Bound For Glory
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Bound For Glory: The Big Day

E - Words: 4,695 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: "Well done, Piglet," said Pooh. And at these encouraging words Piglet felt quite happy again, and they went off together hand-in-hand.~ A. A. Milne, from Winnie-the-Pooh

Blaine had taken his turn driving and now it was Finn's turn as they crossed the Oregon border into Washington. The summer was hot, but the breeze coming off the coast was fresh and cool so all the windows were down. Finn sat in the passenger seat, eyes on the lookout for the exit to Seattle. They would be spending part of the day there, going to the aquarium and the glass museum, then on to Kent where Burt and Carole lived now.

Burt had been really surprised that Kurt had opted for a small wedding. He had been planning a big, lavish affair since he was a small boy – most of the plans complete with a symphony orchestra playing in the background and enough pomp and circumstance to please the Queen of England.

Kurt had changed when he spent time in the Oregon logging camp. He still enjoyed cooking exotic food and wearing nice clothes, but the pretense of all the designer labels and posh things had gone. Burt had been baffled by it until Carole explained to him that all of the over-the-top fashion and posturing was Kurt's way of hiding from the people he was afraid wouldn't accept him. If they were talking about the corset-backed vest he wore with a mink collared shirt and skin-tight jeans, they weren't talking about how Kurt didn't fit in with the crowd. It was a coping mechanism. Having it explained to him, Burt did see the truth in that and was ashamed that he hadn't seen it himself. Kurt must have hurt so badly for so long, and Burt was oblivious to it. As he thought about it over the next year, he remembered so many times when Kurt was sad or hurt and covered it over so his dad didn't worry.

"Oh, Burt, all kids do that. And we as parents are often so close to them, we don't see the forest for the trees. We don't see the hurt because maybe we don't want to. Kurt did what he needed to do to survive. Being with Blaine is what changed him. There was nothing to hide behind in the lumber camp, so he let Blaine see him as he truly is and that is what Blaine fell in love with. I can't think of a better love story, can you?" she asked and Burt agreed with her.

Now all of the family was coming for the wedding. They were having it in Burt's backyard and inviting a few friends from college, a few from Ohio. The boys were all coming today and the friends in the next few days. The wedding would be on Saturday.

Just before supper time Burt heard the sound of a familiar engine as Kurt drove the SUV into his driveway. The dog started barking and Burt told it to hush, then walked out on the front porch to see his boys. Kurt was the first one out of the car, running to throw himself into his father's arms.

"Oh, Dad, it's so good to see you! I have missed you so much," he said softly into his father's neck as he hugged him close. It was hard to even let go, but he finally did, only to turn and take Carole in his arms since Finn had let her go. Burt hugged Blaine next, telling how happy he was to have him part of the family 'officially', but that he'd been part of the family since the first day.

All of the greetings done, they took their luggage into the bedrooms. A large dog, some sort of mixture between a hound and a bird dog with maybe a bit of shepherd walked at Burt's heel. When everyone settled down to the table to eat, the dog laid down at Burt's feet, his head on the man's shoes.

"So I see I've been replaced in your heart, Dad. What's you newest love's name?" Kurt teased, offering the mutt a small piece of his cheese. It was a friendly looking dog, kind of a golden brown with white feet and a blaze down its face. Its ears were long and silky, his nose a shade of reddish brown and big chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't feed the dog at the table, Kurt. You know better. This is Chevy," Burt said, looking a bit embarrassed.

"He just showed up one day at the shop and followed Burt around all day. We put an ad in the paper, called the shelters, put up a few flyers, but nobody ever stepped forward to claim him. He's been here for a couple of months, goes to work with your dad every day and sits around the shop," Carole told them. Burt smiled a sheepish grin.

"He's a great looking dog, Burt," Puck said, slipping him a little of the hamburger off of his plate.

"Don't feed the dog at the table, Puck," Burt warned.

"Can he play fetch and stuff?" Finn wanted to know.

"Yeah, he does. Loves to walk with me or catch a tennis ball. He's a great companion," Burt acknowledged.

"People who own dogs or cats live longer I've read," Kurt added, smiling at the dog as Finn gave him a piece of cheese from his burger.

Burt glared at Finn and his step-son looked the other way, avoiding Burt's frown.

