," Kurt replied with a smile. "Im getting tickets for everyone if it kills me."

"Yay!" Melody and Mason exclaimed at the same time, eliciting laughter from Kurt and Blaine.

"Our children our insane." Kurt laughed.

"Tell me about it." Blaine agreed, chuckling.

Kurt ended up reserving a whole row of seats for Blaine, Melody, Mason, Wes, Caroline, Mia, Cooper and Jessica - Coopers wife - for his opening night. Kurt was giddy at the prospect of performing in his first show ever, and he was practically bouncing with excitement for the entire day.

Blaine made sure to cheer louder than everyone else in the audience and was practically squealing with excitement. When they play was over he whispered to Wes to look after the twins for a few moments and he snuck out Kurts dressing room.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed when the door opened to reveal his husband.

"You were amazing!" Blaine said, entering the room and shutting the door behind him. He pulled the thirty two year old into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Im so proud of you."

"I cant believe that really just happened," Kurt said, grinning as he hugged Blaine back. "It feels so surreal."

Blaine attached his lips to Kurts, hoisting his husband into the air as Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaines waist and his arms around Blaines neck. They didnt break their kiss once as Blaine walked Kurt over to his dressing table, pushing everything out of the way and sitting him on the edge of it. Kurt had just begun to untuck Blaines shirt from his jeans when the door opened and there was an awkward cough.

They pulled away from each other and turned to the door to find Wes shielding the twins eyes. "Um..."

"Oh my god!" Kurt exclaimed, blushing as he jumped off of the table and Blaine tucked his shirt back into his jeans.

"Stop it!" Mason whined, batting Wes hand away.

Noticing that Kurt and Blaine were decent , Wes removed his hands from the twins faces and allowed them to run over and hug Kurt.

"Well done papa!" Melody said, grinning at Kurt.

"You were amazing papa!" Mason exclaimed.

Kurt chuckled and knelt down in front of the six year olds, pressing kisses to each of their cheeks. "Thank you," He smiled. "I saw you guys sitting with daddy and it looked like you did amazing clapping."

"I clapped the loudest!" Melody announced proudly.

"So did I!" Mason grinned.

Kurt laughed. "I love you guys."

"We love you too!" Melody sing-songed, giggling loudly.

"Lets go find Mia," Wes suggested. "Your daddies will come and find us soon, okay?"

Kurt pressed another kiss to each of their cheeks once again before they skipped off with Wes. He got up off the floor and walked back over to Blaine, running his hands over Blaines chest while his husband placed his hands on Kurts hips.

"Were so finishing this later," He grinned. "But right now I need to get changed so that we can go and join our crazy family."

"Im holding you to that." Blaine smirked, pressing a kiss to Kurts lips before leaving the room to find Wes and everyone else.

As soon as Kurt left the theatre, he was enveloped into a crowd of people congratulating him. He let out a squeal, laughing and thanking everybody until he was able to squeeze his way through and find Blaine and the others.

"Papas famous!" Melody exclaimed from her position in Blaines arms.

Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes fondly, lifting up a suddenly tired Mason. "Wanna go home." He mumbled, resting his head against Kurts shoulder and shutting his eyes.

"We are soon, little man." Kurt assured him, kissing the top of his head.

"You were amazing tonight Kurt." Cooper said.

"Thank you," Kurt replied with a little giggle, half-hugging both Cooper and Jessica. "Are you guys coming back to ours?"

"No, were just gonna head home - were old now remember." Cooper chuckled.

Kurt laughed. "You sound like Blaine when hes feeling sorry for himself."

"Hey!" Blaine laughed.

"Thank you for coming though." Kurt added.

Soon after, Kurt, Blaine, Wes, Caroline, Mia, Mason and Melody were making their way to Kurt and Blaines house. Mason was asleep on Kurts lap and Melody was showing off her reading skills to Mia. When they got home, Kurt took Mason to bed and pressed a kiss to his head, tucking him in and retreating to the living room. Mia and Melody happily ran up to Melodys room to play, leaving the adults downstairs.

