Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 5 p.m.
Kurt walked into his class on Tuesday, limping only a little. His knee was a bit tender, but he was feeling excited about starting his classes. He walked into the music room, wondering what Dr. Forsythe would be like as a professor. Everything he had heard was that the man was a stern taskmaster and very hard on freshmen. Seems he liked to thin the herd a bit so he could maintain low numbers for the sophomore classes he taught. This was a sophomore level class, but Kurt was still a bit apprehensive.
He sat in the middle, towards the back of the classroom so he could see who might walk in. It was habit from high school that he had adopted to keep himself safe from bullies. While he thought college would be free of the bullies, he wasn't sure enough to let his guard down.
Kurt was reading over the syllabus when he saw someone making their way up the steps to the back row, then set his messenger bag down on the desk beside him. Kurt looked up into the blue eyes of Jeff Sterling.
"Hi, Kurt! I didn't know you were in this class, it's sophomore level, " Jeff said with a smile and a wink.
Kurt startled. Cute boys did not wink at him. Wow.
"Ah..that's what I was doing in front of Dr. Forsythe's office, getting his permission to take this class. I skipped the level one because I was in Glee Club in high school," Kurt said.
"Really? I was in Glee, but I didn't get to skip. Huh." Jeff looked a little skeptical and it got Kurt's back up.
"We were National Champions. Maybe that's the difference," he said and busied himself with setting out a pen and notebook.
"Oh. Well, no we weren't. Regionals, yes, but not Nationals," Jeff said.
Kurt rolled his eyes in his best bitchy face. He thought of several things to say but none of them were nice, so he kept his mouth shut. Blaine was rubbing off on him.
Dr. Forsythe walked into the room and they began to go over the syllabus. It didn't take much time and Kurt was thinking about finding a piano player for his vocal music labs he'd have on Wednesdays.
"Kurt?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah...?" Kurt said, a little distracted.
"Do you have a piano player for the labs?"
"No. Blaine said he could try, but he hasn't played in a long time," Kurt said.
"I am available. The school will pay me for work study if I can pick up three students to play for. What do you say? Can we try it out and see if we're compatible?" Jeff offered.
"Okay. Hey, why not meet me after lunch, say two o'clock, at my house and see," Kurt said.
"Sounds like a plan. Text me your address and I'll see you then," Jeff smiled.
Sitting in the Navigator in the student parking lot, Kurt dozed in the warm sunshine. Blaine was due out of class twenty minutes ago, but Kurt was waiting patiently for him. He might have gotten held up with the professor or something. He watched an eagle as it soared over the field and wondered what it was hunting. Then he saw it's mate and sat mesmerized as they put on a show just for him. He heard voices from behind him and turned just in time to see Blaine walking towards him, talking to another boy and laughing as they evidently shared a joke. Blaine was flushed dusty pink as his companion – a nice looking guy with straight black hair and a bounce in his step – flirted shamelessly with Kurt's fiancé.
Kurt had seen people come under the spell of Blaine's charm before, and most of the time he didn't mind. Blaine was a very good looking man. In fact, he was gorgeous with his mop of silky, sexy curls and big smile, his perfect golden skin, his big honey-hazel eyes and long eyelashes. Blaine walked with the confidence born of being in the prize fighting ring, his skin sliding over those taut muscles and the most delicious round ass. The best thing perhaps was that Blaine seemed completely unaware of how beautiful he was.
Of course, he could look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame or the Creature from the Black Lagoon and Kurt would still be in love with him, because his beauty was not just in his looks. No, it was his kindness, his faithfulness, his trust in Kurt. Thinking about Blaine, which he did often, he could not think of one person that had the same high morals and simple love of people that Blaine did. He knew absolutely that he was luckiest man on Earth to have Blaine in his life.
Kurt's thoughts didn't keep him from seeing the new boy reaching out and touching Blaine's chin for a moment, and Blaine's subsequent frown as he batted the boy's hand away. When he focused his eyes back on Blaine's progress across the parking lot, he could see Blaine seemed upset. He got out of the car and walked a few steps towards the two.
"Hi, baby. How was class?" Kurt asked. They didn't usually display a lot of affection in public. Partly because they never knew if it was safe, considering the things that had happened to Kurt, but also because it was not something gentlemen did in public -no matter who they were. Touching and kissing were something to do in the privacy of their home.
