July 13, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 13, 2014, 7 p.m.
review are like cookies, you can never have enough so feel free to review this!
next chapter:Babies!
Scene 13: on our way...
it was a little after round 2 when Blaine had to leave the bed (not that Kurt didnt try to keep him there) to take a long shower and find something to wear (which turned out to be a very hard task considering how big he got and the fact his cloths werent exactly loosen.) but he found something nice and left the house.
"Blainy!”Amy yelled at him halfway to her house and ran up to him (Blaine knew she would jump on him if it werent for both their baby bumps.)” its been so long since I saw you!”
"You saw me last week Ams.”
"I know, but you changed so much," She said.
"Yeah, Im really fat.”Blaine said and Amy chuckled.
"Like I am the one to judge...”She said, pointing at her belly.” he just grows so fast,”
"wait, he?” Blaine frowned and the smile on Amys face grew bigger.
"yeah, isnt it amazing?!” she said." my little boy.”
"So we are going to have 3 little boys running around," Blaine practicably see it.
"You already know what youre having?”Amy asked.
"not officially, but I know they are boys.”Blaine said." by the way, you can hear their heartbeats now,”
"Oh I remember how happy I was when it happened to me, congratulations.””
Thank you,”
"And now Brittany is pregnant as well," Amy said simply and Blaine smiled widely.
"Really? How long?”
"3 weeks, and you would have known that if you came home more often.”Amy gave him an accusing glance and he rolled his eyes.
"First, its your home not mine. Second, you know why I cant I cant handle the way they look at me.”Blaine said and looked at the ground.
"Look, I understand. Wes and David with their prehistoric thinking but what about Jeff and Nick, Brittany and Cooper? What about...me?”Amy asked, causing Blaine to feel slightly guilty.
"Amy please dont judge me, not about this-”
"You know we really miss you and we are all happy for you, I cant wait for our kids to have play dates and Cooper is already planning to teach them real acting.”Amy said and Blaine laughed.
"Those things will be nice...”Blaine had to admit.
"Now come on, I didnt had you to myself for a week and I need quality time,”
"Hey honey!” Blaine called as he walked into the house and to the living room, only to find them empty.”Kurt...?” he called again, thinking that maybe his mate went running or hunting or something. But then he heard a door closed and Kurt walked to him.
"hi,” Kurt said." what are you so excited about?” he asked amused.
"Amy gave me something, well; its for us, look.” Blaine said and took out a large-white- hard-covered book from his bag." baby names!” Blaine said excitedly with a huge grin on his face, Making Kurt smile." she and Jeff already picked a name and now its our turn,” Kurt smiled and walked over, taking the book.
"thats very sweet of her," Kurt admitted.” but we dont even know what were having yet...”
"You dont, I do.” Blaine said with a snaky smile.
"You mind sharing...?”
"Boys. They are both boys,” Blaine said simply, one of his hands rested on his belly, he looked up at Kurt who chuckled.
"I dont think so, honey.” he said and walked to the kitchen to grab a blood bag.
"Oh come on, a mother always knows and I am the one whos pregnant.”
"It doesnt matter because they are girls.” Kurt said and Blaine hoped off the counter next to him." of course I wouldnt mind if they were boys, as long as they are healthy.” Kurt said and Blaine smiled.
"Such a deployment.”Blaine said." so what are we betting on?” he asked and Kurt raised his eyebrow with an evil grin.
"I like Emma and Zoe,” Kurt said as they were sitting on the bed, looking trough the huge name book.
"I dont think our boys would like those names,” Blaine said, causing his mate to roll his eyes.
"very funny.” he said sarcastically.” do you have another option?” he asked." just in case Im right,” he added and I do in his thoughts and smiled to himself.
"Mm...” Blaine thought for a few seconds, he really didnt think about it before but then he answered with a small smile.” Annabelle.” Kurt raised an eyebrow.
"why Annabelle?” He had to ask.
"...after my mom...” Blaine said and Kurt nodded, writing the name down along with a few others on the girls list." now the boys,” Blaine said and grabbed the book, flipping through the pages.” I like William,”
"You cant be serious,” Kurt said and Blaine rolls his eyes." how about Luke?”