"Champagne!" Blaine announced, going into the kitchen to get the bottle of champagne he brought and four glasses. He handed everyone a glass and poured the champagne in. "To my amazingly talented husband, who killed it tonight," He began, grinning at the adorable blush on Kurts cheeks. "Im so proud of you. To Kurt!"

"To Kurt!" They all cheered and clinked their glasses together.

Kurt grinned and hid his face in Blaines neck, blushing furiously.

"Hey, no," Wes laughed, poking Kurt in the arm. "You cant get all embarrassed now."

"Are you - oh my god youre crying," Blaine said. "Why are you crying?"

"Theyre happy tears," Kurt laughed, lifting his head and wiping his eyes. "Ive worked my butt off my entire life for this moment and it feels so unreal that it actually happened."

"Aw, Kurt," Blaine chuckled, wrapping his arms around his husband. "I always told you that you could, and would, do it."

"I know, I know," Kurt said, laughing a little and wiping the rest of his tears away. "Okay, no more tears."

"Good," Blaine smiled. "This is supposed to be a happy night and Im not happy when youre crying." He pouted.

"Stop it." Kurt laughed, shoving him playfully.

"You guys are such babies," Wes commented. "Mia is more mature than you."

"Its him," Kurt replied. "Hes a bad influence on me."

"Im offended." Blaine gasped teasingly, putting his hand over his heart.

Kurt just laughed as they all made their way over to the sofa and sat down, Kurt cuddling up to Blaines side a little. Mia and Melody came running down the stairs and over to the four adults a few moments later.

"Daddy, can Mia stay over please?" Melody asked sweetly.

Blaine down at Kurt, who nodded the tiniest bit before turning to Wes and Caroline. "Its okay with us if its okay with you?"

"Please daddy?" Mia asked, knowing Wes was more likely to give in than Caroline.

"Its fine with me." Wes said, looking at his wife.

"Please mommy?" Mia asked, a little grin on her face.

Caroline sighed dramatically, teasing Mia. "I suppose so."

"Yay!" She exclaimed, hugging each of her parents. "Thank you."

The two girls ran back up to Melodys room, giggling happily while their parents laughed at their antics.

"I love how close they are," Blaine commented with a smile. "Even though theyre four years apart."

"You and Kurt are eleven years apart and you guys were that close when you were younger." Wes pointed out.

"Yeah, but I was thirteen and I wanted to look after him," Blaine said. "Those two are just...something else."

"At least they dont hate each other." Caroline added, eliciting laughter from the three boys.

"Whats up with you?" Kurt asked a thirteen year old Mason who was lazily stabbing his dinner with his fork.

"He has a crush," Melody supplied nonchalantly.

"Aww." Blaine cooed, taking a sip of his water.

"On Mia." She added - Blaine choked on his water.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked his husband, amused by his reaction.

"Yup," Blaine croaked. "Yup, Im fine...So, um...Mia, huh?"

"I dont want to talk about it." Mason groaned.

"Hey, its completely natural." Kurt assured him.

"No its not," Melody grimaced. "Shes my best friend; its weird."

"Its not weird," Kurt said, eyeing his daughter. "Its understandable. I mean, shes pretty, shes smart..."

"Stop it," Mason whined. "It doesnt matter anyway. Shes four years older than me, so theres no way that shed be remotely interested in me."

"Ha," Blaine said, standing up and taking his plate to the sink. "Youre forgetting that I met your dad when he was three and I was thirteen - we got married."

"Yeah but you guys are weird." Mason said, smiling a little bit.

"Sucks to be you then because youre our little baby boy." Kurt grinned, squeezing Masons cheeks.

Mason laughed, swatting Kurts hands away. "Youre embarrassing."

"Thats my job." Kurt grinned, pressing a kiss to Masons cheek.

