Feb. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 18, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dalton Academy, Westerville, Ohio September 2013
“Well, Kurt, you look nice,” Burt said, smiling at his son. It was the first day of Kurts senior year and he had been a little apprehensive as he got ready that morning.
A few weeks ago, Mr. Harrington had been very gracious and set Kurt up with appointments to meet the headmaster at Dalton Academy. It was Andys wish that Kurt be able to attend Dalton, the private boys school in Westerville and the alma mater of the men in Andys family. Because of the strict discipline and anti-bullying policy at the school, Andy thought Kurt would be safer there and Kurt loved the idea. Mr. Harrington set up the financial arrangements for him, making sure Kurts trust account had money in it for anything he would require during the school year including books, transportation, dorm supplies, and a small account for going to movies or other recreational pursuits. Kurts favorite was the clothing allowance and he spent several days with various friends shopping.
Kurt had gone through the initiation meeting for new Dalton students to show him the campus and how to use the meal tickets, where to park his car, how the grading system worked, and anything else he might need to know.
His room was in the senior residence hall and he had met the resident assistant for his dorm building, Jeff Sterling. Kurt was a bit scared, but also very much thrilled to be going to such a prestigious school. He had daydreamed for weeks of being able to walk down the hallways unmolested, and the prospect of joining groups or clubs without the fear of being caught alone on campus after hours was like a dream come true.
In spite of all the good things, in spite of this gift, Kurt knew that he would give up everything if he could have one more day with his best friend. Just an hour. He missed Andy more than he could ever have imagined possible. He had gone to the funeral, cried at the grave and tossed a dozen red and yellow roses onto the casket. He had written and read the eulogy, reciting it before so many people who had known and loved Andy. He did his best to make it right. Then when everyone was gone and his dad waited for him in the truck, Kurt had sang Andys song. “Ill walk in the rain by your side, Ill cling to the warmth of your hand, Ill do anything to keep you satisfied, And Ill love you more than anybody can.”
Kurt got out of his Navigator, running around to where his dad had parked. They had driven to Dalton this morning with the last loads of Kurts things. His dad helped him in with the things, then got ready to leave. Kurt wiped a tear from his eye and hugged his father.
“Thank you, Dad. You know Im going to be fine, right?” Kurt asked. He was nervous, but not afraid.
“Yes, I know youll be fine. Hey, looks like that mentor they assigned you. Whats his name?” Burt asked.
“Trent. Hes going to make sure I make it to my classes on time today, so I better get going,” Kurt said, waving at the smiling boy who was waiting by the path for him.
“You have the key to your room? I know we moved everything in over the weekend, but you know you can come home on the weekends if you forgot anything,” Burt assured his son.
“Of course, Dad. Ill be there Friday night. I wont forget,” he smiled.
“Okay, well, bye for now. Ill see you on Friday. Drive carefully,” Burt said, getting back into his truck. He waved and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Hi, Trent. Thanks again for volunteering to take me around. I feel kind of lost,” Kurt smiled.
“Oh, no problem. Isnt your roommate here yet?” he asked.
“No, unless he came in last night. I wanted to spend my last night at home, Im going to miss my dad,” he said.
Trent patted his back in a friendly manner.
“We all do, I think. Okay, lets get to class. You have most of the same classes that I do, or were close, I can show you to all of them except French. You have Advanced Conversational French when I have basic Japanese, so I asked Nick Duvall to help out. Ill introduce him to you after American Military History,” Trent promised.
I guess Im off on a new adventure, Kurt said to himself, turning to catch up with his new friend.
By the end of the week, Kurt was happy and no longer feeling like an outsider. He loved his classes and got along with all of the boys hed met. He had auditioned for and was accepted as a member of the elite show choir, The Warblers.
He unlocked his room and walked in, glancing at the other side. His roommate was going to be late for the start of school, he was moving here from Europe and they hadnt quite been able to accommodate his schedule to the beginning of classes. Kurt hoped he was smart enough to be able to catch up – or perhaps he might have the same classes as Kurt and they could get to be friends if Kurt helped him catch up.