"I dont think so but you can write it down," Blaine said.
"Okay, lets keep looking.”Kurt said but Blaine closed the book.
"Can we do this later? Im just really tried and my back is killing me," Blaine asked and stretched.” I think Im going to take a bath,” Blaine announced but Kurt pulled him down back to the bed and kissed him softly.
"Let me get that for you,” he whispered, Blaine smiled and Kurt hopped off the bed. Blaine smiled to himself; he got himself the best mate ever. He waited until the water stopped running. When they did, he got up slowly and walked through the bathroom. The door opened by itself before he got the chance to open it but Kurt wasnt there. Blaine smiled at what he saw, the tub was filled with hot water which he was sure Kurt spiked with all kind of oils, there were candles and music paying in the back ground.” you welcome!” he heard Kurt yell from downstairs and closed the door after him.
"Blaine! Wake up!” Blaine heard Kurts voice calling in his ear in a soft whisper.
"what?!” he asked impatiently. Its been one of those rare mornings when he had no morning sickness or any pains bothering him, couldnt he just enjoy it?
"A boy and a girl!”Kurt whispered excitedly, Blaine could hear the smile in his voice but he still wanted to throw a pillow at him.
"Honey, I love you but what do you want from me?” Blaine turned around to face his overly- happy mate.
"Our babies! We are having a boy and a girl!” Kurt squealed and Blaines eyes widen.
"oh my god!” He screamed and wrapped his arms around Kurt who happily returned the hug." this is great!” he said and kissed Kurt passionately." are you sure?”
"Yeah, your mark changed again and you can see their gander and color.”
"What is it?” he asked. He would have looked himself but with his 10 weeks belly, he couldnt.
"the usual, two little wolves, the girl is Grey and the boy is white,”
"I got to go tell Cooper!” Blaine said hoped off the bed and into the closet.
"I thought you wanted to sleep," Kurt said.
"No time for that! Our boy is an alpha and I got to let Cooper know!”
"The marks dont say anything about an alpha...” Kurt rubbed the back of his neck.
"yeah, but alphas are white so...”
"So why are you black?”
"Because Im more of a carrier then an alpha...its complicated.”Blaine just said as he went through his closet. “I need you to come shopping with me on Thursday, I need some bigger cloths.”
"You know I never say no to shopping," Blaine rolled his eyes playfully before steeping into the bathroom to change. Kurt waited for him to leave before climbing up the staircase into the 5th room of their house. Hes been working on this thing for almost 2 weeks now and he only had few more changes to make, he just hoped hell finish before Blaine is back.
-A few hours later-
Blaine was sitting next to the piano, playing with a random melody when Kurt came behind him with a wide smile across his face.
"Can you come with me for a second? I have something to show you,”
"o-okay,” Blaine said and took the hand Kurt was offering him. Kurt led him upstairs to a room hr never been in before because there was nothing in there.
"okay, I really hope youll like it, I worked really hard on it and I think its something you really need but-” Kurt trilled off and Blaine chuckled.
"Kurt, just show me what youre hiding, you got me curious," Blaine admitted and Kurt nodded before pushing the door open, allowing Blaine to slowly walk in. a huge grin spread across Blaines face as he walked inside and saw what was in there. In the back of the room was a sewing machine and some kinds of fabrics, in the rest of it were cloths, it seemed more like a store but when he walked forward and grabbed one of the shirts, felt the fabric and opened it, he ran over to Kurt and hugged him as close as he could without hurting anyone." thank you! This is perfect!” he said excitedly and kissed Kurt deeply.” you didnt have to work so hard,”
"Of course I did, you couldnt wear those over size cloths, and those were terrible.”
"So you made me maternity clothes?” Blaine asked smiley.
"I made you maternity clothes.”Kurt confirmed and Blaine kissed him again.
"You know, youve told me that you wanted to be a fashion designer while you were human, I had no idea you were that good,” Blaine said causing his mate to smile proudly.