"Speaking of Mia..." Melody mumbled, picking up her phone which was vibrating against the table.

"I swear to god if you breathe one word of this to her -"

"Play nice," Blaine scolded. "Besides, you can always share her." He shrugged.

"Dad!" The twins exclaimed simultaneously, eliciting laughter from Blaine and Kurt.

"Just telling the truth," Blaine smiled. "Theres plenty of Mia to go around."

"Oh my god!" Melody screamed from her bedroom a few nights later.

Kurt and Blaine both darted up the stairs immediately, and breathed a sigh of relief when they discovered that there wasnt a serial killer in her bedroom and that Mason and Mia were the only other people in there.

"What the hell is going on?" Kurt asked, trying to catch his breath.

Mason hid his face in his hands while Melody pointed between him and Mia accusingly. "I went to the toilet and came back to find these two kissing."

"Oh my god." Blaine giggled, covering his mouth.

"Was it really necessary to scream?" Kurt asked, trying not to laugh at the mortified look on Masons face.

"Yes!" Melody exclaimed.

"Okay, everyone downstairs," Blaine said, sighing when none of the teenagers moved. "Now."

The three teenagers scurried out of the room, Kurt and Blaine following behind them. Mason and Mia looked as if they were about to be shot for kissing and Blaine wanted to laugh, but that would be counter-productive.

"Firstly, you two," He began, pointing to Mia and Mason. "Stop looking so terrified, were not mad at you. Were completely fine with you two dating or whatever, as weve already said to Mason, and Mia - I know for a fact your parents will be fine with it to, so calm down. And you, young lady," He said, glaring at Melody a little. "Stop acting like it was the most disgusting thing youve ever seen. Youve seen your dad and I kiss plenty of times so you have absolutely no reason to be so dramatic about it."

"But -"

"No," Kurt said, stopping her from speaking. "You dont own Mia or Mason. I know its a little weird for you to have your best friend and your brother dating, or liking each other, or whatever, but if they want to be with each other then its up to them, not you."

Melody huffed dejectedly. "Fine."

"Good," Blaine smiled. "Now go do whatever you were doing before," He said, shaking his head when they all jumped up and began to make their way upstairs. "And no more arguing!" He shouted after them.

Later that night, Kurt and Blaine were sitting in bed; Kurt going over lines for his next play and Blaine scrolling through emails on his phone, when a knock sounded at the door and Masons head popped inside. "Can I talk to you guys?"

"Sure, buddy, whats up?" Blaine said, locking his phone while Kurt put his script on the nightstand.

Mason entered the room, closing the door behind him and sitting down in the middle of his parents bed so that he was facing them both. "Mia asked me to be her boyfriend." He blurted out.

Kurt smiled softly. "And what did you say?"

"I said I needed to think about it." He admitted, biting his lip.

"I thought you liked her?" Kurt asked confusedly.

"I did...I do. I...did you ever think that Papa was immature because he was younger than you?" He asked Blaine.

"No," Blaine replied easily. "He was more mature than me at times, to be honest. Why, is that whats worrying you?"

Mason nodded. "Im worried that shell think Im stupid or immature or something because shes older than me."

"Youre not stupid or immature," Kurt said immediately. "And this is Mia were talking about; if she thought you were immature she wouldnt even consider asking you out."

"I guess...I just, I really like her and Id rather stay friends with her than mess up being her boyfriend."

"You are so much like your dad," Kurt laughed, pulling Mason against his chest and hugging the thirteen year old. "Listen to me - youre not dumb, or stupid, or immature, or anything even remotely along those lines, and anybody who thinks otherwise doesnt deserve you. Youre not going to mess up being her boyfriend because youre the most amazing young man in the world."

"What if we break up and she doesnt want to be friends with me anymore?" Mason asked.

"Tell her that youre worried about that," He replied, resting his chin atop Masons head. "Believe me when I say that staying just friends with somebody that you like is harder than youd expect it to be. Wouldnt you rather try dating her than regret it a few years down the line when she brings another boy home and youre still pining over her?"

