Dec. 20, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
Dec. 20, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
The New Directions sat in the library, moving there from the choir room because they had to use tables, and there weren't any in the choir room. Mercedes was standing at the front of the room with the tables arranged around her.
“I learned how to do this when I was a child,” she said, setting the brightly colored paper on the table in front of her and glancing up at her friends and fellow classmates. They all had paper, of many different colors and patterns, and were watching her fold the intricate designs.
This had been Kurt's idea, to fold the elegant paper cranes to hang from the ceiling of the new Anderson Center for therapy in honor of Blaine and Cooper, who donated the building and grounds.
Kurt got the idea when he read a book about a little girl named Sadako Sasaki. She lived in Japan during World War II was affected by the Atom bomb when it landed on Hiroshima, in 1945. She died of leukemia due to the exposure. She had heard that if you folded one thousand paper cranes, your wish would come true, so she started folding any piece of paper she could find...medicine wrappers, newspapers, gift paper from other patients in the hospital. She had only folded 644 cranes when she died at the tender age of twelve, and her friends folded the rest so she was buried with one thousand cranes.
The students of McKinley decided to fold the cranes for Brittany and decorate her room in them. They had two weeks to fold them, so Mercedes was teaching as many people as possible to do it, and they in turn would teach others. There were already many cardboard boxes filled with the brightly colored paper birds.
“I think this is so sweet,” Tina said, “Can you imagine the look on her face when she goes in her room to find these?”
“It will be wonderful,” Rachel chimed in, pressing her fingertips against the fold in the paper to make sure it stayed creased and then adding a tiny gold star to make the bird's eye.
“My mother says this will bring good luck to the Center,” Mike added, a smile on his face as he sat close to Tina to help her through the difficult folds.
Puck just sat and stared at the paper, until Kurt finally came to his rescue and guided him through the intricate folding. Puck was so thrilled it had come out that he whooped and hollered, a huge grin breaking out on his face.
The project to fold the cranes drew more volunteers and soon most of the students of McKinley had folded at least one crane, as did many of the teachers and staff. The boxes were filling and Kurt took them home to string on heavy fishing line so they could be pinned to the ceiling in streamers. The Anderson Center was on everyone's lips that week, knowing how much it was needed in the community.
Cooper was driving up to the Hummel house to pick up Blaine. Kurt had called him the day before to ask him to do this, and wouldn't answer any questions, but Coop was happy to do it. They were opening the doors to the Anderson Center today, and Kurt had arranged some sort of celebration.
Cooper walked into the house and Blaine was sitting in the family room waiting for him. He threw his arms around his son, holding him tightly and dropping a quick kiss on his temple. Cooper hadn't seen Blaine in a few weeks and he was surprised at how much he missed him, given that he had either called or Skyped him every evening. Of course, Cooper knew what was wrong, but he was still at a loss as to how to fix it. Blaine had been so excited that he was finally going to meet his birth mother, but that meeting hadn't gone well at all and now with all the time for the anxiety to build in Blaine's mind, it seemed insurmountable.
That, however, was a problem for another day. Today was going to be a joyous occasion. They were opening the Center.
“Ready, Squirt?” Coop asked.
“I was born ready...” Blaine kidded, smiling up into Cooper's face. Honestly, Cooper had never seen a more beautiful boy. He may not be gay, but he could appreciate beauty when it was standing there, staring him in the face. It did not even occur to him that it might have something to do with this particular boy being his son...but really, everywhere Blaine went, people tended to look at him. He was gorgeous with that silky mop of black curls and the golden tanned complexion, the hazel and green eyes framed with thick fans of lush lashes, and that hundred mega-watt smile.
They got in the car for the trip to the Center and Blaine tuned the radio to a pop station and sang along as they drove.
“Hey, Squirt, how does this feel? Are you having any reservations about giving the mansion up?” Cooper asked.
“No. I mean...it still belongs to us, but I'm happy we are putting it to such a good use. It was strange when I went through it with the designers and Kurt...having the den as the new reception room and my bedroom as a resident dorm. I'm happy we left the library alone, though. And the room in the attic. It may have been the scene of all my worst nightmares for so many years, but I also had some good things happen in that room. I met and fell in love with Kurt there.” Blaine smiled, thinking about the love of his life.