"Its like you always said that you can write songs yet you refuse to let me hear any of it,”
"I already told you a thousand times, Ill let you hear it when Im done."
"Fine, fine. I have something else to ask you," Kurt said.
"And what would that be?”
"Will you model those for me?”
They are at the hardware store. The next week is totally dedicated to fixing the nursery and they have a lot to do. Kurt already had the vision in his head and Blaine accepted it, even though he would have been just fine with something simpler.
"So, should we go with yellow or orange?” Kurt asks, holding up two buckets of paint for Blaine to choose from.
"yellow, but not that shade, we a- wow,” he stumbled but took a hold on Kurt before he fell over.
"Are you okay?” Kurt frowned in concern and put the buckets on the floor.
"yeah, its just the babies, they are moving again and took me by surprise, they are really strong when they move together...”Blaine explained and took a deep breath."okay, Im fine. Lets keep going,”
"A different shade of yellow and we are out of here,”
"Moving on to buy furniture.” Blaine added, Kurt smiled and kissed his cheek just because he was so adorable and kept pushing their shopping cart.
When they finally came back home Kurt didnt waste a second and started fixing the room meant to be their childrens nursery for painting. Blaine wanted to help but was sent to rest by Kurt, that was an order. But as soon as he lay down, the babies decided to wake up, so he went to the piano and worked on his song a little bit. As soon as he started playing it caused them to calm down almost immediately, after all, they were their daddies children.
"Baby, you are killing me here," Kurt mumbled with his eyes still closed. Blaine had been moving and tossing around in bed for almost an hour now and Kurt just couldnt sleep like that.
"sorry, but they just wont stop kicking...” Blaine ground.” they are very strong and if I was human I will be dead by now,”
"Luckily you are not.” Kurt said and turned over the face the bright pair or hazel eyes.” let me try something,” he said, resting his hand over Blaines bump, petting it softly. He could feel their kicking, poor Blaine." hello there little guy and my little princess, I know this is a lot to ask but, you are hurting daddy Blaine and if you wont stop moving around he is going to be all cranky tomorrow," Kurt spoke softly and Blaine smiled as he felt the kicking on his left side relaxing a little (that was the boy).”I can imagine that you are uncomfortable and have nowhere to move but it will all be over in 6 weeks,”
"Can you sing? Music always calms them down.”Blaine whispered with a sleepily smile on his face.
"What? Just like that? Without warming up?”Kurt asked fake-dramatic.
"Kurt.” Blaine said.” we are waiting,” Blaine folded his arms over his chest.
"Fine,” Kurt cleared his trout.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arrive...
Kurt sang softly and Blaine closed his eyes, relaxing into the sound of his mates angelic voice.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take those broken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night
Kurts voice seemed to have the same affect on the babies as it had on Blaine because they had stopped moving and Blaine wouldnt be surprised if they fall asleep too.
You were only waiting for this moment to arrive
You were only waiting g for this moment to arise
Kurt finished slowly and kissed his babies goodnight before running a hand trough his mates sleep-messed curls.
"Thank you,” Blaine mumbled and Kurt smiled.
"Any day.”
Kurt was sitting in their living room 2 weeks later, watching reruns of project runway while Blaine was supposed to be sleeping upstairs. About 30 minutes into the show he heard him coming down the stair, slipping into the kitchen and going through the cabinets.
"Hungry?” he asked Kurt.
"yes, but Ill go hunting later.”Kurt answered simply. ”wanna come?”
"no, Im just gonna snack something and go to sleep, I been having those weird cramps since morning...”
"You okay?” Kurt said and turned to him.
"yeah, I think so;” Blaine said and kept on preparing his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then, Kurt heard the sound of liquid hitting the floor.
"oh Blaine you clumsy-”he looked over his shoulder but the smile he had, disappeared from his face when he saw what he saw. Blaine was frozen next to the kitchen counter, his pants wet and his face shocked. Kurt was next to him in a second." please tell me you just peed on yourself,” that was Kurts only hope, this couldnt be happening right now, it was too early, they werent ready at all but Blaine shook his head.
"Nope, my water just broke.”