They talked about business at the shop, about Carole's job at the hospital, about the plans for the wedding. It was getting late and when the boys got up to clear the table, Burt tried to give Chevy a little piece of his own leftover chicken burger. Four voices all said at once," Don't feed the dog at the table!" before breaking up in laughter.

The next few days were full of reunions with old friends: Mercedes and Rachel came from New York where they were going to college, Puck's grandmother came, Artie and Tina came from Lima, and some of their college friends: Nick and Jeff and a few others. On the day before the wedding Cooper and August came with Mr. Warner, Lenore, Cookie, Shannon, and Pete. It was like a party all day long.

The next day Kurt was at his father's house, his girls helping him get dressed in his tuxedo. Everyone was already in their finest, the festive atmosphere making all of the boy's friends eager to see the Kurt and Blaine get married.

Blaine was at the hotel with his brother and the men from the lumber camp. Lenore helped him get ready, pinning his pink rose on the lapel of the tux. She reached over and kissed his cheek.

"I'm so happy for you, Blaine. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I think you found the man that can give it to you."

Blaine almost cried. It was the sweetest thing anyone had said to him all day, and he was so happy it came from Lenore of all people. He hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you," was all he could say.

The wedding was beautiful. In spite of the tuxedos, it was not very formal and the atmosphere was more like a party than a solemn ceremony. The Justice of the Peace had come, read out the vows as Blaine and Kurt had written them, gave the boys a very warm smile and pronounced them husbands. Everyone cheered and threw confetti. Since it was being held at the Hummel house, there was no need of going to a different place to have the reception and soon all the guests were dancing and singing. Blaine bowed to Kurt and they did the first dance, then Kurt with his Dad and Blaine with Cooper. After that, it seemed as if everyone was dancing and passing the two grooms from hand to hand, giving them a twirl around the dance floor and a kiss or hug to send them on their way. Neither Blaine not Kurt had time to even sit for a few hours, always being called to another table for congratulations and best wishes. The gift table was full and starting to sway, the guests were drinking and eating and having fun.

A lull in the music brought Kurt to Blaine's side as they grinned at each other. "Did you save a dance for me?" Blaine asked, teasing Kurt because he had been dancing all evening.

"Just the horizontal one at the end of the evening, my dear," Kurt quipped back.

"Do you think we can sneak out the back door and get away before anyone notices?" Blaine whispered in a conspiratorial tone.

"We can try..." Kurt grinned.

"I'll meet you out front in the Navigator in five minutes," Blaine whispered. Kurt nodded.

And that's how the two boys ended up in the back seat of the SUV in a deserted parking lot, making out like high school kids when they were supposed to be at the wedding reception cutting cake and feeding it to each other.

"Do you think anyone will be upset?" Blaine asked.

"No, they all know us. I'd say it was expected behavior, wouldn't you?" he said, his eyes sparkling as he looked at his husband.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'd rather be here alone with you than eating that cake. I bet they'll save us each a piece, don't you?" Blaine smiled.

"Well, even if we miss the cake, we have this!" Kurt rummaged in the front seat for a minute, Blaine ogling his ass as he leaned over the seat to reach his prize. "I smuggled this out of the party!"

Kurt held a large bottle and two glasses. Blaine opened it and poured them each a small glass. Clinking the flutes together, they both said, "I love you!" in an unrehearsed speech and drank it down.

Blaine refilled the glasses and they made several more toasts to each other, the words becoming more intimate as each glass was downed. They ended up kissing again, setting the glasses aside to concentrate on each other. It was a good thing the bottle only contained sparkling cider or they might not have made it to the hotel room.

The next day when they finally woke up after the long night of loving, they trekked back to the Hummel house to collect their luggage and have Burt drive them to the airport. Walking in they were greeted with teasing remarks about their escape from the reception which they answered with good natured fun.

They ate lunch with the family and a few friends that were still there, telling them about the honeymoon plans. Kurt checked once again that they had travelers checks and credit cards, and everything they might need. Since Puerto Rico is American soil, they did not need a passport to go there. It seemed to take forever, but finally they were on their way.

Burt and Cooper drove them to the airport and hand-in-hand Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson walked down the concourse to their waiting plane. They turned at the end, waving to their family. Turning back to enter the final concourse, Kurt turned to Blaine and said, "Puerto Rico, here we come!"

Blaine smiled at his husband and said, "I hope they're ready for us."


The plane dipped one wing a bit, turning into the final approach to the airport. Kurt felt a little sick to his stomach for a moment, then he was okay again. He would probably never really get used to flying, and this was so much smoother than the helicopter.

