The Beach House
Chapter 13 - Back to New York Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beach House: Chapter 13 - Back to New York

E - Words: 4,555 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jun 01, 2015 - Updated: Jun 01, 2015
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The Beach House – Chapter Thirteen – Back to New York


Ill go up to read Danny a story, Im almost done here,” Blaine said as Kurt entered the kitchen.

No need, hes sound asleep. He didnt even ask to have a song. Poor little guy was exhausted,” Kurt said, coming up in back of Blaine to put his arms around him. Blaine turned halfway around and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

Well, thats unusual!” Blaine said, meaning his son not asking for a song, not Kurts kiss.

It was a busy day. Im pretty tired myself,” Kurt whined, turning Blaine around in his arms and giving him a bigger kiss.

We can go to bed early,” Blaine suggested. Kurt smiled, cupping Blaines ass cheeks in his hands and giving them a gentle squeeze.

Im all for that,” Kurt replied, grinning. Blaine walked over to a cabinet and got out a paper sack with the logo from the Huntsman Aquarium gift shop printed on the front.

Hey, look what hitched a ride home with us,” Blaine teased, handing the sack to Kurt. He opened it carefully and withdrew a stuffed stingray with a pink ribbon tied around the tail. He grinned and threw his arms around Blaine.

Thank you, babe. This is so cute!” Kurt chortled, giving the stuffed pet a kiss. Blaine smiled at the reception his little gift received.

Lets take a quick walk around the house, get the stiffness out of our legs, then up to shower and bed?”

Sure...” Kurt started to say, but Blaine put a finger to his lips.

Ah, ah, ah! Dont say anything about stiffnesses. I know you...” Blaine laughed. Kurt blushed. That was exactly what he was going to say.


Kurt took the sting ray into the hall and set it on the railing to take up to the bedroom later. They began their walk on the back porch, walking arm in arm around to the berry patch. Kurt picked a few raspberries and put one in Blaines mouth. Blaine smiled at the tangy sweetness of the berry and picked a few more to eat as they walked. The went down the path that led to the beach, taking in the smell of the salt-roses that bloomed in abundance. Coming back along that path, Blaine let go of Kurts hand and put an arm around his waist instead.


They strolled around the other side of the house, under the mulberry trees and into the grape arbor. Kurt slowed down, hanging his head. He was feeling terrible about the grapes hed smashed into the bench. Blaine leaned over and kissed him.

Stop. I cleaned the bench, no worries. It was mostly my fault, honey,” Blaine said softly. He looked into Kurts eyes and smiled. Kurt couldnt help his lips curling up in a little smile at Blaine calling him the pet name usually reserved for Danny.

Im still sorry.”

I forgive you. Now, lets go on from here like we agreed. Right?” Blaine asked, his big hazel eyes melting Kurts heart.

Yes, baby. You and me,” Kurt agreed. Then he smiled a bit bigger. “And Danny, too.” That brought a smile from Blaine.

Theres something I want to show you,” Blaine said, taking Kurts arm once again and walking to the other side of the arbor and through the east gate. This alcove in the garden was surrounded by roses and had another stone bench in the center. Blaine sat down on the bench so they could look out over the ocean, patting the seat next to him. Kurt sat down and leaned on Blaine. He looked at Blaines face, then at the direction his lover was looking.


On the wall he saw heart rocks. Large ones, small ones, all colors of heart-shaped rocks. Some made of granite, some of jasper, agate, quartz and so many that he didnt know the names of half of them. They were put together like bricks with mortar between them. He looked down to the ground to see very large ones making up the path, all set into the ground like paving stones.

Blaine? When did you do this?” Kurt asked.

Every year since that summer. I dont know why, but it seemed important. I saw heart rocks wherever I went. Then after we broke up – I was putting them here for you, angel. It made the hurt less to think that some day you might come here and see these...” Blaine disclosed.

Kurt stood up, walking along the low wall, touching a heart rock here and there.

