Feb. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
“What would you like for supper, Blaine?” Kurt asked when they got back in his Navigator. “I have to go to the grocery store, so we can pick anything we want.”
Blaine smiled. His stomach was definitely doing better and he was hungry.
“Should we start with a salad or soup?” he asked, watching Kurts face.
“I like soup, but it takes so long to make. Lets go with a big salad,” he suggested. “Then what for the entrée?”
“You cant go wrong with pasta...or with pizza,” he said.
“I would think that pizza is one of those American things – like chow mein – that is actually an American dish, but they say its from another country,” Kurt suggested.
“Well, I dont know about that – but they do make it differently in Italy. How about I make it for you tonight, Italian style?”
“That sounds lovely!”
They paid for the groceries and went back to Kurts house, Blaine commenting enthusiastically on the large kitchen.
“This is so nice. All the right things in reach...so nice,” he mumbled as they set out the groceries on the counter. Blaine made the yeast dough and hand-tossed the pizzas. He decided to teach Kurt how to do that when he showed an interest, but the flour and the dough got all over the kitchen, their aprons, and clothes. The boys were giggling and throwing the dough at each other until they heard the back door slam and Burt walked around the corner, his dog, Murphy, at his heel.
Burt just stood there, his mouth agape for a second, then calmly walked through the kitchen on his way to the den and his recliner. They heard him turn on the television and a snap as he opened his newspaper to read it.
Blaine, his face red with embarrassment, looked at Kurt. Kurt looked back at him and suddenly they burst into laughter.
“I guess we better get the rest of the pizzas made and then clean this all up,” Kurt said. Blaine made the pizzas, and they went into the oven. Working together, the boys cleaned up the kitchen. Blaine went upstairs to the guest room and Kurt down to his bedroom in the basement.
Kurt changed into his lounging clothes...yoga pants and a soft cotton shirt, both a sky blue that made is eyes stand out. Blaine, put on jeans and a t-shirt he had borrowed from Kurt and his Chuck Taylor basketball shoes. Kurt was only wearing socks on his feet.
They got back to the kitchen just in time to get the pizzas out of the oven and set the table.
Supper was fun, both Hummel men asking all kinds of questions about the places Blaine had traveled, and he had a good many funny stories about all the places. Kurt sat, eating the delicious pizza and trying not to ogle Blaine in his borrowed shirt that was a bit tight across the chest and showed off Blaines biceps in the best possible way. His mind kept drifting off to images of Blaine with even less clothing on, of him naked in the shower....Kurt shook his head. His dad had just asked him something.
“Im sorry, Dad, I didnt hear you,” he said. Burt gave him a sympathetic smile and repeated his question.
“I thought you guys might like to go see a movie tonight. Im going to watch the ballgame, and I know that isnt your favorite, so how about I spring for a movie and snacks?” Burt suggested.
“Oh, that would be great. Thanks, Dad,” Kurt accepted the offer.
After supper, he and Blaine cleared the table and did the washing up. Downstairs in Kurts bedroom, the boys looked up what was playing and showtimes. They finally decided on the Back to the Future revival marathon playing at the local drive-in. Blaine left to go change in the guest room and Kurt got ready in his room. He skipped the shower, in spite of the fact that there was still some flour left in his hair, so they wouldnt be late for the start of the first movie.
“Okay, boys. Have a good time,” Burt laughed when they told him they were going to see the marathon. “It wont get out until after two in the morning, so be quiet when you come in, okay?” Burt asked.
“Of course, Mr Hummel,” Blaine said politely.
“Sure thing, Dad,” Kurt said, kissing his fathers cheek goodbye.
~ ~ ~ ~ KB ~ ~ ~ ~
“I remember when I saw this one in a movie theatre,” Kurt said, smiling over at Blaine. “I saw it with my grandmother. I sure miss her.”
“Oh, I understand. I miss being around my grandparents in Australia, we moved to Italy after they passed away. Im sorry you miss yours,” Blaine said, reaching over to squeeze Kurts hand. Kurt gave him a sad smile and squeezed back. Blaine didnt want the evening to be sad, so he got back to what Kurt said about the movie.