Today he noticed some boxes stacked in the corner and the bed had been removed, replaced by a new bed with a thicker mattress, a canopy, and curtains to isolate him from the rest of the room. Hmmm...maybe he was rooming with a prince of one of those tiny kingdoms that dotted the Middle-East? Well, this was going to be fascinating to say the least.
It was another week before Kurt was able to navigate around Daltons buildings as if he had been there for years. He knew the secret way into the dorm if he had missed curfew, he knew where to find a cup of the best tea on campus at three in the morning, and he felt comfortable.
He was going from American Military History to English Drama class, skipping down the steps in the grand staircase of the front hall in the classroom building when he saw a new face, a boy who looked lost just standing in the center of the stairs and letting all the other uniformed boys run past him on either side. He wasnt holding the rail and Kurt was suddenly afraid he was going to be knocked down the wrought-iron stairs and get hurt. He rushed up as quickly as he could and took the boys hand, leading him to the ground floor and under the stairs to get him away from the crowd.
The boy stood there, dazed and perhaps even frightened, holding Kurts hand in an iron grip. His head was down, one hand on his knee as he gulped for air. He finally recovered, lifting his head and staring right into Kurts eyes.
Kurt almost staggered. The boys eyes were a deep toffee color, hazel with slivers of dark chocolate, slate gray, and moss green. They were huge and liquid and surrounded by long, thick lashes that brushed his cheeks as he blinked in amazement. He didnt let go of Kurts hand for a moment, holding it tight – so close that Kurt could feel his heart thundering in his chest.
“Hey, new kid, are you all right?” Kurt asked.
The kid just continued to look at him, his eyes mesmerizing Kurt. He felt as if he was dreaming and the feeling of being light-headed and dizzy came upon him, making him stumble towards a bench that was set in the recess under the stairs. He sat down hard, bringing the new boy with him because the kid hadnt let go of his hand.
Kurt studied the silent boy, taking in the styled hair that had so much product in it, Kurt imagined it would make a plunking sound if he tapped on it. The boy was trying to tame some wild curls, Kurt imagined, thinking he could help him find something to tame them without the slick sheen of a 1950s romantic lead actor. Clark Gable? Cary Grant? He had only glanced at the hair, then took in the beautiful eyes once more, the rosy lips that any woman would scratch his eyes out to possess, and the way the Dalton uniform fit.
“Honest, are you okay?” Kurt asked again.
“Im sorry...Im new here and I think Im just overwhelmed. I didnt mean to interrupt you. I dont want to make you late for your class, I mean,” he blurted out, shutting his mouth abruptly and standing, ready to leave, but his face made it plain he had no idea where to go.
“I have a free period now, just a study-hall. I can help you find what youre looking for, if youd like?” Kurt offered.
“Oh....you would? Thank you. My name is Blaine,” he said, holding out his hand towards Kurt.
Kurt was frozen for a moment. Here was this gorgeous guy, who had barely stopped holding his hand as if there was no tomorrow, and now on top of curly hair and beautiful hazel eyes...his name was Blaine? No...it was just coincidence. It had to be.
“Ah...Im Kurt. Kurt Hummel. Glad to meet you, Blaine,” Kurt smiled, “How about we go get a cup of hot chocolate and we can get acquainted before you try and find your way. Didnt they assign you a mentor?”
“They probably did, but when I got here I thought I could find my classes and...well, I havent even found my dorm room yet. I need to go to the office and tell them Im here...” Blaine said, scrambling to get his messenger bag balanced on his shoulder.
Kurt gently helped him, then led the way out the front doors of the school. He walked slowly and watched while this new kid settled down. He was too full of anxiety, and hopefully the chocolate would calm him a bit.