I cant believe you did this...why show it to me tonight? Weve been here for days.”

Kurt, its June first. Its her day,” Blaine said, getting up to come closer to Kurt.

My did you remember?” Kurt was aghast.

I remember everything, Kurt.” Blaine said, taking Kurt in his arms.

Thank you...”

Blaine just nodded.

Lets go to bed, baby,” Kurt said, taking Blaines hand once again and going back inside the house.


The next morning, Kurt woke up first as usual. He looked over at Blaine to find he was shivering under the warm blankets.

Hey, baby, are you cold?”

Blaine sneezed hard and held his chest, coughing until hed lost his breath and gasped for air.

Blaine?” Kurt asked, placing a hand on his head and pulling it back. “Whoa, youre hot!”

Im okay,” Blaine demanded, but lay back on the pillow. He was pale and his breath was scratchy and rough.

Oh, baby, you are sick,” Kurt said, scooting back a bit.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.”

Kurt covered his mouth to keep the giggle from emerging. Just as he was settling back on the propped-up pillows he heard Danny calling from down the hallway.

Daddy! Call the am-bli-ence! Im sick!” the little boy tried to shout, but broke into a choking cough.

Ill go get him, Blaine. You just stay right there in bed,” Kurt ordered. Blaine was too sick to argue and closed his eyes instead.


Hey, buddy, whats going on?” Kurt asked, sitting on the side of the mattress.

Im sick. My froat hurts and I keep coughin. My pillow is too hot and I want Daddy,” he whined, turning over in bed to face the wall. Kurt couldnt help smiling at the way Danny couldnt pronounce the TH sound.

Oh, Im sorry youre sick. Here, let me carry you in to your daddys bed. Hes sick, too,” Kurt told the boy. Danny turned back, wiping his face.

Hey, what is this? Tears? Whats wrong, sweetheart?” Kurt asked.

Wheres my teddy bear?” Danny asked, then broke into a fit of coughing once again.

Hes right here. I can carry you in to your dad if youd like,” Kurt offered again. Danny stretched out his arms and Kurt picked him up, grabbing the teddy bear with his other hand and took the little guy in to his father, tucking him in bed.

You sick, too, honey?” Blaine asked his son.

Yeah. My froat hurts and the coughin hurts, too,” Daniel complained, leaning on his father as Blaine put his arm out to cuddle him.


Im going to go get you guys something for your throats. Ill be back in two shakes of a lambs tail,” Kurt said, waiting for Danny to laugh at the silly description, but the boy just looked up at him with his big hazel eyes that looked just like his fathers.


Down in the kitchen, Kurt found some honey and lemon juice and mixed them together. He divided this into two little glass jars and added whiskey to Blaines. Then he got some orange juice and put the pitcher on a tray with two glasses. He added bottles of tylenol and childrens tylenol, made toast spread with raspberry jelly and two cups of hot tea and took it all upstairs.

Both of the Anderson men were asleep, but he woke them to at least take the tylenol and drink the orange juice. When they were done they had both nibbled at the toast but not really eaten much.

Okay, heres the best thing for sore throats. You need to gargle with salt water. My dad swears by this,” Kurt told them. He got Blaine to try it, but Danny was just too young to understand the mechanics of gargling.

Here, sweetheart, take a spoonful of this and your throat will feel better,” Kurt said, giving Danny a few spoons of the honey-lemon syrup. Then he dosed Blaine with the other jar containing whiskey with the honey and lemon. Blaine smiled, remembering his grandmother using the same home cure on him.

All right. Im going down to make chicken soup. You two sickies get some sleep. Heres a bell to ring if you need me,” Kurt told Danny, setting the antique dinner bell on the bedside table. He went over to Blaines side and made sure his cell phone was in easy reach, along with the orange juice.

Kurt kissed both father and son on their curly heads and went downstairs to start the soup.