“I didnt see Back to the Future until it was on DVD, we didnt go out to movies very much when I was a kid.”
“What did you do for fun?” Kurt asked. He didnt want to be ignorant and say something cliché like Did you chase kangaroos? or Did you hang around with the Croc Hunter?”
“I went to the symphony or the ballet, sometimes the opera. It took me a few years to let opera get under my skin, but now I love it,” Blaine said, his lips in a shy smile. He wasnt sure how his love of music might sit with his new friend. “Have you ever been?”
“No. Ive seen musicals on stage at the local playhouse and sometimes Grandma would get tickets to the college plays and go with me – but never opera.”
“Well, we will have to remedy that soon,” Blaine said.
They watched the movie for a while.
“Kurt, you look so uncomfortable sitting behind the steering wheel, could we maybe get in the back seat? I think we can still see the screen just fine and you would be more comfortable,” Blaine suggested.
“Sure, that sounds good. Youre right, the steering wheel is in my way,” Kurt agreed. They got into the backseat and settled down. Kurt got out the snacks he had prepared for the marathon: fresh fruit and a thermos of hot tea.
“Oh, I love nectarines,” Blaine said, taking a slice. They ate the fruit, watching the movie for a while. Kurt found a raspberry and held it out to Blaine, who took it with his lips, his breath on Kurts hand and the brush of Blaines lips on his fingers bringing a rush to his head. Was that deliberate? He glanced at Blaine, but wasnt sure. He searched the container for something else and held out a grape. Blaine looked in his eyes, something in the depths of his making Kurt have another deep shiver as Blaine took the fruit from his fingers – this time with a little satisfied hum as he ate the grape.
Kurt put the lid back on the bowl and set it aside. He watched the movie, but he wasnt paying much attention to it. All he was thinking about was his roommate. He found himself squirming in his seat and made an excuse, leaving the car to go use the restroom. Business done, he stood outside the building and took a deep breath of the night air. He could smell buttered popcorn and walked to the refreshment bar, wanting some popcorn but changing his mind when he saw something else.
Back at the car, he got in the back seat and handed a paper cone to Blaine.
“Oh! Fairy floss!” Blaine exclaimed, giving Kurt a kiss on his cheek in his enthusiasm.
“Fairy floss?” Kurt asked, not familiar with the name.
“Yes, we used to get this at the fair when I lived in Melbourne. I love this stuff,” he crowed, taking a bit with his fingers and putting it in his mouth.
“Oh, we call it cotton candy here,” he said, taking a bite of his own. His was pink and he got blue for Blaine. They didnt have different flavors, just colors.
“I should know that. I think they call it candy floss in England,” Blaine mentioned. He took another bite. “Thank you so much, Kurt. This is such a great treat.”
They sat and ate the sweet stuff, talking about the fairs Blaine went to in Australia and the carnivals Kurt had gone to when they were children. The movie was almost over by the time they finished the cotton candy and both boys were full.
“Shall we have a little tea while the second movie starts?” Blaine asked. At Kurts nod, he poured some in each cup and they sipped at the hot beverage. “What kind of tea is this? Its very good,” Blaine praised the drink.
“Its called Red Zinger, its mostly hibiscus flower with a few more, I think peppermint and cherry bark.”
“Its wonderful. Thank you, Kurt,” Blaine said, his shy smile back on his lips. They watched the movie for a while until Kurt felt the warmth of Blaines skin so close to him. He glanced over and Blaine was right there, almost touching. Kurt leaned just a skoch, and their bare forearms were touching. Blaine moved again and he was full-out leaning on Kurt. He looked at Kurts face to determine his reaction and Kurt smiled. He leaned back and helped Blaine shift until Blaine was sitting between his legs, Kurts leg was on the seat and Blaine was leaning his back against Kurts chest the way they had done it at the park that afternoon.
“Are you okay with this?” Kurt asked, now a bit shy himself. He had never had a boy this close to him before and he was struggling with not getting excited. Blaines head was on his shoulder and he could smell the scent of his black pepper body wash – spicy and citrusy – and totally intoxicating. Without realizing it, he let a small moan escape.