Mason sighed, and Kurt knew that hed won. "Can she come over on Friday so that I can talk to her? Melodys going to her sleepover so she wont be here to annoy us."

"Of course she can." Kurt replied, pressing a kiss to the top of his sons head.

"Thank you." Mason replied, kissing each of his parents cheeks before leaving the room.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other, smiling softly. "We have the sweetest little boy on the planet." Kurt said, breaking the silence.

Blaine sighed. "Hes too young to have a girlfriend." He pouted.

"Stop being stereotypical," Kurt laughed, shoving his husband playfully. "I think its sweet."

"At least its Mia," Blaine wondered aloud. "We already know her and trust her so...I dont know. Why are out babies growing up?"

"Are you genuinely upset about this?" Kurt asked, frowning a little.

"No," Blaine replied "No, I just...I miss them being tiny little babies, you know? When they had to rely on us for almost everything. Now theyre growing up and doing their own thing and I dont want them to not need us."

"Blaine, theyre always going to need us," Kurt said. "Were their parents. I know that neither of us have really had the greatest experience with parents, but you know as well as I do that if we still had our parents then wed still need them in our lives."

"I know," Blaine groaned. "I know. Okay, sad moment over."

"Good," Kurt giggled, pressing a kiss to his husbands lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine smiled.

When Mia came to dinner that Friday evening, things were awkward, tense, and extremely silent. Neither Mia or Mason knew what to say and Kurt and Blaine were both afraid to open their mouths in case they embarrassed Mason.

"So, you guys want dessert?" Blaine asked awkwardly as he collected everyones plates and put them in the sink.

"Um, actually I was wondering if we could go into the living room and" Mason said nervously, glancing over to Mia, who smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay," Kurt smiled. "Well, if you need anything you know where we are."

Mason nodded and stood up, walking into the living room with Mia. They sat down on the sofa, drawing their knees up to their chests so that they could sit opposite each other.

"Why do I feel like this is a bad kind of talk?" Mia asked, fiddling with the bottom of the jumper she was wearing.

"Its not," Mason replied. "Believe me when I say that I want to be your boyfriend - I really want to."

"Whats the problem then?"

"I...Im worried that youll think that Im immature because youre older and more experienced and-"

"Wait, more experienced in what? Relationships?" Mason nodded in reply, eliciting a cute little giggle from Mia. "Mason, Ive never had a boyfriend before."

"Wait, what? But" Mason replied, making confusing gestures towards Mia with his hands.

"Ive never had a boyfriend before because Ive never had anybody that I wanted to date before," Mia explained. "So Im in exactly the same boat as you."

"But what about things other than relationships?" Mason asked. "What if you think that Im just a stupid little thirteen year old?"

"I would never think that of you," Mia exaggerated. "Do you really think that low of me?"

Mason shook his head. "No, I just...I dont know," He sighed. "I guess I was just content to silently crush on you without anybody knowing and then you asked me out and now I can only think of how me saying yes could turn into a total disaster."

"Ive had those thoughts too," Mia pointed out. "I told myself that I was going to ask you out and then my mind just kept telling me all of the bad things that could happen. What if it ruins your friendship? What if the age difference freaks him out? What if he doesnt feel the same way about you and he never speaks to you again? But we wont know unless we try, right?"

Mason groaned, laughing a little. "You sound exactly like my dads."

"That is because Im a genius," Mia grinned. "So..."

"So..." Mason said, copying the seventeen year old. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, grinning cheekily a Mia.

"Mason!" Mia laughed, shoving him playfully. "Ask me properly."

Mason sighed dramatically. "Will you please do the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked, sweetly and sincerely.

"Yes." Mia smiled.