"It was a blast, Kurt. I had the best time. I met some nice people, I loved the professors, and it was just great. How about yours?" Blaine asked, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on Kurt's cheek. For some reason Kurt turned his head so the kiss landed on his lips and he put his hands on Blaine's face, giving him a deep kiss ending with his tongue in Blaine's mouth. He pulled back and Blaine looked at him but didn't say anything.
"I had a good time. The classes all look fun, the individual vocal is going to be a bitch. I need to find a piano accompanist, but somebody is meeting me at home at two to see if we can work together. He needs to find three people to play for to get his work study money, so it might work for both of us," Kurt said, looking at the other boy.
"Oh, where are my manners? I'm sorry. Kurt, this is my classmate, Nick Duvall. Nick, this is my fiancé, Kurt Hummel," Blaine said as the two shook hands. A sad look passed over Nick's face for a moment, but Blaine didn't notice. Kurt did. He felt like all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. This was going to take all of his willpower not to say anything rude or to ask Nick to quit staring because Blaine was his.
"I saw Finn. He has one more class, then football meetings until five. He said to go ahead, he could catch a ride home later or he'd call if he needed one," Kurt said.
"Well, then let's get some lunch. Want to go out or eat at home?" Blaine asked.
"I have that pannini press Dad got me, let's go try that if it sounds okay for you?" Kurt offered. He really just wanted to have five minutes alone to kiss Blaine until he moaned.
"Would you like to join us, Nick?" Blaine asked.
"Oh, that would be great. I'd love to," Nick said, smiling at Blaine.
"Just follow us, it's only a few minutes away. See you there," Blaine said, sliding into the Navigator. Kurt handed him the keys and they were off. Kurt held his hand over the console and Blaine took it by habit. They always held hands when they drove anywhere.
"So. Nick?" Kurt asked in boyfriend shorthand. They knew each other's minds and didn't even need complete sentences to have a conversation.
"He's in my Forestry Eco class. I was feeling kind of lost, you know? I didn't go to school like you did, Kurt. Only to McKinley and you or one of our friends was in every class with me. Being on my own is...well, it isn't exactly scary. It is a bit intimidating, though. I was feeling alone and not sure of myself and Nick came in and sat next to me. He was nice and polite, and it seemed like he might make a good friend. Is there something wrong with that?" Blaine over-explained. The less Kurt said, the more Blaine felt he had to fill the emptiness with chatter.
"I have no objections, Blaine. You couldn't find a girl to make friends with? Or a straight guy?" He asked, acid on his tongue.
Blaine just stared at him.
"What?" he asked, wondering what had crawled up Kurt's butt. This didn't sound like Kurt at all. "Is there something wrong?"
"No. Not at all."
The rest of the drive was silent. Kurt was fuming, he could see how Nick had been following each and every movement Blaine made. He wasn't being fair, and he knew it. He was trying so hard to keep this from escalating into something unpleasant. He took a big breath and pasted a smile on his face. Blaine deserved to have friends, and nobody was more trustworthy than his Blaine. Kurt satisfied himself with that and squeezed Blaine's hand, flashing him a smile when Blaine glanced over at the next stop sign.
No, Blaine was faithful to Kurt, and he knew it with no reservations. But Blaine was also one of the most naïve people Kurt had ever met. He believed everyone was truthful and honest. He could so easily be blindsided or led astray. Kurt knew he would have to be on the alert with friends like Nick around Blaine. He sighed just as they turned into the driveway. Nick pulled up to the curb and parked his little Acura.
In the kitchen, Blaine and Nick sat at the breakfast bar. Kurt was whipping around the kitchen getting out ingredients. He set a bowl of his homemade hummus on the bar with a plate of various crackers, then poured lemonade for the three of them and turned to work on the sandwiches. He buttered rye and sourdough bread, placing thin slices of hard salami and turkey, then a layer of basil and thin tomatoes, topped with goat cheese. He put them in the pannini press and the smell in the kitchen was heavenly. They all sat at the bar and ate the delicious sandwiches, chatting about school and the professors and what places were good to get coffee within walking distance of the campus.