They sat in the shop, a plate of shortbread between them and thick cups of Dutch Chocolate in front of them. Blaine found the salt shaker and shook just a tiny amount into his palm, dropping it into the drink and stirring. Kurt looked at him funny and gave him a puzzled expression.
“Oh...just a few grains of salt can make the difference between a great cup of cocoa and a magnificent cup of cocoa. Try it,” he said, pushing his cup towards Kurt. Kurt took his spoon and got a taste, bringing it to his lips and sipping it. It just tasted like chocolate.
“Now, try yours,” Blaine encouraged.
He did and his eyes grew huge. “Wow! That does make it...I dont know, more chocolatey?” he said, grinning at Blaine. “How did you know to do that?”
“An exchange student from Switzerland last year.”
“Where did you go to school last year?” Kurt asked, spilling a little salt into his own cup.
“Oh...in Italy. I just moved back here to Ohio. Well, I was born in Australia, but weve lived in Italy most of the past five years. This is my last year, so my dad thought I should go to the school my grandfather went to,” Blaine explained.
They finished their hot chocolate and walked back to the Dalton campus.
“Do you know anyone else on campus?” Kurt asked.
“No, Im looking forward to meeting new people, though. Say, can you tell me where this is?” he asked, taking a slip of paper out of his pocket. It was stapled to a piece of string from which a key was dangling. Kurt looked at the address on the paper.
“Actually, I was headed that way myself, allow me to be your guide.”
Blaine smiled and followed along as they turned down a path that led to the seniors dormitory. Kurt walked in and down the left hallway, stopping in front of the red oak door. He looked at the suite number on the slip of paper and grinned at Blaine, then took out his own key and opened the door, bowing and waving Blaine in.
“Oh....you must be my roommate?” Blaine guessed and a smile lurked at the corner of his mouth.
“Yes, and Im glad youre here. It was lonely here all alone,” Kurt told him. “Can I help you unpack?”
“Id love to have some help. I had no idea what was furnished and what I would need,” Blaine laughed.
Kurt was having trouble breathing. He kept stealing glances at Blaine, wondering why he was so...so something. Interesting? Sexy? Familiar? Maybe yes to all three.
“Do I have a smudge on my face or something?” Blaine asked.
“No, why?” Kurt asked, embarrassed to have been caught staring once again.
“You keep staring at me,” Blaine said, but not in an irritated voice, more just curious.
“Im sorry. You look so familiar to me, but thats not an excuse for staring. Again, I apologize. Now, which drawer are you keeping your sweaters and Ill start to fold them,” Kurt said in a quiet voice, his head down pretending to be engrossed in the exciting art of sweater-folding.
“Its okay, Kurt. I thought you looked familiar, too. Have you ever been to Italy? I lived in Florence, then Milan for a while,” Blaine asked, his beautiful lips stretched wide in a friendly smile.
“Ah...no. Never been out of Ohio actually.”
“Oh, well, maybe we can go somewhere for spring break later this year?” he suggested.
“Id love that.”
The boys put away all of Blaines things and then took a short tour of the campus, Kurt pointing out classrooms and the library, the gym, the choir room. He glanced at Blaines schedule and was happy to see the boy had almost all the same classes as he did.
Kurt took Blaine to a local restaurant for supper that night and they talked all through the meal.
“How did your folks decide to send you to Dalton?” Kurt asked. Surely someone who had lived in as many places as Blaine had would have chosen somewhere other than boring Westerville, Ohio.
“My family is from here. We are going to live in the same house my grandfather lived in, and his father...back to the late 1700s. My grandfather, TC Anderson, went to Dalton. So did his brother, my great uncle, Blaine. I was named for him,” Blaine grinned.
“How well did you know this uncle?” Kurt asked, now just about sure that Blaines uncle was his friend, Andy.
“I only met him a few times when he visited us in Australia and later in Italy, then I came here from time to time and stayed with him - but he was memorable. He had the same curly black hair that I do and he played any instrument he could pick up. He wrote songs, too. I bet youve heard a hundred songs he wrote. I dont know why he never tried to be a singer, he was so good, but he liked living here,” Blaine said, a slightly puzzled look on his face, as if he could not fathom the reason anyone would spend their life in Westerville, Ohio.