Blaines breath hitched. Was that what he thought it was? Kurt moaned just because they were cuddled on the seat together? Damn, now he was thinking inappropriate thoughts. He squirmed a little, trying to shift a little farther away so as not to be resting his weight against Kurts crotch but the move backfired as he ended up rubbing against Kurt in a very intimate way. This time the quiet little moan was much more distinguishable.
“I need to use the restroom, Kurt. Ill be right back,” Blaine excused himself, stumbling as he got out of the car and headed to the building where the facilities were. He walked quickly, embarrassed that he had made the situation worse when all Kurt was trying to do was show him a good time. He took care of business and sauntered back to the Navigator...but he couldnt find it. He went to where he thought it was, but it was the wrong row, then he saw the car several rows away. Coming up on that car, he realized the fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror werent Kurts.
Blaine was about to panic. He knew the Navigator was parked away from the building, but this was a large lot and there were a lot of cars. He went back to the building and started again. Finally, he saw Kurt walking towards him and he fell into his arms.
“I cannot believe I got lost in a drive in!” Blaine said, his relief evident.
“I wondered when you didnt come back, then I heard some cars blowing their horns over by the fence. I was worried they were harassing you...” Kurt shrugged. He took Blaines hand and led him back to the Navigator. The second movie was about to end, so they got back into the back seat and sat next to each other. The movie started and both boys agreed this was a much better movie than the second one, which seemed to be little more than an advertisement for the third. Blaine yawned.
“Are you getting sleepy?” Kurt asked. “We can go home if youd like.”
“No, I really am having a great time, Kurt. Thank you for taking me. Im game to see this last one, though,” he said and Kurt took him at his word.
About half-way through movie number three, Blaine was leaning on Kurt dozing off. He fell asleep draped across his side, arms moving around his waist as he laid his head in Kurts lap. Instead of being irritated, Kurt ran his fingers through Blaines soft curls. Blaine sighed a very contented sigh. As the movie droned on, Kurts eyes got heavy and he slid back on the seat, finding his arms around Blaine. At the end of the movie, the theater staff turned up the sound level in an effort to wake its patrons up. The loud crackling from the speakers woke both boys and they blushed, finding themselves wrapped around each other. They got out of the car, brushed themselves off and got back in the front seat.
“Are you okay to drive home?” Blaine asked and Kurt rubbed his face.
“Yeah, give me a minute to drink a Coke and Ill be fine,” he said, finding one in the small ice chest they had brought. He offered one to Blaine and drank it.
“There, Im fine now. Lets get home,” he said, looking over at Blaine.
“I had a great time, Kurt. Sorry I fell asleep at the end there. I must be getting old or something, I used to have such great stamina,” Blaine said, getting a giggle from his friend.
“Ah, if you say so,” Kurt laughed again and Blaine blushed.
~ ~ ~ ~ KB ~ ~ ~ ~
Back at the Hummel house, the boys went in the door, careful to be as quiet as possible.
“Ill see you in the morning, Blaine. Do you have everything you need?” Kurt asked when they parted ways at the stairs to the basement. Blaine started to turn to go upstairs to the guest room, but stopped short.
“Yes, Ill be fine. Goodnight, Kurt,” he said, leaning forward to kiss Kurt on the cheek.
“Goodnight, Blaine. Sweet dreams,” Kurt returned and went down the stairs quickly before he couldnt stop himself from kissing Blaines beautiful mouth.
Kurt had his pajamas on and was just about to turn off his light when there was a knock at his door. He got up to open it and found Blaine standing there.
“Everything okay? Are you feeling ill again after all the stuff we ate at the movies?”
“Im fine, Kurt. But....theres a guy in my bed,” he said, blushing.
“What?” Kurt asked.
“A guy – a boy. In the bed in the guest room. Hes a really big guy and hes asleep in the bed. I didnt want to wake him, but I need a blanket or something and I can sleep on the sofa,” he said, still sounding a bit weird.
“Let me go check this out,” Kurt said, shaking his head. He went up the stairs, Blaine following, and walked to the guest room, opening the door. There in the bed was Finn Hudson from his former school McKinley High. Kurt just stood there, looking and then quietly left the room, closing the door quietly.