“You were conceived in that room, you know,” Cooper said before he thought it out, and the silence was like all the air had been sucked out of the car. He knew how stupid it was to say that, but it was too late and he heard Blaine struggling to take in a breath. Oh, shit.
Cooper pulled the car over to the side of the road, hurrying around to Blaine's door and opening it. He undid the seatbelt and pulled Blaine into his arms, asking him to take a breath, that he was going to be okay, that he was sorry. Blaine sat quietly trying to calm himself. He wanted Kurt, he wanted to twine his arms in Kurt's, to bury his nose in Kurt's neck, to have Kurt kiss him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But Kurt wasn't there, only Cooper was. Well, he had to learn to do this by himself one day – Kurt couldn't be there all the time, even if they were married. He took that deep cleansing breath and opened his eyes.
“I'll be okay, Cooper. It kind of shook me up, but it's fine. I do intend to see Sasha one day, I'm just not there yet. Let's get going, I don't want to be late for the dedication,” Blaine said.
Back in the car, Cooper took Blaine's hand and held it on the console the rest of the way there.
The dedication was a small celebration, all of the boy's friends were there. Blaine and Cooper walked in to find the strings of paper cranes all over the lobby, strings of them hanging from the ceiling. The room was painted bright, cheerful colors and all the furnishings were modern and new. Both Cooper and Blaine could see Kurt's influence in the beautiful designs.
“Blaine!” came a shout from one of the sofa's and he turned to see Brittany sitting there, Santana by her side, looking so happy. He went over and sat next to her, taking her hand and kissing her cheek.
“You look so pretty today, honey, I'm glad you're here,” Blaine told her before Santana reached over to hug him close. She kissed his cheek and leaned close to his ear.
“Thank you, Blaine, I know you did this for me. I love you,” she whispered. He hugged her back before his eyes fell on Kurt.
Kurt was dressed in his finest, as always, and looked like the brightest star in the heavens to Blaine. His hair was perfect, his blue eyes were sparkling, and his clothes were perfect. Blaine couldn't get over to him fast enough to throw his arms around him in gratitude for all the things Kurt had done to make this day possible.
“Oh, Kurt, this is too beautiful, you are so talented, so generous, so...Kurt. I love you,” Blaine said, his face buried in Kurt's neck as he spilled out his thanks to his wonderful boyfriend.
“I love you, too, baby. But here, dry your eyes, the press is here to take your picture for the paper. Let me redo your bow tie, I think it's a bit worse for wear after all the hugging,” Kurt said, trying to hold back the happy tears.
The day was the best it could have possibly been. All their friends and most of the parents had come, along with dignitaries from the city and new staff that would start the next day. Sophia came over, leaning heavily on Puck's arm, to give Cooper and Blaine both a kiss.
The speeches were not formal, but very heartfelt, and Sophia got up to speak in front of the crowd of friends:
“You have done a wonderful thing, you know. This has been needed here for a long time and just as your ancestor saw a need during the time of unrest and slavery to try to help, the two of you have fulfilled your family legacy and made this a place to help people in need. I stand in admiration of the two of you. From the bottom of my heart, and I know I speak for the whole community, thank you.”
The party went on into the night, everyone dancing and having a wonderful time. Brittany had gone to bed in her new room, which happened to be Blaine's old room redecorated, earlier and at the end of the evening, Blaine and Kurt went to see her.
“Brittany? Are you still awake, honey?” Kurt asked at the door, seeing Santana sitting in a rocking chair beside the bed.
“Kurt, yes, I'm awake. Did you come to say goodnight? Tana told me you would,” she said sleepily from the bed.
“Yes, we just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Blaine said, coming to sit on the bedside for a minute. He took her hand and looked into her blue eyes.
“I'm doing well, thank you. I can think more clearly, and the doctors have figured out that I was saying such silly things because that thing was pressing on my brain. Now I don't understand how I could ever have thought that a cat was reading my diary or any of the other foolish things I said. I'm so embarrassed. Did people really think I was that stupid?” she looked at Kurt and then at Blaine.
“No, it was just that most students in school are so stressed that they don't think. Your problems were so gradual that they weren't even noticed at first, then it just seemed the way you were – and we all loved you so much, nobody wanted to say that there was something wrong. I'm sorry, Brittany, I was as oblivious as the rest, and I've known you since kindergarten,” Kurt told the girl.
“But, you have come such a long way, I know you will recover completely. They are now just thinking it's a matter of time and letting you get used to having your whole brain to use once again, right? That and letting the physical scars heal,” Blaine asked.