“Maybe he liked it here. Not everyone is cut out to live in a big city you know. I cant imagine my dad living in New York,” Kurt giggled. The thought of Burt walking down a street in that city brought a smile to Kurts face.
“You must get along with your parents pretty well from the smile on your face, Kurt,” Blaine mentioned, his own lips smiling back at Kurt.
“Yes, I do. Well, with my dad anyway. My mother passed away when I was eight,” he informed his new friend.
“Im so sorry to hear that. I didnt mean to bring up sad subjects,” Blaine said, reaching out to take hold of Kurts hand to show he was sorry. Kurt jumped as electricity flowed into his hand at the touch. He shook his head, not sure if he dreamed it.
“Oh!” Blaine said, looking a bit stunned. “That was strange. Must have been static electricity,” he laughed it off, but Kurt could see wonder in his eyes.
They finished supper and were walking back to Dalton campus. There was a nice park near the school and the boys sat on a park bench to enjoy the night for a while before going back to the dorm.
“Did your uncle go by the name Andy?” Kurt asked.
Blaine gave him a double-take. “How did you guess that?”
“I didnt really guess. Andy Anderson was my best friend. I used to visit him at the nursing home. He had been so lonely, and one day I heard him singing in his room. I went to see who had such a marvelous voice and there he was. We were friends from the minute we met. I sure miss him,” Kurt said, his eyes stinging from unshed tears. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes.
“Oh, Kurt...Im sorry. It must have been fate that brought us together. I loved Uncle Andy, too, even though I hadnt seen him for a few years. Was it bad at the end? I wanted to come and be with him, but it wasnt possible. I was with him in spirit, though,” Blaine said, his face sad as he bowed his head.
“I was with him. They called me and my dad took me to be with him at the end. I was holding him in my arms when he died.”
Blaine was letting his tears run down his face, dripping onto his shirt, then absently reached for a handkerchief. Kurt saw he was unable to find it and offered his own.
“I wanted to be there, I did. Uncle Andy didnt tell us he had heart trouble until a few days before he died. There was no time to plan. I hope he knew we would have dropped everything and come to be with him if we had known in time.” Blaine sat in misery, his hands now in front of his face.
Kurt couldnt stand to see the boy suffering, so he reached out and put his arms around Blaine, pulling him close.
“He was peaceful at the end. He wanted to go. He told me he was done here and all he wanted was to be with Buddy once again. I promise, he was okay with everything at the end,” Kurt reassured Blaine. Blaine hung on to Kurt for a while, sobbing and sniffing his grief.
“Can you...can you maybe tell me where his grave is? I want to buy him some flowers.”
“Sure, Blaine. Ill take you there. I was at the funeral. I put red and yellow roses in the grave – he told me once they were his favorite. Then later I planted two rose bushes, one red and one yellow next to the headstone. He wasnt alone, Blaine. I promise,” Kurt said, shedding a few of his own tears.
“Im sorry, we need to get back to campus. It was so sweet of you to take me to supper and to show me around. I appreciate it, Kurt,” Blaine said, leaning close to kiss each of Kurts cheeks.
“I was glad to do it. I can help you on Monday with finding your classes and all. Lets get going,” he said, holding out a hand to help Blaine up from the bench.
“I did come to America a few times. The last time I was about ten years old - we stayed here in Westerville. My folks and brother stayed with my grandparents, but I got to stay with Uncle Andy in his apartment,” Blaine said, a little more cheerful than he had been.
“The one he shared with Buddy?” Kurt asked.
“Oh...I guess I should stop being surprised that you know my family better than I do,” Blaine laughed.
Kurt was instantly worried that Blaine was upset with him because of it, but his face showed no signs of jealousy.
“I can take you there. Its the same as when he left it, you know,” Kurt said, hoping it was the right thing to do.