Mason grinned at her, moving to sit on his knees so that he could lean forward and press a kiss to her cheek. Mia giggled, copying Mason and sitting on her knees, only when she leaned forward she captured his lips in a kiss instead of his cheek. Unsure of what exactly to do, Mason awkwardly rested his hand on her arm.

Laughing a little, Mia pulled away and shuffled closer to Mason, grabbing his arms and wrapping them around her waist while she wrapped her own arms around Masons neck and leaned back in, pressing another kiss to his lips.

"I need to pee," Blaine whined. "But I dont want to interrupt them."

"Just...sneak past?" Kurt suggested.

"Ugh, fine, okay," Blaine said, opening the door a little before shutting it again and leaning against it, grinning a little. "Aww."

"What?" Kurt asked. Blaine motioned for him to join him by the door and opened it the tiniest bit so that Kurt could see the adorable display.

It was more than obvious that neither of them really knew what they were doing while they kissed each other, but that just made it look even cuter. Kurt giggled, pulling the door closed once again before they realised that they were being spied on.

"I never thought that seeing my son kissing a girl would be that cute," Kurt admitted. "But they both look so shy and nervous and sweet."

"I really wish Wes were here right now." Blaine laughed.

"Was that okay?" Mason asked as he and Mia pulled apart from each other. "Ive never kissed anyone before so..."

"Neither have I," Mia smiled. "But Im pretty sure we were doing it right."

"Im probably going to make an idiot out of myself trying to ask you this, you maybe want to go on a date with me?" Mason asked, frowning when Mia giggled a little.

"Sorry, Im not laughing at you, I swear," Mia said, still laughing. "That was just really cute."

Mason whined and hid his face in the back of the sofa. "Just answer the question."

"Id love to go on a date with you," Mia smiled. Mason turned his head a little and smiled at Mia. "And your dads are spying on us..." She laughed, eyeing the door.

"Im honestly not surprised." Mason laughed, turning his head to find Kurt and Blaine peeping through a crack in the door.

"He started it!" Kurt shouted, pointing to Blaine.

"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed.

Mason just shook his head with laughter and got off the sofa, offering his hand to Mia who took it with a smile, allowing herself to be lead into the kitchen. "Whats for dessert?" Mason asked.

"Cheesecake, duh." Kurt replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, placing a piece of cheesecake in front of each of the teens.

"Ooh, I can pee now!" Blaine exclaimed happily, darting from the room.

Mason gave Kurt a questioning look. "Dont ask," Kurt laughed. "So...Im guessing you guys are together now?" He asked teasingly. Mason groaned and hid his face in his arms, while Mia just laughed at his embarrassment. "Its a simple yes/no question, Mason." Kurt said playfully.

"Yes." Mason whined, his voice muffled from his face being buried in his arms.

"Aww," Kurt cooed, hugging the thirteen year old and ruffling his hair. "My little bubbas growing up."

"Youre so embarrassing." Mason said, lifting his head up and chuckling a little.

"Well your girlfriend finds it amusing, so..." Kurt teased.

"Dad!" Mason called, just as Blaine returned to the kitchen. "Your husband is embarrassing me."

Kurt laughed at the term your husband while Blaine hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Kurts shoulder. "Just be glad I wasnt here, it wouldve been worse."

"Mason has a girlfriend now." Kurt said to Blaine, grinning as a red flush appeared on Masons cheeks.

"Aww." Blaine cooed teasingly.

"Save me." Mason said to Mia, who giggled a little.

"I cant," Mia said. "Youre stuck with them for life."

Kurt and Blaine both laughed a little. "Okay, okay, were done now." Kurt said.

"Hallelujah!" Mason cheered, laughing along with everyone else.

"I got in!" Mia exclaimed happily.

Mia had applied for a University in London, and shed managed to get in. Kurt, Blaine, Mason, Melody, Cooper and Jessica had all gone over to Wes when they found out that she had received a letter from them.

Everybody cheered and smiled, except Mason. Well, hed tried to, but it was more than obvious that he wasnt exactly thrilled that Mia was going to be in a completely different country to him. He got up and ran out to the garden, causing Mias smile to drop.