“Yes, and I will get better every day now because my Santana is here with me, and that is all due to you guys. I love you,” she smiled at Kurt and Blaine. Tana smiled, too, and walked the boys to the door.
“Thank you both for everything you've done,” she said, a tiny hitch in her voice. “Who knew when we rescued the Prince in the Tower,” she said, play-punching Blaine in the shoulder, “that it would end up so right?”
“It did that, Tana, it did. Goodnight.”
Back at the Hummel house, Cooper was sitting with Kurt and Blaine at the dining table. They had gotten home from the dedication hours before, but none of them were tired.
“I think you should tell Kurt about the spell you had on the way to the Center today, Blaine,” Cooper said.
“What spell? Are you okay?” Kurt asked, looking over at Blaine who was curled in the armchair by himself.
“I just got a little upset, had some trouble getting my breath. Coop stopped the car and I calmed myself down and we got back on the road. No big deal,” Blaine said, giving his father an unhappy look. He didn't need him to tattle every little thing to Kurt.
“What brought it on?” Kurt asked, looking at Blaine.
Blaine was just relieved he hadn't directed his look to Cooper.
“He mentioned Sasha.”
“And?” Kurt asked.
“That was all. I am still not ready to see her. I saw her once, I've forgiven her, but I don't want to see her. Okay?” he said with a bit of hostility. Cooper cringed. “And I don't need any of that, Cooper. I make the decision, not you – in this, anyway. I'm not ready, got it?”
“Yes, Blaine. I respect that. I apologize, it won't happen again.” Cooper sighed. He had to tell Blaine his news, and the sooner the better, but this was making it harder. He looked at Kurt, but got no encouragement there. “I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Okay. Goodnight, Coop, we're headed to bed, too.
“So....tell me.” Kurt cooed at Blaine, running his fingers through Blaine's curls as he settled his head on Kurt's chest. They were in bed, wearing their silk pajamas and cuddled under the warm blankets.
Blaine sighed, knowing he couldn't get away with pretending he didn't understand what Kurt was talking about.
“He keeps pressing me to go see Sasha. I saw her once, I don't know why I need to go back, and Coop insisting that I do is making me not want to even more. I mean, maybe if he'd leave me alone about it I might get used to the idea, but with him pushing.....I just want to dig in my heels,” Blaine explained.
“If I recall correctly, you had been very anxious to meet her at one point, and I know we discussed you finding her and not telling Coop at first because you were worried about making him upset,” Kurt mentioned, determined to get it all out on the table.
“That is true, but when he found her first, I felt like I was just a last thought. Obviously, they would bond again, but I was an accident – and not a happy one at all. Shit, Kurt, I was the cause of their ruined lives, for god's sake. How can I go and make it all okay now?” Blaine began to breathe faster, and Kurt recognized he was headed toward an anxiety attack.
He sat up and pulled Blaine into his lap, stroking down his back and making shushing noises, trying to calm him.
“Blaine, honey, you were not the cause of any of that. It was beyond your control – all of it. They made the decisions, they may have been children themselves, but they still made the decisions to have sex. Even at the age of eleven, Cooper knew where babies came from. You cannot blame yourself for any of that. Or for anything that came after. You were lied to, neglected and abused. It. Is. Not. Your. Fault.” Kurt put his arms tighter around Blaine's waist and pulled him close.
“I know...well, in my head I know, but in my heart? I am so confused,” Blaine confessed.
“Do you want to have some sort of relationship with Sasha?” Kurt asked. “I mean one where you set the ground rules to begin with and then see her for short periods of time, all on your terms? I think she'd agree to that.”
“Yes, but I don't want to upset Cooper. I don't want him there, it makes me nervous. He usually doesn't, I love him, but I want to meet her without him there,” Blaine said.
“I can try calling her to set it up. I won't even be there, it can be just you and her,” Kurt offered.
“Oh, no...Kurt, if it's okay, I want you to be there,” he said, his grip on his boyfriend's shirt tightening. “I won't do it without you.” Blaine gave him a pleading look.
“Okay, baby. Do you want me to call her?”
“Yes. Thank you, Kurt. I think I can do it if Cooper isn't there. I just can't get over the fact that he was only eleven – he may have been consenting, but he was still a child and I blame her.”