“It is? Well, do the new owners mind? I wouldnt want to intrude on their lives, of course,” Blaine said.
“No, Im sure its fine. Ah...I dont know how to say this...” Kurt hesitated.
Blaine stopped walking and turned towards his new friend. He could see that Kurt was torn as to whether to say something or not.
“Hey, dont worry. You can tell me anything, Kurt. I know we just met this morning, but I feel like Ive known you for years. Isnt that strange?” Blaine said in a soft voice. “I want you to know that while I missed my Uncle Andy, I am so, so happy that he had you for his best friend. He left this world a happy and content man because of you, Kurt. How could I be jealous of that? No, my dear Kurt, it only makes me joyous to learn of it.”
Blaine took Kurts hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing the back of his hand and turning towards Dalton. He didnt let go of Kurts hand all the way back to Dalton.
They got back to the dorm room and changed into pajamas. Kurt asked about Blaines preference in music and they discussed that for a while, finding they both loved the same things.
“I have a CD of songs Andy wrote,” Blaine said, grinning as he shuffled through a large box of jewel cases, most of which were ones he made himself from his eclectic taste in music. He found the one he wanted and put it on to play. Kurts eyes lit up and he smiled, realizing that although they were famous songs, these were all sung by Andy himself.
“Oh, that is a treasure!”
“I will burn you a copy. I have several...well, more like a dozen that he made for me. He wrote a lot of songs,” Blaine laughed.
They sat together on the floor, laughing and talking until it was late. Blaine yawned and rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry. I havent been to sleep for almost two days what with the time changes from Italy to here. I am exhausted. Is it okay if I go to bed now? You can stay up and listen to music, that and the light wont bother me,” Blaine said between yawns.
“Thanks, but Im tired, too. I was supposed to be home for supper tonight -Friday night supper is a tradition in my family – but Dad had a date, so were doing it tomorrow. Oh, I know! Can you come to supper at my house in Lima tomorrow? I know Dad will be over the moon to meet you! He and Andy really got along, like a house afire my grandmother would say.”
Blaine laughed. “Well, if youre sure Im not intruding?”
“Of course not. Youre practically family. Okay, Im going to go brush my teeth and then go to sleep. Do you need to set your alarm for anything?” Kurt asked.
“No...I had planned to get my room squared away, but now with your help, its all done. Thank you again, Kurt. You make me feel like this is home already, and that is the best feeling in the world,” Blaine said.
Kurt finished in the bathroom and came back in the dorm, turned out the lights and slipped into bed. Blaine took his turn to brush his teeth and came over to Kurts bed, sitting on the edge.
“Really, thank you so much for being so kind to me today, Kurt. I was scared and lonely – I had to come all the way from Italy by myself and it wasnt shaping up to be a good day at all. Meeting you on the stairs just felt like fate. Then to find you were so close to my beloved uncle...this is a dream come true, Kurt.” Blaine leaned close and kissed Kurt. He had meant to just kiss his cheek as friends do, but Kurt had turned at just that second and Blaines lips ended up on Kurts mouth instead. He jumped a little at the spark, but Kurt didnt move. He kept kissing Blaine, moving his hand to cup Blaines cheek and hold him there for another moment. The boys parted, each staring at the other.
“Good...good night, Kurt. Sweet dreams,” Blaine managed to say, then quickly went back to his bed. He slid under the covers, his fingers over his lips while he contemplated what just happened. He didnt know what to think – just touching Kurt made sparks fly between them, but kissing him? Blaine prayed with all his might that Kurt was gay and not just being friendly. He closed his eyes and fell asleep almost at once, dreaming about his uncles and about his new friend.
Kurt lay awake for a long time, listening to the CD Blaine had put in the player. It was Andys voice, and he imagined his friend was singing just for him. He missed Andy and as he fell asleep, he wondered if Andy had sent Blaine to try and heal the open wound Andys death had left in him.