As it turned out, Nick was a pleasant, funny, and intelligent person and Kurt was enjoying his company quite a bit. They were still talking, having moved out to the backyard under the tree when Kurt heard the doorbell. He excused himself and went to answer the door. Jeff was standing there, smiling at Kurt.
"Am I early?" he asked.
"No, not at all. We were just in the backyard chatting with a friend. Would you like to go up and see the piano?" Kurt asked.
"Sure, Kurt," Jeff said, smiling.
They went up the stairs, Kurt limping a bit because his knee was still pretty sore. He led the way down the hall and opened the double doors to the room with the drafting table and piano. Walking across the floor, he opened the French doors to the balcony that overlooked the back yard. He could hear Blaine and Nick talking as they sat in the swing.
"I'm not sure what to call this room - maybe 'The Studio' or something. In any case, here it is and I'm hoping the piano is tuned. We bought it at an antique store that specialized in musical things and they hauled it up over the railing of the balcony to get it in here! It wouldn't fit around the bend in the stairs. My brother had a piano tuner come before I got back here, so hopefully it's in tune, but I haven't tried it out," Kurt explained. Jeff walked around the room, his smile wide as he looked at all the things: Blaine's guitars, Kurt's drafting table that had sketches of fashion designs taped to the surface and a drawer full of colored pencils sitting open next to it. He smiled even brighter when he saw the shelves of sheet music behind the piano.
"I guess we should see if she'll play, right?" he asked. Sitting down on the bench, Jeff touched the keys with gentle hands. He had a beautiful smile on his face as the tune he picked sounded true and right. Kurt smiled, too.
"What would you like to sing, Kurt? Give me something great to work with, okay?" Jeff asked.
Kurt frowned in thought for a moment, then walked over to the shelf and looked for a moment, finding the song he wanted. He blushed a little as he handed the sheets to Jeff.
"Let's try this one?" he asked.
Jeff spread the sheets and played a few scales to test the sound. It was pitch perfect and both of the boys smiled.
"Do you need a warm-up?" Jeff asked Kurt. "I can play something simple if you want to warm your voice."
"Sure, let's do that. What did you have in mind?"
"Oh...something simple. How about the Beatles or maybe Rolling Stones?" He asked.
Kurt blinked. He could do that...it wouldn't test his voice very much, but it might help with the warm up.
"How about Let It Be?" he asked and Jeff's fingers moved to play the introduction. Kurt sang it softly, just letting his throat feel the sounds as they came from his diaphragm. By the end of the song he was ready to really give his voice a workout.
"All right. Let's go ahead with this," he said, indicating the music in front of Jeff.
"This is a little high, do you need me to change the..." Jeff started to say.
"No, Jeff. Just play it like it's written," Kurt said, ignoring the skeptical look on Jeff's face.
"Sure, Kurt. Whatever you say," he rejoined and started playing.
Kurt took a cleansing breath and put a hand on his chest. He closed his eyes for a moment to center himself and stood near the piano, but turned so his voice would go out the French doors.
Something has changed within me
I'm through with playing by the rules
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!
It's time to try Defying gravity
I think I'll try Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
I'm through accepting limits
'Cause someone says they're so
But till I try, I'll never know!
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner try Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
Jeff could hardly finish playing, he was so amazed. He thought Kurt was probably pretty good or he wouldn't have gotten in to the music program, or been a Nationals winner in the Glee Club Show Choir world. But this? His voice was a gift, the best countertenor Jeff had ever heard. Why wasn't he on Broadway now?
Kurt was standing by the doors, breathing in the fresh air brought by the summer breeze. He had a dreamy smile on his face as he cocked his head to listen to the conversation in the backyard below him.
"Whoa...who is that singing, Blaine? Do you guys have a female roommate?" Nick asked.
"Nope. That, my friend, was not a girl. Would you like to meet the owner of that voice?" Blaine asked, his pride in Kurt's amazing voice evident in every word.
They heard footsteps coming up the stairs as Kurt turned to meet Blaine.
Blaine walked into the studio, ushering Nick in, too, before closing the doors.
"Nick wanted to know who was singing," he said. Kurt smirked as Nick's eyes went to Jeff and looked surprised.
Kurt nodded at Jeff to go on to the next song and he started to play. As the strains of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" started, Nick sat down in a wooden chair. Kurt took a breath and stood straight. He sang the song, Blaine grinning the whole time as Kurt's voice did it's amazing range and Nick sat, his mouth open in a dumbfounded expression.