Kurt walked quickly along the path to the lighthouse, careful not to slip on the damp patches, and knocked on the giftshop door. It was just a few moments before Judy Towse-McPhee opened the door. She was in her usual floral patterned dress, the apron tied on as if she had just stepped away from her kitchen.

Ah, Kurt. How are you this bright morning?”

“Well, Im fine, but Blaine and Danny are both sick. They have bad colds with sore throats. I made them cough syrup using my dads recipe – honey, whiskey and lemon juice - but I thought Id make some chicken soup. There is no chicken in the freezer and I didnt want to leave long enough to go to the next town for groceries. I was wondering...”

Say no more, I understand. Here, step into the kitchen a moment,” she coaxed the worried man. “I have a chicken in the freezer and here are some herbs and leeks for the broth. Ah, do you have onion, celery and carrots?” she asked.

Yes, I have all of that at home,” Kurt said.

Good. Can you make the soup or do I need to come?” Judy asked, her eyes showing her worry.

No, I can make soup. Thank you so much, you are a life-saver,” he told the old woman, hugging her with one arm.

Oh, Im just doing what any neighbor would do, sweetie. Now, go back and take care of your family,” she said, smiling. “Call me if you need anything, Blaine has my number.”

Thank you again,” Kurt smiled, blushing at the thought of them being a family soon. Then he hurried back to the path to get back to his boys.


Oh, Mr. Kurt, this is good. It makes my throat not hurt so bad,” Danny said, taking another spoonful of the chicken soup. Hed finished his bowl and was getting sleepy again.

Blaine was still trying to eat his own bowl of the delicious soup, but kept dribbling it on his pajamas. His hands were trembling.

Here, baby. Ill help,” Kurt offered, taking the spoon and feeding Blaine the soup. The man could hardly keep his eyes open long enough to swallow before dozing off. Kurt fed him about half the bowl before Blaine slid back down in the bed, sound asleep.

Rest easy, baby,” Kurt whispered, kissing his forehead.


Over the next two days, Kurt nursed the two ailing Andersons. He made soup, brought them medicine and dosed them with his homemade cough syrup.

It was kind of boring being all by himself while Blaine and Danny slept, so Kurt tried to fill the hours. He got out his camera and took photos of the house and everything he could find within walking distance, then added some heart-shaped rocks to the garden, went beach combing and found a small berry basket full of sea glass. He picked berries and rose hips and went shopping for groceries in the next town.


The last day the boys were in bed, Kurt got out all the canning supplies and made several kinds of jams and jellies. Jewel-toned glass jars of blackberry, strawberry, marionberry, blueberry, and raspberry jams filled a cupboard. He made a marmalade of tangerines and rose hips and dried more rose hips to take home to make tea. Then he started on the grapes. He made jelly, jam, and juice. By the time those were done, hed discovered a crabapple tree and stripped it of the ripe fruit. These made a nice tart jelly that rivaled conventional apple jelly and he made a dozen jars of spiced apple butter, too.


Kurt began to wonder if they would ever be able to eat enough toast and biscuits to use all of the canned jars hed made, but decided they could give them as Christmas presents. Oh! And he could take some over to Judy! She might like some jelly since she was the one to help him yesterday. Kurt sat down for a moment, happy at the thought of coming here year after year with Blaine and Danny as a family. That thought warmed his heart.


Kurt was washing up another batch of dishes when he heard small footsteps coming down the stairs. He grinned to himself, realizing how much he missed the little boy with the giant curiosity.

Hi, Mr. Kurt-Angel,” Daniel said, coming into the kitchen in his pajamas although it was two in the afternoon.

Well, hello, Daniel. How are you feeling?” Kurt asked, putting out his arms and feeling a warm burst of happiness when the boy ran over to hug him.

Im all better. My froat doesnt hurt any more and there is no coughin. And I dont think I can eat another bite of chicken soup,” he complained.