Getting off the plane, the boys looked at each other, smiling and so happy. They had thought long and hard about where to have their honeymoon. Both wanted it to be away from crowds or big cities and when Jeff had suggested Puerto Rico, it sounded like paradise. Moonlit beaches, friendly people, great food....everything they wanted in a secluded place for a week.

There was a friendly looking man waiting for them, holding a card that said "Hummel-Anderson" in his hands. Blaine led Kurt over to say hello.

"Welcome to Puerto Rico!" the man greeted them, smiling.

"Thank you. I'm Blaine and this is my husband, Kurt."

"Glad to meet you. My name is Jose Rivera and I will be your tour guide. We will start with getting you to your hotel in Dorado. Please follow me," Jose said. He picked up two of the suitcases the boys carried and walked towards his car, the boys following with the rest. The ride was beautiful, the scenery of Puerto Rico amazing, and the tour guide was funny and friendly.

They stopped for lunch at a small restaurant outside of Dorado.

"I want to taste something that is unique to Puerto Rico," said Kurt, smiling at the guide.

"Then you will want to order the Red Beans with Rice and Pork. It might sound pedestrian, but believe me it is the flavor of my childhood and you will love it. The other dish is Mofongo with Meat," Jose informed them.

"What is that? It sounds like some kind of exotic mushroom?" Blaine asked and got a laugh from their host.

"No, there are no mushrooms involved. Mofongo is mashed plantains mixed with broth, garlic, olive oil, and a kind of bacon. It is served with shrimp, chicken, pork, fish, beef...any type of meat. I recommend the shrimp here," Jose advised.

"I'll order the rice and beans, you order the mofongo and we'll split, Okay, Kurt?" Blaine asked with a bright smile.

"Oh, this is wonderful!" Blaine enthused, tasting the beans and rice dish.

"So is this. Wow, I could get used to this food in a hurry," Kurt said as they exchanged plates to try each other's lunch. Jose laughed as the boys ate their lunch, giggling and praising the food.

"Now, we will go to your hotel. Tomorrow morning I will come and get you and take you to our first place to visit. It is called El Morro and it is not far from here. Have a good sleep, there will be a lot of walking tomorrow," he told them and stopped the car in front of the hotel.

Blaine jumped out, eager to get to their room. The bellhop came to meet their car and placed the suitcases on the trolley.

"I will call you in the morning to let you know when I arrive. Have a good sleep," he smiled at the two men and then left.

"Wow, Blaine...this is a beautiful place. I think we made the right choice in picking Puerto Rico to have our honeymoon. We'll have to thank Jeff for suggesting it," Kurt said, sitting on the small loveseat and taking off his shoes.

"I agree. We have only seen a small bit of the island and I'm already in love. Where are we going tomorrow?" Blaine asked, searching his pockets for the printed itinerary. Finding it, he unfolded it and looked at the list.

"Oh, tomorrow we're going back to San Juan and do some sightseeing. There is a place called 'El Morro' where we are taking a tour then to the market. We are having supper with Jose and his family after shopping at the fresh air market to buy the ingredients. That sounds like a lot of fun," Blaine said, scanning down through the list. "You're not afraid of bats, are you?"

"Bats? Why would you ask that, Blaine Anderson? Am I going to regret letting you arrange this trip?" Kurt scowled at his husband.

"Ahh...I have to go take a shower," Blaine said, stuffing the itinerary back in his pocket and sprinting for the bathroom. He skinned in just in time to shut the door in Kurt's face. Kurt banged on the door but Blaine turned on the water and called out, "I can't hear you, honey. I'll be out when my shower is over...."

Kurt banged one more time on the door and gave up. Well, if there are bats, then I will just close my eyes and think of something else on that day. Or maybe fake a headache? Kurt thought. He went to the suitcase and got out their pajamas and set them on the bed. Then found the bottle of lubricant and set it in the drawer of the bedside table. He sat down and thought for a few moments, then got the little bottle of astroglide back out of the drawer and took off his clothes. It was his honeymoon, after all. He lay back on the bed and set to work.

Five minutes later, he had found a paperclip and was fiddling with the lock on the bathroom door. There! He heard the click of the lock opening and turned the knob. Blaine was standing in the shower, soaping his chest and Kurt smiled. He went quietly to the shower and slipped past the curtain, coming up behind Blaine and snaking his arms around his husband. Blaine jumped at the touch, but turned quickly to put his own arms around Kurt.