"Oh, my God, Kurt. That was amazing. Tell me you are in the music program at school!" Nick said.
"Yes, I am. I was just fooling around here. Jeff needed to have three student to play for so he could get work study, I needed an accompanist...so we were trying to see if we fit. What do you two think?" Kurt asked, looking from Blaine to Nick and back again.
"I'd say you two make a great pair. If you sing like that all the time...well, wow. I have some stiff competition now," Nick said.
"Oh, are you in the music program? I thought you said you were taking Forestry Ecosystems with Blaine?" Kurt asked, confused.
"Yeah, I'm taking the forestry because I needed a general science credit, but I'm in the vocal program, too. Maybe we'll see each other on campus, Kurt," Nick said, grinning. He was totally impressed with the newest addition to the program.
They decided to walk out back again and have some dessert before ending the day. Blaine and Kurt were holding hands walking down the hall to the stairs as Jeff and Nick brought up the rear. They both watched as Kurt and Blaine kissed and then held hands all the way down the hallway.
"I think you have a lot of competition, Nick. He's good," Jeff whispered. Nick just shrugged, still reeling from the shock of finding such an amazing voice.
He looked at Jeff for a second, then raised his eyebrows, "Oh, you mean musically?"
"Yes, what did you think I meant?" Jeff whispered back.
Nicky looked at Blaine's ass as he walked a few feet ahead and got a huge grin on his face.
"Oh, like that, is it? Well, if you get him, I want Kurt," Jeff said in a soft whisper close to Nicky's ear, grinning back at Nick. They walked behind the boys, admiring the view the rest of the way down the stairs and out to the yard again.
They all walked back out, Kurt stopping in the kitchen to bring out a blackberry pie he'd made the night before. Blaine smirked at it, remembering just exactly what they had done with the leftover blackberries. Kurt probably still had the stains on his skin. He looked over at Kurt and licked his lips, very innocently. Kurt blushed to the roots of his hair.
All of this interplay wasn't lost on Nick and Jeff, who looked from Blaine to Kurt and back again. They both broke out in big grins and bumped shoulders.
"Ah...let's talk about the music program? I was wondering about Dr. Forsythe and his views on the current music being produced on Broadway today compared with a few years ago..." Kurt started and they were all talking about it in a few minutes. Blaine would still stop every once in a while and look fondly at Kurt. They were so busy looking at each other, neither noticed how their new friends were reacting. Nick kept his eyes on Blaine and Jeff was mesmerized by Kurt. They all ate their pie with whipped cream on it and as the afternoon ended, the two guests said their goodbyes and left.
Still sitting in the backyard, Blaine got up and went over to the hammock, sliding in and looking at Kurt in invitation. Kurt followed and they cuddled together, gently swinging as they talked to each other about their days.
"Blaine, why did you let Nick come for lunch? Was he all that fascinating?" Kurt asked.
Blaine glanced over to his fiancé. "Well, I thought part of college was meeting new people and becoming friends with some of them, exchanging ideas and getting to know a little bit about the rest of the world. Nick was friendly, obviously smart and fun to talk to, and I thought you might like to meet him, too," Blaine said.
"Did you notice his eyes never left your butt whenever he could walk a few steps behind you?" Kurt asked.
"Ah...no. I don't have eyes in the back of my head, Kurt. How was I to know that?"
"Well, you should have known how flirty he was being!" Kurt said with a teeny bit of venom in his voice.
"Flirty? Really? Like what for instance?" Blaine asked, his eyes wide.
"He was actually batting his eyelashes at you...like in a bad French movie. He was practically undressing you with his eyes, Blaine. He touched your hand every time he handed you something – the salt shaker at lunch, a napkin, even the bowl of whipped cream for the pie. Didn't you notice that?" Kurt rolled his eyes and his body was getting stiff next to Blaine. And not in a good way.
"Well, what about Jeff? The first time I meet him, he has your head in his lap! I'd say that was a lot more than just flirty!" Blaine retorted, a bit more irritated than he had meant to be.
"I was unconscious, he was trying to make sure I was okay. Would you rather he just left me on the cold floor, Blaine?" Kurt snapped.