Oh! Im sorry,” the boy corrected himself, “Your chicken soup is the best, but my tummy wants something else. My Bumblebee Kittens want to feed my mouth a sandwich or a wobster roll,” Danny confided in his guardian angel.

Well, Ill just see what we can do about that!” Kurt grinned, going over to the refrigerator to forage for a nice lunch. Nothing spicy or dairy he thought, still careful of Dannys delicate stomach.

How about....some eggs? I can make scrambled eggs with biscuits and jam?” he offered. Dannys eyes widened and his mouth curled into a smile.

Yeah, that sounds good,” the little boy said with enthusiasm. “Can I help?”

Sure. Im going up to see if your daddy is hungry, too. Heres a glass of grape juice, Ill be right back.”


Blaine was just waking up, his arms up as he stretched his weak muscles. He had been sick for...days?

Hi, baby. How are you feeling?” Kurt asked as he came into the room and sat on the bed. Blaines fingers waved as he tried to coax Kurt near.

Im much better, thank you. Wheres Daniel?”

Hes down in the kitchen drinking grape juice. He came down because his Bumblebee Kittens wanted to feed his mouth some substantial food. Lets just say that hes had enough chicken soup to last for a while,” Kurt giggled.

Oh, I see. I kind of feel the same way. Im starting to gurgle when I walk. What are you guys going to have for lunch?”

Lunch? You slept through lunch, babe. Nothing until dinner,” Kurt teased. Blaine gave him the look with his big hazel eyes and Kurts heart melted as predicted. “Okay, were having eggs and biscuits with jam.”

Oh, I dont think we have any jam...well have to use honey I guess.”

Kurt laughed.

Oh, dont bet on it,” he said. Blaine gave him a look with raised eyebrows to which Kurt replied, “Youll see.”


Blaine was dressed in his robe and slippers when he reached the kitchen, a bit unsteady on his feet. He sat down and then looked at the counter. There were dozens and dozens of small glass canning jars filled with a rainbow of jellies, jams, and butters. His eyes got big and he looked over at Kurt.

You did all this? How long have I been sick?” Blaine asked.

Kurt laughed.

Just three days, babe. I know it seemed like a lot longer...”

Did you do this all by yourself?” Blaine asked.

Judy came over one morning to show me how to do it. Id done some canning with my grandmother, but that was a while ago. I remembered once we got started. Shes busy now that the tourists are coming, but I was fine on my own. Now, what kind of jam or jelly do you guys want on the biscuits?”


They sat in the warm kitchen eating scrambled eggs and biscuits with blueberry jam, talking about all the things they had done that week. Danny was happy hed been able to go to see fairy houses, the lighthouse, and the aquarium. Hed had such a great time it was sad they were going back home. He sat and looked at his dad and then at Kurt before he burst into tears.

Kurt sighed. Could there be one day in their lives that one of them wouldnt end up an emotional mess? Theyd cried enough tears between them to fill an ocean.


Blaine picked up his son, cuddling him close until the boy had gathered himself enough to speak. Dannys crying turned into sobs and finally to just a few sniffles.

Okay, honey, can you tell Daddy whats wrong?” Blaine asked, giving his son a kiss on top of his curly head.

I dont want to go back to New York, Daddy. Please, can we live here now? I mean all the time, not just sometimes?” the little boy begged, his swollen red eyes looking up at Blaine.

Im sorry honey, but Daddy needs to work so we can have money to eat and pay bills. Maybe we can come more often? I can try to do that,” Blaine bargained. He hated to see his son like this when they packed to go back to New York. It didnt make sense. Danny had never been this upset about going back.

No...I want to stay here. Please, Daddy, please?” Danny wept, clinging to his father.

Kurt looked at Blaine and nodded his head towards the crying boy, then held his hands out – asking silently if he could try to make sense of this. Blaine pulled Danny back and turned him to face Kurt.

Cmere, buddy,” Kurt cooed, holding out his hands. Daniel jumped over to his lap and his little arms went up and around Kurts neck, his face in Kurts shirt.