"Oh, so you're a cat burgler now, are you?"

"Yes, and I've come to steal your heart," Kurt played along. He was running his hands down Blaine's back, slick under the warm water. He leaned forward, kissing Blaine's jaw and loving the little bit of razor stubble that was rough against his cheek. He licked down Blaine's neck and kissed him at the base of his throat, nibbling along the clavicle on the left side.

"Mmmmmm, that feels nice, Kurt," Blaine purred, his hands gripping a little more firmly on Kurt's buttocks. Kurt kissed down Blaine's chest, swirling his tongue over the sternum and ribs, stopping to pay attention to the nipples, stroking with his fingers.

"Kurt, oh, don't stop, baby...that feels so good," Blaine's voice was getting deeper, like honey and whiskey, "Mmmmmm."

Kurt had no intention of stopping. He was on his knees and stroking up Blaine's thighs. Once he reached the top, he put out his tongue and started licking the base of his husband's cock. Blaine put his fingers in Kurt's hair and carded through the thick locks when disaster struck.

"Yeouch!" Kurt yelled and slid sideways to the bottom of the tub, holding his knee.

"Kurt! Oh, your poor knee. I forgot all about it. You should not be on your knees, baby," Blaine exclaimed, dropping to his knees to see the damage.

"I'm okay I think, there was a shooting pain and I had to get off the knee. Oh, I thought it was healed, damn it," Kurt cursed, holding his hands over the sore knee.

"Here, let's get you sitting so I can look at this," Blaine said, shutting off the water and adjusting Kurt so he was sitting in the tub. Blaine ran his fingers over the damaged knee, feeling for anything broken or out of place.

"I think it's going to be okay, Blaine. It hardly hurts any more. I think I should just stay off of it and it'll be fine," Kurt said, frustrated that his leg was once more giving him problems. "Here, can you help me get up?"

"Sure, let me get out and then I can help," Blaine stepped out of the tub and leaned over to lift Kurt. Kurt used his other leg and stood up. He gingerly put his foot on the outside of the tub and shifted some weight to the offending leg. It held. Kurt heaved a great sigh of relief.

"It was just a false alarm. I know I shouldn't put my weight on it when I'm kneeling. I think it's fine," Kurt said, letting go of Blaine's arm and putting all of his weight on the leg. "See, good as new. Now, let's get back to our shower," Kurt smiled at Blaine and reached for the tap.

Back in the shower, they were more careful and waited for the end of the shower to attempt anything else. Of course, they didn't stop kissing and caressing as they washed each other under the shower spray, their hands slick and their mouths busy. They rinsed off and Blaine helped Kurt get out of the shower to dried off.

Lying in bed, Blaine looked at Kurt, trying to decide if he was telling the whole truth about his knee being fine. They had a lot of walking to do the next day and Blaine was thinking of renting a wheelchair. Kurt must have read his mind because he rolled towards his husband and laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Blaine, I don't want you to worry. My leg is fine. I just can't put pressure on the kneecap like that. I didn't damage it any worse, it truthfully does not hurt at all. 'Kay?"

"Okay. I was thinking about all the walking..." Blaine said, his brow furrowed with worry lines.

"I will sit down when I need to. I will be fine, I promise. Now, quit treating me like an invalid and make love to me, okay?" Kurt wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to make Blaine laugh. It worked.

"Oh, Kurt," Blaine sighed, "Okay, I won't even think about it any more. We will cross that bridge when we come to it. I have something else on my mind anyway...." he grinned at Kurt, reaching over to tug his husband closer. Kurt snuggled into Blaine's side.

Blaine ran his hand down Kurt's back to comfort him and let him know everything between them was good. He reached the hem of Kurt's pajama shirt and slid his hand underneath, skimming across his lower back with just the tips of his fingers. Kurt sighed and just let himself lean into Blaine. Now using his whole hand, palm flat of Kurt's back, he went back up his spine slowly, then down again with increased pressure as Kurt practically purred.