"Of course not, but he was caressing your neck I'm pretty sure. Ask Finn. I wanted to punch him," Blaine said, looking daggers at Kurt. "He was not supposed to touch you, Kurt."
Kurt just looked at Blaine, wondering why he was being so mean. Why was he so upset? Jeff didn't mean anything to Kurt. He might be a good piano player, but it wasn't worth fighting about.
"Do you want me to tell him we can't work together? I don't want you to think I'm up in the studio fucking someone when all I'm doing is practicing for my vocal class. I can find someone else, Blaine. It doesn't have to be Jeff. If you don't trust me..." Kurt looked so hurt, Blaine felt really bad.
"I trust you, Kurt. You just don't understand. I don't know how to explain it to you. Let me think for a while? Just come close and cuddle with me, okay?" Blaine requested. Kurt gave him a hurt look, then looked away, but he still burrowed into Blaine's side. His arms found their way around his fiancé's waist and his nose was buried in Blaine's neck. In a very few minutes he was getting Blaine's shirt wet with his tears.
They were still swaying in the hammock when Blaine felt the dampness of his shirt and realized he had made Kurt cry. He felt terrible, and all over two boys they hardly knew.
"Kurt, baby...can we go up to our room? It's a little chilly out here and I want to talk," Blaine said in a soft voice, clearing the tears from Kurt's face with his thumbs.
Kurt got up and limped into the house. It had gotten darker outside, so it had to be after nine o'clock. They hadn't had any supper. He stopped in the kitchen to get the leftover sandwiches and some juice to take to the bedroom. Finn and Puck were in the living room watching a movie and didn't notice when Kurt and Blaine walked by in the hallway. They climbed the stairs, Blaine holding tightly to Kurt's hand, his arm around his waist as he steadied him. His knee seemed sore this evening.
They went into the bedroom and Kurt set the food on the table between the two chairs across from the bed. He sat down in one of the chairs and started to remove his shoes. Blaine came over and knelt in front of Kurt, taking over and removing the shoes himself. He took off Kurt's socks and then his vest and tie, folding each item or hanging them up in the closet. He finally got down to the last garments, taking off the leg brace before he tackled the jeans and Kurt was sitting in his briefs.
Blaine removed his own clothes, then found their pajamas. He helped Kurt off with his last remaining piece of clothing and on with the silk pj's. He put on his own and and picked Kurt up, setting him down on the bed.
"Blaine, I'm sorry. I know you're trustworthy and loyal," Kurt said, his hands on Blaine's chest. "What I'm worried about is that someone who is flashier, cuter, and smarter than me, or can sing better than me will come along and sweep you off your feet. I mean...well, when I came along, I was the only person your age except Lenore in the whole camp. It's not as if the boys were lining up to go find you at the logging camp. What I'm trying to say is...did you just settle for me because you had a lack of viable options?" Kurt asked, trying valiantly to stop a single tear form sliding down his cheek.
Blaine stood there, his mouth open. He had no idea what to say. Kurt wasn't done though.
"Really, Blaine, I don't want you to take this in the wrong way. Okay? You had limited experience while living most of your life in that camp, so I am afraid your judgment of people might bring you trouble. You didn't grow up with so many bad people, so how do you know when you come across one? You are too trusting, Blaine, and I'm afraid for you."
Blaine stood for a while in front of Kurt, then sat on the mattress beside him, taking his hands in his own and holding them tightly.
"Kurt, it was always you, no matter how many people I meet in my life it will always be you. I didn't have a boyfriend before you, that much is true, but I did have options. That camp may be back in the wilderness but plenty of great looking guys went through there, and many of them were gay. You'd be surprised. The day I saw you, I knew you were all I ever wanted.
"Kurt, I don't expect everything in our lives is going to go smoothly. That doesn't happen for anyone and it wouldn't be good anyway. How can you learn and grow if you don't have adversity? I admit that when we have had a few things that went wrong and we had misunderstandings we did not do what was best or healthiest for us. I would hope we can learn from our mistakes, though. I can see in your eyes that you want to run. Kurt, please don't do that. I don't want to fight with you over something so innocent as making friends. I don't want to fight at all. I can be jealous, too, and I am trying my hardest not to say anything about it because I do trust you. Can you show me the same courtesy?" Blaine asked.