Hey, do you want to tell us why you dont want to go back to New York?” Kurt asked, his arms around the little boy, his hand rubbing Dannys back to try to give him some comfort.

I dont want to have to go back to the preschool. They losted me. What if you arent there to find me this time, Mr. Kurt-Angel?” Danny sobbed, his little body beginning to shake.

Oh, honey, you never have to go back to that place. Ever. Okay?” Blaine offered, his hand on Dannys chin to get him to look up at his father. “I promise, you will never have to go there again.”

Danny nodded, but his sobbing didnt stop.

Are you okay?” Kurt asked and the boy held on tighter. “Tell me whats going on, Danny. We cant help if you dont tell us whats wrong.”

Daddy said there are things we shouldnt wish for. I wanted a sister, but Daddy said we probably cant have one. I think what I want is like that,” the boy sobbed.

Kurt looked at Blaine, a question in his eyes and Blaine blushed.

It wasnt the right time, honey. Do you still want a sister? Is that why youre crying?” Blaine asked.


Danny sat up, reluctantly letting go of Kurts neck but keeping his fist wrapped in Kurts shirt. He leaned back on Kurts chest and pulled the mans arm around his waist so Kurt was still holding him close. Kurt leaned over and kissed the silky curls on Dannys head. Blaine sat closer, one arm around Kurts back and one around Dannys middle so they were all holding each other. Danny smiled.

This is why. I dont want Mr. Kurt-Angel to leave us. I want us to be a family, like Auntie Quinn and Uncle Cooper and Ginny. If we go back to New York, we wont live together any more,” Danny said, looking up at the two men.

What if we did live together, if we decided to be a family in New York, too?” Blaine asked his son.


The sun came out on Dannys face. His smile was huge and the tears stopped.


Really, Daddy?”

Maybe, why dont you ask Kurt yourself? Maybe hell say yes,” Blaine coached.

Danny turned to Kurt, put both of his arms back around him.

Mr. Kurt-Angel? Would you like to be in our family? Would you come and live with us? You can share Daddys room just like you did here.” Daniel sat quietly, waiting for an answer.

Would that be okay with you, Blaine?” Kurt asked.

Yes, I think it would,” Blaine said being very serious in front of Daniel.

Danny got up on his knees and pulled his father close, whispering in his ear.

Daddy, kiss him! I know hell agree if you kiss him, I think he likes to kiss,” Daniel said in a whisper-shout.

Okay, Danny. We can each give him a kiss on his cheek, okay?” Blaine agreed. Danny nodded and they both kissed Kurt on his cheeks. The man blushed.

Then yes, I would love to come live with you, Danny, and yes, I would love to be in your family,” Kurt said.


Danny got down and danced around the room.

Yippeee!!” he shouted and went back to pull his dad and Kurt to their feet to dance with him.

If Mr Kurt-Angel is in our family, can I have a sister? Will we get the same Earth-mother that cooked me get us a sister, or do we have to have a different one for girls?” Danny asked, his eyes still bright with delight.

Earth-mother?” Kurt asked, giving Blaine a quizzical look.

Oh, he means birth mother,” Blaine translated, then turned to Danny. “That is something we will all need to talk about for a while. Okay?”

Okay, Daddy,” Daniel grinned. “Then can we name her Charlotte after the new princess?” he asked.

All in good time, honey,” Blaine said, patting his sons shoulder.


Kurt wiped at his eyes and Blaine came over to hold him close in a hug.

Hey, angel, whats wrong?” he whispered quietly.

Nothing is wrong – Im just so happy,” Kurt smiled. He kissed Blaines lips softly and hugged him close again. Blaine blinked a few tears from his own eyes and hugged Kurt back.


Back in New York, Kurt asked Blaine if it was okay for him to drop by his studio to check on things. His neighbor had been taking care of his cat while Kurt was gone, but he wanted to check on things himself and let the neighbor know he was back.