She put the letter down on the coffee table and followed Mason outside, finding him sitting on the swing seat that they had in their garden. "Mason?" She said softly, sitting down next to him. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." Mason said, staring down at the ground. His act broke a few moments later though, however, when his face scrunched up and tears began to fall down his face.

"Mason," Mia frowned. "Please talk to me."

"I dont want you to go, okay?" Mason said, trying to stop himself from sobbing. "Youre going to be going to London, youre going to have all these new friends and opportunities and Im going to be stuck here. By myself."

"You...youre not happy for me?"

"Of course Im happy for you!" Mason cried. "Im so, so happy for you. I know how much you wanted this and how hard you worked for and Im so proud of you - you deserve this more than anybody."

"I dont get whats wrong then," Mia said. "Youre happy for me but you dont want me to go?"

"Whats wrong is that youre going to be miles away from me, and youre going to be surrounded with people your own age. What if you realise that Im not enough for you anymore? What if you realise that you want to be with somebody your own age?"

"That isnt going to happen, Mason," Mia said. "Im surrounded by people my own age every day when Im at school and I havent thought once about leaving you."

"But Im not going to be there anymore," Mason said, finally looking up at Mia. "Its easier for you to ignore it here because you see me every day too, but youre not going to see me every day anymore because youre going to be in another country. I dont want you to forget about me."

Mia wrapped her arms around Mason and hugged him tight, the fourteen year old crying into her shoulder. "Im not going to forget about you, ever. I couldnt even if I tried." Masons sobs slowly subsided and he hugged Mia back. "I have something for you, wait here." She said, kissing his cheek as she ran inside, returning a while later.

"Why are you giving me one of your scrapbooks?" Mason asked.

"I have like nine scrapbooks, Mason. Its not like Im going to miss it," Mia laughed. "Just open it."

Mason began to look through the book, noticing that it was full of photos of the two of them pretty much from the moment Mason was born. There were photos of Mia when she was younger, holding Mason as a baby, and it gradually progressed to the present day, where there were photos of them at family dinners, and photos from Mias prom night. There were movie tickets and receipts stuck on the pages from their dates, and little snippets of text that Mia had wrote about the different dates.

"Why are you giving this to me?" Mason asked.

"Because I think you need it more than I do," Mia said, smiling softly. "And Ive kind of been keeping it hidden since we started dating, so I think its about time you got acquainted with it."

Mason smiled and shut the book, leaning over to hug Mia. "Thank you."

"I swear to god, youre actually going blind," Kurt groaned, handing Blaine the TV remote that hed been searching for for a good ten minutes. "And dont even think about saying its because youre old, because I will slap you."

"Dont slap me," Blaine said, chuckling a little. "But I think it might actually be my age. You are aware that eyesight can get worse with age, right?"

"Yes, but youre not old."

"I didnt say that," Blaine laughed. "But Im not exactly young, either. Im fifty one, Kurt."

Kurt sighed. "I know, I just hate hearing you call yourself old. I feel like youre putting yourself down."

"Im not calling myself old," Blaine said. "Why are you so stressed out anyway?" Blaine asked, massaging Kurts shoulders and eliciting a satisfied noise from his husband.

"I dont know," Kurt admitted. "I think Masons depression is rubbing off on me."

"Hes not depressed, he just misses Mia."

"Blaine, he has trouble getting out of bed in the morning because hes hurting so much - hes depressed."

"Its only been a few days since she left, hell be fine." Blaine said, beginning to kiss the back of Kurts neck.

"Dont start something you dont intend on finishing, Mr Hummel-Anderson." Kurt groaned.

"Who said I wasnt intending on finishing it?" Blaine asked.

"Please dont finish it," Melodys mortified voice came from the other side of the room. Kurt and Blaine turned around to find her standing by the front door with her hand over her eyes. "At least not on the sofa."