Kurt hung his head. He did not want Blaine thinking of him as a powder keg ready to explode. He trusted Blaine. He really did. They needed to fix this.
"Blaine? Can we...can we go to bed now? I want your arms around me. I want to be close to you and feel how warm you are when we hold each other. I want to fill my eyes with the sight of you, I want to smell that amazing scent that means we're that close – that smell of spring rain and vanilla cookies that I cannot get enough of. I want to kiss you and taste your skin and know that you are mine for the rest of my life because I love you," Kurt said, falling forward into Blaine's arms.
Blaine pulled back the covers and slid in, bringing Kurt with him. He kissed him on the corner of his mouth.
"Hey, I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom," Blaine said and got back out of bed, leaving Kurt under the sheets. He was only gone a few minutes and came back to find the bed empty. A panic rose up in him, starting to strangle him. It was like he couldn't breathe. He was only gone a minute – this was so unfair of Kurt. He'd run before when they were at the logging camp and Blaine had followed him and brought him back.
Blaine sat down, his head in his hands. Yes, he had followed Kurt twice before. And he would do it again. He would do it a thousand times if he needed to. He blinked back bitter tears of defeat and looked around to gather his clothes so he could head out to find Kurt once again. With a sigh, he stood up off the bed and began to pick up a pair of jeans.
How did Kurt move so quickly? Had he even gotten dressed before he left? Blaine looked over to the sofa and noticed the quilt that they kept there for snuggling was gone. Had Kurt taken that to keep himself warm? He must have been far more upset than Blaine had even imagined.
Just as he got to the closet to find a warm shirt, he heard Kurt's voice.
"Blaine? What's keeping you? I'm getting lonely out here," Kurt said.
Blaine whipped around. Kurt was standing in just his pajama pants, quilt wrapped loosely around his arms at the French doors to the balcony. He looked at Blaine with expectation, then his brow furrowed when he noticed tears rolling down Blaine's cheeks.
"Blaine! What's wrong, baby?" He asked, dropping the quilt and hurrying to Blaine's side, looking into his face and wiping away the tears.
"N..n..n.nothing. Oh, Kurt. Nothing's wrong. Everything is so right. I love you so much," Blaine stuttered. Kurt wrapped him in a quick embrace and then took his hand and led him out to the balcony where they had a small loveseat. Blaine sat down and pulled Kurt onto his lap, wrapping the quilt around them against the chilly air. Kurt's arms automatically wrapped themselves around Blaine's neck and he kissed his cheek.
"Look, you can see Orion's Belt through that willow tree," Kurt said with a brightness in his voice.
"And Ursus Major!" Blaine said. He was never so glad to be holding Kurt and not be looking for him to bring him home.
"Blaine? Tell me what's wrong. Please. Did I do something?" Kurt asked, looking at Blaine's face to read whatever was there.
"No, you did nothing wrong. When I came back and you were gone - - I thought you were really gone. As in you left because you were angry at me for making such a big deal over Jeff. Kurt, we can't let other people get between us," Blaine said in a soft voice. "We can't. We need each other more than we need anyone, and I'm sorry if I came off as being a jealous asshole, but I guess I'm selfish. I don't want to share you. At least not in that way....I don't want to stop you from having friends, Kurt, I really don't, but I admit I was upset when I saw you lying on that sofa in your professor's office with your head in his lap – and then I find out he's going to be your accompanist? Well, the only defense I have for my actions is that I'm human."
Kurt looked at Blaine for a few moments and then took his hand and kissed it.
"Blaine, I will find a different accompanist if I need to. Nothing is worth having you this upset. Don't beat yourself up for having a very human reaction to a situation you couldn't control. We communicate in all the best ways so much of the time, I think we take it for granted. We need to sit down and talk it through when things like this come up, okay? We are such similar people, I was jealous, too. Nicky is a good looking guy, plus he can carry on an intelligent conversation and he is very charming. I was feeling threatened, Blaine, and I'm not proud of the way I acted. I was having flashbacks to Hank. I don't want to share you, either, at least not in that way. We need to find some new friends that aren't good looking single gay guys, don't you think?" Kurt laughed.
Blaine laughed, too, and slipped his arms around Kurt, laying his head on Kurt's shoulder.
They sat on the balcony, watching the stars and even though they were not as bright as they were on the mountain meadow, they were still beautiful.