Blaine and Danny were both sleeping when Kurt pulled up to the curb in Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood and parked the Navigator. He kissed Blaine gently to wake him up.

Oh, Kurt...I guess I fell asleep. Are we home?” Blaine asked, stretching his arms and yawning.

Were at my studio. I have a small kitchen and a bed in the studio – we can make a little something to eat before going back to your apartment,” Kurt offered.

Sounds good. I bet Danny is hungry,” Blaine agreed and stepped from the SUV. It took a moment, but he finally looked up to see the building and gasped.

Kurt? Isnt this...?”

Yeah, the loft we lived in when we went to college. I...ummm.....well, I moved back into it after the break-up and then I just decided to buy it. I know its lame, but....” Kurt blushed. Maybe it hadnt been such a good idea to bring Blaine here.

Wow...yeah, Id love to see it. Ill get Danny,” Blaine said, opening the back door to unbuckle his son. He followed Kurt to the freight elevator and they went up to the loft. Kurt took a deep breath and opened the door.


Blaine stepped inside, still holding his sleeping son.

Here, let me put him on my bed,” Kurt offered. He walked over to a wall that had been built in the years after Blaine had gone. The loft had curtains to section off the bedrooms before, but Kurt had spent many long days redesigning the space.

Blaine followed Kurt into the bedroom and they put Danny in the daybed, covering him up to finish his nap.


My God, Kurt. This is amazing!” Blaine enthused. He looked around at the printing and lithography equipment, the antiques, the prints on the walls. “You did all this?”

I had a lot of time on my hands,” Kurt said, looking sheepish. He was waiting for Blaine to say something about Kurts inability to let go of the past, but the man didnt say anything approaching that.

And these...the Michael Parkes kept these?” Blaine asked, but it was a rhetorical question. He walked closer and touched the frames. “Oh, God...I remember the day we got these. At the flea market. Im afraid I must have lost the harlequin sculpture lamp in a move quite a while ago.” Blaine frowned, trying to recall when he had last seen the lamp hed bought the same day they got the Parkes lithographs at the Chelsea Flea Market.

Kurt smiled and came over to put his hands on Blaines shoulders. He turned the man towards the small alcove he used as a sitting room for clients. Blaine gasped.

Y-you s-still have it?” Blaine stuttered. There was the lamp in question, sitting on the table between the two easy chairs.

I could never let it go, baby. It was like a piece of you and I couldnt bear to sell it,” Kurt told him, turning him back to give him a long kiss. Blaines arms went around Kurts neck as he deepened the kiss, causing the slim man in his arms to moan.

Hey, we have a sleeping little boy in the next room. Lets keep it chaste,” Blaine said, then kissed Kurt again.


So, since I have the loft, I dont mind letting my apartment go and moving in with you or we can find a new place,” Kurt said, excited to be moving in with the love of his life once again.

Either way, angel...Im happy anywhere as long as I have you,” Blaine said, moving closer to kiss Kurt again. He could keep kissing this beautiful man for the rest of his life.


As Kurts hands roamed Blaines body, his moans became loader so Kurt took it on himself to silence his lover with a deep kiss keeping his hands moving lower. Cupping Blaines impressive bulge made the man return to the present as he realized that his son may hear them.

Kurt, Danny may hear us!”

Then stay quiet,” Kurt suggested as he knelt down and undid Blaines jeans.

Blaine took a deep gulp of air as he watched Kurt, gripping his chestnut hair to ground himself and prayed to whoever was listening that Danny would remain asleep.

Kurt wasted no time, licking his way from root to tip before engulfing Blaines cock. He bobbed his head up and down a few times before sucking gently on the tip and swirling his tongue around the engorged head. It did not take long before Blaine tugged on Kurts hair to warn him that he was close, Kurt sucked harder until he could feel Blaines warm seed coating his throat.

Daddy, where are we?” Danny asked to a very relieved Blaine as he finished tucking himself in.



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