April 10, 2012, 10:46 a.m.
April 10, 2012, 10:46 a.m.
so when they said they were dating I couldn't help it, I let out a laugh which lead to a sharp heel digging into my toe. Yeah, ouch.
"why is that so funny Finn?" Kurt asked me with one of his bitch glares pointing in my direction.
"it's just I thought you had always been dating, because let's be honest, it was more than just a friendship" this led to both Kurt and Blaine turning red and hurrying out of the room. Mum quickly followed asking if they wanted snacks or anything. Typical mum, I knew she was only doing it because she wanted to talk more with Blaine, yep my mum's the snoopy type.
"so what do you think of this Blaine kid?" Burt turned to me and asked.
"I'm not sure, I guess I've never really spoken to him because he's not been round much."�
Burt gave me a look before concluding "we must find out more about this lad. He looks pretty fine, but he could be some complete douchebag, and I'm not having that for my son. Finn, first you will locate the two targets and try to separate them. Then you will get Blaine alone and see what this guy is really like."
"Sounds awesome, I've never been set a mission before, this is what it must be like to be in MI5!"
I was about to walk into Kurts bedroom, where the murmurs were coming from, when I realised: what if they were in the middle of a make out session? God knows how many times Me and Rachel have been caught by Kurt so surely this would just be returning the favour, right? Well whatever I thought, I was gonna have go in anyway.
I could not have been more wrong. I knocked on the door (just to be on the safe side, what is it that Kurt says that I don't understand, safe is better than sorry? Something like that) and I was greeted by Blaine in the middle of the room in a whole load of blankets while Kurt was in the bathroom most probably doing his hair.
"oh hey Blaine" I tried to keep it casual, but with Blaine being so, well, vertically challenged and me being so tall, it was quite awkward having to look down as I said it.
"Hey! Finn, right? I've heard a lot about you" okay, good start, he wasn't too closed off and he seemed to be comfortable when he talked.
"yeah that's me! Er, could I ask what your doing?" sorry, I had to say that. It's not everyday that you see someone in a mass of sheets and pillows.
"oh, well, I was trying to make Kurt a fort while he's in the bathroom but I don't have much experience"
"well then it's lucky I'm here! I spent all my childhood years (I still do, but he doesn't have to know that) making forts! Okay, grab Kurts chairs to put around and we can work from there."
Blaine was just putting the finishing touches to the fort when Kurt came out. He saw me first, which might not have been the best idea. "Finn, what have you done with Blaine and why have you made a fort?" luckily, Blaine popped up from behind the duvet covers before I had the chance to respond. The way Kurt's face lit up when he saw Blaine was just like how Mum and Burt look at each other, but I still don't know what it is.
"How did it go?" Burt asked me when I came into the kitchen half an hour later (I was going to make myself a sandwich but, again, he doesn't need to know that.)
"it was okay I guess but I couldn't speak to him much, Kurt pushed me out of his room before I could get the conversation flowing"
"okay well phase two starts now, I saw them going down to the den a second ago, tell Kurt to come up here and then talk to Blaine"
"sir, yes sir!"
I wandered down to the den and (completely coincidently) ran into them putting on a DVD and snuggling up on the couch.
"what do you want, Finn?" Kurt asked, putting on his best death stare. I've seen that look before, no matter what I said, he wasn't budging. I decided I wasn't gonna even try and make him move because I knew he wouldn't and he looked seriously comfy.
"er nothing, I was just looking for my FIFA game" I lied before hurrying up to my room.
The look those two shared slapped me right in the face when they were saying goodbye to each other. It was a nice summer evening so I could clearly make out their faces from my window, and it was so hot in my room I decided to open my window up (I was definitely not listening in on what they were saying)
"thank you for tonight, Kurt, it's been really special."
"no worries babe, my parents love you! And sorry about Finn doing the fort with you, he just likes making friends. You can come over tomorrow if you want?"
"no worries, Finn seems like a really cool guy" I think I can get used to this Blaine kid.
"so, are you coming over tomorrow? It's games night and I know how much you love Scrabble"
"I don't want to intrude or anyth-"
"Blaine, you're not intruding, everyone loves you and you're part of the family now, if you still don't believe me let me tell you this, Carole was the one that actually suggested it which really proves that you're loved in this household."
"well in that case, I would love to join you tomorrow"
The way their eyes glistened as they lingered out in the front yard and the kiss they shared gave it away for me.�
That was a look that no one in Glee club has ever shared, hell, not even me and Rachel have shared that look. But now I now exactly what that look is, even if they don't know it yet.�
They're gonna be together for a long time because that look they share is unconditional love.