Kurt just lay back and let Blaine rest beside him. He was tired, but gearing up for the night. It followed a pattern sometimes, Blaine having a spell and being anxious, followed by a nightmare. Kurt yawned and decided to close his eyes, he was so tired. He leaned forward and kissed Blaine, murmuring a few love whispers in Blaine's ear before falling into a fitful sleep.
Blaine lay awake for over an hour. He knew the pattern as well as Kurt, and he also knew how tired Kurt was from all the work he had done on the Center. He had that feeling he got that preceded a nightmare, so he stayed awake, thinking of what to say to Sasha when he met with her. Exhaustion finally took him and he fell asleep, arms around Kurt's waist and nose buried in Kurt's neck. For once, he slept the rest of the night without a nightmare.
“Is this Sasha Maguire?” Kurt asked when her voice came on the line.
“Yes, this is Sasha,” the voice said.
“This is Kurt Hummel. We met...”
“Kurt! Of course I know who you are, you're Blaine's boyfriend,” Sasha said, her voice becoming apprehensive. “What can I do...is Blaine alright?”
“Yes, he's fine, Miss Maguire. I am calling on his behalf actually.”
“Oh, call me Sasha, please. What can I do? I want to reach out to him, I want to be part of his life, but Cooper says he won't talk to me. I don't want to scare Blaine, I just want to explain things to him. I want to know him...” her sobs were barely covered up as she tried to remain calm.
“It's about that, Sasha. He wants to meet with you, but he doesn't want Cooper there. He wants to see you alone. Well, not entirely, he asked me to come with him, but he wants to see you without Cooper. He knows the meeting you had six months ago didn't go well, but he's been working through the shock of having parents that are not the ones he knew all his life. You can imagine his confusion, I'm sure. Well, I could tell you more, but I think it's better if you just meet with him?” Kurt asked, hope in his voice.
“Of course. Any time, anywhere. Just tell me and I'll be there,” Sasha agreed.
“I think neutral ground...just so there are no reminders of the bad things. Would it be okay if we met in Columbus on Friday afternoon and met at a hotel room?”
“Yes, I can do anything Blaine asks. I'll be there, just text me the information. I'll be there. And...thank you, Kurt. You have no idea how much I appreciate your helping this along. I do love Blaine, as I know you do, and I want to make it right.”
Okay, Blaine, we'll be there in fifteen minutes. Are you doing okay?” Kurt asked his boyfriend as they drove along the highway. Blaine was sitting in the passenger seat, his hand holding Kurt's so tightly he was in danger of cutting off the circulation. He realized this and relaxed a bit, giving Kurt an apologetic look.
“I told Cooper we were doing this,” Blaine said. “Well, I texted him when we left the house. He's texted me back about twenty times, but I didn't read them, I just shut off my phone. I don't want him to influence me.”
“He must be texting me then, because I've felt my phone vibrate just about constantly all the way here. I thought it was my dad, and I was going to turn it back on when we hit Columbus. Maybe it's better we don't turn it on until after we meet with Sasha?” Kurt asked.
“Okay, here we are. Let's check in and she should be here in an hour. Do you want to eat first?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, there's a restaurant in the hotel, we can just eat there and then wait. Damn, I'm nervous, but I think this will go okay, don't you?” Blaine commented, looking at Kurt for approval.
“I think so. You've wanted to speak with her and this will be the perfect time, with nothing to distract you. I can be in another room if you want?” Kurt offered.
“No. I want you right by my side. Kurt. I am so much better than I was a year and a half ago. I was so happy to be rescued out of the attic, but I was still trapped, imprisoned, in my mind. I was so messed up. I'm not saying I'm all better – I still have spells and nightmares, but I don't feel lost anymore. I don't feel hopeless. I feel like I belong, and you are the one that did that for me. I love you, Kurt.” Blaine looked at Kurt with tears shining in his eyes and Kurt took his hand once again.
“I love you, too, Bee.”
After eating at the restaurant...well, they ordered, but both boys just picked at their food and finally gave up and went to their room to await Sasha. Blaine sat on the sofa, his arms wrapped around Kurt as they just enjoyed each other in their silence. They both jumped when they heard a knock at the door.
Blaine went over to open it, Kurt waiting on the sofa so as not to intrude, but came running when he heard a crash.
“Blaine? Blaine!” Kurt yelled, skidding around the corner to see his boyfriend out cold on the floor and Sasha standing over him.