Both men laughed. "You can uncover your eyes, you know," Blaine pointed out. "Were doing nothing but innocently sitting here."

"You guys suck." Melody laughed, sitting down on the sofa next to Blaine.

"How was the movie?" Kurt asked.

"It was Mason still in bed?" Melody asked.

"What do you think?" Blaine asked.

Melody sighed. "I dont get it. I miss Mia too but Im not spending all day every day in bed."

"You werent dating her," Kurt pointed out. "He may only be fourteen but its quite obvious that hes falling in love with her."

"Yeah, but he skypes her like every day," Melody said. "Its not like he hasnt spoken to her."

"Skype isnt the same as physically seeing someone," Kurt replied. "Hell be okay, though. He just needs time."

"You really need to go to the opticians," Kurt commented as they lay in bed later that night, Blaine attempting to read a book but only succeeding in squinting at the page.

"I know," Blaine sighed. "Ill make an appointment tomorrow."

The door to their bedroom creaked open a tiny bit, and Mason entered the room.

"Hey," Kurt said softly. "You okay?"

Mason shook his head. "Can I stay in here with you guys tonight?" He asked quietly.

Kurt and Blaine both nodded, making space for Mason in the middle of the bed. The fourteen year old climbed onto the bed and crawled into the space between his dads, pulling the cover up and over himself. Kurt switched off the lamp beside his bed and laid down, Blaine doing the same. Mason turned onto his side and cuddled up to Blaine, who shared a look with Kurt over their sons head. Sighing quietly, Kurt turned onto his side and carded his fingers through Masons hair, feeling the teen relax a little.

Three years later, Mia was back in New York. She and Mason had managed to survive her being in London, and they were both relieved when they were finally living in the same country again. Blaine had ended up with glasses, which he wasnt too happy about, but he adjusted to it. Kurt seemed amused by Blaines reaction to having glasses, but assured him that he still looked as gorgeous as he did without them.

"Blaine?" Kurt called as Blaine left the kitchen to see what he wanted. "Jessica wants to talk to us both." He said from where he was standing at the front door, Jessica outside.

"One second," Blaine said, running back into the kitchen and drying his hands before making his way back to the living room, Kurt and Jessica joining him on the sofa. "Whats up?"

"I, um...I really dont know how to say this." She said, staring down at the floor.

"Just say it," Blaine said, but only silence followed. "Jess...youre scaring me."

"I..." Jessica closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Its Cooper."

"What about Cooper?" Blaine asked anxiously.

"He..." Jessica looked up at Blaine with tear filled eyes. "He died."

Blaine froze. No. This wasnt happening. Cooper wasnt dead - he was only seventy one. This wasnt supposed to happen. His brother was supposed to be there with Jessica, telling them something happy.

"Blaine?" Kurt asked softly, but Blaine was still frozen into place. "Blaine, baby -"

"Hes not dead," Blaine said, still not moving. "He cant be dead."

"Blaine -" Kurt said again, his voice cracking as Blaine got up and ran upstairs, covering his mouth as a massive sob wracked his body. "Blaine!" Kurt called, running after him but not getting to him before he got into their bedroom and locked the door. "Blaine, open the door!"

"Whats going on?" Mason asked as he, Mia and Melody emerged from his room.

Kurt didnt even turn to look at them, still banging on the door. "Blaine, open the door!" He said, trying to contain his own emotions. "Blaine!" He cried, tears beginning to spill from his eyes.

"Papa?" Melody said, feeling slightly sick at the sight of his dad crying.

"Mia, can you call your dad please?" Kurt asked, sniffling as he tried to stop his tears. "Tell him that he needs to get here now, and Ill explain everything once hes here."

Mia nodded, pulling her phone out of her pocket and calling Wes. He arrived no more than fifteen minutes later and ran upstairs as soon as Mia opened the door.

"What happened?" He asked Kurt, who was sitting on the floor with his head against the door, tears still streaming down his face.