“Ah, I know him. He went to my high school – before Dalton. But as to why hes asleep in my guest bed? No idea. Im going to go see if Dad is awake,” Kurt said. He went to his fathers room, Blaine beside him. He opened the door and peeked in – there was his father in his bed. With a woman. Kurt just stood there, shocked. He had no idea who that woman was, but he was not going to wake his father to find out.
Kurt and Blaine went back down the stairs and Kurt led the way to the kitchen. There, on the dining table, was a note.
Kurt -
My friend, Carole, came over with her son to watch the game with me. It got late, so I put Finn in the guest room. I didnt think Blaine would mind bunking with you since youre roommates already.
See you in the morning.
Kurts eyes got huge. His dad was sleeping with his girlfriend – who was the mother of one of the football team bullies at his old school. Wow. He turned to Blaine, who had read the note over his shoulder.
“Ah, I guess were bunking together tonight? Wait, you know, I can sleep on the sofa in the den. Im short enough that it wont be uncomfortable. I dont want to be a problem for you, Kurt, after you have been so accommodating,” Blaine rushed out all in one breath. He really liked Kurt, could see a future as his boyfriend maybe, and he didnt want to ruin it now.
“No, Blaine. I have a queen-size bed, and we will fit just fine. Unless you feel weird being in the same bed with me? I dont want you to be uncomfortable,” Kurt added.
“Kurt, Im so tired I might just lie down here on the linoleum and fall asleep,” he giggled. Kurt took his hand and they went back to Kurts room.
“Go ahead and use my shower if you want”, Kurt offered.
“Im too tired. I brushed my teeth in the guest bath before I realized I had...ah...company, but I wasnt able to get my pajamas without turning on the light. Do you maybe have something I can borrow for the night?”
“Sure, just a sec,” Kurt went to his dresser and got out a pair of his silk pajamas, a dark emerald green instead of his usual red or blue. “We might need to roll up the sleeves and pant legs, but they will probably fit.”
Blaine went into the bathroom to change and came out with floppy cuffs over his hands. Kurt giggled.
“Come here, Ill fix those,” he said and rolled the sleeves up.
“Goodnight again,” Blaine laughed and climbed into bed beside Kurt. They went to the edge of their respective sides of the bed and promptly fell asleep.
~ ~ ~ KB ~ ~ ~
Burt crept down the basement stairs the next day. It was almost noon and even if the boys got in at 2:30, they should have had enough sleep by now. He knocked on the door, but got no answer, so he opened it carefully. There was an octopus in the middle of Kurts bed. The two boys were tangled together, arms and legs everywhere. Burt wondered how they could sleep like that. He coughed, but neither one so much as batted an eyelash.
Burt was in a quandary. He couldnt very well say anything to Kurt about being inappropriate because he slept with Carole last night. And it was anything but chaste. But Kurt was still a kid and Burt didnt want anything of a sexual nature going on under his roof, well as far as it concerned Kurt anyway.
He couldnt help himself, he walked into the bathroom, but the wastebasket was empty, no sign of prophylactics or lubrication bottles. He walked to the side of Kurts bed: empty wastebasket. Well, he knew Kurt would be safe after all of their talks, so he figured Kurt hadnt done anything with Blaine. He sniffed the air...no scent of...Burt hit himself on the head. This was none of his business. It was his fault that Blaine was in this bed, so if something had happened, he was the one to blame. He turned and marched to the staircase, very irritated with himself for being such a snoop. He was about to take the first step when he heard a noise behind him. He turned to see Kurt untangling himself from Blaines limbs, a surprised look on his face at the strange way he had woken up. He looked up.
“Oh, hi, Dad,” he said, then startled, looking back at the bed and again to his dad. “Honest, Dad...I have no idea how this happened,” he said, indicating the sprawled figure still asleep on the bed.
Burt had to laugh. “I think he is used to sleeping alone, kid,” Burt laughed and went back up the stairs.
Kurt sat for a moment, taking in everything that had happened since last night and looking at the smiling face of his roommate.