Pulling the pajama shirt up, Blaine began to kiss along Kurt's spine then along his ribs. He touched his skin slowly, using lips and tongue in a gentle way as Kurt forgot everything but his love for Blaine. It was calming and the worry about Kurt's knee and the disagreement went away and was replaced by the memories of making love in the wilds of the backwoods of Oregon, the two of them alone in the world they had created. Blaine took the pajama shirt all the way off, then removed his own so they could feel their skin touching. He slid his arms around Kurt's waist, turning him so they were face to face and gave his chest the same slow, gentle caresses with lips, tongue and fingertips until Kurt felt loved and cherished once again. It was Kurt accepting everything from Blaine, sharing everything with him. It was Blaine telling Kurt with strokes and soothing touch that it was just them, that nothing else mattered in that moment.

"Beautiful," Blaine whispered into Kurt's skin, knowing that described everything about his husband. Kurt reached for Blaine's hips and slid his pajama pants off, then removed his own and Blaine kissed his neck, sucking gently on the tender skin but not leaving bruises to mar that unblemished alabaster.

Kurt moved, slowly as if he were dancing and then Blaine was under him, his back on the pristine sheets and his head comfortable in the pillows. Kurt kissed his eyebrow, just a peck but it felt so intimate to Blaine as he closed his eyes only to have Kurt kiss each eyelid on his exploration of Blaine's face. He kissed the tip of his nose and felt Blaine's tummy tense up as he tried to suppress a giggle. Kisses followed kisses as Kurt paid attention to Blaine's temple and cheeks, then down to nibble along the slightly rough skin of his jaw that needed a shave. He saved the best for last as his soft lips grazed along Blaine's mouth. It started as just touching, but neither one was able to keep it so chaste when all of that warm skin was just waiting and Blaine's lips parted to let Kurt in. Blaine thought with the only tiny part of his brain still capable of coherent thought that Kurt tasted sweet and fresh and his tongue was soft and warm. Blaine wondered how it was always like this, never stale or unpleasant as if Kurt was immune to things like that.

Kurt's eyes locked with Blaine's and his silent 'I love you's' made Blaine's eyes ache with pressure and burn with the beginning of tears before he broke the stare by blinking and took Kurt's mouth once more.

Blaine took Kurt's arm and followed it to his wrist, bringing it to his mouth and kissing the inside where the blood ran fast, feeling the warmth of it. Blaine's lips felt the pulsing of his heart pushing the blood along and Blaine just let his sensitive lips feel until Kurt pulled his wrist back, cupping Blaine's jaw and kissing him once again to help him focus.

Kurt kissed down to Blaine's neck once again, licking his collarbone before just pushing his nose as close to the juncture of neck and shoulder. It was a place he found comfort, a place of respite and safety from the world that had so often been cruel and uncaring to Kurt, it was a place he knew he would find arms to hold him, and a heart that welcomed him each and every time he needed it.

Blaine shifted his weight, leaning heavily on his side as he put his arms around Kurt, sensing that he was feeling vulnerable just now and needed reassurance. It was a miracle to Blaine that they could switch roles so easily – that he could be the protector one minute, holding Kurt like this and defying the demons to take Kurt from him. But in the blink of an eye, he could be the one searching and finding comfort from Kurt, who would defend him from all the evil and pain this world could dish out. He kissed the top of Kurt's head, as a mother would a new baby, and he knew this was the person he was meant to love, this man was the one he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, this was the love of his life. As if he understood the same thing Blaine had just realized, Kurt's arms tugged his lover, his husband, his soulmate closer and he placed his hand over Blaine's chest as if to tell him that this is what he lived for, this was home to him – Blaine's heart.

Their bodies were drawn to each other, Blaine going through the motions of making Kurt ready, Kurt opening himself up to Blaine as they moved together. No words were needed, their muscle memory allowing them to prepare without conscious thought, never letting their bodies part as they touched some part, some piece of skin remained in contact without Kurt or Blaine giving it a thought.

"Blaine..." Kurt squeezed his eyes shut as he swallowed thickly and tried to lick his kiss-swollen lips. What had started as fast and furious lust was slowed down now, tenderly as Blaine moved gently inside Kurt and he kept the rhythm as if it were their heartbeats that led the pace. This was not about orgasms or lust, this was about being together, about touching and caring and understanding, about the foundation of a life and a love that they would share until the end of time. It was wonderful and delicious, and they wanted it to last for a thousand years.

Afterwards, they fell asleep tangled together as they so often did, comforted knowing this was real, this would last.

"I love you, Kurt," Blaine said, holding him close.

"I love you, too, Blaine," Kurt said, burying his nose in his soft, silky curls.


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