"Cooper died," Kurt said quietly, his voice broken and wrecked. He knew that Mia, Mason and Melody all heard from where they were stood at the top of the stairs, but he decided that hed talk to them about it properly later. "Blaines locked himself in the bedroom. I think hes in denial."

Kurt stood up as Wes made his way over to the door and knocked loudly. "Blaine, you have two minutes to unlock that door, or I will take it off its hinges and come in there myself." He warned, waiting for Blaine to open the door, but he never did. "Youre not going to like, kill me if I actually take the door off its hinges are you?" He asked Kurt, who shook his head in reply.

Wes ran downstairs and rifled through the draws until he found a screwdriver, going back upstairs and beginning to take the door off. When he finally got it off, he saw Blaine sitting in the far corner of his room in the gap between the wall and his dresser, his knees pulled up to his chest as he cried loudly into his arms.

"Blaine," Wes sighed, making his way over to his best friend and kneeling in front of him. "Blaine, look at me." He said gently.

"Go away." Blaine cried, sobbing loudly and brokenly.

"Im not going anywhere. I dont care if I sit here all night waiting for you to stop crying - Im not going anywhere."

"I dont want you here," Blaine said, his voice muffled. "Go away."

"No. Quite frankly, I dont care if you want me here or not because Im not leaving. You can shout at me and scream at me for all I care, but Im not leaving you when youre like this."

Blaine cried louder, his breath coming out in sharp rasps. "You being here isnt going to change anything! Just go home!"

"No," Wes said again. "Im not going to let you sit here and bury yourself in a whirlwind of depression, Blaine."

"I want Cooper." Blaine cried, eliciting a sigh from Wes.

"Come here," He said. Blaine shook his head in reply, sinking further into the corner. "Im going to drag you out of that corner myself in a minute, just come here."

Blaine let out a choked sob and moved his arms from his face, crawling over to Wes, collapsing into his embrace when he held his arms out. He had tear-stained cheeks and his eyes were bright red and puffy from crying, as was his nose. Wes rubbed Blaines back gently, comforting his heartbroken best friend.

Downstairs, Kurt was sitting on the sofa with Melody cuddled up to his side. It seemed to have hit Mason a lot harder as he was closer to Cooper when he was younger, and he was crying his eyes out while Mia held him.

"I want daddy." Mason cried.

"I know you do, baby," Kurt said, his tears having finally stopped a little. He reached out and held Masons hand, running his thumb over the back of it. "He just needs some time."

"I didnt like seeing you and dad cry." Melody said, cuddling closer to Kurt.

"I know," Kurt replied. "I wish you didnt have to see that."

"Will he be okay?" Melody asked.

"Yeah," Kurt assured her. "Hes in shock. Hell still be upset when everything has fully sunk in, but hell be okay eventually."

And he was.

Coopers funeral came and went, and with time, Blaine felt better. Melody and Mason got into college and graduated, Mason eventually moving in with Mia. Kurt and Blaine were emotional when the twins first left for college, but they soon adjusted to living by themselves once again.

"Come with me." Blaine smiled, taking Kurts hands in his and leading him out to the garden where they sat down on a bench.

"Why are we out here?" Kurt giggled.

"Because its too hot to be inside," Blaine replied, putting his arm around Kurt as he leaned his head on his shoulder. "I cant believe weve been married for twenty eight years." He said, playing with the ring on Kurts finger.

"Weve been together for thirty four years..." Kurt wondered aloud. "It feels like just yesterday that we kissed for the first time."

Blaine hummed in agreement and pressed a kiss to the top of Kurts head. "Do you remember the first time we said I love you to each other?"

"Of course I do." Kurt replied, smiling as Blaine tilted his head up gently so that they were staring directly into each others eyes.

"I remember, in that moment, feeling like I could never be more in love. Yet, for some reason, even after all these years, I still find myself falling more and more in love with you."


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